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red states rule
12-30-2008, 07:20 AM
Now that liberals will be running things in DC, the appeasers are speaking out on how to deal with terrorists and evil

They are telling Obama to "{talk" to them, and "reason" with them

The only thing terrorists like Hamas understands in a bullet in the head

Obama Should Engage Now for Middle East Peace

An Israeli air assault on Palestinian targets in Gaza has taken an estimated 300 lives over the course of the past several days, and the death toll is mounting rapidly. Dozens of children have been killed, confirming that there is nothing "surgical" about these strikes.

Most U.S. media coverage portrays a simple struggle between Israelis on the one side and Gaza's Hamas militants on the other. This is the line that is being advanced aggressively by the Bush administration and that has effectively been accepted by President-elect Barack Obama's transition team, which is maintaining its "Bush speaks for the U.S. until January 20" line even as the crisis mounts. Following Bush's lead, Obama has refused to call for a more nuanced and effective U.S. response to an escalation of the Middle East conflict that Palestinian parliamentarian Mustafa Barghouti on Sunday described as the worst since the 1967 war in the region.

Obama and his aides should be openly counseling the Bush administration to use every diplomatic avenue to promote a ceasefire and, above all, to urge against an Israeli invasion and occupation of Gaza.

Unfortunately, the president-elect is doing nothing of the sort. Some may imagine that this disengaged approach confirms Obama as a true "friend of Israel."

But Jeremy Ben-Ami, the executive director of the U.S.-based pro-Israel, pro-peace advocacy group J Street, argues that: "While (the recent) air strikes by Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza can be understood and even justified in the wake of recent rocket attacks, we believe that real friends of Israel recognize that escalating the conflict will prove counterproductive, igniting further anger in the region and damaging long-term prospects for peace and stability. Respecting Israel's right to defend itself, we urge leaders there to recognize that there is no military solution to what is fundamentally a political conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian peoples."

That sentiment is echoed in Israeli, where many war-weary citizens are objecting to their government's escalation of a simmering conflict.

While moves to prevent rocket attacks on Israeli targets that have been launched from Gaza enjoy broad popular support in Israel, there is good deal of genuine concern about the prospect that Israeli forces might invade and occupy all or part of Gaza.

A substantial crowd of Israelis – estimated at 2,000 by organizers -- rallied in Tel Aviv Saturday to protest their country's attacks on Gaza and to call for an immediate ceasefire. Chanting "No to War – Yes to Peace," the protesters carried signs urging "Negotiation Instead of Slaughter" and calling on Israeli leaders to "Lift the Siege from Gaza".

http://www.thenation.com/blogs/thebeat/392156/obama_should_engage_now_for_middle_east_peace?rel= hp_picks

12-30-2008, 07:57 AM
Words are the only way, my country lost thousands becuase of a lack of negotitations, and then when they did start, a mere 9 years later we have our own governent and peace throughout, with only a few rebel groups planting the odd bomb or shooting someone.

I realize that the situation in the middle east is even more complex than ours, but the fact is, both sides think they are right, the more terrorists/freedom fighters are shot dead the more that will stand up and fill there place

12-30-2008, 08:07 AM

the more terrorists/freedom fighters are shot dead the more that will stand up and fill their place

Amen to that.

12-30-2008, 08:09 AM
If Obama wants peace in the middle east, he might want to consider sending much Military aide and dollars to Israel - to help them 'do their thing', that is to say, the dirty work of killing those who wish to harm them.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 08:27 AM
Words are the only way, my country lost thousands becuase of a lack of negotitations, and then when they did start, a mere 9 years later we have our own governent and peace throughout, with only a few rebel groups planting the odd bomb or shooting someone.

I realize that the situation in the middle east is even more complex than ours, but the fact is, both sides think they are right, the more terrorists/freedom fighters are shot dead the more that will stand up and fill there place

Like Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler?

12-30-2008, 08:29 AM
Are you advocating the gwb "Roadway to Peace" agreement, dimples?!?!?!?!?!??!??!

If Obama wants peace in the middle east, he might want to consider sending much Military aide and dollars to Israel - to help them 'do their thing', that is to say, the dirty work of killing those who wish to harm them.

I suppose President Obama will embrace several of the gwb administration policies but I don't expect that will be one of them.



red states rule
12-30-2008, 08:36 AM
I hope Obama does not enact the Reid and Pelosi defense plan


12-30-2008, 08:55 AM
Are you advocating the gwb "Roadway to Peace" agreement, dimples?!?!?!?!?!??!??!

I suppose President Obama will embrace several of the gwb administration policies but I don't expect that will be one of them.



I'm saying, "the only way to deal with the animals relentlessly attacking Israel is to kill them and their children."

