View Full Version : Christmas greetings

12-24-2008, 05:09 AM
Bethlehem wishes you a Zionist Christmas.


red states rule
12-24-2008, 08:25 AM
Hey everyone - we are all invited to Moon's resort and Spa to spend the Christmas holiday


Moon extends a special invite to those who are Jewish

12-24-2008, 10:35 AM
Merry Christmas Moon.

May your day be filled with the blessings that come with the season and may you enjoy a peaceful and prosperous New Year.


red states rule
12-24-2008, 10:38 AM
Merry Christmas Moon.

May your day be filled with the blessings that come with the season and may you enjoy a peaceful and prosperous New Year.


and may Moon from maine's day be filled with the odor of burning flesh from the ovens, and the sounds of dogs feasting on Jewish bodies

12-24-2008, 10:51 AM
and may Moon from maine's day be filled with the odor of burning flesh from the ovens, and the sounds of dogs feasting on Jewish bodies

You want to know something.

I don't really like the way Moon posts. I don't often read his posts because I have not seen him debate anything. I'd say that he has an attitude and one that I don't understand. Since I don't know why he has the attitude, I'm not going to argue with him about it.

I pray he'll start joining in on some of the debates but that will be his choice, but if not then I simply will avoid getting into scraps with him.

I will, however, gladly wish him a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

As for your accusations that he is MFM, I'd have to say that I think you are completely wrong on that. The style is completely different. The beliefs (and I think Moon is sincere in his stated beliefs) are so very different from MFM. I would never believe that they are the same people even if they confirmed it by sending me the same numbers in pms.

Once again, Merry Christmas Moon.


red states rule
12-24-2008, 10:56 AM
You want to know something.

I don't really like the way Moon posts. I don't often read his posts because I have not seen him debate anything. I'd say that he has an attitude and one that I don't understand. Since I don't know why he has the attitude, I'm not going to argue with him about it.

I pray he'll start joining in on some of the debates but that will be his choice, but if not then I simply will avoid getting into scraps with him.

I will, however, gladly wish him a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

As for your accusations that he is MFM, I'd have to say that I think you are completely wrong on that. The style is completely different. The beliefs (and I think Moon is sincere in his stated beliefs) are so very different from MFM. I would never believe that they are the same people even if they confirmed it by sending me the same numbers in pms.

Once again, Merry Christmas Moon.


Immie, lighten up. I know full well he is not Virgil. However, mmon has taken over Virgil's previous role here as the most arrogant, hatefilled, and insane poster

I thought that could be seen - if not, now you know

I wish moon from maine the ebst Christmas possible. If I had his address I would send him films of the liberated concentration camps with a laugh track

Virgil has already given most of us a great Christmas gift, his leaving in total disgrace and humilitation

12-24-2008, 11:09 AM
My apologies. I honestly thought you thought he was MFM.

But again, if you don't like Moon's attitude, I would suggest you simply not converse with him. There is absolutely no reason to be rude to him or to encourage the return that you get from him.

That goes for all y'all! :D


Abbey Marie
12-24-2008, 12:52 PM
My apologies. I honestly thought you thought he was MFM.

But again, if you don't like Moon's attitude, I would suggest you simply not converse with him. There is absolutely no reason to be rude to him or to encourage the return that you get from him.

That goes for all y'all! :D


Moon uses Jim's board to do nothing but spread his anti-Semitic hatred. He has now even used one of Christianity's most important holidays to attempt to spread racism. Not worth defending, imo.

12-24-2008, 01:25 PM
Moon uses Jim's board to do nothing but spread his anti-Semitic hatred. He has now even used one of Christianity's most important holidays to attempt to spread racism. Not worth defending, imo.

I think its MFM he was defending, not moon.

Merry Christmas from a proud Zionist.

12-24-2008, 01:26 PM
Moon uses Jim's board to do nothing but spread his anti-Semitic hatred. He has now even used one of Christianity's most important holidays to attempt to spread racism. Not worth defending, imo.

As I said, I am no fan of Moon's postings. I disagree with him and realize that he has a chip on his shoulder the size of Manhattan. Therefore, I try to avoid arguing with him. However, that being said, I am not going to stoop so far as to wish evil upon the man.

