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12-31-2008, 06:31 AM
Pretty interesting:


As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010

MOSCOW -- For a decade, Russian academic Igor Panarin has been predicting the U.S. will fall apart in 2010. For most of that time, he admits, few took his argument -- that an economic and moral collapse will trigger a civil war and the eventual breakup of the U.S. -- very seriously. Now he's found an eager audience: Russian state media.

In recent weeks, he's been interviewed as much as twice a day about his predictions. "It's a record," says Prof. Panarin. "But I think the attention is going to grow even stronger."

Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations....

Russia gets Alaska; China, the western states; Mexico, the South; EU the East Coast; and Canada, the middle.

12-31-2008, 09:21 AM
Well, George W. Bush has brought America closer to utter financial ruin and total moral bankruptcy than any president in American history. What Professor Panarin ignores, however is the resiliency of the American people and our ability to rebound from adversity. Perhaps Barack Obama will be the person to lead us out of the quagmire the Bush administration has dragged the nation into...perhaps not. What he has done, however, is galvanized the nation into seeking the way out...shown us that we can choose the high road instead of the gutter that Bush & Co has tried to drag us all into.

red states rule
12-31-2008, 09:54 AM
Well, George W. Bush has brought America closer to utter financial ruin and total moral bankruptcy than any president in American history. What Professor Panarin ignores, however is the resiliency of the American people and our ability to rebound from adversity. Perhaps Barack Obama will be the person to lead us out of the quagmire the Bush administration has dragged the nation into...perhaps not. What he has done, however, is galvanized the nation into seeking the way out...shown us that we can choose the high road instead of the gutter that Bush & Co has tried to drag us all into.

and libs tell us not to call Obama the messiah :laugh2:

as BP and other libs see Obama


12-31-2008, 09:55 AM
ah is this the Russian Professor that designed Chernobyl ????:dance::dance:

12-31-2008, 09:57 AM
Well, George W. Bush has brought America closer to utter financial ruin and total moral bankruptcy than any president in American history. What Professor Panarin ignores, however is the resiliency of the American people and our ability to rebound from adversity. Perhaps Barack Obama will be the person to lead us out of the quagmire the Bush administration has dragged the nation into...perhaps not. What he has done, however, is galvanized the nation into seeking the way out...shown us that we can choose the high road instead of the gutter that Bush & Co has tried to drag us all into.

with the dem felons leading the way yup....................

12-31-2008, 10:57 AM
I suppose it's only fair....a while back the US was predicting the demise of the Soviet Union.....

12-31-2008, 11:00 AM
did he predict the end of the soviet union???? hmmmm

12-31-2008, 11:03 AM
Obambam can part the seas, turn water into wine, just show up and we are one...I've never seen more men who has a man-crush on another man...creepy

12-31-2008, 11:53 AM
I think to some degree the professor is right. If the left keeps shoving their socialistic agenda down our throats and eroding our rights, there may very well be a revolution.

12-31-2008, 01:48 PM
Texas kicked that slimy semi-country below us years ago and would certainly do it again. This idiot lives in Russia, nothing else is needed to be said.

12-31-2008, 01:52 PM
Well, as far as I can tell, the only ones claiming Obama is some sort of "messiah" are you right wing-nut water-heads and your fellow travelers. While Obama may not be able to clean up all of the flaming bags of dog-shit left behind by the Bush administration, perhaps he can make a good start. I'll withhold judgment. But then anything would be an improvement over the eight years of demonstrable economic, foreign policy and domestic fuck-ups racked up under the GOP agenda and their poster child, Chimpy McPresident and his mentor, Darth Cheney.

12-31-2008, 01:52 PM
Well, George W. Bush has brought America closer to utter financial ruin and total moral bankruptcy than any president in American history. What Professor Panarin ignores, however is the resiliency of the American people and our ability to rebound from adversity. Perhaps Barack Obama will be the person to lead us out of the quagmire the Bush administration has dragged the nation into...perhaps not. What he has done, however, is galvanized the nation into seeking the way out...shown us that we can choose the high road instead of the gutter that Bush & Co has tried to drag us all into.

I wonder, how did President Bush get the power of a dictator and why didn't Barry, Nancy, Harry and Teddy........ oh and of course Maxine and Barney...... stop him from ruining the country? Where were they when all of this was happening? Why do you give them a pass? Is it the scarlet "D" behind their names?

12-31-2008, 02:01 PM
Well, as far as I can tell, the only ones claiming Obama is some sort of "messiah" are you right wing-nut water-heads and your fellow travelers. While Obama may not be able to clean up all of the flaming bags of dog-shit left behind by the Bush administration, perhaps he can make a good start. I'll withhold judgment. But then anything would be an improvement over the eight years of demonstrable economic, foreign policy and domestic fuck-ups racked up under the GOP agenda and their poster child, Chimpy McPresident and his mentor, Darth Cheney.

oh yeah..cause those Democrats in power now(with the 9% approval rating, the worst of any Congress ever), has done such a bang up job..

must be nice to live in a world of make believe dear...