This text refers to Babylonians, but fits with "Islamic Terrorists" too:

Psalm 137:7-9 (The Message)

And you, (PLO) —ravagers!
A reward to whoever gets back at you
for all you've done to (Israel);
Yes, a reward to the one who grabs your babies
and smashes their heads on the rocks!

edits in () are mine.

12-30-2008, 10:20 AM
Words are the only way, my country lost thousands becuase of a lack of negotitations, and then when they did start, a mere 9 years later we have our own governent and peace throughout, with only a few rebel groups planting the odd bomb or shooting someone.

I realize that the situation in the middle east is even more complex than ours, but the fact is, both sides think they are right, the more terrorists/freedom fighters are shot dead the more that will stand up and fill there place

Where do you guys get this idea.

We kill terrorists when they try to use fear to kill innocent people. Yet somehow we are to expect that our killing of these men is going to create more of them. As if people are just eager to join with the fight against American civilians because the others are dead.

Anyone who joins terrorism may as well be stopped as well. They had their choice.

12-30-2008, 11:46 AM
Like Neville Chamberlain did with Hitler?

This is completly differnt and you know it, the peoblem in the middle east is more of a civil war than anything else, just like we had here, to liken it to Nazism is a little silly sir.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 11:48 AM
This is completly differnt and you know it, the peoblem in the middle east is more of a civil war than anything else, just like we had here, to liken it to Nazism is a little silly sir.

It is the same. For some reason, there will always be people who think we can talk, reason, and make a deal with madmen who want us dead

12-30-2008, 11:49 AM
Where do you guys get this idea.

We kill terrorists when they try to use fear to kill innocent people. Yet somehow we are to expect that our killing of these men is going to create more of them. As if people are just eager to join with the fight against American civilians because the others are dead.

Anyone who joins terrorism may as well be stopped as well. They had their choice.

The reasons are complex but it is undenyable, when both sides think they are right murder will only breed more murder, it just seems to be how humans work.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 11:53 AM
The reasons are complex but it is undenyable, when both sides think they are right murder will only breed more murder, it just seems to be how humans work.

It is not complex Noir - they are no different from Nazi's who followed Hitler


12-30-2008, 11:56 AM

I'm saying, "the only way to deal with the animals relentlessly attacking Israel is to kill them and their children."

Maybe you were King Herod in a past life.

You'd better get 'em all, 'cause the survivors will be a-comin' fer ya.

red states rule;

It is not complex Noir - they are no different from Nazi's who followed Hitler

As proven by red states rule's daft photographs ? What astounding shallowness.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 11:58 AM

Maybe you were King Herod in a past life.

You'd better get 'em all, 'cause the survivors will be a-comin' fer ya.

Bring em' on!

12-30-2008, 12:01 PM
No worries. It is written.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 12:02 PM
No worries. It is written.

and we will bury them with some Jimy Dean sausage to help feed the worms

12-30-2008, 12:07 PM
The reasons are complex but it is undenyable, when both sides think they are right murder will only breed more murder, it just seems to be how humans work.

We killed the Nazis.... Should we expect some counter insurgency?

12-30-2008, 12:07 PM
red states rule;

and we will bury them with some Jimy Dean sausage to help feed the worms

All aboard for the ChickenHawk express.

12-30-2008, 12:17 PM

Maybe you were King Herod in a past life.

You'd better get 'em all, 'cause the survivors will be a-comin' fer ya.

Truth, and those who love Goodness, WILL kill all those Muslims and others who love evil and lies. Eventually, Islamic Terrorists will be killed. It'll take awhile. Eventually GOOD muslims will join our cause. Eventually, they'll get tired of the Evil Muslims building and placing launchers in THEIR neighborhoods, to launch Rockets against a peaceful nation.


12-30-2008, 12:40 PM
Truth, and those who love Goodness, WILL kill all those Muslims and others who love evil and lies. Eventually, Islamic Terrorists will be killed. It'll take awhile. Eventually GOOD muslims will join our cause. Eventually, they'll get tired of the Evil Muslims building and placing launchers in THEIR neighborhoods, to launch Rockets against a peaceful nation.


I'm not convinced that there are any good muslims, there are only muslims who are not currently aggressive but will either convert from islam or become violent depending on who's in power.

12-30-2008, 12:41 PM

Truth, and those who love Goodness, WILL kill all those Muslims and others who love evil and lies. Eventually, Islamic Terrorists will be killed. It'll take awhile. Eventually GOOD muslims will join our cause. Eventually, they'll get tired of the Evil Muslims building and placing launchers in THEIR neighborhoods, to launch Rockets against a peaceful nation.


Muslims are brothers. Your 'cause' is held together by greed and usury. Take a look around .

red states rule
12-30-2008, 12:49 PM

12-30-2008, 12:56 PM

Muslims are brothers. Your 'cause' is held together by greed and usury. Take a look around .

