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View Full Version : Republicans Bring Socialism To America

12-11-2008, 11:51 PM
This is an observation that I've had for many years now. It's good that other's are beginning to wake up to the facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By Robert Scheer

Let the record show that it was George W. Bush, the rich Texas Republican, who brought socialism to America, so don’t blame it on that African-American Chicago Democrat community organizer who made it into the White House. The government takeover of the banking and automobile industries not only happened on President Bush’s watch, it was also the deregulatory mania of this president’s family, beginning with his father, which took this country into such starkly unfamiliar territory.

What a betrayal of free-market capitalism. And who would have thought that it would be the candidates backed by conservative pundits Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh who made it possible? You actually could trace the destruction of corporate capitalism to the much-ballyhooed “Reagan Revolution” of the movie actor who got his main training for the presidency as a huckster for General Electric, where he honed the message of “getting government off our backs.” The revolution of unfettered corporate capitalism led to an era of unfettered corporate greed, which sowed the seeds of its own destruction.

True, the Democrats deserve much blame. The Wall Street runaway wouldn’t have happened if President Bill Clinton hadn’t cheered it on. The Great Triangulator provided seamless continuity between the administrations of the two Bushes in systematically dismantling the proven regulatory system, introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, that saved capitalism from itself during the Great Depression. The danger with the incoming Democratic president is that Barack Obama has turned to some of the Clinton alums, most prominently former Clinton Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, to get us out of the mess that the Clinton administration worked mightily to create.

At least in the auto bailout there is some talk from the Democrats that the failed corporate leaders must be fired as a condition of salvaging their corporate entities—and stock options. Both political parties are tougher in the auto bailout than they were in the Wall Street rescue, but what do you expect when leadership on this issue is coming from Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson? Like Robert Rubin, Clinton’s first treasury secretary and now Obama confident, Paulson came to government service immediately after heading up Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street powerhouse at the epicenter of the banking collapse. For the key practitioners of America’s brave new game of corporate socialism, failure has its own lush reward.

It’s enough to drive one back to the invisible hand of Adam Smith. Personally, I would rather we took our chances these days with letting the corporations sink or swim on their own without government interference. If tough love was good enough for troubled families cut off the public dole by Clinton’s welfare reform, which summarily ended the federal poverty program, why have a poverty program for troubled corporations?

Forget saving the auto companies; let them become Japanese- or South Korean-owned, but sweeten the deal with U.S. government guarantees of extended unemployment insurance, health care, retirement plan protection and job retraining for laid-off autoworkers. Be generous on the worker end, and figure out ways to reclaim the big bucks from the banking and auto moguls who ripped off the American dream. The only reason the moguls are not going to jail for their shenanigans is that they got their supplicants in Congress from both parties to rewrite the laws to legalize activities that should have been judged as crimes.

If we are to have an expansion of government on this scale, we should start with extending health coverage to all Americans rather than with government bureaucrats micromanaging auto companies. Government-insured health care works. All the doctors I see want me to be on Medicare, and not one of them is eager to deal with the medical insurance provided to me as a retiree after 30 years of employment by the Los Angeles Times—insurance now threatened by my once-proud capitalist employer seeking bankruptcy protection. A protection, incidentally, that a bipartisan congressional majority made much more difficult for individuals to use when we get in personal financial trouble.

With the exception of my years as an undergraduate, when I sorted mail late into the night at the post office near Manhattan’s Grand Central Terminal, I have never been on the public payroll. Thanks to the Reagan Revolution, and its endgame of socialism for the rich, we all may end up on the public dole, scrambling for droppings from a too heavily laden nationalized table. Socialism for the rich is not the way to go................................................ ...........................

More: http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/20081209_republicans_bring_socialism_to_america

True enough, lot's of blame to go around but the fundamental policies of the Reagan thru gwb Republican administrations are the culprits in our digression into genuine governmental socialism on this very large scale.



12-12-2008, 12:06 AM
nearly everyone on this board knows this and it is why most are upset with the current republicans, they have left the platform, GOPjeff left, for his own reasons, but i believe this was one of them. it is also why the gop got spanked in the elections.

12-12-2008, 12:24 AM
You might remember me saying in the past, yuk, that I am a fiscal conservative and that is why I voted for Ronald Reagan and for George H. W. Bush for their presidential runs. I was already entirely disillusioned with the Ronald Reagan "trickle down" theory in 1988 but I voted for H. W. because I remembered that he had said in 1980 that RR wanted to practice "VooDoo economics" and he repeated pretty much that same ideology in 1988. By 1992 I was convinced that H.W.'s economic considerations were worse than "voodoo economics" as he had described the ideologies of RR. I knew Bill Clinton to be a DLC Democraat and I understand exactly what that means. In addition, I am totally for a national health plan of some kind but hopefully similar to Medicare and Medicaid. Both have their problems but Americans can work all that out in short order, IMHO.

nearly everyone on this board knows this and it is why most are upset with the current republicans, they have left the platform, GOPjeff left, for his own reasons, but i believe this was one of them. it is also why the gop got spanked in the elections.

I remain a fiscal conservative and am beside myself about what is happening to our financial industries, our auto industries, our housing industries, our general manufacturing base and our present status as the World superpower and our reputation as generally good business people with generally good will in our international endeavors.

I realize that I could write a few books on these subjects in order to make my positions more clear but until then I'll just continue to research and raise hell here and elsewhere and continue my community interests and take care of my wife and lil' Chin dog and drink my Busch, burn my ready rolls, empathise with my neighbors and fellow countryfolks and try to enjoy what time I have left in this old world. There will be a better day, someday.

Can I get you a soda pop?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!



12-12-2008, 05:04 PM
The difference between Dems and the gOP is that you expected Democrats to expand the reach of government into every aspect of American life. Until about 10-12 years ago, the GOP opposed such things. Now, they are complicit in the most audacious power grab since FDR. For shame.

12-12-2008, 06:57 PM
I never expected any such thing, jeffie. Why do you say such a ridiculous thing?

The difference between Dems and the gOP is that you expected Democrats to expand the reach of government into every aspect of American life. Until about 10-12 years ago, the GOP opposed such things. Now, they are complicit in the most audacious power grab since FDR. For shame.

Perhaps you need to stay out of the fiction sections in the library and concentrate on more substantially honest forms of American political history?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

On the other hand, hang in there with Bob Barr, et al. I appreciate you sticking with your principles!!!!!!!!!!!



12-12-2008, 07:26 PM
Republicans Bring Socialism To America

Only psychoblu could have come up with a title like that, completely ignoring the horrendous effects of every Democrat administration we've had back to WWII and earlier, and the huge efforts by Republicans to prevent or fix them for generations.

I needed a laugh today. Thanks, pb, for providing such a good one!

12-13-2008, 08:44 PM
The title, la, was taken directly from the article that is referenced in the original post. You obviously didn't read any of it but only came in to run your ignorant tater trap!!!!!!!!!!!!

Republicans Bring Socialism To America

Only psychoblu could have come up with a title like that, completely ignoring the horrendous effects of every Democrat administration we've had back to WWII and earlier, and the huge efforts by Republicans to prevent or fix them for generations.

I needed a laugh today. Thanks, pb, for providing such a good one!

Need a good laugh? Look at yourself in the mirror!!!!!!!!!!!


Can I get you something to wash down that crow, dumbo?



12-14-2008, 12:30 PM
Robert Scheer is pro communits. another PB red herring :dance::coffee:

12-14-2008, 12:39 PM
not only is Scheer pro communist, he is a commie..
and all of the Democrat party in goverment is communist, and they have infiltrated the Republican party now..

we are in deep shit in this country..watching it happen is sad..

12-16-2008, 08:08 PM
Robert Sheer is not a communist, stevie, and neither are the Democrats in congress. There is an active communist party alive and operating in our country and it ain't the Democratic one.

not only is Scheer pro communist, he is a commie..
and all of the Democrat party in goverment is communist, and they have infiltrated the Republican party now..

we are in deep shit in this country..watching it happen is sad..

Perhaps if you would read the article, contemplate it's observations and remark on that instead of making false and disparaging aspersions towards the author you wouldn't appear to be so completely shallow and uninformed as you are?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Cape Cods?!?!??!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?



12-16-2008, 09:10 PM
I believe george bush is not a republican

is he a socialist?, i dont know

did he enact atleast 1 socialist program yes

but frankly, im too old to care which party screws up, i'd rather just not be partisan about the whole matter

truth is, their are the american people football team vs the republican and democratic party football and the two parties bought off the ref.

12-16-2008, 09:24 PM



12-16-2008, 09:26 PM
his 1 socialist program that i know of was the prescription drug program for seniors

which is a joke anyway, and more socialist and definently not conservative

sorry, i neglected that part.

you know, i try to be a straight shooter.

b.s. is not my specialty :coffee:




12-16-2008, 09:53 PM
Actually marteen, that prescription drug benefit for medicare is a $750 billion dollar windfall for the pharmaceuticals with little to nothing to show for most American social security recipients. In addition, it specifically eliminates any ability for our congress or anyone else to negotiate a pricing index with them. Hell, even the VA can negotiate prices for crying out loud?!?!?!?!?!??!

his 1 socialist program that i know of was the prescription drug program for seniors

which is a joke anyway, and more socialist and definently not conservative

sorry, i neglected that part.

you know, i try to be a straight shooter.

b.s. is not my specialty :coffee:

That "drug benefit" was one of his major campaign promises in 2000. He failed miserably, IMHO. But, for those that support him and his insanities, you can't say you weren't warned.

How 'bout a cool one?!????!???!?!?!??!?



12-16-2008, 10:04 PM
Robert Sheer is not a communist, stevie, and neither are the Democrats in congress. There is an active communist party alive and operating in our country and it ain't the Democratic one.

Perhaps if you would read the article, contemplate it's observations and remark on that instead of making false and disparaging aspersions towards the author you wouldn't appear to be so completely shallow and uninformed as you are?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Cape Cods?!?!??!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!?!!?


Psycho Blues

you...my dear lush..don't have much room to talk about others being shallow and uninformed, we see a lot of your post late at night and can't make heads or tales out of them...

now off with you to have another Busch..

12-16-2008, 10:09 PM
I've got all the room in the world to talk especially concerning anything you have to say or cartoon about, stevie!!!!!!!!!!!!

you...my dear lush..don't have much room to talk about others being shallow and uninformed, we see a lot of your post late at night and can't make heads or tales out of them...

now off with you to have another Busch..

If you don't mind, can I finish the one I'm drinking before you drag another out of the cooler?!?!???!?????!?!

How's them Cods hangin'??!???!?????!??!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!