Therefore, Merry Christmas to Moon and to all out there with whom I have a disagreement. If you are reading this post... that probably means you. ;) May the blessings of the season find you and may your New Year be prosperous, peaceful and all that good stuff! :D

Defending Moon? I've done no such thing Abbey. I simply wish him well as I know you do too. I can not believe you would wish evil upon your worst enemy let alone, an anonymous poster named Moon.


red states rule
12-24-2008, 02:06 PM
As I said, I am no fan of Moon's postings. I disagree with him and realize that he has a chip on his shoulder the size of Manhattan. Therefore, I try to avoid arguing with him. However, that being said, I am not going to stoop so far as to wish evil upon the man.

Therefore, Merry Christmas to Moon and to all out there with whom I have a disagreement. If you are reading this post... that probably means you. ;) May the blessings of the season find you and may your New Year be prosperous, peaceful and all that good stuff! :D

Defending Moon? I've done no such thing Abbey. I simply wish him well as I know you do too. I can not believe you would wish evil upon your worst enemy let alone, an anonymous poster named Moon.


How am I wishing him evil Immie? Being the anti-Semitic bastard he is, I thought I wished him the best Christmas possible

Abbey Marie
12-24-2008, 04:38 PM
How am I wishing him evil Immie? Being the anti-Semitic bastard he is, I thought I wished him the best Christmas possible

Exactly. Immie, where did RSR wish evil upon moon? However, it is abundantly clear that moon wishes evil and destruction upon Israel.

12-24-2008, 04:43 PM
Exactly. Immie, where did RSR wish evil upon moon? However, it is abundantly clear that moon wishes evil and destruction upon Israel.

I love RSR, but this doesn't seem to be keeping the season:


There was at least one other that followed.

I've tried to hold to the suggestion from last year, for today and tomorrow. Nice and in the season.

Abbey Marie
12-24-2008, 04:46 PM
I love RSR, but this doesn't seem to be keeping the season:


There was at least one other that followed.

I've tried to hold to the suggestion from last year, for today and tomorrow. Nice and in the season.

Ugliness, no doubt. But what I see is rsr rehashing what happened to Jews in the holocaust, not wishing these things upon moon himself.

12-24-2008, 04:49 PM
Ugliness, no doubt. But what I see is rsr rehashing what happened to Jews in the holocaust, not wishing these things upon moon himself.

Understood. I just don't like negativity at this time. I know it's out there, wish it weren't. For 2 days I can ignore it. :laugh2:

red states rule
12-25-2008, 09:27 AM
I love RSR, but this doesn't seem to be keeping the season:


There was at least one other that followed.

I've tried to hold to the suggestion from last year, for today and tomorrow. Nice and in the season.

I lovbe you as well Kat, but I have no doubt Moon from Maine would be very happy in Israel disappeared in a mushroom cloud today

and I have no douibt that my description in the post you touched on put a smile on his face as he placed himself in that enviroment

I do hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and God bless all of you. On this day I thank God for good friends like you Kathy

12-25-2008, 12:17 PM
...and a merry christmas to you, immanuel, and a happy hanukkah too.

Most Americans when polled are not able to say where exactly Bethlehem is or who lives there. Only 1 in 6 know that it is a Palestinian city of 30,000 in the West Bank with a mixed Christian (40%) and Muslim (60%) population. Almost no one in the US knows that the Israeli wall or separation barrier, which has ghettoized many Palestinians and expropriated from them property and farm land, is strangling Bethlehem. The barrier cuts Bethlehem off from Jerusalem and steals private property from its residents. It has created an economic crisis that has caused Palestinian Christians to emigrate from the city. The "Christians of Bethlehem overwhelmingly (78%) blame the exodus of Christians from the town on Israel's blockade . . ."



Most Americans are also unaware that their taxes are given, gratis, to the Zionists who use them to brutally oppress Palestine, Bethlehem included, and to continue to flaunt international and humanitarian law. Most Americans, whose taxes are used for these purposes , think that Israel is under attack from Arab hordes. They are unwitting assholes, but assholes nonetheless. So, a happy yuletide to America's unwitting assholes. Boys and gals, you have an education coming in 2009.




Gazans are starving while you pack your guts with festive cheer, starving because of an illegal collective punishment, a fascist collective punishment, a Zionist collective punishment. Palestine will not forget and the world is watching. It's another fascist christmas in the little town of Bethlehem.

12-25-2008, 12:21 PM
Most Americans are also unaware that their taxes are given, gratis, to the Zionists who use them to brutally oppress Palestine, Bethlehem included, and to continue to flaunt international and humanitarian law. Most Americans, whose taxes are used for these purposes , think that Israel is under attack from Arab hordes. They are unwitting assholes, but assholes nonetheless. So, a happy yuletide to America's unwitting assholes. Boys and gals, you have an education coming in 2009.

