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12-27-2008, 01:55 PM
the lame steam media double standard...naaaa, there's no media bias..

The (over)exercise of power
By Jonathan Chait
July 22, 2005 in print edition B-15

A week ago, when President Bush met with Judge J. Harvie Wilkinson III to interview him for a potential Supreme Court nomination, the conversation turned to exercise. When asked by the president of the United States how often he exercised, Wilkinson impressively responded that he runs 3 1/2 miles a day. Bush urged him to adopt more cross-training. “He warned me of impending doom,” Wilkinson told the New York Times.

Am I the only person who finds this disturbing? I don’t mean the fact that Bush would vet his selection for the highest court in the land in part on something utterly trivial. That’s expected. What I mean is the fact that Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy.

Given the importance of his job, it is astonishing how much time Bush has to exercise. His full schedule is not publicly available. The few peeks we get at Bush’s daily routine usually come when some sort of disaster prods the White House Press Office to reveal what the president was doing “at the time.” Earlier this year, an airplane wandered into restricted Washington air space. Bush, we learned, was bicycling in Maryland. In 2001, a gunman fired shots at the White House. Bush was inside exercising. When planes struck the World Trade Center in 2001, Bush was reading to schoolchildren, but that morning he had gone for a long run with a reporter. Either this is a series of coincidences or Bush spends an enormous amount of time working out.
As Duties Weigh Obama Down, His Faith in Fitness Only Increases

President-elect Barack Obama greets supporters after playing a round of golf
By Eli Saslow
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 25, 2008; Page A01

Being elected president forces a man to take inventory of his life, so Barack Obama has trimmed his schedule to the bare essentials. He's not in the White House yet, but gone are the hours he once spent reading novels, watching television and obsessing over the daily transactions of Chicago's sports teams. He eats out only once every few weeks. He visits friends rarely, if at all.

But one habit endures: Obama has gone to the gym, for about 90 minutes a day, for at least 48 days in a row. He always has treated exercise less as recreation than requirement, but his devotion has intensified during the past few months. Between workouts during his Hawaii vacation this week, he was photographed looking like the paradigm of a new kind of presidential fitness, one geared less toward preventing heart attacks than winning swimsuit competitions. The sun glinted off chiseled pectorals sculpted during four weightlifting sessions each week, and a body toned by regular treadmill runs and basketball games.
The more Obama's life intensifies, friends said, the more he relies on the gym -- which is why he might be taking office in the best shape of his life. The gym is where he releases stress, maintains a routine and thinks without interruption. He sometimes wears headphones and barricades the outside world.

12-27-2008, 02:26 PM
Now that you know what to look for you'll be amazed at just how prevalent this kind of media bias really is.....

I can't imagine why some people deny it when the media, media representatives, and media reporters freely admit to consciously spinning their coverage to support liberal views, and Democrats in elections to the tune of 85%+.....positive coverage for the liberal and the liberal issue and negative for those opposing them and their views...

Its akin to denying the world is round....

12-27-2008, 05:53 PM
Now that you know what to look for you'll be amazed at just how prevalent this kind of media bias really is.....

I can't imagine why some people deny it when the media, media representatives, and media reporters freely admit to consciously spinning their coverage to support liberal views, and Democrats in elections to the tune of 85%+.....positive coverage for the liberal and the liberal issue and negative for those opposing them and their views...

Its akin to denying the world is round....You might note that one of the people is obsessive-compulsive and the other is continuing a lifelong habit.

And when did the conservatives concede that the world is round?

12-27-2008, 06:00 PM
You might note that one of the people is obsessive-compulsive and the other is continuing a lifelong habit.

And when did the conservatives concede that the world is round?


After comparing its shape to the pointy liberal head....:poke:

12-27-2008, 06:01 PM

you would know obsessive-compulsive

12-27-2008, 06:06 PM
Even Harvard Finds The Media Biased

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, November 01, 2007 4:30 PM PT

Journalism: The debate is over. A consensus has been reached. On global warming? No, on how Democrats are favored on television, radio and in the newspapers.


Reviewing 154 stories on evening network newscasts over the course of 109 weeknights, the survey found that Democrats were presented in a positive light more than twice as often as they were portrayed as negative. Positive tones for Republicans were detected in less than a fifth of stories while a negative tone was twice as common.

The gap between Democrats and Republicans narrows on cable TV, but it's there nonetheless. Stories about Democrats were positive in more than a third of the cases, while Republicans were portrayed favorably in fewer than 29%. Republican led in unfriendly stories 30.4% to 25.5%.

CNN was the most hostile toward Republicans, MSNBC, surprisingly, the most positive. MSNBC was also the most favorable toward Democrats (47.2%), Fox (36.8%) the most critical.

The anti-GOP attitude also lives on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition." There, Democrats were approvingly covered more than a third as often as Republicans. Negative coverage of Democrats was a negligible 5.9%. It seemed to be reserved for Republicans, who were subject to one-fifth of the program's disparaging reports.

12-28-2008, 11:26 AM

After comparing its shape to the pointy liberal head....:poke:Now that is funny! A conservative that knows shapes?

12-28-2008, 11:27 AM
Even Harvard Finds The Media Biased

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, November 01, 2007 4:30 PM PT

Journalism: The debate is over. A consensus has been reached. On global warming? No, on how Democrats are favored on television, radio and in the newspapers.


Reviewing 154 stories on evening network newscasts over the course of 109 weeknights, the survey found that Democrats were presented in a positive light more than twice as often as they were portrayed as negative. Positive tones for Republicans were detected in less than a fifth of stories while a negative tone was twice as common.

