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12-08-2008, 05:50 AM
Not one word about the thousands of US service people killed:


Wright visits Trinity pulpit, lashes media
December 7, 2008 at 2:49 PM | Comments (35)
For the first time since his retirement last spring, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. returned to the pulpit of Trinity United Church of Christ this morning with two goals: glorifying God and vilifying the media.


At the 11 a.m. service, Wright belittled "baby milk believers," who, he said, suffer a delusion that politics don't belong in the pulpit. He pointed out that "Luke the evangelist, not Wright the radical" lambasted the oppressive policies of the Roman government in the Gospel story that recounts Jesus' life.

"Any preacher who dares to point out the simple ugly facts found in every field imaginable is demonized as volatile, controversial, incendiary, inflammatory, anti-American and radical," Wright said, taking time out to note the thousands of Japanese civilians who died 67 years to the day when American warplane dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. (Actually, Dec. 7 marks the day when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.)....

12-08-2008, 10:52 PM
Do you have a transcript of the speech and link, Kat? I don't believe everything that I read on the internet and particularly from sites such as the one you got your jamm from.


12-08-2008, 11:12 PM
the Obambam's old Uncle Wright comes out of hiding..

12-08-2008, 11:17 PM
Kat, nothing in the article mentions anything about the Japanese, Pearl Harbor or anything like any of that. There appears to be some commentary by posters that indicate such but the article does not. Can you clarify your post and remarks?


12-08-2008, 11:47 PM
did you click on the link and acually read the article?

At the 11 a.m. service, Wright belittled "baby milk believers," who, he said, suffer a delusion that politics don't belong in the pulpit. He pointed out that "Luke the evangelist, not Wright the radical" lambasted the oppressive policies of the Roman government in the Gospel story that recounts Jesus' life.

"Any preacher who dares to point out the simple ugly facts found in every field imaginable is demonized as volatile, controversial, incendiary, inflammatory, anti-American and radical," Wright said, taking time out to note the thousands of Japanese civilians who died 67 years to the day when American warplane dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. (Actually, Dec. 7 marks the day when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.)
He implied that his previous use of derogatory language to describe Italians in a past sermon referred to the Roman oppression Luke condemned.

"Emperor Augustus in Rome--that's in Italy, dizzy

12-09-2008, 06:04 AM
Kat, nothing in the article mentions anything about the Japanese, Pearl Harbor or anything like any of that. There appears to be some commentary by posters that indicate such but the article does not. Can you clarify your post and remarks?


Not only did it mention it, I bolded it for you. But never you mind, delusions will make your world right again.

red states rule
12-10-2008, 05:18 AM
Not that it will matter, here is another source for you PB

Preacher of hate slithers out from under his rock.

Yesterday, December 7, Jeremiah Wright stepped back into familiar territory as he preached a sermon from his beloved Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago for the first time since Barack Obama was elected president. Carson’s Corner doesn’t know if the president-elect or his biggest fan (Doprah) were in attendance however, it was no secret that Wright was “in da house!”

“Today”, Wright said, “Is December Seventh. The day America attacked Japan and killed thousands of Japanese civilians with an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Two days later, America killed more Japanese civilians in Nagasaki.”

If it hadn’t been video shown on television, it would be impossible to believe. Jeremiah Wright so hates America that he believes that the Japanese were completely innocent when it came to World War Two. This is not unlike Iranian President Ahmadinejad proclaiming that the Holocaust never happened. Jeremiah Wright doesn’t know (or maybe it’s that Wright doesn’t care) that Harry Truman agonized over his decision. Truman would have given anything to have an alternative that didn’t require the use of such a horrific weapon.

The facts were that American and Japanese troops were dying by the thousands every day in the Pacific Theatre. There was no real way of stopping the Japanese. They, themselves had enough resources to continue fighting long after the surrender of Germany and their commitment to win was so deeply engrained in them that there was an endless supply of men to keep up the effort. Truman practically begged Emperor Hirohito to just surrender and end the war. Hirohito refused. Truman had no other choice. It was either use the atomic bomb or let the fighting go on while more people died. There was no real advantage to continuing the war. America had already proven its superiority in the theatre and all that was left was to actually invade Japan.
