View Full Version : Dp's Dramatic Reduction In Post Traffic Coincides With Lack Of Participation By OCA

12-28-2008, 04:35 PM

I think Not.............I'm the most important member DP/USMB has ever witnessed, do the research, it ain't no bullshit.

Just wish the power that is would admit to that and take my very educated opinions and unsurpassed, superior experience without prejudice and off the handle flying.

Now there will be no dissenting opinions to mine since to try and offer one would be quite silly and disingenuous.

12-28-2008, 04:42 PM
sounds like a steaming pile of...http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/524900480_f97cfb4eb4_o.gif


12-28-2008, 04:46 PM
sounds like a steaming pile of...http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m268/alaskamomma/524900480_f97cfb4eb4_o.gif


Steph, it saddens me to say this but after the the uninspired and at times downright idiotic contributions from you this past year childish stuff such as this post of yours does not surprise me nor many others in the least bit and is most certainly a contributing reason to the dramatic traffic decrease.....well besides my lack of participation which is directly related to that decrease, almost to the minute.

12-28-2008, 05:15 PM
If you want to talk about idiotic...who else would start a thread about how much they think of themselves..

you contribute nothing to the board, and then tell others they are the ones who are the problem...

nothing new on your part...

and for you info, not that I care, I was joking with my post above..

12-28-2008, 05:19 PM
Wow OCA, so should I suck you off now or wait? I mean I do t know if I'm ready, cus I'll bet you've got a fething huge cock, amiright?

12-28-2008, 05:22 PM
lol all the crap aside this board is kinda slow lately.

12-28-2008, 05:24 PM
perhaps quantity was down, but you gotta admit....the quality was much improved......

Mr. P
12-28-2008, 05:25 PM
lol all the crap aside this board is kinda slow lately.


12-28-2008, 05:31 PM
Wow OCA, so should I suck you off now or wait? I mean I do t know if I'm ready, cus I'll bet you've got a fething huge cock, amiright?

Average size on the cock if you consider 7.5 in. average. I'm ok on the hummer though I thank you for the offer.

We are speaking to the dramatic decrease in traffic since my voluntary leave from here, i've done the numbers and am here to tell you that the decrease is directly correllated to my leave which makes me extraordinary.

12-28-2008, 05:34 PM
perhaps quantity was down, but you gotta admit....the quality was much improved......

It was going that way because of my quality intellect then the board r..... was allowed back on to dumb it down again. Its like letting a 65 yr old 2nd grade dropout shit shoveler sit in on a mensa class and have his grade count towards the curve.

12-28-2008, 05:34 PM

P you and I both know that ain't true my friend.

red states rule
12-28-2008, 05:56 PM
You were gone?

Oh thats right - you crawled away in shame after Jim took you down in a stinging public rebuke after you tried to tell mods what they could and could not do

With both you and Virgil away, the board has been much nicer and calmer. Perhaps you can stay away, and join Vigil in permanent exile on the other board

12-28-2008, 06:06 PM
You were gone?

Oh thats right - you crawled away in shame after Jim took you down in a stinging public rebuke after you tried to tell mods what they could and could not do

With both you and Virgil away, the board has been much nicer and calmer. Perhaps you can stay away, and join Vigil in permanent exile on the other board

Anybody else except known liars want to weigh in?

12-28-2008, 06:20 PM
And for anyone else who shares the same intellectually bankrupt opinion of the dumbass RSR let me inform you of something:

RSR is what is known commonly in the business world as a pole blower of anyone management, he, because his balls abandoned him long ago, thinks that by never going against the grain or offering a dissenting opinion is his only way of making friends or moving up........not OCA, and that is exactly what happened in the situation he is referring to.

OCA will never be afraid to offer up his opinion or to inform someone when he thinks an injustice is happening even though he knows the kneejerk reaction to him will be harsh......its called having a set of balls, RSR search your mom's or a past girlfriend's closet, I think they will be hanging in one or the other.

12-28-2008, 06:25 PM
anyone care??


I guess that's a no..

12-28-2008, 06:29 PM
anyone care??


I guess that's a no..

