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12-09-2008, 10:42 AM

Disgusting perversion of truth. Here is what really jumped out:

"Christmas is about more than religion, it's also about love and families, not to mention shopping," he said. "Two men or two women can form a family too these days, even one with a child."

How the heck is the birth of Jesus Christ about anything more than religion??? Holy crap what is wrong with people?

12-09-2008, 10:44 AM

Disgusting perversion of truth. Here is what really jumped out:

How the heck is the birth of Jesus Christ about anything more than religion??? Holy crap what is wrong with people?

a lot :coffee:

12-09-2008, 10:45 AM
christmas hasn't been about christ in decades. You think a christmas tree and santa represent christs b-day.

12-09-2008, 11:07 AM
for those who are religious (well christain atleast) christmas is about God and Jesus ect, for those who are not it's about family and friends, that's how I see it anyway, In america you guys have 'thanksgiving' as well which is based on family, for those who are not chrisatins it's just a second thanks giving, what's re problem?

12-09-2008, 11:27 AM
Shouldn't it be a pink holiday for the fruits and nuts.

If they can pervert the meaning, then the use of the word Christmas is okay I see. Hypocrites.

12-09-2008, 12:48 PM
christmas hasn't been about christ in decades. You think a christmas tree and santa represent christs b-day.


12-09-2008, 04:52 PM
christmas hasn't been about christ in decades. You think a christmas tree and santa represent christs b-day.

i agree about santa, the tree, etc...but for many, they do remember christ and his birth, many churches hold special ceromonies, so, imho, it is inaccurate to say that christmas hasn't bee about christ in decades, rather, other competing ideals/ventures have joined it.

Abbey Marie
12-09-2008, 05:05 PM
i agree about santa, the tree, etc...but for many, they do remember christ and his birth, many churches hold special ceromonies, so, imho, it is inaccurate to say that christmas hasn't bee about christ in decades, rather, other competing ideals/ventures have joined it.

Well said, Yurt. I would just add that no matter how hard anyone attempts to dilute the day, the real reason for it will never change or die.

12-09-2008, 05:25 PM
I'm thinkin of skipping mass this christmas on the basis I filled my three a year quota by going two sundays ago for the start of advent and getting some free candles. Will see how it goes.

12-10-2008, 03:48 AM

Disgusting perversion of truth. Here is what really jumped out:

How the heck is the birth of Jesus Christ about anything more than religion??? Holy crap what is wrong with people?

The better one to ask, "How is love and family NOT part of the religious aspect of Christmas?" The whole thing's tied to the birth of a baby.

12-10-2008, 07:19 AM

Disgusting perversion of truth. Here is what really jumped out:

How the heck is the birth of Jesus Christ about anything more than religion??? Holy crap what is wrong with people?

The teachings of Jesus are the foundation of Christianity...the religion grew up around him. Absent the religion there would still be his teachings...his philosophy. That is, after all, what religions start out as, philosophies. Only when they are reduced to the level of dogma do they become religions.

12-10-2008, 10:58 PM
The teachings of Jesus are the foundation of Christianity...the religion grew up around him. Absent the religion there would still be his teachings...his philosophy. That is, after all, what religions start out as, philosophies. Only when they are reduced to the level of dogma do they become religions.

That is, quite possibly, the biggest load of horse squeeze I have heard all week, and if you knew about my week...

12-11-2008, 06:26 AM
The teachings of Jesus are the foundation of Christianity...the religion grew up around him. Absent the religion there would still be his teachings...his philosophy. That is, after all, what religions start out as, philosophies. Only when they are reduced to the level of dogma do they become religions.

Very true, you could live a good life by Jesus' teachings but not believe in god.
but some say that you can not be a good person without accepting god.

12-11-2008, 06:57 AM
for those who are religious (well christain atleast) christmas is about God and Jesus ect, for those who are not it's about family and friends, that's how I see it anyway, In america you guys have 'thanksgiving' as well which is based on family, for those who are not chrisatins it's just a second thanks giving, what's re problem?

Interesting, since "thanksgiving" implies someone to be thankful to......Thanksgiving shouldn't be considered to be about "family" either......

