View Full Version : Zionists target medics and ambulances - Cage Fodder

01-05-2009, 05:19 AM
Radio reports from the Red Crescent observers on ambulances inside Gaza state that Zionists are deliberately, that's deliberately targeting medics and ambulances. On one occasion a Zionist tank stood by whilst medics loaded an ambulance with wounded and then fired a tank shell into the ambulance.
This tallies with earlier Zionist war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon, wherein ambulances were deliberately targeted from the air.

Emergency medical workers attempting to reach the wounded on the frontline, themselves become targets when an Israeli air raid killed four paramedics on Sunday. Ambulances have also been hit in the attacks, Palestinian sources said.


The international Red Cross on Sunday deplored the killing by the Israel Defense Forces of two "clearly marked" ambulance workers removing a Palestinian body from an earlier Israeli attack in the Gaza Strip.


In the West Bank last night Israeli forces targeted Palestinian ambulances as people demonstrated against the massive killings in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli interference with medical personnel and duties contravenes the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 and Protocol I of the addendum of 1977.


Such brutality is clearly fascist-inspired sadism. The contempt that Zionism shows for the Geneva Conventions challenges even that of Guantanamo George.
Red Crescent personnel promise detailed accounts and video verification when the Zionist-imposed news blackout disintegrates. Hamas promise revenge.

01-05-2009, 05:29 AM
And suicide bombers target restaurant patrons that include their own families and religions. What's so new about any of that, moondog?!??!?!?!?!?!??!

Old men just want to have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


01-05-2009, 05:39 AM
That's good, you're not denying that Israel acts outside of humanitarian law and common human decency. Your New Klan bedfellows will be disappointed with you, psychoblues. ' Flat denial ' is their mode d'emploi. You must be just an apprentice.

01-05-2009, 08:47 AM

01-06-2009, 04:31 AM

01-06-2009, 08:17 AM
the Klan hates Jews. So do you. See where I'm going, you racist piece of poo?

01-06-2009, 08:42 AM
Don't bother me, dump. The New Klan is anti-Islamist and you're right out there with your pointy head.

01-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Radio reports from the Red Crescent. . .

Yeah, that's a completely credible and reliable source.

01-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Don't bother me, dump. The New Klan is anti-Islamist and you're right out there with your pointy head.

In other words, you have no freakin clue what you are saying.

01-06-2009, 10:19 AM
You have no information, avatar, just hen-house babble.

01-06-2009, 10:57 AM
Israel Defense Forces tank fire killed up to 40 Palestinians at a United Nations school in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday, medical sources at two hospitals said.

The attack brought the Palestinian death toll to nearly 600 in Israel's 11-day offensive on the Hamas-ruled coastal territory.

Two tank shells exploded outside the Gaza school, spraying shrapnel on people inside and outside the building, where hundreds of Palestinians had sought refuge from fighting between Israeli soldiers and Hamas militants. In addition to the dead, several dozen people were wounded, the officials said.

Medical officials said all the dead were either people sheltering in the school or local residents.


How can the Palestinians exact revenge upon Zionism ? By 'recognising' Israel ? By letting the Zionists have Palestinian territory ? By giving up their struggle against an illegal invader ? By pandering to the international community who stand by and do nothing ? Obviously not. Should they put aside thoughts of a later vengeance ? I don't think that anybody could. Will they eventually even the scores ? It's difficult to say, as their target is around six thousand Zionists and that's a lot of dead Zionists.
Still, six thousand dead Palestinians is a lot of dead Palestinians , and the Zionists didn't balk at a total like that. They should emulate Israel's 'success', arm themselves to the teeth, be brutal, refuse negotiations, piss upon international law, murder, imprison and steal. That's the way to achieve a State . Ask any Zionist.

01-06-2009, 12:22 PM
those Israelis are sharp .... using a tank instead of strapping tnt to a 12 year olde boy......

01-06-2009, 12:41 PM
Palestinian medical officials say an Israeli airstrike has hit a U.N. school in the northern Gaza Strip, the second deadly Israeli airstrike to hit a U.N. school in the past few hours.


The school was a United Nations school and the Zionists were given the coordinates of all UN facilities in the Strip. UN officials state that only a full investigation will satisfy them that the targeting was not deliberate. Now the Zionists have shelled a second school, giving the lie to their suggestion that the first atrocity was an 'accident'.

