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red states rule
12-30-2008, 05:56 AM
This comes as no surprise. Liberals do not want to talk about Iraq - unless they are demanding surrender

Elected Dems don't want to talk about Iraq, since they were wrong about the surge being a waste of lives and resources

So now the Obama campaign staff is pulling out of Iraq

As U.S. Succeeds In Iraq, Network TV Pulls the Plug
By Rich Noyes (Bio | Archive)
December 29, 2008 - 14:49 ET

Nearly two years after reporters such as NBC's Tom Brokaw derided President Bush's troop surge as "a folly" and suggested the war itself was a "lost cause," American troop deaths are at their lowest level since the Iraq war began in March 2003, and the death toll among Iraqi civilians is also down sharply in 2008.

So right on cue, Monday's New York Times reports that ABC, CBS and NBC have all pulled their full time reporters from Iraq. According to correspondent Brian Stelter, the lack of violence means the networks are less interested in the Iraq story: "Representatives for the networks emphasized that they would continue to cover the war and said the staff adjustments reflected the evolution of the conflict in Iraq from a story primarily about violence to one about reconstruction and politics."


12-30-2008, 06:05 AM
Other articles examining the withdrawal of the media indicate quite differently, dumbo.



red states rule
12-30-2008, 06:06 AM
Other articles examining the withdrawal of the media indicate quite differently, dumbo.



Why would the Obama campaign staff cover the good news? Libs only want to see dead US troops, and not dead terrorists

The last things liberals want is to see proof Pres Bush was right about the surge, and the US troops have defeated AQ on the battlefield

12-30-2008, 06:17 AM
You don't give a rat's ass about the Veterans, rsr. Admit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You barge in and start your shit and to hell with the veterans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



red states rule
12-30-2008, 06:20 AM
You don't give a rat's ass about the Veterans, rsr. Admit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You barge in and start your shit and to hell with the veterans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Niether do the liberal media - or the troops who are still on the front lines

TV News Winds Down Operations on Iraq War

Quietly, as the United States presidential election and its aftermath have dominated the news, America’s three broadcast network news divisions have stopped sending full-time correspondents to Iraq.

“The war has gone on longer than a lot of news organizations’ ability or appetite to cover it,” said Jane Arraf, a former Baghdad bureau chief for CNN who has remained in Iraq as a contract reporter for The Christian Science Monitor.

Joseph Angotti, a former vice president of NBC News, said he could not recall any other time when all three major broadcast networks lacked correspondents in an active war zone that involved United States forces.

Except, of course, in Afghanistan, where about 30,000 Americans are stationed, and where until recently no American television network, broadcast or cable, maintained a full-time bureau.

At the same time that news organizations are trimming in Iraq, the television networks are trying to add newspeople in Afghanistan and Pakistan, with expectations that the Obama administration will focus on the conflict there.

Of course, the Iraq war has evolved and violence in the country has subsided. At the same time, President-elect Barack Obama and senior military strategists generally agree that tensions have risen in Afghanistan, leading to more violence and unrest.

In short, the story, certainly on television, is shifting to Afghanistan.

CNN now has a reporter assigned to the country at all times.

Michael Yon, an independent reporter who relies on contributions from Internet users to report from both areas of conflict, has already perceived a shift in both media and reader attention from Iraq to Afghanistan. “Afghanistan was the forgotten war; that’s what they were calling it, actually,” he said. “Now it’s swapping places with Iraq.”

For Mr. Yon and others who continue to cover Iraq, the cutbacks are a disheartening reminder of the war’s diminishing profile at a time when about 130,000 United States service members remain on duty there. More than 4,200 Americans and an undetermined number of Iraqis have died in fighting there since 2003.

ABC, CBS and NBC declined to speak on the record about their news coverage decisions. But representatives for the networks emphasized that they would continue to cover the war and said the staff adjustments reflected the evolution of the conflict in Iraq from a story primarily about violence to one about reconstruction and politics.


12-30-2008, 06:32 AM
OK, ABC, CBS and NBC will remain. You defeat your own bullshit for a proposition, dumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



red states rule
12-30-2008, 06:34 AM
OK, ABC, CBS and NBC will remain. You defeat your own bullshit for a proposition, dumbo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You must have missed this from the link I posted

Joseph Angotti, a former vice president of NBC News, said he could not recall any other time when all three major broadcast networks lacked correspondents in an active war zone that involved United States forces.

