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12-03-2008, 05:14 AM
You have to have principles to be able to compromise them. In his soft-ball interview with Charlie Gibson, Bush tried to whitewash the failures of his presidency.

On everything from 9-11 to the invasion of Iraq...from the response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to the current economic melt-down...he takes responsibility for NOTHING.

But that should come as no surprise to anyone. denial of responsibility has been his modus operandi for his entire adult life. His mealy-mouthed denial of responsibility is also typical behavior for alcoholics to engage in, and he had an administration chock full of enablers, yes-men and cronies.

You can find the interview <a href=http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Politics/story?id=6354012&page=1>HERE</a>.

12-03-2008, 05:28 AM
The interview reveals that he blames his failures on his own father and Bill Clinton. Interesting read, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have to have principles to be able to compromise them. In his soft-ball interview with Charlie Gibson, Bush tried to whitewash the failures of his presidency.

On everything from 9-11 to the invasion of Iraq...from the response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to the current economic melt-down...he takes responsibility for NOTHING.

But that should come as no surprise to anyone. denial of responsibility has been his modus operandi for his entire adult life. His mealy-mouthed denial of responsibility is also typical behavior for alcoholics to engage in, and he had an administration chock full of enablers, yes-men and cronies.

You can find the interview <a href=http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Politics/story?id=6354012&page=1>HERE</a>.

Did you expect anything less?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

12-03-2008, 05:30 AM
You have to have principles to be able to compromise them. In his soft-ball interview with Charlie Gibson, Bush tried to whitewash the failures of his presidency.

On everything from 9-11 to the invasion of Iraq...from the response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to the current economic melt-down...he takes responsibility for NOTHING.

But that should come as no surprise to anyone. denial of responsibility has been his modus operandi for his entire adult life. His mealy-mouthed denial of responsibility is also typical behavior for alcoholics to engage in, and he had an administration chock full of enablers, yes-men and cronies.

You can find the interview <a href=http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Politics/story?id=6354012&page=1>HERE</a>.

Hey bedpan,
How should President Bush have responded to the so called "devastation" of Katrina? Mississippi was actually the area devastated by Katrina and I never heard a peep from them. Old Orleans was devastated because it is a silly town located in a stupid spot....... it was inevitable and has been known for decades that it's days were numbered, why is that President Bush's fault.

12-03-2008, 05:36 AM
You just don't get it, do you, zero? No surprise there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-03-2008, 11:31 AM
The interview reveals that he blames his failures on his own father and Bill Clinton. Interesting read, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did you expect anything less?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

link to that, i "must" have "missed" that in the article...

12-03-2008, 11:38 AM
new orleans was devastated, but why do we only blame the president for this. what about the mayor of the city or new orleans and the governor of louisiana. and how come other states hit by katrina faired better.

Why was new orleans levees ignored for so long yet only bush is blamed for the leevees breaking, the last 50 years no one gave two snaps about those levees so why are we only blaming bush, when its not all his fault. are we really being fair, or is this just bush/republican bashing?

as far as iraq, no one has proved to me bush lied about iraq, many other countries believed saddam had the weapons, and while bush is responsible why do we still responsible for the initial failures of iraq, why dont those of you who criticize him for that also give him credit for the successes such as the massive cut in troop casulties, the fact security is vastly improved and that an end , and honorable end is near, that iraq and the u.s. are close to agreeing to. It just seems some of you are stuck in 2003's mistakes and not in 2008's progress

12-03-2008, 06:15 PM
You have to have principles to be able to compromise them. In his soft-ball interview with Charlie Gibson, Bush tried to whitewash the failures of his presidency.

On everything from 9-11 to the invasion of Iraq...from the response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to the current economic melt-down...he takes responsibility for NOTHING.

But that should come as no surprise to anyone. denial of responsibility has been his modus operandi for his entire adult life. His mealy-mouthed denial of responsibility is also typical behavior for alcoholics to engage in, and he had an administration chock full of enablers, yes-men and cronies.

You can find the interview <a href=http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Politics/story?id=6354012&page=1>HERE</a>.