12-11-2008, 07:06 AM
That is, quite possibly, the biggest load of horse squeeze I have heard all week, and if you knew about my week...

Must'a been a a reeeeeeally dull week then. :D

12-11-2008, 10:10 AM
Very true, you could live a good life by Jesus' teachings but not believe in god.
but some say that you can not be a good person without accepting god.

Jesus is God.

Abbey Marie
12-11-2008, 10:41 AM
Very true, you could live a good life by Jesus' teachings but not believe in god.
but some say that you can not be a good person without accepting god.

I agree that many of his teachings are the best moral standards by which you can live. But you would have to selectively ignore much of what he preached, to do as you suggest. In fact, you would have to ignore the very foundation of Jesus' own beliefs, as he regularly referred to "The Father" as God. And do not forget that he unambiguously referred to himself as the only path to God.

If someone does not believe those words, then they would have to conclude that Jesus was crazy, or lying. In either case, one should then logically dismiss everything he said.

12-11-2008, 12:49 PM
well my two cents for what it's worth is that Jesus was a spritual leader, and while he spoke allot of sense, he believed he was the son of a god, a god of peace and understanding. Now I do not believe that gods or a god created our universe or any of that, but I do believe in trying of live a life that is peaceful and to be understanding

I do not think Jesus was a crazy man, he believed in a god, and more to tyT he beloved that with his understanding of the world and of human nature that he should deliver a message of peace and understanding.

I find it very easy to cut the references to god out of his teachings and understNd what he meant and what is moral.

12-11-2008, 09:10 PM
I agree that many of his teachings are the best moral standards by which you can live. But you would have to selectively ignore much of what he preached, to do as you suggest. In fact, you would have to ignore the very foundation of Jesus' own beliefs, as he regularly referred to "The Father" as God. And do not forget that he unambiguously referred to himself as the only path to God.

If someone does not believe those words, then they would have to conclude that Jesus was crazy, or lying. In either case, one should then logically dismiss everything he said.

But moral and ethical philosophy do not depend upon religion. They are quite capable of standing on their own, particularly when their consequences to this human life...in this world...are the yardstick by which they are measured. No metaphysical deity nor consequences in an equally metaphysical and improbable after-life need be invoked.

12-11-2008, 09:17 PM
yes everyone was so moral and ethical prior to the teachings of christ......his teachings have not changed a thing......

12-11-2008, 09:44 PM
yes everyone was so moral and ethical prior to the teachings of christ......his teachings have not changed a thing......

he said it would get worse before the end

12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

12-11-2008, 09:52 PM
he said it would get worse before the end

12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

37But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

i would argue the romans were much worse than we are now.....plus i was being sarcastic...as usual......

12-12-2008, 07:02 AM
i would argue the romans were much worse than we are now.......

when you are in second place, you try harder.....

12-12-2008, 07:57 AM
Jesus is God.

f you have faith, Jesus is god, if you do not then Jesus was a man. You do not have to have faith to understand what be said,

12-12-2008, 01:13 PM
f you have faith, Jesus is god, if you do not then Jesus was a man. You do not have to have faith to understand what be said,

I dont think your belief or my belief about the matter changes reality. Either Christ was the Son of God or He wasnt. Our belief doesnt matter.

There is only one way to learn the truth. And that's the way Peter learned it.

12-13-2008, 10:01 AM
yes everyone was so moral and ethical prior to the teachings of christ......his teachings have not changed a thing......

His teachings aren't the problem. It's what people have done, and continue to do, in the name of the religion that grew up around those teachings like rank weeds.

12-13-2008, 10:39 AM
well my two cents for what it's worth is that Jesus was a spritual leader, and while he spoke allot of sense, he believed he was the son of a god, a god of peace and understanding. Now I do not believe that gods or a god created our universe or any of that, but I do believe in trying of live a life that is peaceful and to be understanding

I do not think Jesus was a crazy man, he believed in a god, and more to tyT he beloved that with his understanding of the world and of human nature that he should deliver a message of peace and understanding.