Oh please, for Chrissakes there has been 3 or 4 people viewing it most times and it hasn't been people visible on the board which means only 1 thing.....................bingo...........staff members viewing it in the invisible mode.

And really it isn't even an attack or flame thread but look at what its turning out to be through no fault of my own.

Thanks Steph and RSR.

12-28-2008, 06:30 PM
Maybe Steph you could enlighten us as to why......lol Marxists lol.....................won the election in a landslide.

12-28-2008, 06:34 PM
Oh please, for Chrissakes there has been 3 or 4 people viewing it most times and it hasn't been people visible on the board which means only 1 thing.....................bingo...........staff members viewing it in the invisible mode.

And really it isn't even an attack or flame thread but look at what its turning out to be through no fault of my own.

Thanks Steph and RSR.

and who attacted who first......??

call a wammmbulllaaannce

12-28-2008, 06:38 PM
why people hide in invisible mode I'll never get. Scared someone will see ya here when ur here.

12-28-2008, 06:41 PM
Maybe Steph you could enlighten us as to why......lol Marxists lol.....................won the election in a landslide.

don't get off track now..this thread was about how brilliant you are, and everybody else's opinion is not worth spit...

12-28-2008, 06:46 PM
I was wondering when you'd be back. Go strike up a conversation with "moon" sometime. We need the entertainment! :)

12-28-2008, 07:04 PM
If anything it dropped because MFM isnt here to counter points.

12-28-2008, 07:08 PM
OCA, first off, you're wrong. Board traffic has remained consistent for quite some time now. Participation has slid off since the election and holiday season. What we're lacking since you walked off with your tail between your legs is a bunch of vulgar posts and the stench of trolling.

Don't pat yourself on the back and think we need you, big guy. I'll take a slower board without the problems you stir 7x per week.

Oh, and admin discussion pertaining to board problems has been drastically reduced since your hiatus as well. And I don't recall a single member asking where you were at all this time.

12-28-2008, 07:10 PM
Oh please, for Chrissakes there has been 3 or 4 people viewing it most times and it hasn't been people visible on the board which means only 1 thing.....................bingo...........staff members viewing it in the invisible mode.

Wrong again. Invisible users won't show up viewing the thread at all. Guests viewing the thread is what you'll see. Nice try at making things up though!

red states rule
12-28-2008, 07:13 PM
Wrong again. Invisible users won't show up viewing the thread at all. Guests viewing the thread is what you'll see. Nice try at making things up though!

It is what he does best.

Without OCA I never would have known the Mafia was all but gone, Obama stole the nomination away from Hillary, and how the world revolves around OCA :lol:

red states rule
12-28-2008, 07:15 PM
BTW OCA, why not start your own board and show Jim and the rest of us how it is done?

12-28-2008, 07:19 PM
Without OCA I never would have known the Mafia was all but gone, Obama stole the nomination away from Hillary, and how the world revolves around OCA :lol:

OCA declared a long way back - "The Clinton's do not lose elections". Ever since his prediction was shattered and he was laughed at, he has never been the same since. Maybe he can take comfort believing that Michelle Obama is home "making chitlins for Obama and his dogs" as he also declared.

12-28-2008, 07:31 PM
Maybe we should think about this for a minute! Maybe OCA is the secret ingrediant to the success of this board. Maybe he is the greatest thing that has ever walked. Maybe he is also God's gift to women, the best debator (well.... we know that ain't so), and an all around nice guy so maybe we should just try harder to make him feel at home and like the king of the world that he is!


12-28-2008, 07:36 PM
I think Oca should be cleaning all those lip prints off all the mirrors in his house...must be hell to admire himself ...:coffee:

Mr. P
12-28-2008, 07:37 PM
why people hide in invisible mode I'll never get. Scared someone will see ya here when ur here.

If ya think I'm here when you see my lil green light yer wrong..I sign in the morning and stay signed in all day most days, even if I'm not home I leave the puter run with windows/tabs/sites open. I liked the invisible thing for that reason alone. Less confusion for "most" folks, is he here or not?

12-28-2008, 07:41 PM
u can tell with those people, they're signed in but when you click whose online they don't move pages or do anything.

