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View Full Version : Ann Coulter's jaw wired shut

11-26-2008, 01:43 PM
Apparently Coulter got into a "discussion" with someone and they broke her jaw.
Now if the same person could just get into an argument with Malkin. :laugh2:


11-26-2008, 01:50 PM
Resorting to violence in order to silence those with whom you disagree, and you revel in it and encourage more.

Why does this not surprise me?

11-26-2008, 01:51 PM
Wishing violence on people you disagee with, how very liberal of you.

11-26-2008, 01:55 PM
Just got to love that liberal tolerance.

Must be gabbys idea of the fairness doctrine, if you can beat them, break their jaw to silence them.

11-26-2008, 01:55 PM
Apparently Coulter got into a "discussion" with someone and they broke her jaw.
Now if the same person could just get into an argument with Malkin. :laugh2:


You seem to find the worst sites to get your "information" from. You are so very typical of the "progressive neo-left", can't beat them in an argument, break their jaw. Can't beat them on the radio, force them to allow you to destroy their show. Can't beat them in a fair election.......... cheat, lie and buy votes.

It would be funny to watch the child-like naivete of the left and their giddiness over the buying of this last election, if it wasn't our lives and our country that they will screw up.

11-26-2008, 02:04 PM
And all you rightiess think libs are non violent pacifists! Shit we kick ass for no reason if you piss us off. You guys talk about it WE do it! Bust some face ! And it is rightiess face so there is even pleasure in doing it.

11-26-2008, 02:10 PM
And all you rightiess think libs are non violent pacifists! Shit we kick ass for no reason if you piss us off. You guys talk about it WE do it! Bust some face ! And it is rightiess face so there is even pleasure in doing it.

And to think you belong to the same group of people that hate wars because people die.

Free love and independent thought..............unless of course people disagree with you and then kick their ass.

No wonder I'm a republican

11-26-2008, 02:18 PM
And all you rightiess think libs are non violent pacifists! Shit we kick ass for no reason if you piss us off. You guys talk about it WE do it! Bust some face ! And it is rightiess face so there is even pleasure in doing it.

Yea, very bright, break a very famous lawyer's jaw........ how stupid are you..... really? This imbecile hit a woman and you applaud him(I'm assuming the pussy that hit her is a man). I wish I would have been there, the guy would need a bladder bag to piss in, would never be able to procreate again and wouldn't be able to eat solid food for at least six months(I'm the type that defend woman rather than cheer on gutless fags). Do you assholes really want a civil war? You are picking on the wrong people....... it is coming and it's coming soon and we aren't the cut and run types...... keep fucking with us, I dare you.

11-26-2008, 02:21 PM
The internet rumor mill says she broke it in a fall last month.

11-26-2008, 02:35 PM
the compassionate left laughs at someone breaking their jaw...*shakes head*

11-26-2008, 02:36 PM
I think the guy at this site sums up how wacko liberals are and says it so nicely... http://www.stoptheaclu.com/archives/2008/11/25/left-celebrate-ann-coulters-broken-jaw/ Liberals wonder why conservatives communicate to them as though they were in an insane asylum?

Joe Steel
11-26-2008, 02:52 PM
Apparently Coulter got into a "discussion" with someone and they broke her jaw.
Now if the same person could just get into an argument with Malkin. :laugh2:


She probably got into an argument with another conservative about how dead conservatism is.

11-26-2008, 03:01 PM
She probably got into an argument with another conservative about how dead conservatism is.

Over 60 MILLION Americans voted against Osama......... hardly dead, now pissed off........ good luck with your choices, that is, if you even came out of mommy's basement to actually vote....... fag.

11-26-2008, 03:19 PM
She probably got into an argument with another conservative about how dead conservatism is.


you commies only wish

11-26-2008, 03:48 PM
all i see is "unconfirmed". and hopefeul thinking. where is it????

11-26-2008, 03:49 PM
Apparently Coulter got into a "discussion" with someone and they broke her jaw.
Now if the same person could just get into an argument with Malkin. :laugh2:


not confirmed. anymore of you left tit lies?????

11-26-2008, 05:00 PM
Yea, very bright, break a very famous lawyer's jaw........ how stupid are you..... really? This imbecile hit a woman and you applaud him(I'm assuming the pussy that hit her is a man). I wish I would have been there, the guy would need a bladder bag to piss in, would never be able to procreate again and wouldn't be able to eat solid food for at least six months(I'm the type that defend woman rather than cheer on gutless fags). Do you assholes really want a civil war? You are picking on the wrong people....... it is coming and it's coming soon and we aren't the cut and run types...... keep fucking with us, I dare you.Come on out to California! We will bust your chops too! Ann Coulter is not a woman I would defend. She speaks of Joe Mac Carthy as a hero which is just dumb. Now Sarah Palin I could see defending.
As for your weak threats kiss my grits.

11-26-2008, 05:06 PM
Come on out to California! We will bust your chops too! Ann Coulter is not a woman I would defend. She speaks of Joe Mac Carthy as a hero which is just dumb. Now Sarah Palin I could see defending.
As for your weak threats kiss my grits.

so you are happy that someone punch her jaw and broke it....you support that? is that right?

11-26-2008, 05:12 PM
Well, at the risk of severe mental damage, I have been listening to Hannity on the off chance that he mentions something about Coulter's jaw. Much to my surprise, she is on at this very moment and I can assure you the her jaw is not wired shut.

