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View Full Version : 5 Presidents Worse Than George W Bush

12-17-2008, 04:13 AM
The jury is still out and probably will remain so for days, months and years to come. But historically speaking, who can argue with the atrocities and failures of gwb in the administration of competent and clear sighted American governance?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ?

Rogue Republic

No Affiliation, No Spin, No Focus, One Purpose
Happy Holidays And Merry Christmas, Too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The majority of the American public seems to think George W Bush is the worst president of all time. Well that may be true someday, but not enough time has passed to make that proclamation. Maybe in fifty years Dubya is hands down the worst president ever. For right now, however, here are five presidents that were worse than George W Bush.

Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)There were a lot of shitty presidents in the middle of the 19th century and Franklin Pierce was the first of them. In such a trying time in our country's history, it's amazing how many idiots we had holding the highest office in the land.

Pierce lived an interesting early life. He was only 27 years old when he became a congressman, at 31 he became a senator. He resigned in 1842 and decided to return to his home of Concord, New Hampshire to practice law, mostly because his wife, Jane Means Appleton, absolutely hated Washington. He turned down nominations to be Governor of New Hampshire and Attorney General of the United States, seemingly perfectly content to spend the rest of his life adhering to Jane's anti-political wishes. But soon after, Pierce up and decided to join the army and fight in the Mexican-American war. After serving in the war he decided it was time that he ran for President of the United States. Maybe he was just really sick of life with Jane.

Pierce faced one problem when he decided to run for President, no one knew who the hell he was. Pierce, however, had the ultimate trump card: he was good friends with famous author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne, who was writing best sellers like they were going out of style, penned a biography of Franklin Pierce that was embellished to an extreme degree. Hawthorne was so popular that no one cared to check and see how true this actual story of Pierce was, and Pierce won the Presidency in a landslide. While president-elect, Pierce's train car derailed and his 11 year old son was killed. Jane saw the accident as God's way of punishing Pierce for becoming President.

Why He Sucked
Pierce refused to be sworn into the White House, instead choosing to be affirmed in and placing his hand on a law book instead of a Bible, which almost every other president did. This doesn't bother me, but I am sure it caused a lot of people in the country to freak out. Pierce also appointed Jefferson Davis as his Secretary of War. Davis was, you know, only the most famous traitor in American history. Pierce signed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which repelled the Missouri Compromise and led to Bleeding Kansas, which was kind of like a "warm up" for the Civil War. Who was in his ear during this crucial time? Mr. Jefferson Davis of course.

Pierce holds the distinction of being the only incumbent President in United States history not be nominated for a second term. Hey, even Dubya got nominated for a second term. Upon leaving the White House, Pierce was quoted as saying "there's nothing left to do but get drunk".

He did have one victory in office though; he presided over the Gadsden Purchase. So if you live in the most southern part of Arizona, you can thank Pierce for being an American, sort of.

James Buchanan (1857-1861)America was still reeling from the Pierce administration, yet we got an even worse President to follow in his footsteps! Fresh off of telling Franklin Pierce to get the fuck out, the Democratic Party nominated James Buchanan because he wasn't around when the country was coming to blows over the Kansas-Nebraska act. He was in London at the time, and the Democratic Party figured that he was not tainted by either side, so he was the perfect candidate. The only problem was that Buchanan had no desire to be President, but he decided to accept the nomination anyway.

Why He Sucked
In his inaugural address, he said he wasn't going to run for a second term. Basically he was quitting before he ever started! I guess this is what you can expect when you nominate someone who doesn't want the job in the first place. He lobbied the Supreme Court to uphold the right of owning slaves in the Dred Scott Decision. He was accused by Abraham Lincoln as being a key figure of Slave Power, which was a movement to get slavery legalized in the United States. If that wasn't enough, he got into an all out war over control of his party with Stephen A Douglas, suffered through the Financial Panic of 1857 and went to war with Utah. By the time his turn as President was up, the country was ready to go to Civil War.

It was also widely believed that Buchanan was gay, but that had nothing to do with his crappy executive skills.

Andrew Johnson (1865-1869)
We were finally blessed with a competent president after the Pierce/Buchanan fiascos with the election of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln is widely considered as the best President in United States history. Sadly, he was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth and I am about 100% sure Booth did it because he knew Andrew Johnson would do his best to screw up anything good Lincoln did.