12-28-2008, 07:45 PM
I like being in invisible mode...it makes me feel sneaky..:laugh2:

12-28-2008, 11:19 PM

12-28-2008, 11:27 PM


12-29-2008, 03:23 PM
OCA, first off, you're wrong. Board traffic has remained consistent for quite some time now. Participation has slid off since the election and holiday season. What we're lacking since you walked off with your tail between your legs is a bunch of vulgar posts and the stench of trolling.

Don't pat yourself on the back and think we need you, big guy. I'll take a slower board without the problems you stir 7x per week.

Oh, and admin discussion pertaining to board problems has been drastically reduced since your hiatus as well. And I don't recall a single member asking where you were at all this time.

Jimmy, I feel the bus rolling over me right now since not a word of what you spoke is true. Its ok though, i've always respected you for speaking your mind it just that lately its only your mind that gets to be spoken and that's sad.

You know I was right about what we argued about over a month ago you just didn't want to hear it.


12-29-2008, 03:27 PM
Jimmy, I feel the bus rolling over me right now since not a word of what you spoke is true. Its ok though, i've always respected you for speaking your mind it just that lately its only your mind that gets to be spoken and that's sad.

You know I was right about what we argued about over a month ago you just didn't want to hear it.


Ok, so Jim is lying. About what?

12-29-2008, 03:28 PM
Wrong again. Invisible users won't show up viewing the thread at all. Guests viewing the thread is what you'll see. Nice try at making things up though!

Not wrong, checked the guests and none were viewing that thread, wanna try again?

12-29-2008, 03:29 PM
BTW OCA, why not start your own board and show Jim and the rest of us how it is done?

Ummm why don't you tell us why you are here after trashing this board at Pale's failed venture?

P.S. don't deny it, we all saw you trashing DP, even Jimmy.

12-29-2008, 03:35 PM
Ok, so Jim is lying. About what?

About me stirring trouble 7x a week, about me being overly vulgar(didn't know this was a sewing circle), about board traffic(some days less than a hundred posts compared to 500-700 a day before the departure of me), trolling, OCA being the root of all board problem discussions(don't remember myself getting involved in the hundreds of RSR, MFM and Yurt Sesame Street-a-thons).

He's probably right about the no members asking about me but I could give two shits about that.

12-29-2008, 03:37 PM
Maybe we should think about this for a minute! Maybe OCA is the secret ingrediant to the success of this board. Maybe he is the greatest thing that has ever walked. Maybe he is also God's gift to women, the best debator (well.... we know that ain't so), and an all around nice guy so maybe we should just try harder to make him feel at home and like the king of the world that he is!


You see, now this kind of humour I can appreciate!

12-29-2008, 03:42 PM
About me stirring trouble 7x a week, about me being overly vulgar(didn't know this was a sewing circle), about board traffic(some days less than a hundred posts compared to 500-700 a day before the departure of me), trolling, OCA being the root of all board problem discussions(don't remember myself getting involved in the hundreds of RSR, MFM and Yurt Sesame Street-a-thons).

He's probably right about the no members asking about me but I could give two shits about that.

Are you citing post 38 as an example of your not stirring? I'll not speak for Jim, but right there you come on and try to start a flamefest. It's not needed or wanted.

OCA, I think Jim and every mod/admin have gone out of their way to stoke your ego saying we KNOW you are capable of posting to issues, yet you have refused. Instead you've CHOSEN to flame and incite problems. I do believe that was the original reason for the slam down, meaning inciting problems, via mods.

My take, the old OCA, the one that built a reputation you've been trying to ride on for a few years and failing badly, is welcome. The braggart/chest thumping OCA, that claims immunity from all, is not.

12-29-2008, 03:47 PM
Are you citing post 38 as an example of your not stirring? I'll not speak for Jim, but right there you come on and try to start a flamefest. It's not needed or wanted.

OCA, I think Jim and every mod/admin have gone out of their way to stoke your ego saying we KNOW you are capable of posting to issues, yet you have refused. Instead you've CHOSEN to flame and incite problems. I do believe that was the original reason for the slam down, meaning inciting problems, via mods.

