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View Full Version : Charest Wins 3rd Mandate In Quebec

12-09-2008, 01:59 AM
And the conservative leadership resigns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My, my....................

Dumont resigns as ADQ leader after party's poor showing

By Corinne Smith CBC News

Jean Charest's political gamble has paid off: Quebecers handed his Liberal party a majority Monday night.

The Liberals clinched 66 seats, three more than they needed to form a majority and 18 more than they won in the last provincial election.

"I want to thank Quebecers for their confidence," Charest told supporters in Sherbrooke. "We will be worthy of their confidence, and I will be a premier for all Quebecers."

"I've never been so happy to be Québécois," he said.

The Liberal victory came at the expense of the Action Démocratique du Québec, which is poised to take just seven seats compared with the 39 it had going into the election. Just hours after polls closed, ADQ Leader Mario Dumont conceded defeat and announced his resignation as leader.

The Parti Québécois also cashed in on the ADQ's difficulties, electing 51 candidates, more than enough to form the province's Official Opposition.

The premier, holding a minority in the legislature, called a snap election this fall, seeking a "stronger" political mandate to counteract the economic downturn and trying to capitalize on a weakened opposition.

Voters answered Charest's call, backing the Liberals in greater numbers than the Parti Québécois and the ADQ, and giving him a historic third mandate.

No premier has won three consecutive mandates since Maurice Duplessis led the Union Nationale to victory in 1944.

Concerns about low voter turnout and general political apathy contributed to what was regarded as a lacklustre campaign in Quebec. The race was eventually dwarfed by Ottawa's political crisis and the prospect of a Liberal-NDP coalition, backed by the Bloc Québécois, or a possible federal election.

In the end, only 56.5 per cent of eligible voters cast a ballot, the lowest election turnout in the province since 1927.............................................. .........................

More: http://www.cbc.ca/news/quebecvotes2008/story/2008/12/08/qv-electionleadall1208.html



12-09-2008, 09:41 PM
So is Quebec going to secede?

12-09-2008, 10:47 PM
So is Quebec going to secede?
