View Full Version : Split from "Hillary For SOS" and a Whole Lot of Boring

11-14-2008, 03:25 PM
Your opinion is nothing but repeating the party line, it is truly pitiful to watch.

my opinion may happen to be the same as the party line, but it is my own opinion, independently arrived at.

And here's a fucking news flash for you shithead: if reading my posts causes you some sort of a problem...then, by all means, put me on ignore and then you won't have to fucking READ them. mmmmkay?

red states rule
11-14-2008, 03:35 PM
my opinion may happen to be the same as the party line, but it is my own opinion, independently arrived at.

And here's a fucking news flash for you shithead: if reading my posts causes you some sort of a problem...then, by all means, put me on ignore and then you won't have to fucking READ them. mmmmkay?

Looks like Virgil is out to derail another thread

Maybe we can keep the thread open, and kick him off instead

11-14-2008, 04:09 PM
Looks like Virgil is out to derail another thread

Maybe we can keep the thread open, and kick him off instead

is this thread about Hillary for secretary of state? I voiced my opinion about it...it was Mr. Shithead who decided to personally attack my opinion.

maybe you can be a moderator someday....until then, quit acting like one!:lol:

red states rule
11-14-2008, 04:10 PM
is this thread about Hillary for secretary of state? I voiced my opinion about it...it was Mr. Shithead who decided to personally attack my opinion.

maybe you can be a moderator someday....until then, quit acting like one!:lol:

So your opinion is a profanity laced personal attack

Yes, it usually is.

Once again, you are out to derail a thread you do not agree with.

11-14-2008, 04:50 PM
this reminds me of a bad episode of west wing....

11-14-2008, 07:48 PM
So your opinion is a profanity laced personal attack

Yes, it usually is.

Once again, you are out to derail a thread you do not agree with.

so...your idea of an un-derailed thread is one where republicans can pat each other on the back for page after page agreeing with one another about what a terrible choice Hillary would be for secretary of state?

From your perspective, anyone who disagrees with your premise that Hillary - or Kerry - would be a TERRIBLE choice for secretary of state is somehow "derailing" the thread?


you are a fucking joke. a sick, pathetic joke.

I stated that I think that either Hillary of Kerry would make an infinitely better secretary of state than condi.... and would be infinintely more effective in improving our standing in the world community - something - obviously - you could give a shit about.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:22 PM
for a chance to be a part of changing history

It would be history changing. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

11-14-2008, 08:24 PM
It would be history changing. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

that is your opinion...to be sure.

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama????

Now...be a man... don't run away from that question.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:25 PM
that is your opinion...to be sure.

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama????

Now...be a man... don't run away from that question.

Not opinion. You and your party have tried to surrender to terrorists for several years. Why stop now?

I see the terrorists and Amercia's enemies very happy that the Dems are running things. Maybe that does not bother you Virgil - but it does me

11-14-2008, 08:28 PM
Not opinion. You and your party have tried to surrender to terrorists for several years. Why stop now?

I see the terrorists and Amercia's enemies very happy that the Dems are running things. Maybe that does not bother you Virgil - but it does me

wshy can't you answer a simple question? are you really that afraid?

Here...try again:

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama????

Now...be a man... don't run away from that question.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:31 PM
wshy can't you answer a simple question? are you really that afraid?

Here...try again:

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama????

Now...be a man... don't run away from that question.

I do not see how America will succeed under Obama, Reid, and Pelosi running things.

From his tax and spend economic policies, to his appeasement on foreign policy - I do not see how that wil improve anything

It is funny to see the doom and gloom liberals like you, now demanding others to support the President

At least this time you did not deny your desire for surrender and appeasement to terrorists. Obama will make your wish come true

11-14-2008, 08:33 PM
I do not see how America will succeed under Obama, Reid, and Pelosi running things.

From his tax and spend economic policies, to his appeasement on foreign policy - I do not see how that wil improve anything

It is funny to see the doom and gloom liberals like you, now demanding others to support the President

At least this time you did not deny your desire for surrender and appeasement to terrorists. Obama will make your wish come true

you still can't find the balls to answer a simple question. TRY again:

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama???? YES...or NO???