12-31-2008, 02:08 PM
Well, as far as I can tell, the only ones claiming Obama is some sort of "messiah" are you right wing-nut water-heads and your fellow travelers. While Obama may not be able to clean up all of the flaming bags of dog-shit left behind by the Bush administration, perhaps he can make a good start. I'll withhold judgment. But then anything would be an improvement over the eight years of demonstrable economic, foreign policy and domestic fuck-ups racked up under the GOP agenda and their poster child, Chimpy McPresident and his mentor, Darth Cheney.

Hey Bullshit, how about the Osama health care plans, are you going to enjoy working for minimum wage?:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

12-31-2008, 02:10 PM
Well, as far as I can tell, the only ones claiming Obama is some sort of "messiah" are you right wing-nut water-heads and your fellow travelers. While Obama may not be able to clean up all of the flaming bags of dog-shit left behind by the Bush administration, perhaps he can make a good start. I'll withhold judgment. But then anything would be an improvement over the eight years of demonstrable economic, foreign policy and domestic fuck-ups racked up under the GOP agenda and their poster child, Chimpy McPresident and his mentor, Darth Cheney.

Bully, I agree with the 'messiah' label, but there is no doubt that there were the fainting females and the almost groupie type of reporting that is still going on.

Here's my question to you, where do you see Obama really heading to 'clean up' anything, regardless of who made it? I can see from you pov that 'anyone' other the GW would be better, but that would include an Al Sharpton or Chris Dodd or Cynthia McKinney.

In another post you said that Obama was uniting towards something. Who has he united? On this board, the most right, and others that I visit, much more liberal, I'd say there is a very different scenario being played out.

Where do you see 'substantial change' coming? The defense/state team looks like Bush carryover, with some Clintonites thrown in. Israel? Looks like no change there, other than tougher towards the Palestinians. It looks like he'll spend more domestically, but is that really a good thing, with the deficits?

12-31-2008, 02:32 PM
Bully, I agree with the 'messiah' label, but there is no doubt that there were the fainting females and the almost groupie type of reporting that is still going on.

Here's my question to you, where do you see Obama really heading to 'clean up' anything, regardless of who made it? I can see from you pov that 'anyone' other the GW would be better, but that would include an Al Sharpton or Chris Dodd or Cynthia McKinney.

In another post you said that Obama was uniting towards something. Who has he united? On this board, the most right, and others that I visit, much more liberal, I'd say there is a very different scenario being played out.

Where do you see 'substantial change' coming? The defense/state team looks like Bush carryover, with some Clintonites thrown in. Israel? Looks like no change there, other than tougher towards the Palestinians. It looks like he'll spend more domestically, but is that really a good thing, with the deficits?

If anything, Barry has shown just how much like "George Jefferson" he is. He's "moving on up" to the White House and is fully effected by that. Every move he makes is extraordinarily expensive, from his spending of three quarters of a billion dollars to buy the election, to the ridiculous logistical nightmare of taking a train from Chicago to Delaware(to pickup Home Depot's Joe "Aneurism" Biden)and on to Washington, D.C. for the Inauguration. This clown will be the biggest tax and spender of all time......... you can put a ghetto rat in the White House but you can't take the ghetto out of the rat.

Abbey Marie
12-31-2008, 03:12 PM
Bully, the people Obama has galvanized thusfar are the entitlement bunch, who appear to believe that Obama will give them so many gov't handouts that they will never have to be responsible for themselves. This kind of thinking is a recipe for disaster, as it tears at the very fabric of what made this country great. Perhpas our Russian comrade is on to something.

12-31-2008, 04:21 PM
ive been predicting that we will have a civil war for years... granted i dont think its anytime soon. its just something thats inevitable for any civilization. It always happens. To pretend it can never happen again is simply absurd. And its doesnt take a rocket scientist, or even a nuclear scientist, to understand that.

12-31-2008, 06:43 PM
With the way America is going, it's highly possible that we'll find ourselves in either a civil war or a revolution. Either way, we'll be fighting each other for our lives. It's happened before and can damn sure happen again.

We have no one to blame but ourselves for the way things are heading now. We've sat with our heads buried as far up our backsides as possible, only coming out of their hidey holes long enough to spend, spend, spend. We've let our politicians do as they have and never gave it a thought, until now, when we actually see what the results have been. If one never does a thing to stop the evil, then one deserves what one gets. And what these people have been doing to America is done right evil.

