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View Full Version : Ex-Aides Say Bush Never Recovered From Katrina

12-29-2008, 08:48 PM
The weakness of the man finally showed through for the nation to fully comprehend in his response to Katrina. He knew it and despite his miserable chest thumping and faux braggadocios to his cabinet and closest advisors and even on the national media he had no power left. History will not be kind to him or his administration.

WASHINGTON – Hurricane Katrina not only pulverized the Gulf Coast in 2005, it knocked the bully pulpit out from under President George W. Bush, according to two former advisers who spoke candidly about the political impact of the government's poor handling of the natural disaster.

"Katrina to me was the tipping point," said Matthew Dowd, Bush's pollster and chief strategist for the 2004 presidential campaign. "The president broke his bond with the public. Once that bond was broken, he no longer had the capacity to talk to the American public. State of the Union addresses? It didn't matter. Legislative initiatives? It didn't matter. P.R.? It didn't matter. Travel? It didn't matter."

Dan Bartlett, former White House communications director and later counselor to the president, said: "Politically, it was the final nail in the coffin."

Their comments are a part of an oral history of the Bush White House that Vanity Fair magazine compiled for its February issue, which hits newsstands in New York and Los Angeles on Wednesday, and nationally on Jan. 6. Vanity Fair published comments by current and former government officials, foreign ministers, campaign strategists and numerous others on topics that included Iraq, the anthrax attacks, the economy and immigration.

Lawrence Wilkerson, top aide and later chief of staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, said that as a new president, Bush was like Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee whom critics said lacked knowledge about foreign affairs. When Bush first came into office, he was surrounded by experienced advisers like Vice President Dick Cheney and Powell, who Wilkerson said ended up playing damage control for the president.

"It allowed everybody to believe that this Sarah Palin-like president — because, let's face it, that's what he was — was going to be protected by this national-security elite, tested in the cauldrons of fire," Wilkerson said, adding that he considered Cheney probably the "most astute, bureaucratic entrepreneur" he'd ever met.

"He became vice president well before George Bush picked him," Wilkerson said of Cheney. "And he began to manipulate things from that point on, knowing that he was going to be able to convince this guy to pick him, knowing that he was then going to be able to wade into the vacuums that existed around George Bush — personality vacuum, character vacuum, details vacuum, experience vacuum."

On other topics, David Kuo, who served as deputy director of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, disputed the idea that the Bush White House was dominated by religious conservatives and catered to the needs of a religious right voting bloc.

"The reality in the White House is — if you look at the most senior staff — you're seeing people who aren't personally religious and have no particular affection for people who are religious-right leaders," Kuo said.

"In the political affairs shop in particular, you saw a lot of people who just rolled their eyes at ... basically every religious-right leader that was out there, because they just found them annoying and insufferable. These guys were pains in the butt who had to be accommodated."

More: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081230/ap_on_go_pr_wh/bush_advisers_speak_out

God willing, may our next President be more sensitive to the needs and expectations of the citizens he claims to represent. gwb ceertainly never has been.



12-29-2008, 09:49 PM
"ex" aides....:laugh2:

you're funannaanny psydeshow

12-29-2008, 10:01 PM
I just copy and paste the headlines, dumbo. If you have a complaint with them I believe you should take it up with the publishers, don't you know?!??!??!??!??!?!?!?

"ex" aides....:laugh2:

you're funannaanny psydeshow

Considering the article is correct, although they may be ex-aides they are still quite tight with the lil' one. But, that's for you to decide.



12-29-2008, 11:25 PM
it's funny..other states have had just as big disasters and their government could pull them through it..but we still continually here about HURRICANE KATRINIA...

shameful of the government of La and the chocalate mayor of No, but Bush gets all the blame..

Liberals never let a good disaster go to waste if they can politicize it...

12-29-2008, 11:29 PM
Uhhhhhhh, stevie. The article addresses what and how the administration feels about Katrina. Why do you ignore that and simply spew your shit?!?!?!?!

Never mind, that is normal for you. I just had a brain fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



12-29-2008, 11:34 PM
Uhhhhhhh, stevie. The article addresses what and how the administration feels about Katrina. Why do you ignore that and simply spew your shit?!?!?!?!

Never mind, that is normal for you. I just had a brain fart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Psycho Blues

my dear lushy friend, until I hear it from the mouth of Bush, you can take your ex aides article and yourself, and go flush it down the commode...

now put down that Busch, it turns you into a dickhead..

12-29-2008, 11:46 PM
and this article talks about Bush's inexperience...

at least Bush ran a state before he came President, Sarah Palin runs a state....

the little Marxist has run a COMMUNITY CENTER

what a friggin joke on us..

12-29-2008, 11:47 PM
stevie, I'm on a caffeine diet tonight. The Busch thing, however, may kick in a little later.

my dear lushy friend, until I hear it from the mouth of Bush, you can take your ex aides article and yourself, and go flush it down the commode...

now put down that Busch, it turns you into a dickhead..

How about just reading the article and commenting on that, stevie. Attacking me or my entertainment habits is not helping anything.

BTW, I'm still not getting you any more Cape Cods, at least for now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