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:35 PM
you still can't find the balls to answer a simple question. TRY again:

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama???? YES...or NO???

I have Virgil. It is like standing on the deck of the Titantic ands saying the ship is not sinking as the water gets to your lower lip

I see nothing Obama and Dems are promising that is a postive thing

11-14-2008, 08:36 PM
you all celebrated every time something failed and President Bush was at the helm..

so what's the friggin difference..

now all of sudden we are all suppose to bow down at the alter of the little Marxist, like you cult members do..

11-14-2008, 08:36 PM
I have Virgil. It is like standing on the deck of the Titantic ands saying the ship is not sinking as the water gets to your lower lip

I see nothing Obama and Dems are promising that is a postive thing

YOU have NOT answered a simple yes or no question.

Try again:

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama????

YES...or ..NO

red states rule
11-14-2008, 08:50 PM
you all celebrated every time something failed and President Bush was at the helm..

so what's the friggin difference..

now all of sudden we are all suppose to bow down at the alter of the little Marxist, like you cult members do..

Amazing how when people show Obama the same support and level of confidence libs showed Pres Bush - libs like Virgil get on their high horse

11-14-2008, 10:05 PM
Amazing how when people show Obama the same support and level of confidence libs showed Pres Bush - libs like Virgil get on their high horse

again...why can't you answer a simple question:

Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama????

YES...or NO????

11-14-2008, 11:32 PM
you all celebrated every time something failed and President Bush was at the helm..

so what's the friggin difference..

now all of sudden we are all suppose to bow down at the alter of the little Marxist, like you cult members do..

a saying comes to mind....


11-14-2008, 11:37 PM
a saying comes to mind....

actually, I was very supportive of President Bush in his early foreign policy moves, much to the chagrin of many of my democratic colleagues. I even went so far as to volunteer to go back on active duty to help President Bush fight Al Qaeda.

Have YOU volunteered to help Obama?

red states rule
11-14-2008, 11:39 PM
actually, I was very supportive of President Bush in his early foreign policy moves, much to the chagrin of many of my democratic colleagues. I even went so far as to volunteer to go back on active duty to help President Bush fight Al Qaeda.

Have YOU volunteered to help Obama?

Thank God they did not take you. Our troops (or infidels as you call them) have enough problems without YOU there fucking things up

Or perhaps you could have been put on bedpan duty - something you were perfectly qualified to do :laugh2:

11-14-2008, 11:39 PM
actually, I was very supportive of President Bush in his early foreign policy moves, much to the chagrin of many of my democratic colleagues. I even went so far as to volunteer to go back on active duty to help President Bush fight Al Qaeda.

Have YOU volunteered to help Obama?

res ispa

you reap what you sow

11-14-2008, 11:42 PM
res ispa

you reap what you sow

have you volunteered to help Obama?

red states rule
11-14-2008, 11:44 PM
have you volunteered to help Obama?

You could not pass the app and background process to work for him. You would be another Rev Wright issue for the messiah :laugh2:

11-15-2008, 12:00 AM
have you volunteered to help Obama?

you're missing the point. apparently you believe it is ok for you to stop supporting bush after he made certain decisions, however, i am not allowed to do so....

it makes no difference whether i "volunteered" to help obama or not, he is not even the president or president elect yet, and i am already hearing policy decisions i find troubling. like you, i want to exercise my right to not support him. or do you want to deny me that right?

11-15-2008, 12:03 AM
you're missing the point. apparently you believe it is ok for you to stop supporting bush after he made certain decisions, however, i am not allowed to do so....

it makes no difference whether i "volunteered" to help obama or not, he is not even the president or president elect yet, and i am already hearing policy decisions i find troubling. like you, i want to exercise my right to not support him. or do you want to deny me that right?

you go right ahead and withhold your support. I am fairly certain he'll get along fine without it. As a matter of fact, I think I can all but guarantee that he'll never even miss it.

