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01-01-2009, 03:04 PM
this is Jim Hansen speaking

Thanks to the people on my e-mail list for all the suggestions (more than 100!) about my draft
“Tell Barack Obama the Truth – the Whole Truth”. Most frequent criticism: the need for an
executive summary. Two people suggested: put a summary in the form of a letter to Michelle
and Barack Obama. I like that idea. They are equally smart lawyers, and if we can get either
of them to really focus on the actions that are needed, the planet has a chance.
The letter turned out to be four pages. Sorry. But I wrote a note to John Holdren, which can
serve as an executive summary. John has promised to deliver the letter, but cannot do so
prior to the inauguration. That delay is a problem for one of the three recommendations: tax
and dividend. Thus I am making the letter available at
and the revised “Tell Barack Obama the Truth” at
in hopes of getting the information to people who continue to push for “goals” and “caps”.
“Goals” for percentage CO2 emission reductions and “cap & trade & dividend” are a threat to
the planet, weak

Now, with oil prices down, is when a hefty carbon tax should be added. In the future, when the price of
gasoline again reaches and passes $4/gallon, most of this cost will be tax, staying in the country, spread among
consumers, and driving our economy to a clean future.The public can understand this, if Barack explains it, and
they will accept it, if there is 100% dividend.

read it all here..

01-01-2009, 09:30 PM
Commission Urges 50 Percent Hike in Fuel Taxes to Fund Highway Construction

WASHINGTON -- A 50 percent increase in gasoline and diesel fuel taxes is being urged by a federal commission to finance highway construction and repair until the government devises another way for motorists to pay for using public roads.

The National Commission on Surface Transportation Infrastructure Financing, a 15-member panel created by Congress, is the second group in a year to call for higher fuel taxes.

there's your sign

story (story)

SNIP Steph: gas price here have started up again.............

01-01-2009, 10:25 PM
this is Jim Hansen speaking

Thanks to the people on my e-mail list for all the suggestions (more than 100!) about my draft
“Tell Barack Obama the Truth – the Whole Truth”. Most frequent criticism: the need for an
executive summary. Two people suggested: put a summary in the form of a letter to Michelle
and Barack Obama. I like that idea. They are equally smart lawyers, and if we can get either
of them to really focus on the actions that are needed, the planet has a chance.
The letter turned out to be four pages. Sorry. But I wrote a note to John Holdren, which can
serve as an executive summary. John has promised to deliver the letter, but cannot do so
prior to the inauguration. That delay is a problem for one of the three recommendations: tax
and dividend. Thus I am making the letter available at
and the revised “Tell Barack Obama the Truth” at
in hopes of getting the information to people who continue to push for “goals” and “caps”.
“Goals” for percentage CO2 emission reductions and “cap & trade & dividend” are a threat to
the planet, weak

Now, with oil prices down, is when a hefty carbon tax should be added. In the future, when the price of
gasoline again reaches and passes $4/gallon, most of this cost will be tax, staying in the country, spread among
consumers, and driving our economy to a clean future.The public can understand this, if Barack explains it, and
they will accept it, if there is 100% dividend.

read it all here..
http://www.columbia.edu/~jeh1/mailings/20081229_DearMichelleAndBarack.pdfYes let's support a carbon tax on Jan. 20th so the effect can be felt for the longest period of time between then and the 2010 election of House members... yeah, that's cool with me!