Why He Sucked
Andrew Johnson was all talk. He was once quoted as saying he would be in favor of hanging all Confederate traitors, but when he succeeded Lincoln he got all buddy buddy with them. He pardoned a ton of Confederate leaders, let them remain in control of the South and continue to fuck with black people. He passed the Black Codes, which made Freedmen second class citizens. He even welcomed back many prominent, ex-confederates into congress. His plan for Reconstruction was pretty much the exact opposite of Lincoln's.

Johnson was hated so much he was actually impeached twice, the second time he was only one vote shy of being the first President to ever be kicked out of office. His last act in office was to grant amnesty to all Confederates on Christmas Day in 1868, basically his way of flipping the bird to the North on his way out.

Warren G. Harding (1921-1923)
Warren G. Harding was a puppet. If you look closely at old pictures of him you can actually see the strings controlling his body. In all seriousness though, Harding was a puppet for big oil. He got into office behind the big pockets of Jake Hamon and Henry Sinclair. This was important for Harding because, like Franklin Pierce, no one had any idea who he was when he ran for President. He was kind of like Barack Obama, except nowhere near as cool or competent.

Why He Sucked
Well, I already mentioned he was in the pocket of Big Oil. Dubya used to get a lot of criticism about this, but he was nothing compared to Harding. Harding's right had man was Albert Fall, the Secretary of the Interior, but he basically ran the show. Fall was the Dick Cheney of his time, and used all his contacts to get fertile, federal owned oil fields into the hands of private oil, all while taking major kickbacks. Albert Fall ended up going to jail, and the mastermind of the entire project, Henry Sinclair, was found guilty was well.

Now Harding didn't do any of this, but like I said, he was a puppet and turned his head the other way as it was happening. So what was Harding doing in the White House? He was having a grand old time. He threw poker parties that lasted all night. The men at these parties drank a lot of alcohol even though Prohibition was currently in effect. This would be the equivalent of a modern day President hitting the bong while in office. He did everything short of turning the White House into one of those Old West brothels. If you are one of these people who are mortified over Bill Clinton's actions in the White House, your head would literally explode at some of the stuff Warren G Harding did.

Herbert Hoover (1929-1933)
Hoover was part of the Harding Administration, serving as Secretary of Commerce, so we should have known what we were in for. As Secretary of Commerce, he faced a major crisis when the Great Mississippi Flood struck. Hoover gained national acclaim for how he handled the situation. What was overlooked was that Hoover and his relief efforts treated African-Americans terribly. But back in the 20s there was no Kanye West to go on MTV and say "Herbert Hoover doesn't care about black people". Hoover was able to keep the incident involving black people out of the public eye by promising African Americans unprecedented access when he was elected President.

Why He Sucked
Upon being elected to office he broke his promise he made with African-Americans, which caused almost all of them to defect to the Democratic Party. While Republicans continue to strategize on how to get the "black vote" today, they can thank Herbert Hoover for putting them in this situation in the first place.

Of course we all know why Herbert Hoover really sucked; he led the country into the Great Depression. Hoover is often, inaccurately, accused of being in love with Laissez-faire economics and doing absolutely nothing to stop the Great Depression. This is untrue, he introduced lots of different legislation to try to prevent the Great Depression, they just all failed. That leads us to the question: would you rather your President didn't try or would you rather him fail every time he tried?

Hoover also sent the military to fight civilians in the Bonus Army incident. He will forever be remembered for "Hoovervilles", which is what all the unemployed, homeless people called the shacks that they lived in. Give Hoover some credit though, he decided to run for re-election even though he didn't want to. He figured he was the best suited Republican to deal with the economic crisis. He was soundly defeated by FDR.

More: http://www.roguerepublic.net/2008/12/5-presidents-worse-than-george-w-bush.html

Education can be disheartening, don't you know?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!???



12-17-2008, 05:27 AM
Yet another purveyor of fig leaves for Guantanamo George. The reality;

A Quinnipac university study in 2006 asked voters: "Which of these 11 presidents since 1945 would you consider the worst president – Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr, Bill Clinton and George W Bush?"

Bush the younger won hands down, with 34% picking him as the worst, followed by Nixon (17%) and Clinton (16%). And these findings are more favourable to Bush than more recent surveys.

Seventy-six per cent of respondents told CNN last month that they viewed Bush unfavourably – the highest negative rating since polls began 60 years ago.


