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View Full Version : Making the case for Caroline Kennedy

01-03-2009, 09:45 PM
a liberal elitist mind in motion...what beauty...:uhoh:

By Alan Chartock
Updated: 01/03/2009 10:16:51 AM EST

Saturday, January 03
I have certainly taken my share abuse for having been one of the first to suggest that Caroline Kennedy would be the perfect person for New York Gov. David Paterson to name to the Senate seat now held by Hillary Clinton.

People have come up with lots of reasons for disagreeing with me: The appointment would be too nepotistic; she is not well spoken and says "you know" too much; she hasn't spent enough time in upstate New York; she didn't vote in some elections; she hasn't given enough money to the Democratic Party; she doesn't have the necessary work ethic to do the job; she is too close to Mayor Bloomberg, and on and on.

For his part, David Paterson, doesn't seem to want her. The word is going out all over the place that others have been "invited" to interview for the position and some of them are already being vetted for their finances. The New York tabloids have been unduly cruel to Caroline. Now Paterson is rumored to be going for the "seat warmer" option.

Respectfully, I think David Paterson would be dumb not to appoint Kennedy. Here's my reasoning: She is fabulously wealthy. Some guesstimates have her in the $500 million range. She owns a considerable chunk of Martha's Vineyard beach front, and she is one of the most popular New Yorkers.

So let's just say that you were David Paterson and had to run for your own term in 2010. Wouldn't you want to run with someone who

would attract a lot of voters who wanted a chance to touch a piece of history? Wouldn't you want to be the running mate of the woman whose father was a martyred president, whose uncle was a martyred Senator from New York and whose other uncle just may be the most admired man in the United States Senate? She clearly would bring both money and voters to the electoral process.
Why, then, would Paterson not like her? It's not as if he didn't get where he is partially by his own pedigree. There must be a reason but I'll be damned if I know what it is. Some think that he is keeping the option of his own ascendancy to the Senate open.

read the rest if ya stomach it...