Most Americans are also unaware that their taxes are given, gratis, to the Palestinians who use them to brutally oppress Israelis, Bethlehem included, and to continue to flaunt international and humanitarian law. Most Americans, whose taxes are used for these purposes , think that Palestine is under attack from Zionist hordes. They are unwitting assholes, but assholes nonetheless. So, a happy yuletide to America's unwitting assholes. Boys and gals, you have an education coming in 2009.

12-25-2008, 12:38 PM
stop the wall?

how about you guys stop the suicide bombing, rocket bombs and other killing, deal....

Abbey Marie
12-25-2008, 02:06 PM
Understood. I just don't like negativity at this time. I know it's out there, wish it weren't. For 2 days I can ignore it. :laugh2:

I know what you're saying. We just have to be a little more circumspect at this time of year, and ignore the haters.

Merry Christmas, Kath!

12-25-2008, 02:15 PM
I know what you're saying. We just have to be a little more circumspect at this time of year, and ignore the haters.

Merry Christmas, Kath!

You too, Abbey. I'm enjoying the lull between breakfast and dinner. I've got most things ready, watching the clock for throwing in the roast. Meatballs in tangy sauce in slow cooker. Shrimp ready to go, oops got to make the sauce, that'll take 3 minutes. LOL! Veggies are prepped, now it's all about when they are returning from their father's home and we should be good to go.

I hope your day is pleasing hectic, with some breaks. Thanks for the years of friendship. (((((hugs))))))

red states rule
12-25-2008, 03:13 PM
Moon from Maine's Bed and Breakfast


12-25-2008, 09:29 PM
How am I wishing him evil Immie? Being the anti-Semitic bastard he is, I thought I wished him the best Christmas possible

Okay, maybe "evil" was a poor choice of word on my part, but clearly you were not wishing him a festive Holiday Season. You being a Christian should be the first one to realize that none of us are perfect and in this season when we celebrate the coming of our Lord... the Advent of our salvation... our forgiveness... it is you who should extend forgiveness because you have been forgiven.

God Bless You RSR and through that blessing, I pray you bring that blessing to others.


12-25-2008, 11:46 PM
Okay, maybe "evil" was a poor choice of word on my part, but clearly you were not wishing him a festive Holiday Season. You being a Christian should be the first one to realize that none of us are perfect and in this season when we celebrate the coming of our Lord... the Advent of our salvation... our forgiveness... it is you who should extend forgiveness because you have been forgiven.

God Bless You RSR and through that blessing, I pray you bring that blessing to others.


speak for yourself...


12-26-2008, 07:32 AM

speak for yourself...
Precisely the Right that the site Zio-zombies would like suppressed. It might be some form of genetic hypocrisy , or perhaps we are starting to see the depth of the neocon propaganda damage.

Bethlehem itself is in Palestine. That means all of it, including those areas that the Zionist thieves are attempting to annex by means of Sharon's Stockade, the political barrier erected on the pretense of 'security' , a pretense already confessed by the Zionist State to the Isreali court. The stockade is illegal under international law, as is well known, and the Zionists have no right to occupy any area of Palestine, let alone Bethlehem, the birthplace of perhaps the best-known Palestinian refugee, Jesus of Nazareth.

A pregnant Palestinian refugee, seeking refuge in Bethlehem today , would likely be delayed at a Zionist checkpoint with the sole purpose of worsening her medical condition. Such is the fascism of the Zionists and their thirst for Palestinian territory. Fiction ? The 'brutal compulsion' of Palestinians was Zionism's plan for ethnic cleansing from the outset. Some extracts from pre-WW2 speeches and writings by David Ben Gurion, a Zionist terrorist leader;

Ben-Gurion was a consummate strategist and he understood that it would be unwise for the Zionists to talk openly about the need for ‘brutal compulsion’. We quote a memorandum Ben-Gurion wrote prior to the Extraordinary Zionist Conference at the Biltmore Hotel in New York in May 1942. He wrote that ‘it is impossible to imagine general evacuation’ of the Arab population of Palestine ‘without compulsion, and brutal compulsion’.


david ben-gurion 1938

In a joint meeting between the Jewish Agency Executive and Zionist Action Committee on June 12th, 1938:
"With compulsory transfer we [would] have a vast area [for settlement] .... I support compulsory transfer. I don't see anything immoral in it." (Righteous Victims p. 144).