I find it very easy to cut the references to god out of his teachings and understNd what he meant and what is moral.

Jesus came to bring division, not peace on earth. God is described as a consuming fire and those who are not on His side are called his enemies.

I would not call that peaceful or understanding. God is holy. There will be no understanding or compassion at the great white throne of judgment.

Jesus was either all that he said he was or He was a liar and a madman who cannot be trusted at all. He was either God made flesh and dwelt among us or He was nothing more than a David Koresh (see Waco).

I believe He is and was the eternal Son of the living God. That He was and is all that He claimed to be. He is the only path to God the Father.

12-13-2008, 10:52 AM
To all the non believers:

How did life begin? How did the earth form? Was there a beginning? What was it and how did it happen?

To answer any of these questions one must assume that there was a creating entity. Everything has a beginning! Should one wish to argue the big zap beginning theory, fine, what caused the big zap? What was there before then?

ANSWER: There is a god! God is but nerely a word! Letters! The mere fact that we are here, proves there was a creator of some type!

12-13-2008, 11:01 AM

12-13-2008, 12:26 PM
Jesus came to bring division, not peace on earth. God is described as a consuming fire and those who are not on His side are called his enemies.

I would not call that peaceful or understanding. God is holy. There will be no understanding or compassion at the great white throne of judgment.

Jesus was either all that he said he was or He was a liar and a madman who cannot be trusted at all. He was either God made flesh and dwelt among us or He was nothing more than a David Koresh (see Waco).

I believe He is and was the eternal Son of the living God. That He was and is all that He claimed to be. He is the only path to God the Father.

Indeed, very true. And that's part of the reason why I hope there is not a god, how sick would such a being have to be, to judge ones life not on what you did, who you helped, or what you said, but wheather or not you worshiped a God. But god is just right? If he does exist he is an egotist, he doesn't care foe the life you lead, he wants to be worshiped.

12-13-2008, 12:42 PM
To all the non believers:

How did life begin? How did the earth form? Was there a beginning? What was it and how did it happen?

To answer any of these questions one must assume that there was a creating entity. Everything has a beginning! Should one wish to argue the big zap beginning theory, fine, what caused the big zap? What was there before then?

ANSWER: There is a god! God is but nerely a word! Letters! The mere fact that we are here, proves there was a creator of some type!

As I said in a previous topic, if we do not understand somthing we explain it with gods, if you were alive back in the days of the Romans you'd be saying 'a when the gods get angered they rain fire on those who have angered them from volcanoeos, what other explianation could there be?' buy we now know it is caused by the movement of tectonic plates. So just because science can't yet answer a question yet, doesn't mean it will never be answered.

And you used part of your aggument 'everything has a begining' so what about god? Both sides of the arguement suffers from the 'what hPpened to start it all' problem.

12-13-2008, 12:47 PM
To all the non believers:

How did life begin? How did the earth form? Was there a beginning? What was it and how did it happen?

To answer any of these questions one must assume that there was a creating entity. Everything has a beginning! Should one wish to argue the big zap beginning theory, fine, what caused the big zap? What was there before then?

ANSWER: There is a god! God is but nerely a word! Letters! The mere fact that we are here, proves there was a creator of some type!

The rationale of a simple-minded caveman...I can't explain it, therefore it must be divine.

12-14-2008, 10:17 AM
To all the non believers:

How did life begin? How did the earth form? Was there a beginning? What was it and how did it happen?

To answer any of these questions one must assume that there was a creating entity. Everything has a beginning! Should one wish to argue the big zap beginning theory, fine, what caused the big zap? What was there before then?

ANSWER: There is a god! God is but nerely a word! Letters! The mere fact that we are here, proves there was a creator of some type!

No, one need not postulate a "creating entity", and Thomas Aquinas' "Prime Mover" has long since fallen by the wayside.

And...again...No, the fact of our existence proves nothing of the kind. We accept that a single cell can give rise to a fully formed and functioning adult human in about 15 to 18 years. Is it so difficult then to accept that the same thing could have transpired, from the first single celled organism to a fully formed and functioning adult human over the span of billions of years?