11-26-2008, 05:16 PM
I can also verify that Ann Coulter is talking on Hannity right now.

11-26-2008, 05:17 PM
Well, at the risk of severe mental damage, I have been listening to Hannity on the off chance that he mentions something about Coulter's jaw. Much to my surprise, she is on at this very moment and I can assure you the her jaw is not wired shut.


so this thread is about liberal truths...got it

and btw, i love the rain today

11-26-2008, 05:19 PM
I can also verify that Ann Coulter is talking on Hannity right now.


so this thread is about liberal truths...got it

So much for Gabo's wet dream!

and btw, i love the rain today

I always love the rain and this front is perfect for a four day weekend.

11-26-2008, 05:21 PM
So much for Gabo's wet dream!

I always love the rain and this front is perfect for a four day weekend.

yes, see my thread in the lounge, i feel like its a snow day!

11-26-2008, 05:37 PM
Over 60 MILLION Americans voted against Osama.........

Plus quite a number who got fed up and didn't vote at all, because there was no conservative candidate on the ballot.

11-26-2008, 06:48 PM
Apparently Coulter got into a "discussion" with someone and they broke her jaw.
Now if the same person could just get into an argument with Malkin. :laugh2:


ah isn't that nice the peaceful, tollerant accepting free speech left at work again.....

red states rule
11-26-2008, 06:57 PM
Come on out to California! We will bust your chops too! Ann Coulter is not a woman I would defend. She speaks of Joe Mac Carthy as a hero which is just dumb. Now Sarah Palin I could see defending.
As for your weak threats kiss my grits.

Much like Rev Virgil, you show more hate and rage toward your fellow countrymen who have a different POV - anf want to make nice to terrorists who wabt you dead

Go figure

red states rule
11-26-2008, 07:25 PM
And all you rightiess think libs are non violent pacifists! Shit we kick ass for no reason if you piss us off. You guys talk about it WE do it! Bust some face ! And it is rightiess face so there is even pleasure in doing it.

If only you libe would direct this hate and rage toward AQ and the terrorists who want you, and your family dead

Even after your election win, libe are stil pissed off and full of rage. I am convinced liberals are never happy no matter what happens to them

11-27-2008, 09:45 AM
Well, I find all the hate spewed here shameful and disgusting. It seems no one is happy anymore unless they can spew hateful remarks about this or that.

While I'm not a fan of Ann Coulter, I do think it's sad when people have nothing in their lives to make them happy other than slamming her or anyone else. There must be a lot of people walking around with hollow lives....

Joe Steel
11-27-2008, 10:14 AM
Over 60 MILLION Americans voted against Osama......... hardly dead,

Osama wasn't running...not even from Bush. That's the problem. Conservatism couldn't even find the guy who killed 3,000 persons in one day of violence.

No wonder no one takes it seriously anymore.

11-27-2008, 10:53 AM
The Green eyed monster strikes again...:laugh2:

11-27-2008, 02:17 PM
Osama wasn't running...not even from Bush. That's the problem. Conservatism couldn't even find the guy who killed 3,000 persons in one day of violence.

No wonder no one takes it seriously anymore.

Bin Laden is dead you twit, I was talking about your new President-bought Hussein. Will his Benefactor in Chief have a new cabinet position invented for him? Something like Secretary of Bribe Money Soros? The guys that killed those 3,000 people are dead also, that is except that asswipe Clinton.

11-27-2008, 02:26 PM
Come on out to California! We will bust your chops too! Ann Coulter is not a woman I would defend. She speaks of Joe Mac Carthy as a hero which is just dumb. Now Sarah Palin I could see defending.
As for your weak threats kiss my grits.

I've lived in Southern California, late sixties- early seventies, I've been back plenty of times before....... never got my chops busted. I've heard they are talking about changing the name of Southern California to "New Asia", can you confirm that?

I doubt you have ever had a good bowl of grits, I'm eating some now while I type. Grits with cubed smoked turkey mixed in, and parmesan on top. I top that with a free range chicken egg, fried over easy. When you cut into the yolk, the grits gets covered with the yellow goo, nothing much better for brunch. I guess you have spanish rice and refried beans there.:laugh2:

11-27-2008, 04:21 PM
I've lived in Southern California, late sixties- early seventies, I've been back plenty of times before....... never got my chops busted. I've heard they are talking about changing the name of Southern California to "New Asia", can you confirm that?

I doubt you have ever had a good bowl of grits, I'm eating some now while I type. Grits with cubed smoked turkey mixed in, and parmesan on top. I top that with a free range chicken egg, fried over easy. When you cut into the yolk, the grits gets covered with the yellow goo, nothing much better for brunch. I guess you have spanish rice and refried beans there.:laugh2:

Perhaps you go to the south of the state. It is a totally different population than the central or northern part. Those in the north would like to have a southern and Northern California officially. As for grits I had them in jail. Didn't care for them. Reminded me of creme of wheat. I like carne asada with guacamole. Black beans and mild salsa. Pasta is nice now and then. A good fresh salad; iceberg lettuce with garbonzos and pintos and blue lakes string beans with celery and juliane beets covered in blue cheese dressing and croutons; is great as the fresh produce comes from about 60 miles from where I live.
As for having chops busted you must have not been in Northern California or were just to scared to insult the people.