Without the widespread publicity concerning Bethlehem today the town would long-since have been razed and overbuilt with Zionist condos, funded by unwitting Americans who are themselves the victims of the American/Zionist media propaganda.
Jerusalem itself is illegally occupied, 'Israeli law' there being rejected as illegal by the United Nations. Followers of all the world's faiths should unite to free the holy lands from Zionist illegalities, Zionism having as much in common with Judaism as Communism had with Russian Orthodoxy.

OPINION: Behind the cruel edifice of a wall around the birthplace of Jesus, an enclave of university students triumph in the face of adversity, writes John Kelly .



Nevertheless, and in the spirit of unity suggested by Immanuel, a happy christmas to all , unwitting contributors to Zionist horrors included. The planned Zionist attack upon Gaza can be stopped by means of the application of common social values. It would be suitably 'christian' to prevent the deaths of those about to die, both Israeli and Gazan, by adhering to international law. If you are unwilling to abide by international law then you are the terrorist.

red states rule
12-26-2008, 08:32 AM
Okay, maybe "evil" was a poor choice of word on my part, but clearly you were not wishing him a festive Holiday Season. You being a Christian should be the first one to realize that none of us are perfect and in this season when we celebrate the coming of our Lord... the Advent of our salvation... our forgiveness... it is you who should extend forgiveness because you have been forgiven.

God Bless You RSR and through that blessing, I pray you bring that blessing to others.


Immie you are a good guy, but some people like Moon from Maine can't be reasoned with. Like Virgil, he is consumed with hate and it is impossible to try and talk to him

I wished Moon from Maine the best Christmas he could have - one that would fit with his agenda and bigotry

12-26-2008, 09:08 AM
red states rule;

I wished Moon from Maine the best Christmas he could have - one that would fit with his agenda and bigotry

Get out of Palestine and give the world a christmas present. At the very least, stop feeding fascism by proxy.

12-26-2008, 11:21 AM
Immie you are a good guy, but some people like Moon from Maine can't be reasoned with. Like Virgil, he is consumed with hate and it is impossible to try and talk to him

I do not believe I have attempted to reason with Moon. He has not yet displayed the desire to have a reasonable debate. Debating has nothing to do with calling your opponent(s) names in order to change their opinions to that of your own.

When and if Moon ever decides to debate the topic, I hope to participate in the debate although, I must say I am not up to speed with it at the moment and I surely do not place all the blame upon the zionists. I am, however, willing to listen to an open debate when he gets down to it.


12-26-2008, 11:39 AM
red states rule;

Get out of Palestine and give the world a christmas present. At the very least, stop feeding fascism by proxy.

None of us are in Palestine. Nor do we support fascism. quite the opposite.

12-26-2008, 11:51 AM
None of us are in Palestine. Nor do we support fascism. quite the opposite.

Armchair Zionists are accessories to the illegalities of the fascists on the ground. If you don't believe that Zionism equates to racism then post your definition of 'fascism'. It has to be seen to be believed.


I am, however, willing to listen to an open debate when he gets down to it.


There are several open opportunities in several threads. The idea that I don't debate is hogwash. I just avoid hypocrites and the hypocrites give rise to that particular, silly, notion.

12-26-2008, 12:10 PM
Armchair Zionists are accessories to the illegalities of the fascists on the ground. If you don't believe that Zionism equates to racism then post your definition of 'fascism'. It has to be seen to be believed.

Fascism is a totalitarian government where government controls industry and people but doesnt necessarily own it. It's basically a philosophy which portrays itself as an alternative to communism where instead of total ownership of everything, the government uses force to act in what they claim to be the best interests of the people.

Racism, has absolutely nothing to do with fascism. Nor in reality does Nazism, or national socialism.

And as pointed out before, its impossible to pull out of areas we arent in. Nearly everyone on this board lives in the United States of America. We have nothing to do with what's going on in the rest of the world. Most of us dont want to. We just want to be freaking left alone but no, idiot dictators and terrorists have to keep bringing us out to fight.

As for the Israel question, its Israel's territory. They can do whatever the hell they want. If they didnt want that territory to belong to Israel, they shouldnt have invaded Israel for the purpose of genocide and gotten their butts handed to them.

12-26-2008, 01:31 PM

There are several open opportunities in several threads. The idea that I don't debate is hogwash. I just avoid hypocrites and the hypocrites give rise to that particular, silly, notion.


You have not avoided anything or anyone here except for debate.