So you would blame Bush for 9-11 because he didn't act on intel passed on by the Clinton administration? Which counter-terrorism plans of Clinton's would have prevented 9-11. He must have had plans in place, right? He was sitting on actionable intel, right? Provide a shred of evidence that Bush stopped any Clinton operations that would have prevented 9-11 or admit that Clinton was as culpable as anyone else for what happened.

12-03-2008, 06:43 PM
Liberals NEVER get over their hatred for anyone, especially for a Republican President..

hell, there's still some here who hate on President Reagan and he's passed on, at Du they even hate on the Republicans wife because they were married to them....

sad life it must be..

12-04-2008, 07:47 AM
Liberals NEVER get over their hatred for anyone, especially for a Republican President..

hell, there's still some here who hate on President Reagan and he's passed on, at Du they even hate on the Republicans wife because they were married to them....

sad life it must be..

If Bush were half the man Reagan was...even as he was slipping into senility...his presidency would not be the unmitigated disaster that it has become. Hell, I voted for Reagan...for his first term...When it became clear that his brand of conservatism had nothing to do with that of Goldwater, Bill Buckley or any of the other real intellectual fathers of American conservatism, I turned my back on the GOP and the conservative moevment.

The Bush administration is the ultimate expression of the "Reagan Revolution", From his feckless foreign adventurism to his cheerful undermining of the Constitution...From gutting social programs to wrecking regulatory agencies the Bush administration has embodied the anti-government, anti-intellectual and, ultimately, anti-American ethos of the "Regan Revolution".

Hatred has nothing to do with it. Bush isn't worth the energy real hatred demands...More like the feeling you get when you step in some dog-pooh.

red states rule
12-04-2008, 07:55 AM
If Bush were half the man Reagan was...even as he was slipping into senility...his presidency would not be the unmitigated disaster that it has become. Hell, I voted for Reagan...for his first term...When it became clear that his brand of conservatism had nothing to do with that of Goldwater, Bill Buckley or any of the other real intellectual fathers of American conservatism, I turned my back on the GOP and the conservative moevment.

The Bush administration is the ultimate expression of the "Reagan Revolution", From his feckless foreign adventurism to his cheerful undermining of the Constitution...From gutting social programs to wrecking regulatory agencies the Bush administration has embodied the anti-government, anti-intellectual and, ultimately, anti-American ethos of the "Regan Revolution".

Hatred has nothing to do with it. Bush isn't worth the energy real hatred demands...More like the feeling you get when you step in some dog-pooh.

Gutting social prgrams??? BP the Federal buget is now over $3 trillion and the Dept of Health and Human Servies now gets the biggest slice of the budget

That does not include what is being spent in state and local budgets. We have the richest poor in the world, and all we hear form libs like you how we need to spend more

Your irrational hate is amazing to watch. On Jan 20, 2009 who will you direct that hate toward?

12-04-2008, 02:53 PM
You have to have principles to be able to compromise them. In his soft-ball interview with Charlie Gibson, Bush tried to whitewash the failures of his presidency.

On everything from 9-11 to the invasion of Iraq...from the response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina to the current economic melt-down...he takes responsibility for NOTHING.

But that should come as no surprise to anyone. denial of responsibility has been his modus operandi for his entire adult life. His mealy-mouthed denial of responsibility is also typical behavior for alcoholics to engage in, and he had an administration chock full of enablers, yes-men and cronies.

You can find the interview <a href=http://abcnews.go.com/WN/Politics/story?id=6354012&page=1>HERE</a>.

The last eight years are just another failure added to his resume.

12-05-2008, 02:15 AM
The last eight years are just another failure added to his resume.

At least he has a resume(including Governor of the second largest state in the union and President for two terms), unlike the empty suited community organizer that you voted for President.

12-05-2008, 08:24 AM
Gutting social prgrams??? BP the Federal buget is now over $3 trillion and the Dept of Health and Human Servies now gets the biggest slice of the budget

That does not include what is being spent in state and local budgets. We have the richest poor in the world, and all we hear form libs like you how we need to spend more

Your irrational hate is amazing to watch. On Jan 20, 2009 who will you direct that hate toward?

And the budget ballooned on whose watch? The budget deficit reached unprecedented levels on whose watch? Borrowing from foreign governments reached record levels on whose watch?

As for your assertion that HHS gets the biggest slice of the pie you are, as ever, wrong. Defense gets the biggest slice of the pie.

