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red states rule
12-20-2008, 12:54 PM
Looks like the kook left that actually bought all of Obama's bumper sticker slogans are getting upset their messiah is not living up to all his liberal talking points

Now they have their own site where pissed off Obama voters can go to vent


December 20, 2008
Catching up and thinking about tolerance
I've been catching up on the blogosphere and reading Andrew Sullivan's commentaries on Obama's choice of conservative evangelical pastor Rick Warren to give the invocation on Inauguration Day. Sullivan and others appear to have struggled mightily and come to terms with the selection, saying it appeared abominable at first but is perhaps a new and giant symbol of Obama's "post-partisan" politics.

While I commend their intellectual effort and attempt at compassion, I have to caution liberals and progressives about being too inclusive. Remember, we got to the Bush administration by being inclusive, patient, tolerant, and easygoing. We got to the Dems' takeover of the Congress in 2006 - and their utter failure to do anything good about Iraq, warrantless wiretapping, or holding Bushies accountable - by being accepting, and by believing that "this is a process" in which "things take time."

That viewpoint has been proven false, a failure, a senseless tragedy. Certainly, wrong-thinking people need to be shown the error of their ways. But that presumes they are willing or able to do so. Some are, to be sure - others aren't.

And this is where Take Back Barack begins. We need to be clear about what our expectations are. I very much believe that progressive ideas can withstand the test of public debate. But does every single perspective have to be taking into account in every single debate? Conservatives and centrists have thrown out progressive ideas without a second thought for decades. I am not saying we need to do the same, but we should certainly not waste our time on failed policies or ideas that have proven themselves useless or damaging.

It is, if you'll pardon a one-sentence digressive analogy, ridiculous to be in a position where your mother-in-law and your lawyer are drowning, you can only save one, and you ask: Should I go to a movie, or have lunch? (H/T The Book of Stupid Questions.) It is similarly ridiculous to be in a position where human rights and dignity are being eroded left and right and ask "Should we consider doing more of those things?" We have no time to waste on pro forma consideration of old, tired ideas that have no future.


12-20-2008, 01:16 PM
We're are going to wish we could take him back by the time he is done.

red states rule
12-20-2008, 01:18 PM
We're are going to wish we could take him back by the time he is done.

and where is the NAACP, Rev Jackson, and the other race baiters? I thought sure they would be pissed over the little Obama doll - but since this site is run by liberals, I guess they are giving them a pass

Now if this was a conservative site.....

Mr. P
12-20-2008, 01:20 PM
Let's be honest: we didn't vote for the Barack Obama his campaign advertised. We didn't vote for an African-American man, nor for a US senator from Illinois, nor for a father, a husband, an activist, or a young politician.

We voted for the Barack Obama we fantasized — the progressive miracle worker. We voted for Change.

More proof from the lips of a liberal that they're IDIOTS. :laugh2:

Oh yeah, I was 100% correct when I said they'd see their "change" if he was elected and received a few high level briefings and it wouldn't be "change" they wanted.

red states rule
12-20-2008, 01:21 PM
More proof from the lips of a liberal that they're IDIOTS. :laugh2:

Oh yeah, I was 100% correct when I said they'd see their "change" if he was elected and received a few high level briefings and it wouldn't be "change" they wanted.

Confession is good for the soul Mr P :lol:

12-20-2008, 05:49 PM
You guys are too much!

red states rule
12-20-2008, 05:55 PM
You guys are too much!

Are you talking about the liberals who set up the site and are expressing their anger about Obama?

12-20-2008, 06:43 PM
Are you talking about the liberals who set up the site and are expressing their anger about Obama?No! The members of this board. Them so called libs are more like conservatives.

12-20-2008, 07:19 PM
No! The members of this board. Them so called libs are more like conservatives.

you one crazy cat