12-30-2008, 06:40 AM
You obviously missed what I was saying about respecting our Veterans.

Kiss this: :pee: rsr. Stick your neg reps in your sorry ass, punk.



red states rule
12-30-2008, 06:44 AM
You obviously missed what I was saying about respecting our Veterans.

Kiss this: :pee: rsr Stich your neg reps in your sorry ass, punk.



Like Virgil, you rant how you love the and support the troops - but you want surrender and appeasement in iraq

You say you support the troops, but you do not want the liberal media and Obama campaign staff to cover the vistory in ioraq the troops won

But be of good cheer PB, Iraq war coverage will resume on Jan 20 and will be highlighted by the messiah's visit to Iraq to receive full credit for the victory.

The liberal media will gleefully "report" the messiah's battle plan that will take another 16 to 24 months to complete

You will support his plan - which turns out to be the same plan Pres Bush had. But you and the liberal meida will ignore that pesky fact

12-30-2008, 06:54 AM
You suck so much it's rather difficult to respond to anything you have to say, dumbo.

Like Virgil, you rant how you love the and support the troops - but you want surrender and appeasement in iraq

You say you support the troops, but you do not want the liberal media and Obama campaign staff to cover the vistory in ioraq the troops won

But be of good cheer PB, Iraq war coverage will resume on Jan 20 and will be highlighted by the messiah's visit to Iraq to receive full credit for the victory.

The liberal media will gleefully "report" the messiah's battle plan that will take another 16 to 24 months to complete

You will support his plan - which turns out to be the same plan Pres Bush had. But you and the liberal meida will ignore that pesky fact

I have never advocated surrender or appeasement in Iraq or anywhere else.

What kind of "vistory" do we have in Iraq or anywhere else in this Global War On Terrorism?

Who, exactly, is your idea of a "messiah"?

Plan? What plan?

You suck big dicks, rsr. Including this one: :pee: rsr

And you are a liar and one prone to extreme exaggeration as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiss this: :pee: rsr



red states rule
12-30-2008, 06:58 AM
AQ has been all but wiped out in Iraq. The people of Iraq have an elected government

The Iraq government have accomlished more in the last 2 years then the Reid/Pelosi Congress have accomplished

Before the surge, the liberal meida, and Bush haters like you were saying the war in Iraq was lost, and we need to get out

Now, Pres Bush and the troops have given you guys an big shit burger to eat

Since the news is good, the liberal media has no desire to cover the postive things in Iraq

Now those war correspondents can cover the messish known as Obama workouts in the gym, That is a story they really want to cover anyway

12-30-2008, 07:27 AM
Like me?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

AQ has been all but wiped out in Iraq. The people of Iraq have an elected government

The Iraq government have accomlished more in the last 2 years then the Reid/Pelosi Congress have accomplished

Before the surge, the liberal meida, and Bush haters like you were saying the war in Iraq was lost, and we need to get out

Now, Pres Bush and the troops have given you guys an big shit burger to eat

Since the news is good, the liberal media has no desire to cover the postive things in Iraq

Now those war correspondents can cover the messish known as Obama workouts in the gym, That is a story they really want to cover anyway

Your ignorance exceeds your intelligence.



red states rule
12-30-2008, 07:30 AM
Since libs love to use hand signals to espres their tolerance, here are some others to add


As usal, you have nothing to add to the debate PB. You must really be pissed over the success of the US troops. Dems were unable to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq

12-30-2008, 07:34 AM
Who,,,,,,me?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Pissed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

[QUOTE=red states rule;335021]Since libs love to use hand signals to espres their tolerance, here are some others to add


Maybe you're just a sore loser?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? A loser, no doubt. Sore?!?!?!???!? That's up to you.



red states rule
12-30-2008, 07:37 AM
Who,,,,,,me?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Pissed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?

Maybe you're just a sore loser?!?!?!?!?!??!?!? A loser, no doubt. Sore?!?!?!???!? That's up to you.



I am happy to see Iraq liberated, and Saddam hanged for his crimes. I know liberqals like you were upset Saddam was hanged just before midnight. You and your fellow libs could not protest his pending death, and rant how it should be Pres Bush who should be hanged

Now, lets see if Obama will flip flop on another campaign promise and start pulling the troops out on day one

Even though he was proven wrong on the surge, and knows frst hand how successful the troops have been in Iraq

12-30-2008, 07:53 AM
red states rule;

Nearly two years after reporters such as NBC's Tom Brokaw derided President Bush's troop surge as "a folly" and suggested the war itself was a "lost cause," American troop deaths are at their lowest level since the Iraq war began in March 2003, and the death toll among Iraqi civilians is also down sharply in 2008.