Under the Keynesian model that helped lift this country from the Great Depression, government spending, even if it increases the deficit, for infrastructure projects, social safety nets, and sensible regulation of business practices are necessary.

Unfortunately, that is not the model we have followed for some time. We can look to the the "Chicago School" economic policies espoused by the late, unlamented Milton Friedman. This system, where it has been fully and freely implemented in other countries, has led..not to prosperity for all...but to prosperity for a select few under tyrannical and despotic regimes. Chile under Augusto Pinochet is a prime example.

For a complete budget picture, go <a href=http://www.wallstats.com/poster/>HERE</a>.

red states rule
12-05-2008, 08:52 AM
And the budget ballooned on whose watch? The budget deficit reached unprecedented levels on whose watch? Borrowing from foreign governments reached record levels on whose watch?

As for your assertion that HHS gets the biggest slice of the pie you are, as ever, wrong. Defense gets the biggest slice of the pie.

Under the Keynesian model that helped lift this country from the Great Depression, government spending, even if it increases the deficit, for infrastructure projects, social safety nets, and sensible regulation of business practices are necessary.

Unfortunately, that is not the model we have followed for some time. We can look to the the "Chicago School" economic policies espoused by the late, unlamented Milton Friedman. This system, where it has been fully and freely implemented in other countries, has led..not to prosperity for all...but to prosperity for a select few under tyrannical and despotic regimes. Chile under Augusto Pinochet is a prime example.

For a complete budget picture, go <a href=http://www.wallstats.com/poster/>HERE</a>.

I want to see liberals like you Bully scream about the deficit as Obama, Reid, and Pelosi piss through even larger amounts of our tax money

However, I suspect you will give them a pass, and blame Pres Bush

And as usual, HHS does indeed get the biggest slice of the Federal budget


Now do what you usually do when you are proven wrong - duck, spin, ignore, and/or run away from the thread

Federal spending did nothing to end the Great Depression. In fact, the ecoonomy got much worse as FDR taught people to depend on government

Only the Japs attacking Pearl Harbor ended the Great Depression. 10 years of liberalism and government handounts did NOT end the Depression - it only made it worse

12-05-2008, 02:57 PM
I want to see liberals like you Bully scream about the deficit as Obama, Reid, and Pelosi piss through even larger amounts of our tax money

However, I suspect you will give them a pass, and blame Pres Bush

And as usual, HHS does indeed get the biggest slice of the Federal budget


Now do what you usually do when you are proven wrong - duck, spin, ignore, and/or run away from the thread

Federal spending did nothing to end the Great Depression. In fact, the ecoonomy got much worse as FDR taught people to depend on government

Only the Japs attacking Pearl Harbor ended the Great Depression. 10 years of liberalism and government handounts did NOT end the Depression - it only made it worse

Man oh man are you out there on this one. If not for the New Deal this nation would not have been able to respond let alone win any war.

red states rule
12-07-2008, 04:19 AM
Man oh man are you out there on this one. If not for the New Deal this nation would not have been able to respond let alone win any war.

FDR did nothing to end the Great Depression. He did plant the seeds of entitlement in the minds of voters, which is what liberalism is all about

12-07-2008, 06:03 AM
I want to see liberals like you Bully scream about the deficit as Obama, Reid, and Pelosi piss through even larger amounts of our tax money

However, I suspect you will give them a pass, and blame Pres Bush

And as usual, HHS does indeed get the biggest slice of the Federal budget


Now do what you usually do when you are proven wrong - duck, spin, ignore, and/or run away from the thread

Federal spending did nothing to end the Great Depression. In fact, the ecoonomy got much worse as FDR taught people to depend on government

Only the Japs attacking Pearl Harbor ended the Great Depression. 10 years of liberalism and government handounts did NOT end the Depression - it only made it worse

So, HHS getting a bigger part of the pie is bad...why, pray tell?

Now as for your sill notion that the New Deal did nothing to end the Great Depression, you've been spending too much time uncritically accepting, and regurgitating, the pronouncements of right wing pundits instead of doing your homework.

