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View Full Version : Now CBS Frets Gas Prices Are Too Low

red states rule
11-14-2008, 03:56 PM
The liberal media is never happy. But there is no reason to worry. Given the Dems energy plan, gas prices should be back up to $4/gal before to long

Now CBS Frets Gas Prices Are Too Low
By Brent Baker (Bio | Archive)
November 14, 2008 - 12:56 ET

After spending much of the spring and summer hyping the dire consequences of rising gas prices, CBS on Thursday night decided the plummeting cost of gas at the pump is really bad news. Noting that “crude settled at about $58 a barrel today, that's about $90 less than it was in July,” fill-in CBS Evening News anchor Harry Smith warned “that comes as a mixed blessing.”

Reporter Mark Strassmann found an ecstatic man paying less than $2.00 a gallon, but Strassmann spoiled the mood: “Low gas prices are also bad news and the lower prices go, the worse the news gets.” An “oil analyst” explained: “This is just a reflection of the poor state of the economy and the oil market is reflecting this global slow down.” Strassmann soon fretted over how “it's also a grim time for alternative energy champions” and “sinking oil prices could” hurt “plans to develop alternative sources of energy or fund green developments.”


But that is not what CBS "reported" back in July

CBS: High Gas Prices Deadly For Sick & Elderly
By Kyle Drennen (Bio | Archive)
July 9, 2008 - 16:06 ET

On Wednesday's CBS "Early Show," co-host Russ Mitchell declared: "The high cost of gas is hurting everyone these days. Families, businesses, and even charities. Many organizations that deliver food to the sick and elderly are being hit extra hard." In the report that followed, correspondent Kelly Wallace went even further: "In one rural California case, according to the president of Meals on Wheels nationwide, cutting back from daily deliveries to one every 14 days proved fatal. Two seniors were found dead."

The Meals on Wheels president, Enid Borden, explained that: "We have people who are literally dying in their homes waiting for a meal. That's a crisis." Wallace also played a clip of Maryland Meals on Wheels executive director, Tom Grazio, who worried: "Some day in the not too distant future, unless things get better, we'll be telling people they can't eat today and that's disheartening."

Wallace then described " a dire situation in New York City," where Meals on Wheels director Marcia Stein continued the melodramatic theme: "For the first time in our 25-year history, we are having to ration food. We're having to make tough choices about who gets a meal, who does not get a meal, what days somebody might be without food." From this report, one is under the impression that people are literally starving to death across the country due to high gas prices. In May, the "Early Show" described how one woman "...pumps out her own blood, making $40 a pop so she has enough money to pump gas."


11-14-2008, 08:51 PM
as long as they are making a profit, i believe there is a too low.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:53 PM
as long as they are making a profit, i believe there is a too low.

The liberla media loves to report the profits made by oil companies like Exxon - but they tend to downplay the taxes they pay

IMO, for what oil companies have to do to get the gas to our local stations, they deserve the profit they make

11-15-2008, 10:32 AM
Pelosi and Obama have made several comments about the high gas prices.

They weren't disappointed about the high price only that it went up to quickly.

11-15-2008, 11:06 AM
keep them tires inflated and get a tune up..............:coffee: