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View Full Version : Has anybody yet found any evidence that man has caused our climate to change?

12-15-2008, 02:06 PM
We're getting more and more government agencies sounding alarms that the world's climate is either warming or cooling (which one is it this week?). And then somehow these people make a leap and announce that we have to impose huge regulations and restrictions, and spend more tax money than the National Debt, to fix it.

Where did they get the idea that man could do anything to fix it? Or that man had anything to do with causing it in the first place? They point to car emissions etc., and then simply announce that that's the cause... but have there ever been any actual studies done to support their claims? Anything that shows that emissions are any more than a fart in a whirlwind?

I'd like to see ANY studies that show any such thing. So far, despite literally decades of strident insistence from the global-warming hysterics, not a single bit of evidence has come up.

Anybody? Anybody?

All I've seen so far is this: A chart showing that temperatures have been cycling regularly, for centuries far back before the time when man was doinging anything more than living in caves and chasing (or being chased by) sabertoothed tigers.




12-15-2008, 02:30 PM
As far as I'm concerned this global warming crap is all about political power and money. It's a convenient way to impose restrictions and regulations on our freedoms.

Most of Scotland, Northern Ireland and England could be covered in 3,000ft-thick ice fields.

The expanses could reach 6,000ft from Aberdeen to Kent – towering above Ben Nevis, Britain’s tallest mountain.

* Snapping shrimp that stuns prey with sound as loud as Concorde found in UK waters
* Lemmings teeter on the edge: Global warming blamed for end to rodent population explosions

And what's more, the experts blame the global change on falling - rather than climbing - levels of greenhouse gases.

Lead author Thomas Crowley from the University of Edinburgh and Canadian colleague William Hyde say that currently vilified greenhouse gases – such as carbon dioxide – could actually be the key to averting the chill.

The warning, published in the authoritative journal Nature, is based on records of tiny marine fossils and the earth’s shifting orbit.


12-15-2008, 05:29 PM
Fact; Co2 is a greenhouse gas
Fact; Forests are lost that would "eat" the Co2
Fact: Humans are the only specie that will shit in it's own house, and we do it with great regularity!

12-15-2008, 05:40 PM
so i was having lunch today at a san francisco bat side restaurant ......
beautiful view....partly sunny....when all of a sudden....a 5 minute hail storm....

12-15-2008, 05:42 PM
Fact; Co2 is a greenhouse gas
Fact; Forests are lost that would "eat" the Co2
Fact: Humans are the only specie that will shit in it's own house, and we do it with great regularity!

nah....pigs and horses and cows ....oh and rats and guinne pigs and fish....

all shit in their own houses.....fish are the worst though they shit in their drinking water....

plus they all breath out co2....

12-15-2008, 05:42 PM
so i was having lunch today at a san francisco bat side restaurant ......
beautiful view....partly sunny....when all of a sudden....a 5 minute hail storm....

Sounds like a good reason for an immediate government program to me.

12-15-2008, 06:22 PM
Fact; Co2 is a greenhouse gas
Fact; Forests are lost that would "eat" the Co2
Fact: Humans are the only specie that will shit in it's own house, and we do it with great regularity!

Fact: there are more trees in America today than there were in 1900.

12-15-2008, 09:05 PM
Fact; the climate has been doing it's own thing and changing this way or that long before man arrived. It will continue to do so and there isn't a damn thing the politicians can do about it.

12-15-2008, 09:29 PM

Montana has broken records this week or coldest day and so has Denver.

Obviously man is causing an ice age.

12-15-2008, 10:02 PM
so i was having lunch today at a san francisco bat side restaurant ......
beautiful view....partly sunny....when all of a sudden....a 5 minute hail storm....It is that time of year.

12-15-2008, 10:08 PM
Fact: there are more trees in America today than there were in 1900.And the vast forests of other nations have been ravaged to the point of extinction. That could explain why the Amazon is so full of mud and creating flooding problems that never happened in the past.
The forced growth of trees by Georgia Pacific and Luisianna Pacific are not really forests as with all the gene modifications they are hardly even trees.

12-16-2008, 11:50 AM
That could explain why the Amazon is so full of mud and creating flooding problems
OTOH it might not, obviously.

Once again, are there any actual studies that support the idea that MAN caused these things to happen, rather than slight changes in the sun, volcanoes etc.?

12-16-2008, 12:10 PM
Fact: Trees also release CO2.
Fact: April has his mind made up and no amount of data or truth can convince him otherwise.