And that's without consulting anybody outside of the U.S. Good try though, dude. You maybe deserve a few oil shares or a signed photo of an F35.

12-17-2008, 05:42 AM
Damn, you're cute when you're confused?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

Yet another purveyor of fig leaves for Guantanamo George. The reality;

And that's without consulting anybody outside of the U.S. Good try though, dude. You maybe deserve a few oil shares or a signed photo of an F35.

Do you have any activities beyong condemning Israel, moonie??!!?!??!??!??!??!?!?

Can I get you an olive based refreshment?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!



12-17-2008, 07:59 AM
No confusion on my part. GG is , by popular consensus, the worst ever apology for a president . Attempting to portray him as otherwise , as you've done, is a few volts short of ignition.
And the only mention of Israel in this thread is your own. The fixation seems like yours.

12-17-2008, 09:15 AM
The jury is still out and probably will remain so for days, months and years to come. But historically speaking, who can argue with the atrocities and failures of gwb in the administration of competent and clear sighted American governance?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ?Me.

You are in the minority and if you don't believe me then go to this link http://www.americasdebate.com/forums/index.php?s=&showtopic=17947&view=findpost&p=265267

12-17-2008, 10:48 AM
Make it seven, they forgot Carter and Clinton.....

12-17-2008, 10:50 AM
No confusion on my part. GG is , by popular consensus, the worst ever apology for a president . Attempting to portray him as otherwise , as you've done, is a few volts short of ignition.
And the only mention of Israel in this thread is your own. The fixation seems like yours.

who is GG ????

Abbey Marie
12-17-2008, 11:37 AM
who is GG ????


12-17-2008, 11:42 AM

oh boy. that may set his ass on fire.

12-17-2008, 11:54 AM
Yet another purveyor of fig leaves for Guantanamo George. The reality;

And that's without consulting anybody outside of the U.S. Good try though, dude. You maybe deserve a few oil shares or a signed photo of an F35.
Just exactly why would we care what someone outside the US thinks?? why should we consult them on OUR president. Hugo Chavez is a piece of shit, stalin want to be, yet I don't see you calling him the worst president Venezuela has ever had!! Why don't you break down all the leaders around the world and tell us which ones are worthy of your praise?? That way we get to know how one sided you actually are..

12-17-2008, 12:03 PM
I'd put GWB way down on the list, if not the bottom, myself, but actually judging who is the worst is in my humble opinion next to impossiblie if not absolutely impossible. There are so many variables in what makes up a President that determining which one is better than the others is a ridiculous endeavour.

Sure, one can say that some stand heads and shoulders above the others in this particular area or another, but to say that one is the worst can't really be done.


12-17-2008, 12:07 PM
I'd put GWB way down on the list, if not the bottom, myself, but actually judging who is the worst is in my humble opinion next to impossiblie if not absolutely impossible. There are so many variables in what makes up a President that determining which one is better than the others is a ridiculous endeavour.

Sure, one can say that some stand heads and shoulders above the others in this particular area or another, but to say that one is the worst can't really be done.


consult Moon. he has ALL the answers to the universe

12-17-2008, 12:36 PM
Yet another purveyor of fig leaves for Guantanamo George. The reality;

And that's without consulting anybody outside of the U.S. Good try though, dude. You maybe deserve a few oil shares or a signed photo of an F35.

You make your claims citing a survey of people who werent even alive through half those Presidencies and have no freaking clue who those people were. Do you honestly expect to have any credibility while you try to portray psycho of all people as some Bush defender. You are seriously nuts.

12-17-2008, 12:36 PM
Make it seven, they forgot Carter and Clinton.....


12-17-2008, 12:39 PM
I'd put GWB way down on the list, if not the bottom, myself, but actually judging who is the worst is in my humble opinion next to impossiblie if not absolutely impossible. There are so many variables in what makes up a President that determining which one is better than the others is a ridiculous endeavour.

Sure, one can say that some stand heads and shoulders above the others in this particular area or another, but to say that one is the worst can't really be done.


Honestly, I think choosing the worst is easy. Buchanan hands down. He starts a war with Utah for no reason and then civil war breaks out between the North and South. Seriously, economic downturn is nothing compared to all out civil war.

12-17-2008, 01:32 PM

You make your claims citing a survey of people who werent even alive through half those Presidencies and have no freaking clue who those people were. Do you honestly expect to have any credibility while you try to portray psycho of all people as some Bush defender. You are seriously nuts.