The gap between Democrats and Republicans narrows on cable TV, but it's there nonetheless. Stories about Democrats were positive in more than a third of the cases, while Republicans were portrayed favorably in fewer than 29%. Republican led in unfriendly stories 30.4% to 25.5%.

CNN was the most hostile toward Republicans, MSNBC, surprisingly, the most positive. MSNBC was also the most favorable toward Democrats (47.2%), Fox (36.8%) the most critical.

The anti-GOP attitude also lives on National Public Radio's "Morning Edition." There, Democrats were approvingly covered more than a third as often as Republicans. Negative coverage of Democrats was a negligible 5.9%. It seemed to be reserved for Republicans, who were subject to one-fifth of the program's disparaging reports.

Just think if the repubs did anything good they might get news coverage.

red states rule
12-28-2008, 11:29 AM
Just think if the repubs did anything good they might get news coverage.

I do not understand why liberal refuse to admit they are liberal, and refuse to admit their bias coverage

Poll after poll confirm the public konws and sees the bias - yet the liberal media lies through their teeth

12-28-2008, 11:34 AM
I do not understand why liberal refuse to admit they are liberal, and refuse to admit their bias coverage

Poll after poll confirm the public konws and sees the bias - yet the liberal media lies through their teethThe conservatives do nothing that deserve positive recognition! When they do i am sure it will be on the news. Until then enjoy obscurity. No news is good news!

red states rule
12-28-2008, 11:37 AM
The conservatives do nothing that deserve positive recognition! When they do i am sure it will be on the news. Until then enjoy obscurity. No news is good news!

Being a moonbat liberal, if any reporter does not support impeachment and prison for Pres Bush - he/she is in the pocket of the administration and should be fired from their job

On the other hand, the glowing coverage of your messiah known as Obama seems fair and balanced since you also bow at the alter of Obama and would gleefully kiss his ring (as well as anything else you were told to kiss)

12-28-2008, 11:40 AM
April is so right on one thing...

the Democrats and all their Scandals are all the front page news these days..

so Republicans can sit back and watch..

no news is good news, I bet Blago, Rahm, Sharpton, Richardson, Jefferson and the little Marxist all wish that were true...:thumb:

red states rule
12-28-2008, 11:44 AM
April is so right on one thing...

the Democrats and all their Scandals are all the front page news these days..

so Republicans can sit back and watch..

no news is good news, I bet Blago, Rahm, Sharpton, Richardson, Jefferson and the little Marxist all wish that were true...:thumb:

Will they be front page news Steph?

Or will they be page A18 news? With added commentary in the news story, that will try to distance the messiah from any involvement?

red states rule
12-28-2008, 11:46 AM

12-28-2008, 02:10 PM
The sun glinted off chiseled pectorals sculpted during four weightlifting sessions each week, and a body toned by regular treadmill runs and basketball games.

is this from Chris Matthews?.......

12-28-2008, 02:19 PM
The conservatives do nothing that deserve positive recognition! When they do i am sure it will be on the news. Until then enjoy obscurity. No news is good news!

liberia......aids funding in africa.......first presidency to fund stem cell research......name three positive things the dems have done in the past 16years.....

12-28-2008, 03:28 PM
Being a moonbat liberal, if any reporter does not support impeachment and prison for Pres Bush - he/she is in the pocket of the administration and should be fired from their job

On the other hand, the glowing coverage of your messiah known as Obama seems fair and balanced since you also bow at the alter of Obama and would gleefully kiss his ring (as well as anything else you were told to kiss)Just cause I voted for him don't mean i love him, OK!
As for being a messiah I doubt that. He is very well educated and grew up very middle class. Not a spoiled brat or silver spoon retard like Bush.
On to bush, he should be hung for his crimes against humanity, not jailed.

12-28-2008, 03:32 PM
April is so right on one thing...

the Democrats and all their Scandals are all the front page news these days..

so Republicans can sit back and watch..

no news is good news, I bet Blago, Rahm, Sharpton, Richardson, Jefferson and the little Marxist all wish that were true...:thumb:I wish Sharpton would just go away and take the MLK wanna be Jackson with him!
With the dems in office the news will change as to whom is demeaned. That is how news works. Sit back and relax. One year from now it will be the dems screaming about bad press.

12-28-2008, 03:37 PM
liberia......aids funding in africa.......first presidency to fund stem cell research......name three positive things the dems have done in the past 16years.....From Grolier

In seeking reelection in 1996, Clinton claimed a number of achievements, among them a deficit-reduction plan, a college-loan payback plan, the Family and Medical Leave Act, an anticrime bill, and a welfare reform bill that ended federal guarantees and shifted the responsibility for these services to the states. His domestic record showed that he had cut the deficit in half, had expanded earned-income credit for the working poor, and had significantly reduced the number of government workers.
I don't know if this good enough for you but this is what you get.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 06:55 AM



12-30-2008, 11:55 AM
In seeking reelection in 1996, Clinton claimed a number of achievements, among them a deficit-reduction plan, a college-loan payback plan, the Family and Medical Leave Act, an anticrime bill, and a welfare reform bill that ended federal guarantees and shifted the responsibility for these services to the states. His domestic record showed that he had cut the deficit in half, had expanded earned-income credit for the working poor, and had significantly reduced the number of government workers.
I don't know if this good enough for you but this is what you get.
Interesting that half of those were forced on him by the Gingrich Congress elected following the Contract with America that called for it over his objections......

red states rule
12-30-2008, 11:57 AM
Interesting that half of those were forced on him by the Gingrich Congress elected following the Contract with America that called for it over his objections......

and lets not forget these accomplishments Bill did all on his own

The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates

Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

First president sued for sexual harassment

First president accused of rape.

First first lady to come under criminal investigation

Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

First president to establish a legal defense fund

First president to be held in contempt of court

Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad

First President disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
