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View Full Version : The falling stock market

11-20-2008, 07:49 AM
Do any of you folks watch the CNBC or other stock market tracker news?

Would anyone like to predict the bottom on the DOW? Will it be 7,750 or will it continue down to 2,000 before it bounces and starts going back up?

I think the housing bubble consisted of some $700 trillion and a lot of that loss was held by individual AAA bond holders but a very large amount was/is held by DOW listed banks and major non-related stocks like GE. I think the $700 trillion must be absorbed by people around the world before the market will go back up so I'm thinking DOW 2,000. I think the people that bought guns and ammo over the last few months have made the best investment of all, this could get really ugly before it's over.

Whatcha think?

11-20-2008, 07:57 AM
Do any of you folks watch the CNBC or other stock market tracker news?

Would anyone like to predict the bottom on the DOW? Will it be 7,750 or will it continue down to 2,000 before it bounces and starts going back up?

I think the housing bubble consisted of some $700 trillion and a lot of that loss was held by individual AAA bond holders but a very large amount was/is held by DOW listed banks and major non-related stocks like GE. I think the $700 trillion must be absorbed by people around the world before the market will go back up so I'm thinking DOW 2,000. I think the people that bought guns and ammo over the last few months have made the best investment of all, this could get really ugly before it's over.

Whatcha think?

Personally? I'd like to go to bed with the covers over my head and wake up about a year and a half from now. Nobody bother me in the meantime. :laugh2:

11-20-2008, 08:13 AM
Personally? I'd like to go to bed with the covers over my head and wake up about a year and a half from now. Nobody bother me in the meantime. :laugh2:
Me too!!!

I think Fort Knox may be running out of gold... I heard the Fed say something about selling gold in front of the congressional committee the other day... my guess is the dollar is worthless and the only reason gold isn't $8,000 an ounce is because the Fed and European equals are dumping gold to prop up the monoply money. If they run out of gold to prop up the paper the government will look like a failed hedge fund. I also heard the government is buying its own short term bonds to hold down the yeild and are thinking of lowering the prime rate to zero.

11-20-2008, 08:15 AM
Do any of you folks watch the CNBC or other stock market tracker news?

Would anyone like to predict the bottom on the DOW? Will it be 7,750 or will it continue down to 2,000 before it bounces and starts going back up?

I think the housing bubble consisted of some $700 trillion and a lot of that loss was held by individual AAA bond holders but a very large amount was/is held by DOW listed banks and major non-related stocks like GE. I think the $700 trillion must be absorbed by people around the world before the market will go back up so I'm thinking DOW 2,000. I think the people that bought guns and ammo over the last few months have made the best investment of all, this could get really ugly before it's over.

Whatcha think?

I think we'll get through it, but the worst thing that could happen right now in my opinion would be if WWIII popped off. That's all we'd need. And with us in this weakened condition and a new untested President who appears sympathetic to terrorists, we just may get hit again real soon. The terrorists see us hurting, and see Bush on his way out. So things could get a whole lot worse than just some financial problems.

11-20-2008, 08:25 AM
I think we'll get through it, but the worst thing that could happen right now in my opinion would be if WWIII popped off. That's all we'd need. And with us in this weakened condition and a new untested President who appears sympathetic to terrorists, we just may get hit again real soon. The terrorists see us hurting, and see Bush on his way out. So things could get a whole lot worse than just some financial problems.Terrorists, Russia or China bothering America will only bring American's together and stronger, the US economy was strongest following WWII and the Korean conflict as we war-ed up for the Cold War... it takes a lot of national commerce to support war on a large scale and America would double clutch from first gear to third gear in weeks.

11-20-2008, 09:35 AM
DOW at 2000?

That seems a bit low, but no one knows where the panic will take this market. I would not be surprised to see the DOW reach the 5000's range. Much of it depends on what actions Congress and the President take after the new year and how investors view those actions.


11-20-2008, 10:07 AM
Terrorists, Russia or China bothering America will only bring American's together and stronger, the US economy was strongest following WWII and the Korean conflict as we war-ed up for the Cold War... it takes a lot of national commerce to support war on a large scale and America would double clutch from first gear to third gear in weeks.

America coming together was long ago Classact. Let me ask you a question, if I had suggested to you the day after 9/11 that in just a few years America would elect a black President by the name of Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, what would you have said? Probably no way in HELL! Well, it happened. Why? Because America is losing it's back bone. There's more liberal pussies being born than there are fighters. This country is going soft. Yes there would be some Americans that would want to pull together and fight, but I think the majority, as evidenced by the recent election of Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, is a bunch of yellow bellied, whiny, gutless, liberals who'd rather get their asses kicked and taken over than fight, not to mention all the foreigners in the country today that want America to bend to them, not the other way around. They'd never fight for America either.

11-20-2008, 10:48 AM
take a look at msft...

i think buffet has the right of this, there are bargains out there if you can find them and afford them

11-20-2008, 04:25 PM
the dow will end up between 1500 and 2000

red states rule
11-20-2008, 04:28 PM
the dow will end up between 1500 and 2000

Looks like the investors are not impressed with the "change" Obama and the Dems will bring to America starting Jan 20, 2009

Mr. P
11-20-2008, 04:33 PM
No idea where the bottom is, nor is anyone else..I'm just happy I moved to a safer place to weather the storm and didn't continue to follow the market down. Not so happy I waited so long to make that move though..but still...it was in time to save a great deal on my financial future.

