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View Full Version : Top evangelical resigns after backing gay civil unions

12-11-2008, 08:45 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081212/ap_on_re/rel_evangelical_leader;_ylt=AjYpYILGG_JZGf9DVlS9Ol BvzwcF

An outspoken and polarizing voice in conservative Christian politics resigned effective Thursday from the National Association of Evangelicals after a radio interview in which he voiced support for same-sex civil unions and said he is "shifting" on gay marriage.

The Rev. Richard Cizik's comments — made on a Dec. 2 "Fresh Air" broadcast on National Public Radio — triggered an uproar that led to his stepping down as NAE vice president of governmental affairs.

A fixture in Washington for nearly three decades, Cizik has played a key role in bringing evangelical Christian concerns to the political table. But in recent years, he earned enemies in the movement for pushing to broaden the evangelical agenda. His strongest focus was on "creation care," arguing that evangelicals have a biblical responsibility to the environment that includes combatting global warming.

The Rev. Leith Anderson, a Minneapolis-area pastor who serves as NAE president, said Thursday the group is not backing away from its environmental stances. Cizik's resignation was necessary, he said, because some of his answers in the radio interview did not reflect NAE values and convictions.

"Any organizations that speak to controversial issues are going to have critics," Anderson said. "What was different this time was our individuals and organizations felt there was a loss of credibility for him clearly espousing our positions and values. When you lose that, it's very difficult to re-establish."

Cizik did not immediately respond to requests for comment Thursday. The NAE said in a statement that Cizik had expressed regret, apologized and "affirmed our values."

The NAE is an umbrella group for tens of thousands of churches and organizations.

Anderson said a "combination of things" Cizik said in the interview led to his downfall, including this comment on gay marriage: "I'm shifting, I have to admit. In other words, I would willingly say I believe in civil unions. I don't officially support redefining marriage from its traditional definition, I don't think."

Coming off the passage last month of amendments barring gay marriage in three states, some evangelicals took that as a slap in the face, said David Neff, editor of Christianity Today magazine and a member of the NAE executive committee.

12-11-2008, 09:00 PM
So....the story would have the reader initially believe he resigned JUST For his comments...later we find it was a NUMBER of things.

12-11-2008, 10:50 PM
Yeah, he also had some problems and comments on the "nuclear" issue whilst the organization thought he should have spent more time on purely religious topics.

So....the story would have the reader initially believe he resigned JUST For his comments...later we find it was a NUMBER of things.

It remains that the gay issue is what primarily precipitated and caused his resignation as evidence by this statement and as shared in the article: "He seemed to be abandoning the one thing where evangelical activists felt they had actually made a difference this time around," Neff said.

That statement was a direct reflection on his remarks concerning gay marriages and his openness to a shift in his attitude. It didn't matter that he clarified his absolute position against gay marriage but more that he simply answered a question of the interviewer on the radio.

You do understand that the "hate" people control most of the radio now, don't you?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!



12-12-2008, 06:46 AM
You do understand that the "hate" people control most of the radio now, don't you?

actually, if I was forced to make a guess, I would put my money on "golden oldies".....

12-12-2008, 07:22 PM
You are probably correct, pmp.

actually, if I was forced to make a guess, I would put my money on "golden oldies".....

I should have clarified that I was in reference to current AM talk radio. Even the local yokel dingaling Rush Limpdick wannabees are now covering up the AM band with their insaneness and otherwise fearmongering.

Can I get you a refreshment?



12-12-2008, 07:36 PM

do you have biblical texts from this guy or your own texts, that support this guy? my problem is, he is apart of an organization that has beliefs and one of those beliefs is that homosexuality is not condoned in the bible, in fact it is an abomination. he knew this and accepted his calling or position if you will.

what if i worked for FORD, was upper management, and came in to work on, say a wednesday and told everyone that FORD stinks because FORD will not emulate their competitors and allow lesser standards in car manufacturing....

what then?

12-12-2008, 08:16 PM
You are fabricating a hypothetical that is not relevant in this situation, yuk. The evangelical leader made clear his opposition to gay marriage as is the position of the organization that he represented. His mistake, if you can call it that, is that he expressed a shift in his attitude on the subject and did not apologize for thinking out loud.


do you have biblical texts from this guy or your own texts, that support this guy? my problem is, he is apart of an organization that has beliefs and one of those beliefs is that homosexuality is not condoned in the bible, in fact it is an abomination. he knew this and accepted his calling or position if you will.

what if i worked for FORD, was upper management, and came in to work on, say a wednesday and told everyone that FORD stinks because FORD will not emulate their competitors and allow lesser standards in car manufacturing....

what then?

In any event, both parties seem to be satisfied with the resignation but I just think it's a damned shame for the smallmindedness of the idiots that demanded it.

Can I offer you a soda pop?



12-12-2008, 08:31 PM
You are fabricating a hypothetical that is not relevant in this situation, yuk. The evangelical leader made clear his opposition to gay marriage as is the position of the organization that he represented. His mistake, if you can call it that, is that he expressed a shift in his attitude on the subject and did not apologize for thinking out loud.

In any event, both parties seem to be satisfied with the resignation but I just think it's a damned shame for the smallmindedness of the idiots that demanded it.

Can I offer you a soda pop?




12-13-2008, 04:37 PM


What's your problem with that phrase, yuk, or are you just confused as usual?

Bar's Open, care for a drink!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