Once the New Deal programs were in place in 1933, <a href=http://courses.umass.edu/ppol697d/growth.pdf>GDP started upwards</a> and, by the time the US entered WWII, it surpassed 1928's GDP...Before the stock market crash. Similarly, employment increased, dipping only briefly during the 1938-39 recession. And while the unemployment was still 14.3% in 1940, it was trending downwards as the US economy pulled itself out of the Depression.

red states rule
12-07-2008, 06:12 AM
So, HHS getting a bigger part of the pie is bad...why, pray tell?

Now as for your sill notion that the New Deal did nothing to end the Great Depression, you've been spending too much time uncritically accepting, and regurgitating, the pronouncements of right wing pundits instead of doing your homework.

Once the New Deal programs were in place in 1933, <a href=http://courses.umass.edu/ppol697d/growth.pdf>GDP started upwards</a> and, by the time the US entered WWII, it surpassed 1928's GDP...Before the stock market crash. Similarly, employment increased, dipping only briefly during the 1938-39 recession. And while the unemployment was still 14.3% in 1940, it was trending downwards as the US economy pulled itself out of the Depression.

Once again you have been proven wrong BP - nothing new there

It should make you feel good all over that handouts and monthly government checks exceeds the Dept of Defense

It comes as no shock liberals like you rate the "success" of government by how many people are dependent of government - while conservatives rate it by how many people no longer need the handout

So are you going to actually say FDR ened the Great Depression???

12-08-2008, 07:52 AM
Once again you have been proven wrong BP - nothing new there

It should make you feel good all over that handouts and monthly government checks exceeds the Dept of Defense

It comes as no shock liberals like you rate the "success" of government by how many people are dependent of government - while conservatives rate it by how many people no longer need the handout

So are you going to actually say FDR ened the Great Depression???

Your source was more current than mine BFD...

You can find the outlays for the 2009 HHS budget <a href=http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2008pres/02/20080204a.html>HERE</a>.

Medicaid payments are to be cut under the 2009 budget which, in turn, will lead private insurers to reduce their payments to health-care providers. The "handouts" you and your fellow travelers so vociferously denounce are a part of the social safety net that has been shredded under the Bush administration. Hospitals and other health-care providers are already feeling the pinch, we have a hiring freeze in place where I work.

If you look towards the Keynesian model, deficit spending was to be used to expand the social safety net in times of economic turmoil. The BUsh administration turned this model on its head by borrowing huge amounts of foreign capital to fund the invasion and occupation of Iraq rather than raising taxes to pay for it. The net result being the huge deficit we now have, and facing further deficits as we try to dig the country out of the hole the Bush administration put us into.

Now, did FDR end the Great Depression? No, but his policies helped pave the way. So much so that the GDP before the US entered WWII was higher than before the stock market crash. It also helped preserve America's manufacturing base, which was key to America's success in WWII.

12-08-2008, 01:59 PM
FDR did nothing to end the Great Depression. He did plant the seeds of entitlement in the minds of voters, which is what liberalism is all aboutIt would seem your obsession
with handouts have clouded your ability to see clearly that America was well on it's way economically before the war.

12-08-2008, 10:33 PM
I suggest you re-read the interview, yuk.

link to that, i "must" have "missed" that in the article...

It is no surprise whatsoever to me that you over-looked it.


12-09-2008, 02:56 AM
Bush: "I did not compromise my principles". Why am I everso reminded of Richard M. Nixon, a president that I voted for, saying "I am not a crook"?



12-09-2008, 04:57 AM
RSR tucks tail between legs and slinks away...

12-09-2008, 05:13 AM
new orleans was devastated, but why do we only blame the president for this. what about the mayor of the city or new orleans and the governor of louisiana. and how come other states hit by katrina faired better.

Why was new orleans levees ignored for so long yet only bush is blamed for the leevees breaking, the last 50 years no one gave two snaps about those levees so why are we only blaming bush, when its not all his fault. are we really being fair, or is this just bush/republican bashing?

as far as iraq, no one has proved to me bush lied about iraq, many other countries believed saddam had the weapons, and while bush is responsible why do we still responsible for the initial failures of iraq, why dont those of you who criticize him for that also give him credit for the successes such as the massive cut in troop casulties, the fact security is vastly improved and that an end , and honorable end is near, that iraq and the u.s. are close to agreeing to. It just seems some of you are stuck in 2003's mistakes and not in 2008's progress

Bush was not to blame for New Orleans, just his and the federal response to it. In part through indifference to the plight of the citizens he was elected to protect (had they been white, conservative and rich, it might have been different), and malfeasance by sacking the professionals running the agency and appointing incompetent cronies to run FEMA.