My take, the old OCA, the one that built a reputation you've been trying to ride on for a few years and failing badly, is welcome. The braggart/chest thumping OCA, that claims immunity from all, is not.

So, in the post you refer to, post #38, which contains facts, is considered flame? Is this the point that DP has sunk to? Facts are flames?

I like the rest of your post though, creative yet not factual......awesome!:clap:

We both know the reason for the slam down........*OCA whispers......."protection"*

12-29-2008, 03:51 PM
So, in the post you refer to, post #38, which contains facts, is considered flame? Is this the point that DP has sunk to? Facts are flames?

I like the rest of your post though, creative yet not factual......awesome!:clap:

We both know the reason for the slam down........*OCA whispers......."protection"*

Ok, I'm out. You are no longer able to discuss, fine with me.

12-29-2008, 03:55 PM
Ok, I'm out. You are no longer able to discuss, fine with me.

Witness that this Kath's M.O., always has been. When she feels that the loss is imminent and her points are being rendered moot she ups and pulls one of these posts or the post before......................and lord help you if you are a liberal, she immediately goes on the attack.

Really she never really wanted to discuss my issue, she just wanted to sing the party line because God forbid she go against Jimmy ever.........well since the USMB schism long ago.

12-29-2008, 04:07 PM
u can tell with those people, they're signed in but when you click whose online they don't move pages or do anything.

Ah you can't tell 'who', until they post, but you can tell members in invisible. 10 members on, but you count 7 listed, 3 on invisible. Not hard.

12-29-2008, 04:37 PM
Jimmy, I feel the bus rolling over me right now since not a word of what you spoke is true. Its ok though, i've always respected you for speaking your mind it just that lately its only your mind that gets to be spoken and that's sad.

You know I was right about what we argued about over a month ago you just didn't want to hear it.


Everything I wrote previously was 100% accurate and provable. I monitor the traffic activity to this site and it's been consistent for many months now. I've admitted that participation has slowed a bit, but I disagree that it's because of you. You ARE vulgar and you DO troll. You've done it to quite a few members here that you took a disliking to and hounded them - and even stated yourself that you wouldn't relent until they were gone. That's not debating, that's trolling and harassment.

My problem with you is that you are like Jekyll and Hyde. You used to be humorous as hell, a great person to debate with (respectful) and contributed to many different subjects. You've lost the majority of your humor and seem to work off of agendas rather than enjoying the board for the debate of the day. You seem to thrive on the drama of fighting instead of the fighting of a political debate. You used to have fun with and/or deal with users you disagree with, now you claim you'll just run them off of the board.

Not wrong, checked the guests and none were viewing that thread, wanna try again?

An invisible member viewing a thread WILL NOT show up on the online list, no buts about it. Go post to the pros at vbulletin.com if you don't believe me. Being able to monitor members actions who are listed as invisible would defeat the purpose. I've been administering vB since 2002 and think my experience in how it operates trumps yours a little bit.

12-29-2008, 04:42 PM
About me stirring trouble 7x a week

Ok, got me there, it would be less depending on how many days you posted here. But every single day you posted it was with the intent of riling others up as opposed to debating.

about me being overly vulgar(didn't know this was a sewing circle),

Vulgar, yes, at times. No worse or better than some you detest, but certainly more than the ladies on this board deserve to read.

about board traffic(some days less than a hundred posts compared to 500-700 a day before the departure of me),

Do you understand the difference between traffic and participation? Traffic has remained consistent and this can easily be proven. Maybe less drama posts after you tailed off for awhile. 200 posts a day of fighting doesn't make a board.

trolling, OCA being the root of all board problem discussions(don't remember myself getting involved in the hundreds of RSR, MFM and Yurt Sesame Street-a-thons).

Your incessant following of Martin was just as bad, if not worse, as you know you were dealing with someone with an admitted illness.

He's probably right about the no members asking about me but I could give two shits about that.

Yes you do.

12-29-2008, 04:50 PM
Yes you do.

Just for that, I'd rep if I could.

12-29-2008, 05:11 PM
Your incessant following of Martin was just as bad, if not worse, as you know you were dealing with someone with an admitted illness.

Yes you do.