11-15-2008, 12:09 AM
you go right ahead and withhold your support. I am fairly certain he'll get along fine without it. As a matter of fact, I think I can all but guarantee that he'll never even miss it.


11-15-2008, 12:16 AM
you notice how the liberals speaks of the little Messiah as if he is their own piece of property...

I guess that's what happens when you belong to a cult..

11-15-2008, 12:41 AM
you notice how the liberals speaks of the little Messiah as if he is their own piece of property...

I guess that's what happens when you belong to a cult..

they are afraid that their tactics will come back to haunt them...you reap what you sow....imagine republicans using their tactics against them

we will, only to make a point, other than that, republicans should not, nor ever try to emulate them.

11-15-2008, 12:41 AM
Do you WANT America to fail under President Obama????

NO But I would put money on him being the worst president in history. ........................ REMEMBER I said this when your in the soup line

11-15-2008, 12:45 AM
NO But I would put money on him being the worst president in history. ........................ REMEMBER I said this when your in the soup line

unfortunately, he will still claim this is "right" we should all be in soup lines

11-15-2008, 12:51 AM
unfortunately, he will still claim this is "right" we should all be in soup lines

why don't you stop putting words in my mouth, you pissant little "counselor"? I would never claim any such stupidity.

11-15-2008, 01:20 AM
why don't you stop putting words in my mouth, you pissant little "counselor"? I would never claim any such stupidity.

i merely suggested

i never claimed

and it has not come to pass

my suggestion stands

11-15-2008, 09:54 AM
i merely suggested

i never claimed

and it has not come to pass

my suggestion stands...

as a moronic testament to your creepiness:lol:

11-15-2008, 08:40 PM
why don't you stop putting words in my mouth, you pissant little "counselor"? I would never claim any such stupidity.
unfortunately, he will still claim this is "right" we should all be in soup lines ...... I think Yurt meant obama would say this ??? you should mellow out dude your gonna have a heart attack at this rate

11-16-2008, 02:34 AM
you go right ahead and withhold your support. I am fairly certain he'll get along fine without it. As a matter of fact, I think I can all but guarantee that he'll never even miss it.

I plan to put my foot out to trip up anything the Democraps come up with, their track record is one of destruction of everything that makes America great. Osama can suck dick, he's an asshole and a punk and will never get any support from me....... I will continue to fight every shit decision that George Soros makes for him.......... is that clear enough for you cookie?

11-16-2008, 02:41 AM
not at all. I think Hillary has a good reputation overseas, and is a wise and thoughtful leader. ANd Kerry was not "willing to turn our country over to the UN"... I am really surprised you would even parrot such tripe.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hillary has a reputation of being a doormat for the lowlife dimwit husband of hers. What a pathetic sight she is and an awful role model for young women. Sarah Palin would have hand neutered that pimp asshole with a knife she would have sharpened herself. As for Kerry, what a joke you are for even suggesting that jerk would be appropriate for anything except digging ditches.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

11-16-2008, 10:11 AM
I plan to put my foot out to trip up anything the Democraps come up with, their track record is one of destruction of everything that makes America great. Osama can suck dick, he's an asshole and a punk and will never get any support from me....... I will continue to fight every shit decision that George Soros makes for him.......... is that clear enough for you cookie?

Osama can suck dick, he's an asshole and a punk and will never get any support from me...

we're not gonna get anywhere if you keep holding back......:coffee:

11-17-2008, 10:37 AM
No I am not - and alot of people saw what an appeaser he was, and still is

no. you are. He NEVER said we had to get UN permission before defending ourselves. that is a lie.

but then..that is what you are good at.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:38 AM
no. you are. He NEVER said we had to get UN permission before defending ourselves. that is a lie.

but then..that is what you are good at.