Those same people who 'weren't even alive ' are the ones who voted Guantanamo George into the nation's driving seat. Despite your objections to them having a voice now, they are ones who have witnessed him swerve across the freeway , crash and burn killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people and bankrupt the country like its never had its pips squeezed before. Your arrogance in demoting them is astounding. Then again, censorship is popular around here, ain't it.

And you've failed to see the attempt to diminish Guantanamo George's gargantuan failings in post #1. More fool you.

12-17-2008, 01:53 PM

Those same people who 'weren't even alive ' are the ones who voted Guantanamo George into the nation's driving seat. Despite your objections to them having a voice now, they are ones who have witnessed him swerve across the freeway , crash and burn killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people and bankrupt the country like its never had its pips squeezed before. Your arrogance in demoting them is astounding. Then again, censorship is popular around here, ain't it.

And you've failed to see the attempt to diminish Guantanamo George's gargantuan failings in post #1. More fool you.
Do you feel none of those "people" at Guantanamo Bay deserve to be there?

12-17-2008, 01:59 PM

Those same people who 'weren't even alive ' are the ones who voted Guantanamo George into the nation's driving seat. Despite your objections to them having a voice now, they are ones who have witnessed him swerve across the freeway , crash and burn killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people and bankrupt the country like its never had its pips squeezed before. Your arrogance in demoting them is astounding. Then again, censorship is popular around here, ain't it.

And you've failed to see the attempt to diminish Guantanamo George's gargantuan failings in post #1. More fool you.

No one here has governmental power. Its impossible for us to censor anyone. You are still making your ridiculous statements and assertions. No one has stopped you. Screaming censorship isnt going to make your assinine points any more credible. I mean come on you are accusing Psycho, of all people, of defending Bush.

I stand by my statements. Most surveyed werent alive through a majority of the Presidencies that were options in the surveys. They've got no administration that they lived through to even make a baseline comparison. You cant survey a bunch of people asking them who the worst President in the bunch is when they only know who one or two of them are. Its just not credible to make a factual conclusion on who was the worst person.

In order to do that, you need to have people who actually know what most of these people did. It's absurd to use a faulty survey as if it is some conclusive evidence of your assertion.

12-17-2008, 09:42 PM

Abbey Marie
12-17-2008, 11:14 PM
1. Carter
2. Carter
3. Carter
4. Carter
5. LBJ

12-18-2008, 07:06 AM

It's absurd to use a faulty survey as if it is some conclusive evidence of your assertion.

Horseshit. Who are you to call a survey 'faulty' when you can't possibly know the credentials of its subjects. Your own assumption that they 'can't know anything' echoes the arrogance of the administration they are voting 'the worst'.
You think that they are all incapable of reading the histories of US presidential failures ? You think that contemporary comments are invisible to them ? Arrogant, Bush-buffing bollox.

12-18-2008, 08:46 AM

Horseshit. Who are you to call a survey 'faulty' when you can't possibly know the credentials of its subjects. Your own assumption that they 'can't know anything' echoes the arrogance of the administration they are voting 'the worst'.
You think that they are all incapable of reading the histories of US presidential failures ? You think that contemporary comments are invisible to them ? Arrogant, Bush-buffing bollox.

You dont think that if they were surveying experts they would have said so? Your own assertions state that they are average people. Do you have any evidence that most people are Presidential scholars?

Its your evidence. You have the burden to prove methodology behind it. You haven't. But then I dont think you really care. Especially, when I, as myself, can tell you as someone who actually knows history that the survey is wrong.

We live in a society that cant even name the Vice President or tell us who controls Congress. And hell, your survey doesnt even clealy state that it's even surveying Americans.

However, if you are arrogant enough to assume that the rules of evidence dont apply to you, that you can simply assert whatever you want as fact with no credible evidence, feel free too. Your going to continually look like a fool though.

12-18-2008, 09:39 AM
Horseshit. Who are you to call a survey 'faulty' when you can't possibly know the credentials of its subjects.

And how do YOU know the credentials? Were you alive for most of these presidents? Did you follow them while they were in office, or study their presidency? Are you even in this country, or were you when they were in office?

12-18-2008, 10:23 PM
How about them 5 Presidents?!?!??!??!??!?!??!

Does anyone notice any connections or familiarities?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



12-19-2008, 05:18 AM
How about them 5 Presidents?!?!??!??!??!?!??!

