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View Full Version : Parents to blame for America's 'liberal' drift

11-17-2008, 08:27 PM
But the we already knew Liberals were just spoiled little children who expect something for nothing.

Monday, November 17, 2008
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
Author: America's parents raising liberal crybabies
Kids trained to be dependent, covetous, ruled by passions, without self-control
Posted: November 17, 2008
11:42 am Eastern


The big victory on Election Day by "liberal" Democrats shouldn't be a surprise, because American parents, even many conservatives, have been training their kids to be liberals for too long, says the author of a controversial new book.

Reb Bradley, author of WND Books' latest release "Born Liberal, Raised Right: How to Rescue America from Moral Decline – One Family at a Time," an expert on child rearing, says Rush Limbaugh is right about liberals – they are turning America into a nation of victims, dependent, covetous and incapable of the kind of self-government the nation's founding fathers envisioned.

Author of the previous best-selling book, "Child Training Tips," Bradley recalls listening to Limbaugh more than a decade ago and having an epiphany about the societal impact of permissive and indulgent parenting.

"I noticed that all of the societal ills Rush talked about were really manifestations of people who really never grew up – never matured," he explains. "Ultimately, that is what the worldview of liberalism is all about. And we won't escape its dire ill effects until we learn how to parent."

America is increasingly lacking in-self control, explains Bradley. He says adults no longer restrain themselves from destructive actions and behaviors, because they have not been taught to do so as children.

"A few decades ago, people were just as human as we are in this decade," he writes. "Like us, they got angry, they lusted, they coveted, and they drowned their grief by one means or another. But in one important way, they were different from us – they had greater self-control. Because they were more self-restraining, they did not allow themselves to be ruled by their anger; hence the murder rate was markedly less. They lusted, but they had greater sexual self-restraint, so had sexual contact with fewer people and contracted fewer STDs. They coveted other people's money and possessions, but they had the ability to not act on their covetousness; hence fewer were compelled to steal. In the last 40 years we have lost the virtue of self-control. No longer is our society populated by individuals who can restrain or 'govern' themselves. To lack the capacity to control one's urges or passions is to lack what our nation's Founders called personal 'self-government.'"

Bradley contends that liberalism is the natural condition of the human heart and for people to be capable of self-government, they must be trained against their own nature.

"In this age of technology, one might say that liberalism is our 'default' operating condition," he writes. "Throughout our childhoods, our parents must work hard and change our settings to keep us from operating in our default mode. If parents are successful, we enter adulthood with our new settings fully locked in. Left untrained, all children would grow up liberal in their outlook."


12-03-2008, 02:27 AM
I don't think any of my children, all progressive liberals, would agree with your bullshit, crin.


12-03-2008, 10:29 AM
I don't think any of my children, all progressive liberals, would agree with your bullshit, crin.


I never thought you would agree. People so deluded seldom recognize or agree with the truth. :coffee:

Abbey Marie
12-03-2008, 12:04 PM
I don't think any of my children, all progressive liberals, would agree with your bullshit, crin.


Instead of just calling it all BS, which adds nothing to the dialogue and derails threads, why don't you present a couple of intelligent counterpoints? It's called Debatepolicy, not Insultfest.

Why is the article wrong? What's your alternative theory on the ills of society?

Abbey Marie
12-03-2008, 12:06 PM
Crin, I think the author raises an excellent point. It explains the greed stampede at Wal-Mart very well, for example. I'd hate to see what would happen if we had food shortages in this country, if a TV set can cause such actions.

12-03-2008, 12:28 PM
Crin, I think the author raises an excellent point. It explains the greed stampede at Wal-Mart very well, for example. I'd hate to see what would happen if we had food shortages in this country, if a TV set can cause such actions.

I was here for the Los Angeles riots after the police officers were not convicted in the Rodney King affair. People (I use that term loosely) saw it as an excuse to take what they thought was owed to them or what they just wanted. Sidenote: 74+% of those people stealing in the riots were born again Christians by their own proclamations.

The same thing will happen again and again when these people can find an excuse to blame someone else (as they were raised to do) for their unfair conditions in life.

Abbey Marie
12-03-2008, 12:32 PM
I was here for the Los Angeles riots after the police officers were not convicted in the Rodney King affair. People (I use that term loosely) saw it as an excuse to take what they thought was owed to them or what they just wanted. Sidenote: 74+% of those people stealing in the riots were born again Christians by their own proclamations.

The same thing will happen again and again when these people can find an excuse to blame someone else (as they were raised to do) for their unfair conditions in life.

Add to that the fact that Obama's campaign raised the level of discontent and the sense of entitlement among minorities to new heights. Of course, Dems always do that, but to have those unrealistic promises be swept right into the Oval Office is that much more serious.