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View Full Version : Of Montreal

03-25-2007, 02:51 PM
I saw this band on Friday in Columbia, and it was possibly one of the best shows I've ever seen. Considering it was such a small venue, they put a ridiculous amount of effort into their very psychedelic stage show. The music was sort of a more electronic-sounding David Bowie (Ziggy Stardust-era Bowie), and they played 2 Bowie songs during their encore.

Anyway, I'm sure not too many people care, but the main reason I was posting is that their lead singer looked uncannily like a younger version of mah bro, Jim. Most of the pics I've found have made him look a little.... flamboyant, to put it nicely, so I'm hesitant to post any, I don't wanna offend Jim. But, yeah, he did look like him, to me anyway. And, it should be noted that I was very messed up during the show, so I could be wrong about this.