American troop deaths are reduced because they stayed off the streets and called in air strikes inside cities. The death toll amongst Iraqis was reduced because there were fewer US troops on the streets to kill them. The recent decrease in violence has dropped down the scale from 'catastrophic' to ' severe' and it would take a charlatan to pronounce that there is any measure of 'success'. You propaganda pumpers must get good overtime rates.

28 Killed in Kadhimiya Bombing

A brazen car-bombing in the Kadhimiya district of Baghdad killed 28 and wounded 55 on Saturday. Al-Hayat reports in Arabic that an Iraqi security official expressed surprise and dismay that Kadhimiya could be bombed that way. He said that the district is very heavily guarded and checkpoint inspections at the entrance to it should have caught a car bomb. He told the pan-Arab London daily that the bombing either indicated that the security forces detailed to Kadhimiya were becoming careless, or the bombing was an inside job.


Top Ten Myths about Iraq, 2008

1. Iraqis are safer because of Bush's War. In fact, conditions of insecurity have helped created both an internal and external refugee problem:
' At least 4.2 million Iraqis were displaced. These included 2.2 million who were displaced within Iraq and some 2 million refugees, mostly in Syria (around 1.4 million) and Jordan (around half a million). In the last months of the year both these neighbouring states, struggling to meet the health, education and other needs of the Iraqi refugees already present, introduced visa requirements that impeded the entry of Iraqis seeking refuge. Within Iraq, most governorates barred entry to Iraqis fleeing sectarian violence elsewhere.'

2. Large numbers of Iraqis in exile abroad have returned. In fact, no great number have returned, and more Iraqis may still be leaving to Syria than returning.

3. Iraqis are materially better off because of Bush's war. In fact, A million Iraqis are "food insecure" and another 6 million need UN food rations to survive. Oxfam estimated in summer, 2007, that 28% of Iraqi children are malnourished.

4. The Bush administration scored a major victory with its Status of Forces Agreement. In fact, The Iraqis forced on Bush an agreement that the US would withdraw combat troops from Iraqi cities by July, 2009,and would completely withdraw from the Country by the end of 2011. The Bush administration had wanted 58 long-term bases, and the authority to arrest Iraqis at will and to launch military operations unilaterally.

5. Minorities in Iraq are safer since Bush's invasion. In fact, there have in 2008 been significant attacks on and displacement of Iraqi Christians from Mosul. In early January of 2008, guerrillas bombed churches in Mosul, wounding a number of persons. More recently, some 13,000 Christians have had to flee Mosul because of violence.

6. The sole explanation for the fall in the monthly death rate for Iraqi civilians was the troop excalation or surge of 30,000 extra US troops in 2007. In fact, troop levels had been that high before without major effect. The US military did good counter-insurgency in 2007. The major reason for the fall in the death toll, however, was that the Shiites won the war for Baghdad, ethnically cleansing hundreds of thousands of Sunnis from the capital, and turning it into a city with a Shiite majority of 75 to 80 percent. (When Bush invaded, Baghdad was about 50/50 Sunni and Shiite). The high death tolls in 2006 and 2007 were a by-product of this massive ethnic cleansing campaign. Now, a Shiite militiaman in Baghdad would have to drive for a while to find a Sunni Arab to kill.

7. John McCain alleged that if the US left Iraq, it would be promptly taken over by al-Qaeda. In fact, there are few followers of Usamah Bin Laden in Iraq. The fundamentalist extremists, if that is what McCain meant, are not supported by most Sunni Arabs. They are supported by no Shiites (60% of Iraq) or Kurds (20% of Iraq), and are hated by Iran, Syria, Turkey, and Jordan, who would never allow such a takeover.

8. The Iraq War made the world safer from terrorism. In fact, Iraq has become a major training ground for extremists and is implicated in the major bombings in Madrid, London, and Glasgow.

9. Bush went to war in Iraq because he was given bad intelligence about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction capabilities. In fact, the State Department's Intelligence & Research (I & R) division cast doubt on the alarmist WMD stories that Bush/Cheney put about. The CIA refused to sign off on the inclusion of the Niger uranium lie in the State of the Union address, which made Bush source it to the British MI6 instead. The Downing Street Memo revealed that Bush fixed the intelligence around the policy. Bush sought to get up a provocation such as a false flag attack on UN planes so as to blame it on Iraq. And UN weapons inspectors in Feb.-Mar. of 2003 examined 100 of 600 suspected weapons sites and found nothing; Bush's response was to pull them out and go to war.