Does anyone notice any connections or familiarities?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



/looks around furtively......they all had the same address....we should get the FBI to check that place out........I think it's a conspiracy.....

12-19-2008, 05:22 AM
You'd make a pretty piss poor investigative officer, pmp.

/looks around furtively......they all had the same address....we should get the FBI to check that place out........I think it's a conspiracy.....

Thank God you're not in that field of expertise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How's that whine holding up? Need some more cheese?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?



12-19-2008, 05:37 AM

And how do YOU know the credentials? Were you alive for most of these presidents? Did you follow them while they were in office, or study their presidency?

It's not me that's claiming that the survey is accurate in any scientific sense and it's not me that's claiming that those surveyed don't know what they're saying.
It's me that's saying that those surveyed are the people who are unfortunate enough to have been deceived into allowing a brute into the White House, the same people that have had to live under an idiot's presidency, and if they want to state that, in their opinion, Guantanamo George is THE worst president ever then they have every right to so do and by the large majority polled.
Somebody having their nuts kicked by a mugger in an alley is unlikely to worry about the infamy of the alley's past mugger inhabitants. If they want to tell Desk Sergeant jimnyc that they've been attacked by 'the worst mugger ever', just write it down and go catch the bastard.

12-19-2008, 05:48 AM
Jimbo has more sense than to get involved with an idiotic anti-semite like you, moonie.

But, I'll let jimbo speak for himself. So far I appreciate him, enormously!!!!!!!!!!!

How's that olive whine holding up?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Need some cheese to go with it?!?!?!?!??!?!



12-19-2008, 08:02 AM
It's not me that's claiming that the survey is accurate in any scientific sense and it's not me that's claiming that those surveyed don't know what they're saying.
It's me that's saying that those surveyed are the people who are unfortunate enough to have been deceived into allowing a brute into the White House, the same people that have had to live under an idiot's presidency, and if they want to state that, in their opinion, Guantanamo George is THE worst president ever then they have every right to so do and by the large majority polled.
Somebody having their nuts kicked by a mugger in an alley is unlikely to worry about the infamy of the alley's past mugger inhabitants. If they want to tell Desk Sergeant jimnyc that they've been attacked by 'the worst mugger ever', just write it down and go catch the bastard.

How many people were polled? I think if you find the data you will also find they poll about .00001% of the nation and probably around .001% of registered voters. Also, the majority of polls tend to ask questions which skew the answers, or ask them in a manner which may skew the results. For all we know they asked 875 registered voters and 700 of them were crazy left wing nutcases. In other words, your supporting poll is worth about as much as a set of elephant balls.

Every voter will have different reasons as to why they feel a president was good/bad. No different than asking someone who is/was the best/worst QB of all time in the NFL.

But you clearly state GWB is an idiot. He has laid his credentials out there for all to see. Can you lay yours out there for all of us to see? I'm assuming your school, business and political life have been more successful than his...

12-19-2008, 09:48 AM
Anybody that wants to stand up and be The Father of the New Iraq must suffer the high-profile consequences of failure;

Attack the poll if you like, attack its sample, attack its findings but it's way, way too late to cover Guantanamo George with a fig-leaf of any description. The popular consensus is that he's the worst ever president and there's general agreement that he's an idiot. Anyone wanting to uncover a worse president just get on out and run your own poll.


Can an idiot become President of the USA ? Yes, provided he's wealthy and the right palms are greased by the right people. That's the legacy of the neocon administration.


Jimbo has more sense than to get involved with an idiotic anti-semite like you, moonie.

But, I'll let jimbo speak for himself. So far I appreciate him, enormously!!!!!!!!!!!

Geez, it must be Sycophant Week and nobody told me.

Abbey Marie
12-19-2008, 11:25 AM
But you clearly state GWB is an idiot. He has laid his credentials out there for all to see. Can you lay yours out there for all of us to see? I'm assuming your school, business and political life have been more successful than his...

Oh moon? Care to answer Jim's question?

12-19-2008, 11:31 AM
Anybody that wants to stand up and be The Father of the New Iraq must suffer the high-profile consequences of failure;

And anyone who stands up to dictators and stays the course as he said he would, will get some credit when a full fledged democracy starts taking place in Iraq.

Attack the poll if you like, attack its sample, attack its findings but it's way, way too late to cover Guantanamo George with a fig-leaf of any description. The popular consensus is that he's the worst ever president and there's general agreement that he's an idiot. Anyone wanting to uncover a worse president just get on out and run your own poll.