Who is it that kills civilians in schools ? Muslims ? Hamas ? No cigar, Klansmen.

01-06-2009, 01:14 PM
Hamas, of course, frequently uses such schools as staging grounds for terrorist attacks, storage areas for weapons, rocket launching sites etc. They do it precisely so that they can come out with these misleading propaganda statements ("Israelis target Gaza school" etc.) when the Israelis say enough is enough and go after the terrorists hiding behind the schoolchildren and refugees.

Whose fault is it that Israel is "attacking the school", again?

Poor little moonie doesn't want you to remember these things. Once again, the truth is interfering with his agenda of annihilating Israel and driving all the Jews into the sea. The propaganda value of such announcements is much more important to him than the deaths of a few schoolchildren being used by his friends as human shields.

01-06-2009, 01:16 PM
If there were members of the Palestinian resistance in the UN schools targeted then the Zionist won't be objecting to a full investigation, will they .

01-06-2009, 01:33 PM
If there were members of the Palestinian resistance in the UN schools targeted then the Zionist won't be objecting to a full investigation, will they .

Why would they object? I'm sure they have full confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the UN to inspect such violations.

The UN. You know, the people who owned the schools, and let Hamas use them for terrorism purposes. Yep, I trust them completely to establish justice. Don't you?


01-06-2009, 01:49 PM
How can the Palestinians exact revenge upon Zionism ? By 'recognising' Israel ? By letting the Zionists have Palestinian territory ? By giving up their struggle against an illegal invader ? By pandering to the international community who stand by and do nothing ? Obviously not. Should they put aside thoughts of a later vengeance ? I don't think that anybody could. Will they eventually even the scores ? It's difficult to say, as their target is around six thousand Zionists and that's a lot of dead Zionists.
Still, six thousand dead Palestinians is a lot of dead Palestinians , and the Zionists didn't balk at a total like that. They should emulate Israel's 'success', arm themselves to the teeth, be brutal, refuse negotiations, piss upon international law, murder, imprison and steal. That's the way to achieve a State . Ask any Zionist.

40 that's all ??? I am expecting a MUCH higher body count.

01-06-2009, 01:53 PM

Meet me in the steel cage! I challange you to a debate duel on this subject and stand prepared to kick your ass! NOW!!!

01-06-2009, 01:58 PM
well moon ???? here's your shot at the title. go for it


Meet me in the steel cage! I challange you to a debate duel on this subject and stand prepared to kick your ass! NOW!!!

I say the chicken shit is a no show...........

01-06-2009, 02:00 PM
I say the chicken shit is a no show...........

How would a debate with you, help his goal of destroying Israel and driving the Jews into the sea?

If it doesn't, he won't bother showing.

01-06-2009, 02:07 PM
No Steel Cage necessary for a debate on humanitarian law, the Zionists' abuse of it or the Palestinians options for vengeance. Anybody savvy enough and with a respect for etiquette, step right up.

Those able only to reach the low-hanging fruit, take a hike.

Incidentally, I don't believe it's within the realms of press freedom to conceal a thread on Zionists deliberately opening fire on two UN schools with tanks inside a thread concerning Zionists deliberately targeting ambulances and medics in the field. They are separate crimes, perpetrated at different times. Only the perpetrators and the victims are the same. Poor show indeed.

01-06-2009, 02:09 PM
I called it.................

01-06-2009, 02:13 PM
I called it.................

There had to be a mong involved somewhere.

01-06-2009, 02:20 PM
There had to be a mong involved somewhere.

been in the poppy fields again????

01-06-2009, 02:38 PM
I called it.................

How would a debate with you, help his goal of destroying Israel and driving the Jews into the sea?

If it doesn't, he won't bother showing.

No Steel Cage necessary

(LA high-fives Namvet)

01-06-2009, 02:40 PM
(LA high-fives Namvet)

shazzzzzzzzam !!!!:laugh2:

No Steel Cage necessary for a debate on humanitarian law, the Zionists' abuse of it or the Palestinians options for vengeance. Anybody savvy enough and with a respect for etiquette, step right up.

Those able only to reach the low-hanging fruit, take a hike.

