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View Full Version : Liberal Media Salivate Over Obama Pics

red states rule
12-24-2008, 09:36 AM
Please pass the barf bag! The liberal media continues to toss out any attempt at objectivity - now they go nuts over the messiah's vacation pics

Network Morning Shows Fawn Over Obama Vacation Photos
By Kyle Drennen | December 23, 2008 - 16:25

The Tuesday morning shows of NBC, ABC, and CBS all promoted Barack Obama’s celebrity status as hosts and reporters ogled the latest paparazzi photo of Obama in swim trunks while on vacation in Hawaii, as NBC’s Matt Lauer declared on Today: "And fit to serve, Barack Obama photographed shirtless in Hawaii and a lot of women are giving him the presidential seal of approval."

On ABC’s Good Morning America, co-host Diane Sawyer outlined Obama’s workout routine: "...these photos of the first abs, which we've all been analyzing this morning. I just want to reminder you, to get those abs, he does standing triceps push-downs, shoulder presses, sit-ups with a high platform, one set of triceps, and calf raises." Fellow co-host Chris Cuomo added: "The most important thing that he does to be fit, is his diet. He's very careful about his diet. He's in good shape, certainly for a man his age. But I think it's how he eats."

On the CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith proclaimed: "Obama in Awahu. Why he’s getting a lot of attention." Smith later referenced a newspaper cover with the shirtless picture of Obama: "This picture is in a lot of papers around the country...‘Fit For Office.’" Meanwhile, fill-in co-host Debbye Turner Bell held up the paper declaring: "Take a look at this. I'll be happy to pick this up!"

12-24-2008, 09:50 AM
they might as well fawn over his body, they sure can't fawn over his intellect..

he has none..

red states rule
12-24-2008, 09:54 AM
they might as well fawn over his body, they sure can't fawn over his intellect..

he has none..

During the election, the liberal media "reported" how smart and sharp Obama was

However, at the same time they "report" how he had no idea about the real Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, and now Gov Blago

Not much brain power their Steph - but he is the best master of bullshit since Bill and Hillary

12-24-2008, 09:59 AM
During the election, the liberal media "reported" how smart and sharp Obama was

However, at the same time they "report" how he had no idea about the real Rev Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, and now Gov Blago

Not much brain power their Steph - but he is the best master of bullshit since Bill and Hillary

he is just a puppet anyway...the Clintons are just using him and his color,(and he accepts, because the payoff is good), they are the ones who are really in control..

red states rule
12-24-2008, 10:00 AM
he is just a puppet anyway...the Clintons are just using him and his color, they are the ones who are really in control..

If that is true, will they be able to whip Reid and Pelosi in line? That is where the real power lies IMHO

12-24-2008, 10:02 AM
If that is true, will they be able to whip Reid and Pelosi in line? That is where the real power lies IMHO

Naaa, they'll all fall into lockstep..they have the same destructive plan for us..

red states rule
12-24-2008, 10:08 AM
Naaa, they'll all fall into lockstep..they have the same destructive plan for us..

It is going to be interesting who can emerge as the biggest liberal kook on Capital Hill

12-24-2008, 10:15 AM
It is going to be interesting who can emerge as the biggest liberal kook on Capital Hill

just look at his administration already...a bunch of radical left wing kooks..

not looking real promising..

red states rule
12-24-2008, 10:18 AM
just look at his administration already...a bunch of radical left wing kooks..

not looking real promising..

But to be fair (and I always am)

Obama has said tax increases are on hold, no windfall profit tax on the oil companies, no cut and run in Iraq (he has now taken Pres Bush's policy on Iraq) and may not close GITMO

Looks like so far with the messiah we are having Pres Bush's third term and John McCain's first term

12-24-2008, 10:24 AM
But to be fair (and I always am)

Obama has said tax increases are on hold, no windfall profit tax on the oil companies, no cut and run in Iraq (he has now taken Pres Bush's policy on Iraq) and may not close GITMO

Looks like so far with the messiah we are having Pres Bush's third term and John McCain's first term

I don't trust a word that comes from his mouth..he'll have to prove it first, but I don't hold out much hope..we've already seen how radical his ideas and friends are...

I hope I am wrong, but.

red states rule
12-24-2008, 10:28 AM
I don't trust a word that comes from his mouth..he'll have to prove it first, but I don't hold out much hope..we've already seen how radical his ideas and friends are...

I hope I am wrong, but.

Oh I agreee with you Steph. Being a liberal he can change faster then a stripper during a raid

He can always pull a Bill Clinton and say he did not know how "bad" things are so there must be across the board tax increases. Everyone has to pay their fair share you know

12-24-2008, 10:34 AM
Watching the democrats over the next two years should be quite entertaining actually. They have complete control! Now watch how bad they screw this up. Hillary is already busy trying to change the Sec of State role to Prime Minister, Nancy Pelosi and Humble Harry have posted their declaration of intent to control policy and Bonnie Frank is at odds with the "queer hater" president elect. Hell, it's already a dog and pony show. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, it'll be grrrrreatt!

Wait til about September when the blacks are accusing the puppet of being white!

Michelle Obama will be limited by then in public appearences due to her "spout of the snout" problems.

My immagination is running wild with all the prospective things that will be dominating the news by then. I can't wait!!!!!

12-24-2008, 10:38 AM
Watching the democrats over the next two years should be quite entertaining actually. They have complete control! Now watch how bad they screw this up. Hillary is already busy trying to change the Sec of State role to Prime Minister, Nancy Pelosi and Humble Harry have posted their declaration of intent to control policy and Bonnie Frank is at odds with the "queer hater" president elect. Hell, it's already a dog and pony show. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, it'll be grrrrreatt!

Wait til about September when the blacks are accusing the puppet of being white!

Michelle Obama will be limited by then in public appearences due to her "spout of the snout" problems.

My immagination is running wild with all the prospective things that will be dominating the news by then. I can't wait!!!!!

Agreed. I think it's interesting that Yahoo decided to post this Politico column on it's front page, along with a video showing Obama and Blago together:


Obama's five rules of scandal response

Carrie Budoff Brown, Kenneth P. Vogel
Wed Dec 24, 6:52 am ET
Tuesday's report from the transition, detailing contacts between members of Obama's inner circle and embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and concluding that "nothing at all inappropriate" was discussed, won't be the final word on the subject—but it did provide some telling insight into the way the White House's new occupant will operate.
Here are five rules of Obama scandal-management based on his team's handling of its first post-election crisis.
1 - Be transparent, to an extent
Obama's internal review was entirely voluntary and intended to demonstrate that his team had nothing to hide, and was committed to its pledge to run "the most open and transparent transition in history."
But after announcing the review, his team declined to reveal who would conduct it, who would be interviewed or whether the resulting release would include any transition emails or records to sup[port its conclusions....

red states rule
12-24-2008, 10:40 AM
Only in the world of liberals is it acceptable for the Obama team to investgate the contacts of the Obama team with the Gov

and no phone records or email records will be released with the report