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View Full Version : Time for a Real World, Look at the Incoming Obama Cabinet

12-20-2008, 11:45 AM
we are in deep doo doo.

December 19, 2008
By JB Williams
©2008 USA
According to the Obama-mania press, Obama is surrounding himself with a bi-partisan cabinet full of intellectual giants with a hundred years in collective expertise unlike any other in human history. What cabinet selections are they looking at?

The selections I'm looking at seem more like a third Clinton administration full of the same old Clinton cronies from the 1990s, plus a few token political hacks that made the election of the most unlikely leader in U.S. history possible. Political debts are often repaid by way of political appointments and Democrats have clearly mastered the art. But what does this mean for the average American?

The Faces of "Change"

Homeland Security - In a post 911 America under ongoing threat of terror attacks, including those of the nuclear, bio or chemical sort, Barack Obama did not choose a Secretary of Homeland Security who has experience in any type of security. He did not choose someone with intelligence gathering, defense, strategic planning, national or even real political expertise. He did not choose a warrior with a life long commitment to defending freedom and liberty against a litany of evil enemies still intent upon bringing America to her knees. Instead, he chose Arizona Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano. Napolitano is a second term governor and former Clinton Administration judicial appointee for the U.S. Attorney's office. She might be a very nice lady, but can someone tell me what she knows about defending a nation against ongoing threat of attack? Can anyone point me to the national security expertise on her résumé?

read the rest and weep..