Libs like you Virgil, and Kerry, bow at the alter of the UN, and well as the alter of Obama

11-17-2008, 10:40 AM
Libs like you Virgil, and Kerry, bow at the alter of the UN, and well as the alter of Obama

I bow at only one altAr... and it certainly is not the UN or Obama's

And you still fail to prove your assertion that Kerry stated we needed UN approval before defending ourselves. Your lies remain.

pathetic hack

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:42 AM
I bow at only one altAr... and it certainly is not the UN or Obama's

And you still fail to prove your assertion that Kerry stated we needed UN approval before defending ourselves. Your lies remain.

pathetic hack


11-17-2008, 10:53 AM
RSR's axiom: when you can't string two sentences together, cut and paste a picture!

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:54 AM
RSR's axiom: when you can't string two sentences together, cut and paste a picture!

It sums up Kerry's Defense plan perfectly - and yours Virgil :lol:

11-17-2008, 02:05 PM
It sums up Kerry's Defense plan perfectly - and yours

no it doesn't RSR... it is just another in a long line of dodges by you when you cannot defend your own statements. It is as predictable as the tides.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 02:07 PM
no it doesn't RSR... it is just another in a long line of dodges by you when you cannot defend your own statements. It is as predictable as the tides.

You have been calling for surrender, appeasement, and defeat of the US in Iraq longer then your messiah has

11-17-2008, 02:37 PM
You have been calling for surrender, appeasement, and defeat of the US in Iraq longer then your messiah has

no. I haven't. I have never called for surrender, appeasement OR defeat. Not once.

You are a liar.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 02:38 PM
no. I haven't. I have never called for surrender, appeasement OR defeat. Not once.

You are a liar.

Looking in the mirror again Virgil?

11-17-2008, 02:41 PM
Looking in the mirror again?

If you could find ONE statement I have EVER called for surrender, appeasement OR defeat, you would post it.

But we both know you can't because I have NEVER called for any of those things.

You are a liar and a spineless coward.... but that is nothing new to anyone.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 02:43 PM
If you could find ONE statement I have EVER called for surrender, appeasement OR defeat, you would post it.

But we both know you can't because I have NEVER called for any of those things.

You are a liar and a spineless coward.... but that is nothing new to anyone.

You have been demaning surrender in Iraq, and appeasement to the terrorists for years now Virgil

Get over it, and stop playing the role of the opffended liberal. Now you will post how your "patriotism" is being questioned as well as for former "service" :laugh2:

11-17-2008, 02:45 PM
You have been demaning surrender in Iraq, and appeasement to the terrorists for years now
Get over it, and stop playing the role of the opffended liberal. Now you will post how your "patriotism" is being questioned as well as for former "service" :laugh2:

again...if you could find one single quote of mine where I ever called for America to surrender or to appease our enemies or to allow ourselves to be defeated my them, you would have produced it by now.

As it is, you are a lying sniveling worthless piece of shit who cannot back up what he says. no surprise.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 02:50 PM
again...if you could find one single quote of mine where I ever called for America to surrender or to appease our enemies or to allow ourselves to be defeated my them, you would have produced it by now.

As it is, you are a lying sniveling worthless piece of shit who cannot back up what he says. no surprise.

Look over your posts on the war, and Dems attempts to insert surrender dates in spending bills. You were giddy over the idea of the US losing in Iraq -it benefits your party - so you were all all for it

You could not care less about our troops - or the people of Iraq (or infidels as you refer to them)

Only the Dem party is your only priority Virgil

11-17-2008, 02:53 PM
and don't forget Bill will be back

I wonder what position he wants?

Eh, that should be what job he wants

Bill wants to be in charge of hiring the interns, so he can give them an oral exam.

11-17-2008, 02:56 PM
Look over your posts on the war, and Dems attempts to insert surrender dates in spending bills. You were giddy over the idea of the US losing in Iraq -it benefits your party - so you were all all for it

You could not care less about our troops - or the people of Iraq (or infidels as you refer to them)

Only the Dem party is your only priority

you are wrong and you just can't bring yourself to admit it, can you?

Like I said...if you could find one post of mine where I ever called for America to surrender or to appease our enemies or to allow ourselves to be defeated my them, you would have produced it by now.

You haven't because you can't.