Grover Norquist has often been quoted as saying that his goal was to reduce the size of the federal government to where it could be drowned in a bathtub...Well, we see the results of his, and the Bush administrations efforts in New Orleans.

You see, the strategy of the conservative movement in America, at least since Reagan, has been to declare government is incompetent and then deprive programs that are working of the funds needed to do their jobs, and putting party hacks in charge of the programs in order to prove their point.

12-09-2008, 05:15 AM
Are you really worried about rsr, bp?

RSR tucks tail between legs and slinks away...

I thinketh your worries are misplaced.



red states rule
12-09-2008, 05:56 AM
RSR tucks tail between legs and slinks away...

Not at all BP

You say how Medicare is to be cut, yet MORE money will be spenf. How is that a cut?

According to YOUR link, the program will grow year after year - not by as much it has in the past

And when I proved you were wrong about the Dept of Defense getting the most money out of the Federal Budget - you replied BFD

red states rule
12-09-2008, 05:58 AM
Are you really worried about rsr, bp?

I thinketh your worries are misplaced.



I have smoked his ass so many times, he now ignores when he is prven wrong

Much like you do

12-09-2008, 06:00 AM
Didn't they openly announce that NOLA would become a republican stronghold as a result of their failure to respond, bp?

Bush was not to blame for New Orleans, just his and the federal response to it. In part through indifference to the plight of the citizens he was elected to protect (had they been white, conservative and rich, it might have been different), and malfeasance by sacking the professionals running the agency and appointing incompetent cronies to run FEMA.

Grover Norquist has often been quoted as saying that his goal was to reduce the size of the federal government to where it could be drowned in a bathtub...Well, we see the results of his, and the Bush administrations efforts in New Orleans.

You see, the strategy of the conservative movement in America, at least since Reagan, has been to declare government is incompetent and then deprive programs that are working of the funds needed to do their jobs, and putting party hacks in charge of the programs in order to prove their point.

I am certain that I read that somewhere?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



red states rule
12-09-2008, 06:03 AM
Didn't they openly announce that NOLA would become a republican stronghold as a result of their failure to respond, bp?

I am certain that I read that somewhere?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



Keep ignoring how the Dem Gov of La and Mayor of NO did not do thier jobs. To point that out would be both sexist and racist

12-09-2008, 06:12 AM
FEMA, a federal operation headed by the then national executive, promised but did not deliver, rsr.

Keep ignoring how the Dem Gov of La and Mayor of NO did not do thier jobs. To point that out would be both sexist and racist

This is not debatable. This has been demonstrated and proven over and over again and it is YOU that cannot accept the truth.



red states rule
12-09-2008, 06:14 AM
FEMA, a federal operation headed by the then national executive, promised but did not deliver, rsr.

This is not debatable. This has been demonstrated and proven over and over again and it is YOU that cannot accept the truth.



So when Dems screw up, you ignore it and give a pass. But when Republicans srew up you scream your outrage from the mountain top

Funny how other states hit by the same storm did not have the problems NO had. They were run by Republicans

12-09-2008, 06:25 AM
It's strange how you confuse the subject matter, rsr.

So when Dems screw up, you ignore it and give a pass. But when Republicans srew up you scream your outrage from the mountain top

Funny how other states hit by the same storm did not have the problems NO had. They were run by Republicans

Strange but not new. You've been doing it for years.



red states rule
12-09-2008, 06:26 AM
It's strange how you confuse the subject matter, rsr.

Strange but not new. You've been doing it for years.



Back to ducking the facts again? If not for your double standards PB, you would have no standards at all

12-09-2008, 06:33 AM
You have me confused with someone else, rsr.

Back to ducking the facts again? If not for your double standards PB, you would have no standards at all

You, over and over again, demonstrate NO standards and maybe that is the root of your problem. Eh?



red states rule
12-09-2008, 06:35 AM
You have me confused with someone else, rsr.

