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View Full Version : Gays Create Blacklist in CA

red states rule
11-14-2008, 09:33 AM
Well, the oh so tolerant left is showing how they respond when they lose at the ballot box

It appears that most of the hatred is being targeted at the Mormons specifically since they were the biggest donors and supporters of the ban, but this new blacklist targets anyone who voted for it.


11-14-2008, 09:55 AM
I knew I should have donated money instead of just time.

I only assembled and handed out 100 "Yes on 8" yard signs and some bumper stickers. Most of which were torn up by those tolerant people.

A friend who works at a very prestigious accounting firm in Los Angeles had his car keyed, tires slashed and mirrors broken for having a, "Yes on 8" bumper sticker on his car.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 09:57 AM
I knew I should have donated money instead of just time.

I only assembled and handed out 100 "Yes on 8" yard signs and some bumper stickers. Most of which were torn up by those tolerant people.

A friend who works at a very prestigious accounting firm in Los Angeles had his car keyed, tires slashed and mirrors broken for having a, "Yes on 8" bumper sticker on his car.

Witness the new McCarthyism. Tolerance at its finest.

11-14-2008, 10:20 AM
Well, the oh so tolerant left is showing how they respond when they lose at the ballot box

It appears that most of the hatred is being targeted at the Mormons specifically since they were the biggest donors and supporters of the ban, but this new blacklist targets anyone who voted for it.


What do you expect? Gays are unstable.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 10:23 AM
What do you expect? Gays are unstable.

This is so typical of the left. Liberals claim to be the party of tolerance, yet they are the ones who want to harm and punish people who disagree with them

11-14-2008, 10:28 AM
I was just hoping they would boycott me. :coffee:

I copied their list and sent it out to people in case anyone knows someone on the list so they can watch their back and keep an even closer eye on their children.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 10:30 AM
I was just hoping they would boycott me. :coffee:

I copied their list and sent it out to people in case anyone knows someone on the list so they can watch their back and keep an even closer eye on their children.

Well Obama said he is opposed to gay marriage (subject to change based on polls and focus groups of course)

Will they boycott him?

11-14-2008, 10:41 AM
They've got a list of business they will boycott. I say we get the list and shop at these business.

11-14-2008, 10:43 AM
They've got a list of business they will boycott. I say we get the list and shop at these business.

Send me the list... maybe I can buy online.


11-14-2008, 11:02 AM
what is disgusting about this, is that if straights were to create a list of gay owned businesses, publish the list with the intent to cause a boycott of such businesses, it would be a hate crime.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 11:04 AM
what is disgusting about this, is that if straights were to create a list of gay owned businesses, publish the list with the intent to cause a boycott of such businesses, it would be a hate crime.

It not for the lefts long list of double standards, they would have no standards at all

red states rule
11-14-2008, 11:15 AM
This blows the Dems call for "bipartisanship" to hell. Now the left is taking this to a personal level

BTW, why are they NOT protesting the black churchs? About 70% of blacks voted agaisnt gay marriage

11-14-2008, 11:20 AM
They've got a list of business they will boycott. I say we get the list and shop at these business.

I'm looking over the list right now to see who I can support. I found an accountant locally so far.

11-14-2008, 03:19 PM
economic boycotts are perfectly legitimate ways of applying political pressure.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 03:36 PM
economic boycotts are perfectly legitimate ways of applying political pressure.

Sure, after the vote is done - libs seek to punish those who voted against them

11-14-2008, 03:55 PM
Sure, after the vote is done - libs seek to punish those who voted against them

my guess is, if they show their economic muscle now, some business owners will not be so eager to bankroll the anti-repeal initiative when it comes up in two years.

an economic boycott is perfectly legitimate.

much more so than shooting abortion clinic doctors, don't you think?

red states rule
11-14-2008, 03:59 PM
my guess is, if they show their economic muscle now, some business owners will not be so eager to bankroll the anti-repeal initiative when it comes up in two years.

an economic boycott is perfectly legitimate.

much more so than shooting abortion clinic doctors, don't you think?

and why are they leaving the black churches alone if they only want to change minds? Black voted against gay marriage by a 70% - 30%

Leave it to sore loser libs, when they lose they start to threaten and harass people

Who knows, protestors may show up to expose fake preachers who sprew hate and death wishes

red states rule
11-14-2008, 04:07 PM
Another example of the tolerance from the left

So if you do not vote the way the left wants you to, you need to be kicked out of the country

boycott these hateful anti american donors to 8:

Let's expose these evil doctors accountants dentists business owners, pastors who hate the united states of america and seek to overthrow its guarantees of equality and rights to all of its citizens. these disgusting supporters of hatred should not be hired, or socialized with or not allowed to enjoy life in this country which they despise!!!! These people should be forced to emigrate to the soviet union where they will be more comfortable with other totalitarians that hate freedom!!!


11-14-2008, 04:07 PM
and why are they leaving the black churches alone if they only want to change minds? Black voted against gay marriage by a 70% - 30%

Leave it to sore loser libs, when they lose they start to threaten and harass people

Who knows, protestors may show up to expose fake preachers who sprew hate and death wishes
economic boycotts are not threats or harassment. My guess is, if black church members donated to the Yes on 8 campaign, and they also own businesses, those businesses will be part of the boycott as well.

perfectly legitimate.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 04:09 PM
economic boycotts are not threats or harassment. My guess is, if black church members donated to the Yes on 8 campaign, and they also own businesses, those businesses will be part of the boycott as well.

perfectly legitimate.