10. Douglas Feith and other Neoconservatives didn't really want a war with Iraq (!). Yeah, that was why they demanded war on Iraq with their 1996 white paper for Bibi Netanyahu and again in their 1998 Project for a New American Century letter to Clinton, where they explicitly called for military action. The Neoconservatives are notorious liars and by the time they get through with rewriting history, they will be a combination of Gandhi and Mother Teresa and the Iraq War will be Bill Clinton's fault. The only thing is, I think people are wise to them by now. Being a liar can actually get you somewhere. Being a notorious liar is a disadvantage if what you want to is get people to listen to you and act on your advice. I say, Never AGain.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 08:25 AM
So the US military used everything they had to defeat the terrorists - so what?

Terrorists use innocent civiians as human shields thinking the US would not bomb them - they were wrong.

AQ said Iraq was their main front in their war on the US, we said OK, and wiped them out

red states rule
12-30-2008, 08:51 AM

red states rule
12-30-2008, 09:40 AM

12-31-2008, 09:53 PM


12-31-2008, 11:31 PM
ABC, CBS and NBC declined to speak on the record about their news coverage decisions. But representatives for the networks emphasized that they would continue to cover the war and said the staff adjustments reflected the evolution of the conflict in Iraq from a story primarily about violence to one about reconstruction and politics.

typical dems, when the news is good, don't report as this would make bush look good

12-31-2008, 11:39 PM
bad news sales and it interesting, good news ain't. It's all about economics, the mainstream media is in it for the money.

01-01-2009, 12:23 AM
bad news sales and it interesting, good news ain't. It's all about economics, the mainstream media is in it for the money.

really? so why all the positive news about obama, something like 6 to 1 over mccain....

01-01-2009, 12:35 AM
Moon..... Here is a fact for you! Now I know you are probably too young to remember but in the early 1990's Iraq invaded Kuwait! Unprovoked they began infiltrating the country, killing innocent civilians, women and children.

WE STOPPED EM! Which of course provoked war with Iraq, THEY DECLARED IT AGAINST US so we responded by swarming in and winning a breif scurmish entitled Operation desert Storm. As a result, Suddam Hussein surrendered under conditions. He violated the treaty hundreds of times.

This in itself was grounds to remove him from power and return his country to it's citizens so they could install a democracy.

WMD didn't have to be a player.

01-01-2009, 01:01 AM
really? so why all the positive news about obama, something like 6 to 1 over mccain....

politics also sells, obama sold on bad news himself think economy.

01-01-2009, 01:37 AM
Dig that, ln!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1



01-01-2009, 04:43 AM
This comes as no surprise. Liberals do not want to talk about Iraq - unless they are demanding surrender

Elected Dems don't want to talk about Iraq, since they were wrong about the surge being a waste of lives and resources

So now the Obama campaign staff is pulling out of Iraq

As U.S. Succeeds In Iraq, Network TV Pulls the Plug
By Rich Noyes (Bio | Archive)
December 29, 2008 - 14:49 ET

Nearly two years after reporters such as NBC's Tom Brokaw derided President Bush's troop surge as "a folly" and suggested the war itself was a "lost cause," American troop deaths are at their lowest level since the Iraq war began in March 2003, and the death toll among Iraqi civilians is also down sharply in 2008.

So right on cue, Monday's New York Times reports that ABC, CBS and NBC have all pulled their full time reporters from Iraq. According to correspondent Brian Stelter, the lack of violence means the networks are less interested in the Iraq story: "Representatives for the networks emphasized that they would continue to cover the war and said the staff adjustments reflected the evolution of the conflict in Iraq from a story primarily about violence to one about reconstruction and politics."


Umm...what success might that be? The Iraqi government cozying up with Iran? Failure to rebuild Iraqi infrastructure, hospitals and schools? The continued terrorist attacks within Iraq?

01-01-2009, 05:01 AM
So the US military used everything they had to defeat the terrorists - so what?

When you have an insurgency, indiscriminate air-strikes only provide more civilian support for that insurgency.

Terrorists use innocent civiians as human shields thinking the US would not bomb them - they were wrong.

