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View Full Version : Local Woman Hit Hard By Economy, Ends Up Homeless

11-24-2008, 02:14 AM
Any respectable lawyers out there that can help this poor woman out?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!

03:44 PM EST on Sunday, November 23, 2008

(WHAS11) -It’s still dark out when Terri Perez turns on the lights to get to her locker and start her day.

She works Monday through Friday from 4 a.m. to 12:30, cleaning the dining room area at Wayside Christian Mission.

It’s a full time job, but not one Terri ever thought she’d have.

That’s because the cleaning job is reserved for people who live at Wayside.

Terri Perez is homeless.

“Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would end up in a place like this,” admits Perez.

She ended up at Wayside a few months ago after a series of unfortunate events.

First, she was laid off.

She explains, “The company that I worked for was outsourcing a lot of their work to India. They in fact, in the past year, had several stages of layoffs and got rid of more than half of their workforce.”

After being laid off, Perez got sick and ended up in the hospital twice.

She did everything she could to pay her mortgage and medical bills, but she still went bankrupt.

Perez lost her home, her car, and the possessions she collected throughout her life, including pictures of her husband who died ten years ago.

“I actually had a storage facility, but all that’s gone now I’m sure. I just couldn’t keep up the payment on it,” she says.

Now, all she has left are memories of a life very different than the one she lives now.

Nina Moseley, Wayside’s CEO, says stories like Terri’s are becoming more common as the economy declines.

She explains, “There are as many reasons for homelessness as there are people in the shelter, but unfortunately a good portion of them are folks that are really victims of the economy or what’s going on in the community…It seems to be that folks are in much worse shape than they were a few years ago, and we get more and more stories of folks coming in that had good jobs, good paying jobs.”

But as companies outsource jobs overseas, move away, or just shut down, those good paying jobs disappear.

Philip Mangano, executive director of the US Interagency Council on Homelessness says homeless populations are growing across the US.

“Around the country we’re seeing both people who are victims of the mortgage foreclosure crisis as well as folks who have lost their jobs. They’re starting to appear at the doors of homeless shelters throughout the country,” says Mangano.

Perez is just one of those people.

She says she’s trying to rebuild her life, but it’s tough.

For the jobs that are out there, she thinks living in a homeless shelter puts her at a disadvantage.

“A lot of people have the impression that all homeless people are drug addicts, riff raff... that’s just not true. It’s good people, things that have happened in their lives like myself to end up in some place like this,” explains Perez.

It’s a place where she now spends her days cleaning the dining room, watching TV in the common room, reading in a bunk bed at night, and turning off the lights. Then the next day, she will do it all over again................................

More: http://www.whas11.com/topstories/stories/whas11_topstories_081122_HomelessWoman.1dfbe948f.h tml

Her dilemma is just the tip of the iceberg, I'm afraid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is legal or governmental help available for her?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! She deserves much more than greedy dismissal of her predicament?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


11-24-2008, 08:15 AM
Any respectable lawyers out there that can help this poor woman out?

???....she doesn't need a lawyer, she needs a job......

11-24-2008, 08:23 AM
Righto - I bet she was living beyond her means and now it's bitten her. She doesn't need a hand out; she needs a job. McDonald's Managers make...what? $40k/year? If one job doesn't cut it, she should find two.

11-24-2008, 04:01 PM
Bad things happen to good people which is why we have gov. programs.

She was laid off so she's probably getting unemployment and food stamps. If her medical condition keeps her from working there is also Medicaid. As a single person who's getting gov. assistance, and living for free, she should be able to improve her situation.

It's to bad she didn't have any family to help her out or at least store her things for her.

12-19-2008, 02:16 AM
Did anyone actually read the article?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



01-06-2009, 09:44 AM
What exactly do you think a lawyer could do to help her?

Why doesnt she get a job?

01-22-2009, 03:17 PM
Is legal or governmental help available for her?!?!?!?!?!?!???!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! She deserves much more than greedy dismissal of her predicament?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

I agree. How much did you send her?

01-24-2009, 11:05 AM
i think the last sentence sums it up.

It’s a place where she now spends her days cleaning the dining room, watching TV in the common room, reading in a bunk bed at night, and turning off the lights. Then the next day, she will do it all over again................................

no mention of looking for employment.
and again, what would a lawyer do for her? besides putting her further in debt?

01-29-2009, 03:21 AM
It's so nice how you all seem to dismiss her as unworthy of your unaffordable services.

No one has mentioned her potential legal case which is actually what the post encouraged.

Tsk, tsk. I am prouder of being a Democrat each time I read through these nonsensical screeds of self identified idiots.

Something to null your guilt?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!



01-29-2009, 05:41 AM
I don't really get the problem.

She worked for a company that is now outsourcing it's jobs, that's more a fact of capitailism than anything else.

Sure it isn't nice, and as was mentioned bad things can happen to good people (assuming that she was) but I don't see what sort of legal case you could mount on this.

01-29-2009, 07:24 AM
It's so nice how you all seem to dismiss her as unworthy of your unaffordable services.

