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11-14-2008, 01:09 PM

November 14, 2008

Our opponents, the Socialist Democrats, have considered themselves at war with America for a very long time. Obama has been careful to candy coat it with words like “hope” and “change,” and to obscure the clear intentions of his radical allies. Their hatred of us is palpable in their literature and their public comments. From Noam Chomsky to Keith Olbermann and everyone in between, there is a malevolent nihilism in all they do, a destructive urge that seeks to undermine all that has come before--culture, history, religion, tradition, custom, honor, even morality. The voice of the progressive post-modern devil whispers in their ear, “There is no truth, there is no right and wrong, there is only power.”

The Left believes what we have built must be knocked down. They take no pride in our successes, but instead wallow in recrimination at injustices committed getting here. They believe they can do better and to do so takes a dismantling of the power structures that exist. All revolutionaries discover it is easier to destroy than to build, and despite the promises of bi-partisan embraces and grand unifying speeches, Obama will follow that urge.

How then do we fight back? How do Americans who honor our national traditions and our founding precepts stand against the Socialist tide? It demands a cleverness and tenacity for which conservatives are not known. We need to accept that this is a bare-knuckle fight, where pulling our punches out of “respect and decency” only helps our opponent, who are neither respectful nor decent. Bipartisanship is a myth that the left sells the gullible.

We must learn from our enemy. We must watch their tactics and find their weakness. How they attack us, often reveals their own inadequacies. We need to exploit them without timidity and fear of press ridicule. The press in on the other team.

What do we do? We loudly and persistently attack their agenda, we ridicule their programs and demean their representatives by exposing their hypocrisy and double-speak. We hit them with hard evidence, we remind the people of rampant voter fraud and illegal contributions, of terrorists and racists and trillion dollar bailouts. We point out their culpability; we laugh at their excuses and cover-ups and make them spittle flying mad so they make mistakes, which we use against them.

We must demonstrate and agitate, we must harass, we must interrupt hearings, we must heckle, we must demand explanation. Enough of the arm chair warriors that lecture us about funding. Enough of the timid and cautious and polite conservatives, we must become patriots, minutemen, activists, Americans who are willing to take the fight to the enemy.

We must turn our anger into action, fueled by the frustration of watching our country and our culture being taken from us, stolen by the very enemy we have defended her against for half a century. We must remember exactly what we believe, what we stand for and what our founders achieved for us. We must not shy away from a brutal fight against a dishonest and dishonorable foe.

To understand this political battle, we must understand how our opponent thinks, what his assumptions are and what guides his tactics. We have lost much to the guerilla war the Democrats waged with ACORN and countless other groups to steal votes. We had no effective counter, no method to ensure an honest election. We will never know how many votes were fraudulent, but it is sure to have been millions. We must learn, and quickly. Our honesty and sense of fair play has been effectively used against us. John McCain stayed on the moral high ground, and opened up the heart of America to the enemy.

The power politics bible for the Socialists is Rules for Radicals by leftist agitator Saul Alinsky. In it, political ethics are redefined. It is a revered book on Hillary’s and Obama’s and Emmanuel’s book shelves. It is the Socialist Democrats’ playbook and we have been defeated by the tactics it teaches. It is what community organizing is all about, and it is the after-action lesson of the 2008 election. Know Alinsky and you know the Democrats.

read the rest..

11-14-2008, 01:58 PM

Now THIS guy (the author of the article) should be running the RNC. We need someone who knows what conservatives are REALLY up against, isn't afraid to call a spade a spade, and is smart enough to formulate an EFFECTIVE plan against it.


And no, that wasn't a reference to Obama's color. Those who want to pretend it was, shove it up your phone bank.

11-14-2008, 07:56 PM

Why the negativity? Where are the alternative policies? As long as the Republicans carry on with being "against" for the sake of it and not able to propose useful, workable alternative policies they're going to find the electorate not interested enough to give them a chance.

11-14-2008, 08:01 PM

Socialsm is bad. Period. Alternative policies for the sake of alternatives is bad.

11-14-2008, 08:54 PM
But Im not angry

11-15-2008, 05:28 AM
Anger's a wast of time anyway.

11-15-2008, 05:29 AM
BTW I know the film was made by wingnut but I liked it the first time I saw it and I watched it again recently and I still liked it.

William Smith was damn good in it, never knew he taught Russian at UCLA.
Very intelligent man.