12-31-2008, 07:06 PM
Ok, all you 'civil war is coming' folks. Why? What is so wrong that we want to kill each other? I"m pretty partisan and I'll tell you here and now, I've no desire to kill Blago, (would like to see him in stripes), Obama, (I wish he'd have lost, but didn't), or even Ted Kennedy, I hope he gets better, but resigns from Senate.

12-31-2008, 07:36 PM
this post is FUBAR

12-31-2008, 08:11 PM
As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.
In Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010
Gee, a Russian guy says America is going to end, or collapse, or whatever it is this time?

Let me guess: He banged his shoe on the podium and shouted, "We will bury you", or whatever the Russian equivalent of that is. Right?

Russians (Soviets) do that every generation or two. We're still here.

In fact, out of the two countries involved, we're the only one still here.

Why are this guy's pronouncements considered "news"?

12-31-2008, 09:12 PM
Ok, all you 'civil war is coming' folks. Why? What is so wrong that we want to kill each other? I"m pretty partisan and I'll tell you here and now, I've no desire to kill Blago, (would like to see him in stripes), Obama, (I wish he'd have lost, but didn't), or even Ted Kennedy, I hope he gets better, but resigns from Senate.

human nature. thats my reason.

12-31-2008, 09:27 PM
Ok, all you 'civil war is coming' folks. Why? What is so wrong that we want to kill each other? I"m pretty partisan and I'll tell you here and now, I've no desire to kill Blago, (would like to see him in stripes), Obama, (I wish he'd have lost, but didn't), or even Ted Kennedy, I hope he gets better, but resigns from Senate.

I expect a civil war or revolution but hope it doesn't come to that.

I have been to gun shows, gun shops and pawn shops in California, Oregon, Arizona and Texas in the last year and a half. I like just hanging out and talking politics and guns with people. In almost every instance the people either advocated or expected a revolution to take back our rights and our country. People are just plain old pissed off at the intrusiveness of our government. It seemed to me that they are drawing a line in the sand this time when it comes to gun laws.

12-31-2008, 11:02 PM
First, I think the Russian's map is all wrong. He's got "Atlantic America" streching from New England to South Carolina. I have no doubts in my mind that when the country splits, South Carolina will not be in cahoots with Massachusets!

Second, I agree with crin on expecting a revolution, rebellion, etc. I think there is a silent but significant minority that have had enough of the federal government's intrusion into people's lives.

01-01-2009, 10:32 AM
For a civil war to begin there will have to be a central command and governing point. A rallying and mobilization point within at least one state. A succession of one or more states or the over throw of the state governments. Like the last civil war this will lead to the federal government moving against those states with armed force.

People today don't grasp the hatred between the north and south of the 1860's. That hatred is building today. Just look at posts from du and the other left wing nut sites. It will just take the moderate and rational people longer to reach that level. Those who care about the country are the most reluctant to tear it down. But eventually they will reach that point.

The Civil War did not start in 1861. It had been boiling to that point for 20 years. Uprisings, skirmishes and a growing hatred. It's happening again.

01-01-2009, 12:22 PM
For a civil war to begin there will have to be a central command and governing point. A rallying and mobilization point within at least one state. A succession of one or more states or the over throw of the state governments. Like the last civil war this will lead to the federal government moving against those states with armed force.

People today don't grasp the hatred between the north and south of the 1860's. That hatred is building today. Just look at posts from du and the other left wing nut sites. It will just take the moderate and rational people longer to reach that level. Those who care about the country are the most reluctant to tear it down. But eventually they will reach that point.

The Civil War did not start in 1861. It had been boiling to that point for 20 years. Uprisings, skirmishes and a growing hatred. It's happening again.

Secession had long been a state's rights argument. Madison addressed it in the Federalists Papers, Andrew Jackson threatened to bring in Federal troops during the nullification crisis.

01-01-2009, 12:57 PM
Secession had long been a state's rights argument. Madison addressed it in the Federalists Papers, Andrew Jackson threatened to bring in Federal troops during the nullification crisis.

Nullification is a separate issue from secession. The former argues that states, as a part of their sovereignity, could nullify federal laws; that was expressly forbidden by the Constitution. Secession is the argument that states held the right to voluntarily leave the compact created by the Constitution; this has never been denied in a legal sense, only in the "might makes right" sense.

01-01-2009, 01:00 PM
Nullification is a separate issue from secession. The former argues that states, as a part of their sovereignity, could nullify federal laws; that was expressly forbidden by the Constitution. Secession is the argument that states held the right to voluntarily leave the compact created by the Constitution; this has never been denied in a legal sense, only in the "might makes right" sense.

But secession was discussed during the nullification crisis and Jackson, as was his wont, nearly went over the top.

01-01-2009, 01:35 PM
America need not fear civil war yet. It will be a different story in about 40-50 years, imo, when a majority of Americans are Latinos.
That's if there's still a human population to worry about it. All those nukes and biological agents lying about are busting to be a self-fulfilling prophecy.