Oh for the love of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2::laugh2:

Jimmy, would you be willing here and now to refer to Martin the way you've referred to him dozens of times in private with me?

No, really...............I don't give a fuck.

12-29-2008, 05:11 PM
Ah you can't tell 'who', until they post, but you can tell members in invisible. 10 members on, but you count 7 listed, 3 on invisible. Not hard.

so a few days worth of posting will give you all the who's and let you make an accurate guess at who is on when you see a bunch of invisble members.

12-29-2008, 05:12 PM
Just for that, I'd rep if I could.

Sure you would, just another opportunity to go reverse cowgirl style on it.

12-29-2008, 05:26 PM
Oh for the love of God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2::laugh2:

Jimmy, would you be willing here and now to refer to Martin the way you've referred to him dozens of times in private with me?

No, really...............I don't give a fuck.

I am aware that Martin has issues and he has admitted as much. Banter between 2 gentlemen on the telephone is much different than harassing someone endlessly publicly and poking fun at their illness in front of others. Am I a hypocrite for stating one thing in private and not allowing others to do the same in public? Maybe so, but while I can be quite a prick at times, I do have some compassion as well.

Yes, I have admitted to you that Martin's tantrums can get on my nerves. Yes, I have laughed about some of the things he has done. Yes, I have used some unsavory comments amongst our discussions in reference to him.

And yes, I try to speak to him respectfully and treat him like any other member of the board, so long as he returns the favor. There are quite a few members I don't care for too much, and might mumble a few things about them when talking to others, but I don't go out of my way to harass them and proclaim I won't leave them alone until they are gone from the board.

12-29-2008, 05:29 PM
I am aware that Martin has issues and he has admitted as much. Banter between 2 gentlemen on the telephone is much different than harassing someone endlessly publicly and poking fun at their illness in front of others. Am I a hypocrite for stating one thing in private and not allowing others to do the same in public? Maybe so, but while I can be quite a prick at times, I do have some compassion as well.

Yes, I have admitted to you that Martin's tantrums can get on my nerves. Yes, I have laughed about some of the things he has done. Yes, I have used some unsavory comments amongst our discussions in reference to him.

And yes, I try to speak to him respectfully and treat him like any other member of the board, so long as he returns the favor. There are quite a few members I don't care for too much, and might mumble a few things about them when talking to others, but I don't go out of my way to harass them and proclaim I won't leave them alone until they are gone from the board.
Since you've not gotten around to awards, let me nominate this for the 'most honest award' for the year.

Martin, if you are reading this, don't feel bad, you know the stuff you write in pm's and you wouldn't want that on the board. In this case Jim is saying he may have said some things he didn't wish you to know, but it's the same kind of stuff. Don't feel bad, feel honored that you bring yourself to conversations off the board. :)

12-29-2008, 05:29 PM
Sure you would, just another opportunity to go reverse cowgirl style on it.

Mike, jab at Kathianne all you like, but I'm confident the majority of the board was growing weary of your non-stop actions towards Martin, and your Jekyll and Hyde attitude towards the community.

You are not God. You are a member that had a well deserved reputation for being a long standing member with an impeccable reputation for great debating and not backing down. Don't let non-existent powers make you think you're something you aren't.

Why not just post and enjoy the board? Why must everything be drama and a fight for you? You leave for a few months and immediately come back with guns blaring about the board and how great you are. Why not prove it to everyone with your participation in the debates? Have you forgotten how to do so without being a total prick?

12-29-2008, 05:31 PM
Mike, jab at Kathianne all you like, but I'm confident the majority of the board was growing weary of your non-stop actions towards Martin, and your Jekyll and Hyde attitude towards the community.

You are not God. You are a member that had a well deserved reputation for being a long standing member with an impeccable reputation for great debating and not backing down. Don't let non-existent powers make you think you're something you aren't.

Why not just post and enjoy the board? Why must everything be drama and a fight for you? You leave for a few months and immediately come back with guns blaring about the board and how great you are. Why not prove it to everyone with your participation in the debates? Have you forgotten how to do so without being a total prick?
Thanks for throwing me to the wolf Jim. :laugh2: I'm assuming you mean I can take care of myself?