I didn't attack the poll or its findings, I merely pointed out facts about polls and how they are taken. Anyone that will speak for the entire nation when such a tiny number is sampled is uninformed. Many agree/disagree with things Bush has done, or how he handled it, but there are many that think his idea was on the right track. My belief is that there are worst former presidents than him and many historians agree.

Can an idiot become President of the USA ? Yes, provided he's wealthy and the right palms are greased by the right people. That's the legacy of the neocon administration.

Believe it or not, it's even easier for idiots to make there way to this board and actually make stupid, uninformed posts.

BTW - going to post your credentials?

12-19-2008, 11:35 AM
Oh moon? Care to answer Jim's question?

Nobody ever answers that question. It's easy to be a monday morning QB and critique everything the president does. It's easy to simply dismiss his career and education. But the bottom line is that 99% of those who call the man an idiot have less of an education and are failures in business and their political careers next to GWB. And lastly, not a one of them ever wants to acknowledge the many dems who voted for the war and it's path, and many very prominent dems spoke out about the exact same dangers leading up to the war. But Bush gets labeled an idiot by himself. Dems and others get absolved.

12-19-2008, 11:47 AM

Oh moon? Care to answer Jim's question?

Nobody sensible lays out their credentials on an Internet site. That's for old soldiers bored in their retirements. Am I better educated and more articulate than Guantanamo George ? Yes.


Nobody ever answers that question. It's easy to be a monday morning QB and critique everything the president does. It's easy to simply dismiss his career and education. But the bottom line is that 99% of those who call the man an idiot have less of an education and are failures in business and their political careers next to GWB. And lastly, not a one of them ever wants to acknowledge the many dems who voted for the war and it's path, and many very prominent dems spoke out about the exact same dangers leading up to the war. But Bush gets labeled an idiot by himself. Dems and others get absolved.

That bag doesn't fit my head as I curse all and any who allowed George and his oily cohorts to invade and kill. Obama isn't guilty, thus far, but his choice of Billary as Secretary of State ranks with the appointment of Blair as 'Middle East Peace Envoy' . Blair is a butcher, same as GG. We should thank our christmas stars that Hillary Rod 'em Clinton isn't president and take careful measures to ensure that she never is. We should also look to the 23 Senators who voted against war in Iraq and ask how many of these feature in Obama's plans for 'change'.


Believe it or not, it's even easier for idiots to make there way to this board and actually make stupid, uninformed posts.
That's looking like a disingenuous snipe. I'll withhold judgment for the time being.

Abbey Marie
12-19-2008, 11:56 AM

Nobody sensible lays out their credentials on an Internet site. That's for old soldiers bored in their retirements. Am I better educated and more articulate than Guantanamo George ? Yes.

Uh, yea, suuuure you are. :lmao:

Jim, we need a new award category: "Most Predictable Responder".

12-19-2008, 12:00 PM
Nobody sensible lays out their credentials on an Internet site. That's for old soldiers bored in their retirements. Am I better educated and more articulate than Guantanamo George ? Yes.

I'm willing to bet 'ol George could figure out how to use the multi-quote function and not make their posts appear illiterate! Seriously though, your excuse has been used by others who claim the man is an idiot. Funny how so many that think so would rather remain anonymous when asked to prove their superiority on the subject.

That bag doesn't fit my head as I curse all and any who allowed George and his oily cohorts to invade and kill. Obama isn't guilty, thus far, but his choice of Billary as Secretary of State ranks with the appointment of Blair as 'Middle East Peace Envoy' Blair is a butcher, same as GG.

I applaud those who invaded and killed the cockroaches who fight like a bunch of girly cowards. May they lay on a bed of dead pigs and face hell.

12-19-2008, 12:12 PM

Jim, we need a new award category: "Most Predictable Responder".

Shouldn't you be waving the Tank of David about now ?


I applaud those who invaded and killed the cockroaches who fight like a bunch of girly cowards. May they lay on a bed of dead pigs and face hell.

Sure you do. The dinosaurs don't know they're extinct yet.

12-19-2008, 12:43 PM
Anybody that wants to stand up and be The Father of the New Iraq must suffer the high-profile consequences of failure;

Attack the poll if you like, attack its sample, attack its findings but it's way, way too late to cover Guantanamo George with a fig-leaf of any description. The popular consensus is that he's the worst ever president and there's general agreement that he's an idiot. Anyone wanting to uncover a worse president just get on out and run your own poll.