You, over and over again, demonstrate NO standards and maybe that is the root of your problem. Eh?



Not at all. Like BP and Virgil, when the facts go against you - you change the subject and attack

12-09-2008, 06:54 AM
Oh yeah, and like gwb you have not compromised your principles?!?!??!??!?!?

Not at all. Like BP and Virgil, when the facts go against you - you change the subject and attack

Dream on, little one.



red states rule
12-09-2008, 06:56 AM
Oh yeah, and like gwb you have not compromised your principles?!?!??!??!?!?

Dream on, little one.



You should pay atention more. I have taken Pres Bush to task over spending, not securing the borders, Harriet Myers, expanding the size of government handouts, and not having the surge in Iraq in the early days of the war

Unlike you, I call both parties on their failures

12-09-2008, 07:07 AM
Please, please stop your self aggrandising, dipshit.

You should pay atention more. I have taken Pres Bush to task over spending, not securing the borders, Harriet Myers, expanding the size of government handouts, and not having the surge in Iraq in the early days of the war

Unlike you, I call both parties on their failures

I often call Democratic politicians to task for the failures that I perceive of them. That's the American way as I was taught as a child. I do more in a day than you do in your fuckin' miserable lifetime to advance the goodness and righteousness of America.



red states rule
12-09-2008, 08:53 AM
Please, please stop your self aggrandising, dipshit.

I often call Democratic politicians to task for the failures that I perceive of them. That's the American way as I was taught as a child. I do more in a day than you do in your fuckin' miserable lifetime to advance the goodness and righteousness of America.



Why do you take them to task? For not being liberal enough?

12-09-2008, 09:09 AM
Is that your assumption, rsr?

Why do you take them to task? For not being liberal enough?

Obviously you don't know or care much about my opinions in politics or you would certainly not be such as "ass" as your assumptions would indicate.



12-10-2008, 07:13 AM
I have smoked his ass so many times, he now ignores when he is prven wrong

Much like you do

Yet gain, you mistake boredom with your inanity on my part with some sort of victory on your part. An there may be some merit to that, as your bullheaded intransigence in the face of facts could wear down a tungsten-carbide bit in no time at all.

So, after a time, I ignore you until you post something else which is egregiously and unremittingly stupid. Then I post the facts to counter your stupidity and ignore you again..until the next time.

red states rule
12-10-2008, 07:15 AM
Yet gain, you mistake boredom with your inanity on my part with some sort of victory on your part. An there may be some merit to that, as your bullheaded intransigence in the face of facts could wear down a tungsten-carbide bit in no time at all.

So, after a time, I ignore you until you post something else which is egregiously and unremittingly stupid. Then I post the facts to counter your stupidity and ignore you again..until the next time.

You have a history of running away from threads BP - even the ones you start - when the facts to much for you

The classic was your on on "torture" and you even called ABC an unreliable source when they proved waterboarding was used only three times.

BTW BP, how can a program be "cut" when MORE money is spent on that program year after year?

red states rule
12-10-2008, 10:49 AM
***crickets chirping*** :laugh2:

Abbey Marie
12-10-2008, 11:02 AM





red states rule
12-20-2008, 01:31 PM
You have a history of running away from threads BP - even the ones you start - when the facts to much for you

The classic was your on on "torture" and you even called ABC an unreliable source when they proved waterboarding was used only three times.

BTW BP, how can a program be "cut" when MORE money is spent on that program year after year?

Chalk up another thread where BP has tucked his tail between his legs and ran away from the truth and direct questions

12-20-2008, 01:33 PM
Chalk up another thread where BP has tucked his tail between his legs and ran away from the truth and direct questions


My boredom with your delusions of adequacy. Buh-Bye now.

red states rule
12-20-2008, 01:35 PM

My boredom with your delusions of adequacy. Buh-Bye now.


So ignore your fialure on your tirture rants - and by all means do not try to explain how social programs are being "gutted" when more money is spent on them year after year

I never really expected you to try and answer such logical and reasonable questions

It is not debate style

red states rule
12-25-2008, 09:16 AM
Looks like BP ran away from his own thread :laugh2:

I guess the question on how a program can be gutted, when more money is being spent year after year was to much for him