12-29-2008, 05:34 PM
Since you've not gotten around to awards, let me nominate this for the 'most honest award' for the year.

Martin, if you are reading this, don't feel bad, you know the stuff you write in pm's and you wouldn't want that on the board. In this case Jim is saying he may have said some things he didn't wish you to know, but it's the same kind of stuff. Don't feel bad, feel honored that you bring yourself to conversations off the board. :)

Sure, I could have denied it as I know Mike has no proof, but I've always prided myself on being honest with everyone. I make fun of my brother, Chuck, Dan and many others whenever I have the chance - but it doesn't mean I have no compassion nor does it mean I don't respect them. Hell, I say the same shit to my dogs and my wife, I'm a HUGE prick that just likes to toss the words around with the guys. But it would take a LOT for me to publicly make fun of someone in such a manner. Again, does this make me hypocritical to an extent? Probably so, but I would rather be that than the guy who blasts someone with an illness at every opportunity.

I mean no offense to Martin or I WOULD say the stuff publicly. It was a few errant words amongst a gentlemanly conversation. It was wrong. But I still KNOW that Martin is a decent person with a heart of gold. He knows I have helped him endless times and his membership here after our last falling out proves my respect for him.

Martin - my apologies for ever mentioning you offline and allowing PRIVATE conversations to come back to the board.

12-29-2008, 05:36 PM
Thanks for throwing me to the wolf Jim. :laugh2: I'm assuming you mean I can take care of myself?

Just stating that he's likely attacking you for something that many others would likely agree with you on. And whether they would admit as much or not, yes, I know you can handle yourself solo as well.

12-29-2008, 05:38 PM
gossiping behind someones back is just as bad as saying it to their face, worse in fact.

12-29-2008, 05:39 PM
gossiping behind someones back is just as bad as saying it to their face, worse in fact.

so says the pot.....

12-29-2008, 05:44 PM
gossiping behind someones back is just as bad as saying it to their face, worse in fact.

Maybe so, and you didn't see me deny it nor defend my words. Some banter between a couple of guys where harm wasn't intended. But as we all know, words can come back to haunt you, even from those you thought you could trust.

But I do disagree that it's worse. Yes, it's bad to make an errant comment behind someone's back, but I believe it would be worse if you publicly flog someone for an illness as opposed to making an offhanded joke about activity off the board.

Either way, he has my apologies. But it's certainly easy to see that my chat with Mike and my interactions here with Martin don't see eye to eye with one another. I DO have compassion. I DO have respect for my members. I DO try to be friends with everyone who contacts me, on or off the board. Unfortunately, I also speak my mind like a prick at times too - something many of us are guilty of, but I generally try and make things right, through an apology or other means.

12-29-2008, 05:51 PM
does oca need a hug?

12-29-2008, 06:05 PM
gossiping behind someones back is just as bad as saying it to their face, worse in fact.

Maybe so, however Jim hadn't a problem owning up to it. OCA was calling out a private conversation, as is his want. However, Jim said he acknowledged it, for much like the reasons I said.

I hope, as I'm assuming Jim does, that Martin understands that there are conversations that are meant to be private. When one side is mad at the other and decides to hurt a third person, well it's not right, but certainly possible. I think Martin can step into Jim's shoes and understand.

12-29-2008, 06:05 PM
does oca need a hug?

I think OCA needs a kick in the butt, but that is my opinion.

12-29-2008, 06:21 PM
I think OCA needs a kick in the butt, but that is my opinion.

unfortunately he would enjoy that "experience" way to much

12-29-2008, 06:37 PM
unfortunately he would enjoy that "experience" way to much

Got a point. Turn him around. ;)

12-29-2008, 06:48 PM
Got a point. Turn him around. ;)


12-29-2008, 10:45 PM
But as we all know, words can come back to haunt you, even from those you thought you could trust.

I hate to say I told you so but...

How many years have I been telling you that this guy is nothing but a slimey piece of shit?? His name should be POS.

12-30-2008, 10:05 AM
I hate to say I told you so but...

How many years have I been telling you that this guy is nothing but a slimey piece of shit?? His name should be POS.