Can an idiot become President of the USA ? Yes, provided he's wealthy and the right palms are greased by the right people. That's the legacy of the neocon administration.

Without your poll, which we dont find credible, your assertion of any general agreement or popular consensus is without evidence.

Idiots can become President. You are right about that. Otherwise the Democrats would never win.

GW in Ohio
12-19-2008, 12:46 PM
psychoblues: Thanks for putting some perspective around George W. Bush's ineptitude.

Although Pierce and Buchanan seemed to be pretty bad, they only had 4 years to screw things up, whereas Bush has had 8 years, and he has taken full advantage of them.

Andrew Johnson? My understanding was that he was impeached because the Republicans hated him. (Does that ring any Clinton bells?)

Harding sucked, but he never initiated a completely uncalled-for foreign war under false circumstances that drained the country of resources and turned the world against us.

And Hoover.....he led us into the Great Depression, but look where 8 years of George Bush have led us. If we hadn't instituted all those safeguards and the FDIC, etc. after the Great Depression, we'd all be standing in soup lines now.

No, those presidents you mentioned sucked, but the suckiest president of all time remains......


George W. Bush

Oh, God, I look forward to January 20th, when I'll no longer have to be embarrassed.....

12-19-2008, 12:48 PM
Nobody sensible lays out their credentials on an Internet site. That's for old soldiers bored in their retirements. Am I better educated and more articulate than Guantanamo George ? Yes.

Funny, I dont see whats so difficult about laying out credentials on an internet site. You dont have to give your name to identify what education or experience you have.

And if you are so educated and articulate, why doesnt it show in a single post?

12-19-2008, 01:11 PM

And if you are so educated and articulate, why doesnt it show in a single post?

There's nothing wrong with the transmitter. Try testing the receiving equipment again.

And note; I didn't say that that I was especially educated and articulate. I said I was better educated and more articulate than Guantanamo George.

12-19-2008, 01:21 PM

There's nothing wrong with the transmitter. Try testing the receiving equipment again.

And note; I didn't say that that I was especially educated and articulate. I said I was better educated and more articulate than Guantanamo George.

And yet there still appears to be no evidence of your assertion. And trust me, there's no problem with the reciever.

12-19-2008, 01:31 PM

And trust me, there's no problem with the reciever.

I'd be more inclined to trust you on that count if the receiver could spell.

Not that I'm partial to belittling people over such trivialities, nobody is perfect. It's just that you're obsessed with belittling me so your errors , in terms of education and articulation, are fair game from here on in.

12-19-2008, 04:03 PM

I'd be more inclined to trust you on that count if the receiver could spell.

Not that I'm partial to belittling people over such trivialities, nobody is perfect. It's just that you're obsessed with belittling me so your errors , in terms of education and articulation, are fair game from here on in.

What a perfect example of your educational skill. You can't find problems with the arguments so you attack spelling or grammar. You are just another person who things attacking the style of the arguments are more important than the substance of the argument.

Meanwhile, your survey is still in dispute. Your assertions have been undermined. And yet you still go around pretending your opinion is superior to everyone else despite poor evidence.

I understand everyone is different. However, to me educated and intelligent people support their positions with substance instead of pretending as though their conclusions are self evident.

12-19-2008, 04:04 PM
psychoblues: Thanks for putting some perspective around George W. Bush's ineptitude.

Although Pierce and Buchanan seemed to be pretty bad, they only had 4 years to screw things up, whereas Bush has had 8 years, and he has taken full advantage of them.

Andrew Johnson? My understanding was that he was impeached because the Republicans hated him. (Does that ring any Clinton bells?)

Harding sucked, but he never initiated a completely uncalled-for foreign war under false circumstances that drained the country of resources and turned the world against us.

And Hoover.....he led us into the Great Depression, but look where 8 years of George Bush have led us. If we hadn't instituted all those safeguards and the FDIC, etc. after the Great Depression, we'd all be standing in soup lines now.

No, those presidents you mentioned sucked, but the suckiest president of all time remains......


George W. Bush

Oh, God, I look forward to January 20th, when I'll no longer have to be embarrassed.....

So your conclusion is because President Bush served two terms, he must be worse than those who served one term. Your conclusions just dont logically follow the facts.