No one has mentioned her potential legal case which is actually what the post encouraged.

Tsk, tsk. I am prouder of being a Democrat each time I read through these nonsensical screeds of self identified idiots.

Something to null your guilt?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!



so what is her potential legal case? because her job got outsourced? hell if that was the case there would be legal action from the east coast to the west coast.

02-01-2009, 02:20 AM
It's so nice how you all seem to dismiss her as unworthy of your unaffordable services.

No one has mentioned her potential legal case which is actually what the post encouraged.

Tsk, tsk. I am prouder of being a Democrat each time I read through these nonsensical screeds of self identified idiots.

Something to null your guilt?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!



yeah totally nonsensical to, you know, look for a job or try to better yourself. Or ask you why you think a lawyer is going to help when there isnt much a lawyer can do.

Why are you always so quick to excuse people from taking responsibility for their lives? And why on earth would you think we would feel guilty about a woman we dont know not looking for work and thus living in a homeless shelter? It's not our fault.

Your posts here just make absolutely no sense.

02-01-2009, 02:21 AM
I don't really get the problem.

She worked for a company that is now outsourcing it's jobs, that's more a fact of capitailism than anything else.

Sure it isn't nice, and as was mentioned bad things can happen to good people (assuming that she was) but I don't see what sort of legal case you could mount on this.

No one else seems to see it. But its clearly because are not compassionate enough.

02-01-2009, 05:30 AM
No one else seems to see it. But its clearly because are not compassionate enough.

I see, I thought it was because I had an avatar, and so was too stupid to see, I do hope physcobabe shows up soon to clear up what the problem is.

02-01-2009, 09:31 AM
Why are you always so quick to excuse people from taking responsibility for their lives?

because this is something that is lacking in todays world. this is why we have court rooms full of idiotic cases, you hurt my feelings, you made my kid fat, i was robbing from you and i got shot in the ass... its endless:rolleyes:

Mr. P
02-01-2009, 11:24 AM
After being laid off, Perez got sick and ended up in the hospital twice.

She did everything she could to pay her mortgage and medical bills, but she still went bankrupt.

I deal with people in this position everyday. Except they have friends or family they can stay with that keeps them out of shelters. There is no mention of family or friends here except her dead husband.

As far as a lawyer goes she had one..she filed bankruptcy an is now free and clear of all her debt. No lawyer can get her a job (through legal action) which is what she needs to rebuild her life.

02-01-2009, 12:01 PM
If there were more small businesses armed with available resources she would have a much easier time finding a job if she would stop laying around in her bunk reading!

We know nothing about this story other than a taken out of context view put up by a radical lefty who wishes to blame everybody who has no immediate solution for every single problem that will encounter people in everyday life.

Her job was outsourced to India. OK. Why? That is the damn problem! Let's examine why! Obviously, companies do this to save money. Why? Because labor is cheaper! Why?

Miss Perez is not alone! Millions of people have been affected by this scenario. It is unfortunate that she has noone in her life willing or able to help her, luckily, there is this homeless shelter which has housed her, fed her and given her shelter from the elements. Obviously this allows her to start over. Now.... she needs to get started.... starting over. First, get ajob! There are government programs subsidised by hard working Americans that allow for discount rated apartments, job training and even grants that help folks in her position.

Frankly.... if Miss Perez were a man it is highly likely she would be living under a tarp strung up under a bridge somewhere.

Lots of people lose jobs. It happens every day. We know nothing of her personal situation really other then she hit bottom and sought shelter. Where did she work? Did she have a severance package? Did she get busy looking for new work or sit around feeling sorry for herself and squander the time she should have spent doing so. Did she have no friends? Was she a drug addict? I think we would need to have a few more details before we can just condemn society for not bailing her out. I mean what is the answer? Should we just collectively bail out everyone who this happens to? What should we do? Where is the line? Should we have bought her a house, paid for it? Exactly what did we do wrong in this instance?

My suggestion is a stronger private sector, less taxed, less stressed by government intervention and less burdoned by over regulation would have allowed an enviornment to be existant that would have provided better odds for recovery to this young woman.

We really don't get it! We want the easy road. We want government to provide an easy road to everybody but where will these resources to come from where? It isn't a fucking magic show!!!!

Basically since this entire piece concerns mainly the fact that she lost her job being the cause of this we should examine carefully how to prevent, not to react with ridiculous costs of reacting by bailing out everyone with bad luck. How do you prevent this? Not.... how do we support her! How do we know that she was not unoproductive, lazy and costly..... this being the cause, not her dasterdly company necessarily just outsourcing her job for no reason other than to eliminate her job.

This issue is so much deeper than the headline! We didn't get here overnight and we won't get out of here overnight either. Creating an enviornment for business where it is economically not feasible to operate will, and is, destroying America. Answering the fallout with a weakdick policy of bailing out is adding fuel to the fire. If companies cannot continue to support their folks, how in the hell can we think they will be able to create more jobs when they will be taxed to death to support the fallout of bad policy.

I hate it for Miss Perez, but what is the rest of the story?