That is the nature of insurgency. Until the civilian population denies them access, they will have a shield. The civilian casualties that result from collateral damage only embitter the civilian populace against the occupying forces, namely the US. Never mind that Bush administration policy at the beginning of the Iraqi occupation only provided fertile ground for an insurgency. For a fuller examination of this issue, please read <a href=http://www.fpri.org/enotes/20060910.military.hoffman.marinespostconflictstabi lityops.html>Changing Tires on the Fly: The Marines and Postconflict Stability Ops</a>

AQ said Iraq was their main front in their war on the US, we said OK, and wiped them out

There you go again...Al Qaeda WASN"T IN IRAQ until after the US invasion.

<blockquote> BUSH: One of the major theaters against al Qaeda turns out to have been Iraq. This is where al Qaeda said they were going to take their stand. This is where al Qaeda was hoping to take–

RADDATZ: <b>But not until <i>after</i> the U.S. invaded.</b>

BUSH: <b>Yeah, that’s right. So what?</b> The point is that al Qaeda said they’re going to take a stand. Well, first of all in the post-9/11 environment Saddam Hussein posed a threat. And then upon removal, al Qaeda decides to take a stand. - <a href=http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/BushLegacy/Story?id=6460837&page=1>President Talks With Martha Raddatz</a></blockquote>

"So what?"...an appalling response to a series of actions taken by the Bush administration that have, to date, resulted in more than 4000 America troops dead, and thousands more crippled and maimed, nearly 100,000 <i><b><a href=http://www.iraqbodycount.org/>DOCUMENTED</a></b></i> civilian casualties in Iraq, with some estimates reaching as high as nearly 700,000 civilian casualties, either from direct violence or indirectly from the destruction of Iraqi infrastructure, disease and malnutrition.

01-01-2009, 09:36 AM
It appears that red states rule, along with other New Klan members, aren't bothered about what such mistakes cost the US, just so long as some A-rabs get topped. Their neocon masters think the same, with the addition of a personal profit motive.

01-01-2009, 09:22 PM
It appears that red states rule, along with other New Klan members, aren't bothered about what such mistakes cost the US, just so long as some A-rabs get topped. Their neocon masters think the same, with the addition of a personal profit motive.

Check out "<i>The Shock Doctrine</i>" by Naomi Klein. You'll get a really good picture of the economic motives behind the invasion and occupation of Iraq. They're from the same school of thought that gave Chile Augusto Pinochet and form a significant part of neo-con dogma.

01-01-2009, 09:41 PM
It appears that red states rule, along with other New Klan members, aren't bothered about what such mistakes cost the US, just so long as some A-rabs get topped. Their neocon masters think the same, with the addition of a personal profit motive.

tell us moon.....

what is the islamic goal for the world....

tell us moon.....

01-02-2009, 07:37 AM
Islam doesn't embrace such Crusader conceit.

01-02-2009, 09:03 AM
Other articles examining the withdrawal of the media indicate quite differently, dumbo.

it would have been sweet if you had linked one of those other articles, Psych.....do they exist anywhere on the interweb?.......

01-02-2009, 09:08 AM
When you have an insurgency, indiscriminate air-strikes only provide more civilian support for that insurgency.

document "indiscriminate" airstrikes, please.....

01-02-2009, 09:09 AM
American troop deaths are reduced because they stayed off the streets and called in air strikes inside cities.

??....what air strikes inside cities occurred in 2008, please?.......

01-02-2009, 02:57 PM
Islam doesn't embrace such Crusader conceit.

afraid to answer the question so you deflect....

tell us moon.....

what is the islamic goal for the world....

tell us moon.....

01-02-2009, 05:50 PM
document "indiscriminate" airstrikes, please.....

Anytime you launch an air-strike into an city or village environment, it is indiscriminate. The innocent die alongside the guilty.

01-02-2009, 07:56 PM
Anytime you launch an air-strike into an city or village environment, it is indiscriminate. The innocent die alongside the guilty.

perhaps your definition of indiscriminate is indiscriminate....

01-02-2009, 07:58 PM
and prostitutes arent in it for the money


afraid to answer the question so you deflect....

tell us moon.....

what is the islamic goal for the world....

tell us moon.....

red states rule
01-03-2009, 07:03 AM
Anytime you launch an air-strike into an city or village environment, it is indiscriminate. The innocent die alongside the guilty.

So the US should never attack the enemy where the enemy is hiding? Terrorists base their plans on the determination to defeat them of people like you BP

red states rule
01-06-2009, 11:58 AM