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12-18-2008, 06:44 AM
This made me laugh, it's too true!


I don't trust you people

By David Harsanyi
Article Last Updated: 12/16/2008 06:28:24 PM MST

Unlike many of my more tolerant fellow citizens, I possess no confidence in the ability of the American electorate to make sensible decisions. I have reached this conclusion based on an incontrovertible truth: You people will believe anything.

This reality confronts me daily as I am bombarded with fiercely stupid conspiracy theories from the exceptionally unwell. Worse, even people I once respected — folks with intellects and accomplishments that soar above my own — will confidently explain that the economy is actually controlled by a half dozen shadowy individuals and Barack Obama has a Bangladeshi birth certificate stuffed in a bedside Koran.

I fear for my children's future not because I spy the occasional "Bush Knew!" bumper sticker in the neighborhood, but because according to a 2006 Scripps-Howard/Ohio University poll, a full third of you believe that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were an inside job.

Now, why would an Islamic radical group want to deploy a massive terror attack on the United States' financial capital? It's gotta be someone else.


I get it because I was born under the 11th astrological sign in the Zodiac, Aquarius. According to experts, Aquarians are, among many other wonderful things, "tolerant," "opinionated," "far-sighted," "revolutionary" . . . and so on. Our character and personality quirks are predetermined by a study of random stars and planets that happen to be detectable from Earth.

Believe it or not, 20 percent of the American public believes in this gibberish. And, trust me, they will not rest until Dennis Kucinich is president.
In fact, with troubling economic times upon us, conspiracy theories, peculiar beliefs and harebrained philosophies will only flourish....

12-18-2008, 07:53 AM
The "Bush Knew" bumper stickers may be bad...but the "Welcome to America, now speak English" ones REALLY get me laughing...

12-18-2008, 08:06 AM
I see why you'd laugh. One is a far-fetched dream of idiots...one is calling for folks to adapt to OUR language.


12-18-2008, 09:49 AM
All I had to do was stroll though the mall last weekend, there are some real weirdos out there.

That's why, now that I have kids, I live out in BFE.

12-18-2008, 11:07 AM
I live in the land of fruits and nuts so I like to put bumper stickers on my truck just to piss off the Liberals. All my bumper stickers are magnetic so I can change them or remove them all together. If I'm driving into the downtown Los Angeles area I put my, "Yes on 8" bumper sticker on or "Sometimes War is the only answer", "Liberals, defeating America one vote at a time", Green is the new Red (with a green hammer and sickle on it).

12-18-2008, 11:32 AM
I live in the land of fruits and nuts so I like to put bumper stickers on my truck just to piss off the Liberals. All my bumper stickers are magnetic so I can change them or remove them all together. If I'm driving into the downtown Los Angeles area I put my, "Yes on 8" bumper sticker on or "Sometimes War is the only answer", "Liberals, defeating America one vote at a time", Green is the new Red (with a green hammer and sickle on it).Those stickers don't piss off liberals. All they do is isolate you as a loon. Someone to be wary of.

12-18-2008, 11:45 AM
Those stickers don't piss off liberals. All they do is isolate you as a loon. Someone to be wary of.

That works also! The less exposure I have to Liberals other than here the better. Even though you guys are Libs you are at least tolerable, well some of you.
I cant tolerate being around the stupidity of Liberals in public. It makes my unpleasant side start to surface because they are always the loudest and most obnoxious in the crowd.

Abbey Marie
12-18-2008, 01:17 PM
That works also! The less exposure I have to Liberals other than here the better. Even though you guys are Libs you are at least tolerable, well some of you.
I cant tolerate being around the stupidity of Liberals in public. It makes my unpleasant side start to surface because they are always the loudest and most obnoxious in the crowd.

I sooo know what you mean. Many times I have been in a restaurant, and some table of libs is talking quite loudly about their political views, how much they hate the President, etc. I have never heard conservatives talking about politics in a restaurant, so I assume that they talking in a voice loud enough for just their companions to hear. Libs always assume the whole world thinks like they do. I'm sure your car magnets are astounding to them, and I'll bet they do make them see red, so to speak.

12-18-2008, 02:58 PM
I live in the land of fruits and nuts so I like to put bumper stickers on my truck just to piss off the Liberals. All my bumper stickers are magnetic so I can change them or remove them all together. If I'm driving into the downtown Los Angeles area I put my, "Yes on 8" bumper sticker on or "Sometimes War is the only answer", "Liberals, defeating America one vote at a time", Green is the new Red (with a green hammer and sickle on it).

These quotes are outstanding and I guarantee that if they are seen by the looney tunes liberals it definitely raises their blood pressure, especially "green is the new red". I get in arguments everyday with coworkers, I got into it with a black woman that was calling me "brother" all evening. She made the mistake of saying something rude about President Bush, the discussion went straight to the President Select........ her response was immediately.... "oh, you didn't go there". I of course responded that yes I did and it was on. She had a firewall around her that prevented anything I said from getting into her head, she just kept repeating that he hasn't been President one day, GIVE HIM A CHANCE!
Before I left, I had done numerous things that helped her get her job done quicker so she was back to calling me "brother" and gave me a hug....... her firewall in tact.:laugh2:

12-20-2008, 09:05 PM
The "Bush Knew" bumper stickers may be bad...but the "Welcome to America, now speak English" ones REALLY get me laughing...

i have a ..."welcome to california....now leave your daughters and go home"