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12-07-2008, 06:43 PM
So, the clown king is pledging to not smoke in the White House, is that the same pledge he made to use only public funds in the election? I remember what the last Democrat in the White House did with tobacco, since Osammy is basically copying from other Presidents, maybe he will get Bill to tell him how to enjoy cigars without actually smoking them. I wonder if Bill will want to show Michelle also?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Let the shame begin.


Obama pledges not to smoke in White House

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama says you won't catch him lighting up a cigarette in the smoke-free White House.
"There are times where I've fallen off the wagon," the president-elect said when asked in a broadcast interview whether he has kicked the habit.
"I've done a terrific job, under the circumstances, of making myself much healthier," he said. "And I think that you will not see any violations of these rules in the White House," he said on Sunday's "Meet the Press" on NBC.
Obama told the magazine Men's Health in an interview for its November issue that he wished he had more time for staying fit and that he still occasionally smoked a cigarette.

12-07-2008, 07:04 PM
So, the clown king is pledging to not smoke in the White House, is that the same pledge he made to use only public funds in the election? I remember what the last Democrat in the White House did with tobacco, since Osammy is basically copying from other Presidents, maybe he will get Bill to tell him how to enjoy cigars without actually smoking them. I wonder if Bill will want to show Michelle also?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Let the shame begin.


Obama pledges not to smoke in White House

WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama says you won't catch him lighting up a cigarette in the smoke-free White House.
"There are times where I've fallen off the wagon," the president-elect said when asked in a broadcast interview whether he has kicked the habit.
"I've done a terrific job, under the circumstances, of making myself much healthier," he said. "And I think that you will not see any violations of these rules in the White House," he said on Sunday's "Meet the Press" on NBC.
Obama told the magazine Men's Health in an interview for its November issue that he wished he had more time for staying fit and that he still occasionally smoked a cigarette.

If I were elected, I'd smoke. Damn being President must cut many years off one's life, cigs won't make much difference.

12-08-2008, 12:12 AM
the guy is such a liar the liberal media is now, of course after being elected, calling him on it:

Noting that the White House was a no-smoking zone, Brokaw asked Obama, "Have you stopped smoking?"

"I have," Obama replied, smiling broadly. "What I said was that there are times where I have fallen off the wagon."

"Wait a minute," Brokaw interjected, "that means you haven't stopped."

"Fair enough," Obama said.

fair enough?? how about ... liar, liar pants on fire and this is the guy the left hopes will save us, he can't even tell the truth about smoking