Now, Charles, you know that the POS is all yours, just as Oscar will always be DOS. :)

I think Mike is a good guy. Talked to him many times and I believe we have a lot in common. But I also believe he has his bad days, just as I do. We're all human. Sometimes we all have to remember when enough is enough.

12-30-2008, 03:23 PM
Jimmy, the private conversations would've remained private if you weren't attempting to make yourself holier than thou on the mental incognitive.

You and I both know that the spirit of things we discussed in regards to the mental incognitive were not as you say "with no harm intended", they were in total agreement with my views on him and I believe, if my memory serves me correctly, that you said after you permabanned him "looks like you were right all along Mike"............among a few other unsavory things which I won't mention but were laughed at by both of us.

My position is and has always been if you are gonna trash someone behind their back you should have the sack to do it to their face.

12-30-2008, 03:28 PM
I hate to say I told you so but...

How many years have I been telling you that this guy is nothing but a slimey piece of shit?? His name should be POS.

Laugh my motherfucking ass off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2::laugh2:

You are right, I am a slimey piece of shit admittedly, but a successful piece of shit nonetheless.

Nice guys always finish last and never get the hot babes so i'm proud to be a slimey piece of shit.

12-30-2008, 03:35 PM
Mike, jab at Kathianne all you like, but I'm confident the majority of the board was growing weary of your non-stop actions towards Martin, and your Jekyll and Hyde attitude towards the community.

You are not God. You are a member that had a well deserved reputation for being a long standing member with an impeccable reputation for great debating and not backing down. Don't let non-existent powers make you think you're something you aren't.

Why not just post and enjoy the board? Why must everything be drama and a fight for you? You leave for a few months and immediately come back with guns blaring about the board and how great you are. Why not prove it to everyone with your participation in the debates? Have you forgotten how to do so without being a total prick?

Jimmy I would love to debate unfortunately.....and don't deny this because it has devolved to this state on DP..................that if you do not tow the conservative republican line here you will be attacked, not debated with in 90% of instances.

Think i'm bullshitting? Just look up any conversation with RSR in it,Yurt(sorry Yurt, you know I like ya but you kind of fell into the trap) , and Kathianne that a liberal got involved in. They immediately go on the attack.

Kathianne..............you love to claim that you are not a flamer but honey you need to step back and take an honest assessment of your persona here. Are you as brutal and brilliant as me? Not even close but a flamer you have been, you just like to throw your jab then step back claiming...........little miss innocence.

12-30-2008, 03:36 PM
does oca need a hug?

Nope, no hug needed, busy working my ass off trying to stay afloat in this shithole economy that Repubs have created for us.

12-30-2008, 03:40 PM
Mike, jab at Kathianne all you like, but I'm confident the majority of the board was growing weary of your non-stop actions towards Martin, and your Jekyll and Hyde attitude towards the community.

You are not God. You are a member that had a well deserved reputation for being a long standing member with an impeccable reputation for great debating and not backing down. Don't let non-existent powers make you think you're something you aren't.

Why not just post and enjoy the board? Why must everything be drama and a fight for you? You leave for a few months and immediately come back with guns blaring about the board and how great you are. Why not prove it to everyone with your participation in the debates? Have you forgotten how to do so without being a total prick?

My ass whipping of the defect had all but ceased for probably 3 months before you perma'd him...................check the records if you like.

But Jimmy feel free to make it out to be that thats all I did for a year if it feels good to ya.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 05:45 PM
Oh thank you God - OCA has saved the board

At this very minute there are 12 members and 11 guests on and it is all because the great OCA has returned :laugh2:

and not because the Christmas holiday has ended

12-30-2008, 08:11 PM
Now, Charles, you know that the POS is all yours, just as Oscar will always be DOS. :)

I think Mike is a good guy. Talked to him many times and I believe we have a lot in common. But I also believe he has his bad days, just as I do. We're all human. Sometimes we all have to remember when enough is enough.

Jim its called integrity and he has none.

12-31-2008, 07:33 AM
I guess we'll have to deal with the dramatic reduction, Mike, as I'm not going to play your game. Participate as a member, not an attention whore, not as you think your God, or leave us here to crumble into shambles without you.