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12-27-2008, 11:07 AM
this is on the horizon with the Democrats in control, and the little Marxist as President...aren't we all so lucky..

Published: December 26, 2008
President-elect Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress seem to have a clear vision of the auto industry they think the country needs. It must be financially self-sufficient. It also must be capable of producing highly fuel-efficient, next-generation vehicles that can help the nation cope with climate change and finite supplies of oil.

Oil and GasolineYet for all the conditions attached to it, the multibillion-dollar aid package for Detroit’s carmakers approved by the White House (with Mr. Obama’s support) fails to address one crucial question: Who will buy all the fuel-efficient cars that Detroit carmakers are supposed to make?

The danger is that too few will, especially if gasoline prices remain low. Therefore, it might be time for the president-elect and Congress to think seriously about imposing a gas tax or similar levy to keep gas prices up after the economy recovers from recession.

Americans did not buy enormous gas guzzlers just because Detroit marketed them relentlessly. They bought them because they wanted big cars — and because gas was cheap. If gas stays cheap, Americans would be less inclined to squeeze their families into a lithe fuel-efficient alternative.

read the rest..

12-27-2008, 01:08 PM
I have to agree with you. Americans wanted those big suv's so that 's why there were so many made. Speaking for myself, I'd much rather get in and out of a larger vehicle than trying to squeeze my frame into a teeny car and then having to "pour" myself out of it as well. Not much fun and certainly not comfy. The gas is only going to remain lower until the econ. recovers and people begin spending and driving again. Then you will see a gradual rise, once again in the price. Go figure!

Mr. P
12-27-2008, 01:35 PM
Without any new taxes, prices will increase in January or February when the refineries begin the summer formula change over.

12-27-2008, 01:53 PM
I predict gas prices will rise in Jan. and continue to climb with an Obam stock market bubble that will burst next fall. Gas prices will soar to around $3 to 3.50 and then oil will be lower than it is today by this time next year.

I think the demwits will nationalize the big 3 and force them to make electric cars and the like... they will allow gas to go as high as it will go and offer tax incentives to move the AE cars, talking $5-7 thousand tax incentives putting other competitors in the slumps. As gas goes even higher more take the tax incentive andAE cars.

The major gas distributers will buy future contracts of gas at around $0.85 a gallon and sell it for the above prices so demwits will tax their profits making the gas prices rise even more until the bubble pops and falls like a rock.

Buy copper stocks, dirt cheap and sell them or put stop loss limit orders on then by corn being knee high and you'll double your money.