The only thing you have actually done since you began posting is proven that you are anti-Israeli. Your only MO is to fall back from any attempt to discuss the issue and declare that your opponent is a Zionist and/or Fascist and now hypocrite.

There were several people that offered to discuss the topic with you when you began posting and you ran from the offers like a scared child.

Obviously, you have an opinion on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that differs from most people on this site. Knowing them like I do, I can assure you that they would have been more than happy to discuss the topic with you in a friendly manner and had you accepted their attempts maybe some of us would have learned from the discussion. Instead you fell back on some BS claim that everyone else had to answer your questions before you would consider discussion with them and you refused actual debate. Then when they attempted to answer your question, you fell back further and claimed that you would only discuss it when the first person (I don't remember who that was) answered your question, no one else's answers were sufficient.

Honestly, I'm not sure you have the ability to defend your statements so rather than discuss the topic you attack everyone that doesn't agree with you... which by the way, seems to be everyone here.


12-26-2008, 01:39 PM

You have not avoided anything or anyone here except for debate.


The only thing you have actually done since you began posting is proven that you are anti-Israeli. Your only MO is to fall back from any attempt to discuss the issue and declare that your opponent is a Zionist and/or Fascist and now hypocrite.

There were several people that offered to discuss the topic with you when you began posting and you ran from the offers like a scared child.

Obviously, you have an opinion on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict that differs from most people on this site. Knowing them like I do, I can assure you that they would have been more than happy to discuss the topic with you in a friendly manner and had you accepted their attempts maybe some of us would have learned from the discussion. Instead you fell back on some BS claim that everyone else had to answer your questions before you would consider discussion with them and you refused actual debate. Then when they attempted to answer your question, you fell back further and claimed that you would only discuss it when the first person (I don't remember who that was) answered your question, no one else's answers were sufficient.

Honestly, I'm not sure you have the ability to defend your statements so rather than discuss the topic you attack everyone that doesn't agree with you... which by the way, seems to be everyone here.


well said as usual .... zionists are no different than any other group of people that have banded together to form a nation ..... so for moon to condem them for the very thing that every other group has done .... makes moon a racist and a hypocrite ....

12-26-2008, 05:43 PM

Fascism is a totalitarian government where government controls industry and people but doesnt necessarily own it. It's basically a philosophy which portrays itself as an alternative to communism where instead of total ownership of everything, the government uses force to act in what they claim to be the best interests of the people.

Racism, has absolutely nothing to do with fascism. Nor in reality does Nazism, or national socialism.

As I suspected, avatar4321, you don't have a freaken clue . I think you are parroting somebody else's warped definition of Socialism. Try this for a definition;

"Fascism may be defined as a form of political behavior marked by obsessive preoccupation with community decline, humiliation, or victim-hood and by compensatory cults of unity, energy, and purity, in which a mass-based party of committed nationalist militants, working in uneasy but effective collaboration with traditional elites, abandons democratic liberties and pursues with redemptive violence and without ethical or legal restraints goals of internal cleansing and external expansion." (Anatomy of Fascism, p 218)


That describes the fascism currently active in Israel almost perfectly. And it's a fascism which is supported by Americans who don't live there, as you rightly say.

12-26-2008, 05:47 PM


You have not avoided anything or anyone here except for debate.


The only thing you have actually done since you began posting is proven that you are anti-Israeli. Your only MO is to fall back from any attempt to discuss the issue and declare that your opponent is a Zionist and/or Fascist and now hypocrite.

Horseshit. I've simply refused to allow a thread to be railroaded by hypocrites. These hypocrites refuse to harangue the real question dodger whilst trying to cover his ass with secondary questions to me. As I said, I'd answer any of those questions when they pursued Dodger #1. They declined. Hypocrites, one and all .

If you think that I've made anti-Israeli posts then your mental gearing requires specialist attention. I've gone out of my way to emphasize that my contention is with Zionism, as any honest observer will confirm. What would be the point of me debating anything with somebody who has allowed such basics to pass right over their fool head ?

12-26-2008, 05:53 PM

well said as usual .... zionists are no different than any other group of people that have banded together to form a nation ..... so for moon to condem them for the very thing that every other group has done .... makes moon a racist and a hypocrite ...

Misguided tripe. Zionism is racist, as declared by the United Nations in 1975. The rest of your garbled contribution doesn't even approach being logical. It's just another personalised attack , for which this forum is already notorious.