Mr. P
11-20-2008, 04:36 PM
Looks like the investors are not impressed with the "change" Obama and the Dems will bring to America starting Jan 20, 2009

Nor the bail out..But, IMO the big boys are raping the market right in front of our eyes.

red states rule
11-20-2008, 04:41 PM
Nor the bail out..But, IMO the big boys are raping the market right in front of our eyes.

I agree. No bailout for anyone.

11-20-2008, 05:47 PM
the dow will end up between 1500 and 2000


red states rule
11-20-2008, 05:50 PM

With all the coming tax increases, bailouts, and huge increases in government spending - Obama's term will make Carter's term look like heaven on Earth

11-20-2008, 06:39 PM

google where it was when the run up started on the dot come era......

11-20-2008, 06:42 PM
I dont know where its going to stop, but i know it hasnt stopped yet. Just wait till Obama raises taxes.

We are in for a bad four years. Let's just hope we still have a nation at the end of it.

11-20-2008, 06:51 PM
google where it was when the run up started on the dot come era......

sept 94: 3800 Nov 95: 4600 dow jones average

1500-2000 is below that. even if it was at that, shouldn't the normal rate of return now over 10 years later have the dow at around 4000-5000? i agree with you though about the market correcting the bubble.

11-20-2008, 09:58 PM
sept 94: 3800 Nov 95: 4600 dow jones average

1500-2000 is below that. even if it was at that, shouldn't the normal rate of return now over 10 years later have the dow at around 4000-5000? i agree with you though about the market correcting the bubble.Can anyone give a few reasons that the stock market should go UP? Give me one, please! Christmas is going to suck and a lot of stores will be simply dumping merchandice and going out of business. The country is running on Walmart and McDonalds right now, well maybe the oil companies are still making a profit but they will use it buying up small drill companies that can't survive in a cheap oil environment.

Where will the federal government get its tax to fund the existing spending required by law? Guess it won't be from those rich folks since they will be writing off millions in losses? Where will the money come from to fund the basic government, where will the tax breaks (welfare for those not paying taxes) come from? Will they close NASA or Dept. of Education?

Between now and Jan. 20th there is nothing but down for the market, maybe congress will come back in Dec. and hand out a few billion to the Big three but who will run out and buy a new car with all this doom and gloom?

State governments will be raising taxes across America draging down the remaining working public taxing their asses off... Obama comes in next year and will want to give illegal Mexicans health care through SCHIP and fund it with cigarette taxes, yea right, gona be a black market for smokes and that will remove the super tax base the states get from smokes now to go towards medicare costs. DOW 2,000 could very well be a reality? Give me a list of why the DOW should go up, because it is a bargin at these prices, I don't think anything is a bargin but Walmart and McDonalds... how about you?

I see a countdown to releasing prisoners and downsizing of police, how about you?

11-20-2008, 10:13 PM
sept 94: 3800 Nov 95: 4600 dow jones average

1500-2000 is below that. even if it was at that, shouldn't the normal rate of return now over 10 years later have the dow at around 4000-5000? i agree with you though about the market correcting the bubble.

true the bubble is recognized as starting in the mid 90's......so you are more hopeful than i.......

11-20-2008, 11:37 PM
I see a countdown to releasing prisoners and downsizing of police, how about you?

The police are already being downsized. NYC has announced a huge cut in police.

11-21-2008, 12:21 PM
The police are already being downsized. NYC has announced a huge cut in police.
Fox News reported that a stock analyst has predicted roving armed gangs across America by 2012 involving food riots and shortages.

11-21-2008, 12:26 PM
Fox News reported that a stock analyst has predicted roving armed gangs across America by 2012 involving food riots and shortages.

maybe then we will close all or foreign military bases and cut off foreign aid and get our house in order.......

11-21-2008, 04:27 PM
maybe then we will close all or foreign military bases and cut off foreign aid and get our house in order.......I just did a Google on this: analyst armed gangs food riots 2012 ... try it out.

I agree we need to trim a lot of programs in government and put all expendatures under review and management.

Mr. P
11-21-2008, 04:43 PM
Fox News reported that a stock analyst has predicted roving armed gangs across America by 2012 involving food riots and shortages.

LOL A damn stock analyst can't even tell us what the market is going to do and now one predicts roving armed gangs across America by 2012 involving food riots and shortages? Please! :laugh2:

red states rule
11-21-2008, 04:45 PM
LOL A damn stock analyst can't even tell us what the market is going to do and now one predicts roving armed gangs across America by 2012 involving food riots and shortages? Please! :laugh2:

Much like how weather experts can't tell us how much snow we will get overnight - but can tell us the Earth will be destroyed in 50 years because of "global warming"

11-21-2008, 05:08 PM
LOL A damn stock analyst can't even tell us what the market is going to do and now one predicts roving armed gangs across America by 2012 involving food riots and shortages? Please! :laugh2:

hey don't forget those monkeys or apes or whatever that beat out analyst in the SP 500 that year....all they did were throw darts at stocks

or is that an urban legend?