Some muslims are my brothers - those muslims who refuse to support the murderous pieces of shit you support. :)

12-30-2008, 01:28 PM
The ones that the US wormtongues have blackmailed or bought, you are welcome to. They find themselves in suitable company.
Yet perhaps they are biding their time.

12-30-2008, 02:10 PM
The ones that the US wormtongues have blackmailed or bought, you are welcome to. They find themselves in suitable company.
Yet perhaps they are biding their time.

The muslims of whom I speak are REAL muslims - real people who are HONESTLY seeking God. You and your ilk are the root of all evil.

12-30-2008, 02:15 PM

The muslims of whom I speak are REAL muslims - real people who are HONESTLY seeking God. You and your ilk are the root of all evil.

Don't tell me, you're going to root us all out and give us a taste of the ducking stool. You'd need a bit more fire in your brimstone, pilgrim, before a decent muslim noticed you were there. I could count the muslims you know on a bull's tits.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 02:17 PM

Don't tell me, you're going to root us all out and give us a taste of the ducking stool. You'd need a bit more fire in your brimstone, pilgrim, before a decent muslim noticed you were there. I could count the muslims you know on a bull's tits.


12-30-2008, 02:21 PM
You crackers really worry about losing your fool heads, doncha. Must be guilty consciences.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 02:24 PM

12-30-2008, 02:25 PM
Iraq Elections: Farce of the Century

Bremer personally appointed the overseers for the election", says Al Mukhtar, thus, far from 'free and fair' and heralding Iraqi 'democracy' they are entirely engineered by Bush's man.


12-30-2008, 02:27 PM
....and your respect for Palestinian democracy is where, exactly ?

red states rule
12-30-2008, 02:28 PM
....and your respect for Palestinian democracy is where, exactly ?

I do not have any respest for terrorists. The only thing I want for them is either capture them or kill them

12-30-2008, 02:28 PM

Muslims are brothers. Your 'cause' is held together by greed and usury. Take a look around .

I dont think you have a clue what our cause is.

12-30-2008, 02:30 PM
You crackers really worry about losing your fool heads, doncha. Must be guilty consciences.

Seems a bit foolish not to be concerned when people start beheading others in acts of terrorism. Is there any reason why we should just ignore beheadings?

red states rule
12-30-2008, 02:31 PM

12-30-2008, 02:31 PM
....and your respect for Palestinian democracy is where, exactly ?

respect is something that's earned.

12-30-2008, 02:31 PM

I dont think you have a clue what our cause is.

It's become obvious. It's to pedal debt to those who can least afford it so that their debt slavery pays for your Zionist excesses. That's the , crumbling, edifice of your 'cause'. The 'demahcracy' crap is just dressing.

Is there any reason why we should just ignore beheadings?

You never made a fuss over the guillotine .

No, just see them in the same terms as electric chairs, hangings, lethal injections and firing squads.

12-30-2008, 02:40 PM
You crackers really worry about losing your fool heads, doncha. Must be guilty consciences.

crackers....lol......ah a racist limey paki.....what a shock.....fled your homeland to live a life of unclean excess in merry olde england......what a hypocrite....

12-30-2008, 02:43 PM

It's become obvious. It's to pedal debt to those who can least afford it so that their debt slavery pays for your Zionist excesses. That's the , crumbling, edifice of your 'cause'. The 'demahcracy' crap is just dressing.

You never made a fuss over the guillotine .

No, just see them in the same terms as electric chairs, hangings, lethal injections and firing squads.

Where to begin....

First, I dont care about democracy. I live in a Republic. I prefer limited representative government and self government to mob rule.

Second, I couldn't care less about peddling debt to anyone. Quite the opposite. Id love to see people become self sufficient.

Third, I know of no instance of the guillotine being used in nearly 200 years. If there was a group of people using this tool to cause terror among people, then Id be just as concerned about that.

Fourth, there is a huge difference between lawfully excecuting someone according to the law and murdering someone to cause terror.

So I believe my statement stands, you dont have a clue what our cause is.

12-30-2008, 02:49 PM
So I believe my statement stands, you dont have a clue what our cause is.

Yes, you believe it stands , there's no arguing with that.


crackers....lol......ah a racist limey paki.....what a shock.....fled your homeland to live a life of unclean excess in merry olde england......what a hypocrite....

As I said earlier, Sherlock Holmes you ain't.

red states rule
12-30-2008, 02:53 PM
Moonie, you have some supporters here in the US


12-30-2008, 02:59 PM
red states rule, who do you think you are amusing/niggling with these plagiarisms ? You're a semi-intelligent boy, try for an original thought.