But for some reason these libs are NOT going after the biggest voting block that defeated them

Again, these libs are threatening them, and targeting them - all because they do not agree with them

11-14-2008, 04:36 PM
you guys are funny......not all gays agree with this behaviour......and i am sure you all don't condone the radical right killing abortion doctors and blowing up abortion clinincs....

11-14-2008, 07:41 PM
But for some reason these libs are NOT going after the biggest voting block that defeated them

Again, these libs are threatening them, and targeting them - all because they do not agree with them

they are targeting them because they KNOW who they are and they KNOW that the contributed to the campaign.

And they are going after those businesses because boycotts have been proven to work.

11-14-2008, 07:43 PM
you guys are funny......not all gays agree with this behaviour......and i am sure you all don't condone the radical right killing abortion doctors and blowing up abortion clinincs....

of course...some gays are self repressed "log cabin republicans" who vote against their own self interest. And I would HOPE that all you righties do not condone murdering abortion doctors, but I cannot say that with any degree of certainty.

11-14-2008, 07:45 PM
Tomorrows sposed to be a national protest. They are even having one in louisville at city hall. I'd go but bet it will be boring and not get more than a few dozen people showing up but will see. Maybe it will make the local news. Grassroots street protest is kind of antiquited. Seem like they're trying for a civil rights redux but it will be a lot harder nation wide. That was mainly just in the south.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:27 PM
they are targeting them because they KNOW who they are and they KNOW that the contributed to the campaign.

And they are going after those businesses because boycotts have been proven to work.

So if people vote against things liberal support -they will be targeted and harrassed into changing their opinion

Maybe that is why Obama wants a civilian secuirty force

11-14-2008, 08:29 PM
So if people vote against things liberal support -they will be targeted and harrassed into changing their opinion

Maybe that is why Obama wants a civilian secuirty force

if people put their money into a political cause, they have every right to expect the marketplace to react politically.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:34 PM
if people put their money into a political cause, they have every right to expect the marketplace to react politically.

I am not surprised you would support thugish tactics to attain political gains

11-14-2008, 08:38 PM
I am not surprised you would support thugish tactics to attain political gains

again... economic boycotts are hardly "thugish" tactics and certainly not in the same league as gunning down abortion doctors.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 09:05 PM
again... economic boycotts are hardly "thugish" tactics and certainly not in the same league as gunning down abortion doctors.

I always thought in America that we could work with people with whom we disagree politically, and had different POV

But it looks like liberals doing this (and you) only want to support people whose political beliefs align with theirs, and shun and punish, those who disagree with them

Now Obama is opposed to gay marriage, are they (or you) going to boycott Obama?

11-14-2008, 10:14 PM
I always thought in America that we could work with people with whom we disagree politically, and had different POV

But it looks like liberals doing this (and you) only want to support people whose political beliefs align with theirs, and shun and punish, those who disagree with them

Now Obama is opposed to gay marriage, are they (or you) going to boycott Obama?

we can. and we can economically boycott businesses if we chose.

and...on your side of the aisle, you can gun down doctors who perform abortions.

11-14-2008, 10:36 PM
again... economic boycotts are hardly "thugish" tactics and certainly not in the same league as gunning down abortion doctors.

You go on and on about "gunning down abortion doctors" like it happens often....what was it....once? twice? three times? in the past 100 years...

Course, once is once too many times, but give it a freekin' break....

11-14-2008, 10:43 PM
You go on and on about "gunning down abortion doctors" like it happens often....what was it....once? twice? three times? in the past 100 years...

Course, once is once too many times, but give it a freekin' break....

economic boycotts are perfectly acceptable means of political protest.

gunning down abortion doctors are not.

11-15-2008, 09:48 AM
Flames, vulgarities, nasties moved to Cage.

11-15-2008, 09:59 AM
Economic boycotts are certainly acceptable. However, they don't work. Blacks have boycotted South Carolina for about a decade, after the "controversy" about the Confederate Flag on top of the State House. The Southern Baptists boycotted Disney for a while, but recently called it off. Neither entity suffered economically, and I dare say there are more blacks and Baptists than gays.

11-15-2008, 06:43 PM
Economic boycotts are certainly acceptable. However, they don't work. Blacks have boycotted South Carolina for about a decade, after the "controversy" about the Confederate Flag on top of the State House. The Southern Baptists boycotted Disney for a while, but recently called it off. Neither entity suffered economically, and I dare say there are more blacks and Baptists than gays.

Not only do they not work, but for every person that's going to boycott according to their agenda, there are people that will go out of their way then to support said business or entity. If I were in California, I'd go out of my way to support the companies listed by the homos.

11-15-2008, 06:47 PM
They canwork if your business is small enough, as just one type of customer base and that base happens to be the people boycotting you.

11-15-2008, 07:11 PM
They canwork if your business is small enough, as just one type of customer base and that base happens to be the people boycotting you.

would you consider it discrimination if someone did not hire a blacklisted worker? if you don't agree with homosexual marriage and you get fired or not hired for that, do you support that?

11-15-2008, 07:45 PM
Firing no, but it does happen if you profess strong political beliefs at work that are opposit to those of your bosses, they just don't say that's the reason they are firing you.

11-15-2008, 08:06 PM
would you consider it discrimination if someone did not hire a blacklisted worker? if you don't agree with homosexual marriage and you get fired or not hired for that, do you support that?

I certainly don't.

I do, however, fully support the gay community bringing whatever economic pressure they have to bear on persons and businesses that bankrolled Yes on 8

11-16-2008, 09:32 AM
They canwork if your business is small enough, as just one type of customer base and that base happens to be the people boycotting you.

That's an extremely rare situation. I doubt many of these businesses would cater primarily to the gay community; on the contrary, I would have expected such businesses to have opposed Prop 8.