12-26-2008, 06:08 PM

Misguided tripe. Zionism is racist, as declared by the United Nations in 1975. The rest of your garbled contribution doesn't even approach being logical. It's just another personalised attack , for which this forum is already notorious.

the UN declared israel is a nation...if you accept the above, you must accept israel is a nation :poke:

12-26-2008, 06:20 PM
As Yurt said. Zionism was the movement to reestablish Israel as a nation. Having accomplished that there are no more Zionists. You really need to come up with another title, or maybe just say what you really mean, that you hate all Jews.

May the pork be with you.

12-26-2008, 07:26 PM

Misguided tripe. Zionism is racist, as declared by the United Nations in 1975. The rest of your garbled contribution doesn't even approach being logical. It's just another personalised attack , for which this forum is already notorious.

as i said .... zionists are no different than any other group of people that have banded together to form a nation .... like ... say ... iran and thier islamic religious exclusionary dogma ..... so for you to condemn the israelies for forming a nation the same as iran has done .... makes you a racist and a hypocrite ...

12-26-2008, 08:05 PM
as i said .... zionists are no different than any other group of people that have banded together to form a nation .... like ... say ... iran and thier islamic religious exclusionary dogma ..... so for you to condemn the israelies for forming a nation the same as iran has done .... makes you a racist and a hypocrite ...


Abbey Marie
12-26-2008, 08:14 PM


Abbey Marie
12-26-2008, 08:26 PM



12-26-2008, 09:00 PM
as i said .... zionists are no different than any other group of people that have banded together to form a nation .... like ... say ... iran and thier islamic religious exclusionary dogma ..... so for you to condemn the israelies for forming a nation the same as iran has done .... makes you a racist and a hypocrite ...

you're wrong, allah has given the earth to muslims as they are superior to the rest of us :)

12-27-2008, 05:48 AM

the UN declared israel is a nation...if you accept the above, you must accept israel is a nation

You want to go find any evidence that I don't ?


As Yurt said. Zionism was the movement to reestablish Israel as a nation. Having accomplished that there are no more Zionists.

Is parroting Yurt the extent of your political savvy ? Geez. Well, you've at least identified Zionism as a ' movement'. There are dumbos here who think it's a religion. However, if there are ' no more Zionists', as you claim, then who are all the Zionists discussed in the Israeli press ? And who are all the Zionists that Jews against Zionism are against ?
Don't dodge the question, there are guys here who pursue question dodgers. Well, selectively, but that's what you'd expect from bigoted hypocrites.

12-27-2008, 05:54 AM

as i said .... zionists are no different than any other group of people that have banded together to form a nation .... like ... say ... iran and thier islamic religious exclusionary dogma ..... so for you to condemn the israelies for forming a nation the same as iran has done .... makes you a racist and a hypocrite ...

This repetitive tripe was addressed in post #36. Don't you have any lamb chop pics or something to equal your intellectual counterparts ?

Here ya go, Abbey, some enlightenment for you. Better late than never.


Jews United against Zionism

red states rule
12-27-2008, 08:15 AM

12-27-2008, 11:53 AM
Looks just like Rambo in a turban. You got any plastic Rambos at home, RSR ?

12-27-2008, 11:54 AM

12-27-2008, 11:58 AM
Mohammed Ali just beat the infidel's brains out. He's worshipped. Wave a placard and the Zio-zombies think you're offensive.

12-27-2008, 12:07 PM

12-27-2008, 12:45 PM
My kid will kick your kid's ass.


12-27-2008, 05:47 PM
My kid will kick your kid's ass.


probably not, since MY kid can actually HIT what he is shooting. Doesn't have to spray and pray. It only takes ONE bullet to stop an idiot...

12-27-2008, 07:14 PM
This repetitive tripe was addressed in post #36. Don't you have any lamb chop pics or something to equal your intellectual counterparts ?
Here ya go, Abbey, some enlightenment for you. Better late than never.
Jews United against Zionism

you ignoring a post doesn't mean you addressed it.....

as i said .... zionists are no different than any other group of people that have banded together to form a nation .... like ... say ... iran and thier islamic religious exclusionary dogma ..... so for you to condemn the israelies for forming a nation the same as iran has done .... makes you a racist and a hypocrite ...

how about you expain how it is ok for iran to create a nation and not israel.....

12-28-2008, 08:04 AM
The thread's been 'caged'. I'm out of it before the torturers turn up.

red states rule
12-28-2008, 08:06 AM
The thread's been 'caged'. I'm out of it before the torturers turn up.