Incidentally, I don't believe it's within the realms of press freedom to conceal a thread on Zionists deliberately opening fire on two UN schools with tanks inside a thread concerning Zionists deliberately targeting ambulances and medics in the field. They are separate crimes, perpetrated at different times. Only the perpetrators and the victims are the same. Poor show indeed.


my treat moonie....enjoy

01-06-2009, 03:38 PM
Indeed LA:


EXCLUSIVE-Gaza headmaster was Islamic Jihad "rocket-maker"
Mon May 5, 2008 9:08am EDT Email | Print | Share | Reprints | Single Page [-] Text [+]
By Adam Entous

RAFAH, Gaza Strip, May 5 (Reuters) - By day, Awad al-Qiq was a respected science teacher and headmaster at a United Nations school in the Gaza Strip. By night, Palestinian militants say, he built rockets for Islamic Jihad.

The Israeli air strike that killed the 33-year-old last week also laid bare his apparent double life and embarrassed a U.N. agency which has long had to rebuff Israeli accusations that it has aided and abetted guerrillas fighting the Jewish state.

In interviews with Reuters, students and colleagues, as well as U.N. officials, denied any knowledge of Qiq's work with explosives. And his family denied he had any militant links at all, despite a profusion of Islamic Jihad posters at his home.

But militant leaders allied to the enclave's ruling Hamas group hailed him as a martyr who led Islamic Jihad's "engineering unit" -- its bomb makers. They fired a salvo of improvised rockets into Israel in response to his death.

Qiq's body was wrapped in an Islamic Jihad flag at his funeral, pictorial posters in his honour still bedeck his family home this week, and a handwritten notice posted on the metal gate at the entrance to the school declared that Qiq, "the chief leader of the engineering unit", would now find "paradise".

That poster was removed soon after Reuters visited the Rafah Prep Boys School, run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees. Staff there said on Monday that UNRWA officials had told them not to discuss Qiq's activities....


30 reported killed in blast at UN school
Jan. 6, 2009
Yaakov Katz, ap and Jpost.com staff , THE JERUSALEM POST
At least 30 people were reportedly killed and 53 wounded in an explosion in a UN-run school in the town of Jabalya in the northern Gaza Strip, according to Palestinians. The IDF issued a statement saying the school grounds were used by terrorists to fire mortar shells at the troops.

The infantrymen returned mortar shell fire into the school grounds, the army said. Defense officials told The Associated Press that booby-trapped bombs in the school triggered the secondary explosions which killed scores of Palestinians on the site.

The Jerusalem Post could not confirm the number of casualties reported by Palestinian sources.

Channel 10 reported that the military had a video filmed by a drone proving that the school was used by terrorists to fire mortars at IDF troops....

01-06-2009, 03:57 PM
No Steel Cage necessary for a debate on humanitarian law, the Zionists' abuse of it or the Palestinians options for vengeance. Anybody savvy enough and with a respect for etiquette, step right up.

Those able only to reach the low-hanging fruit, take a hike.

Incidentally, I don't believe it's within the realms of press freedom to conceal a thread on Zionists deliberately opening fire on two UN schools with tanks inside a thread concerning Zionists deliberately targeting ambulances and medics in the field. They are separate crimes, perpetrated at different times. Only the perpetrators and the victims are the same. Poor show indeed.

But the rockets being sent to indescriminate destinations by your people, during a cease fire, are ......... let's see...... / well...... what? Oh.. that's different right?

Violence is violence man. They aren't going to solve this problem by invading the Gaza strip or firing rockets into Israel. It's all wrong! At least Israel issues warnings to prospective areas for civilians to vacate. Did Hamas do that? Hell no. They also don't publish the warnings sent to their own people. Hamas collects up the breiflets and destroys them. This causes their own folks to be caught in attacks so Hamas can claim these supposed atrosities you mention.

Hamas is an evil outfit brother! Just evil!!!!

By the way.... it could be said that...... and probably will be that you aRE chicken for not accepting my invitation to debate. Now understand I appreciate that it is a terribly intimidating thing to have been called out by El De Ba Tor, and I was going to take it easy on you but cowardess will hurt you worse in the long run Moon. It will tear at you at your next Kool-Aid party to think that one of your guests may be a board member and knows that you were given the opportunity of a lifetime on DP. The chance to meet face to face with El De Ba Tor is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I promise to make it painless when the end comes, should you ever grow the balls to accept my challange. I'll just hush about it for now.

Top of the day to you my friend, I'll.... uh... catch you later!

01-06-2009, 05:52 PM
common moonfuck

you can do better then that

zionists, their called israelies or idf. get it right

second, hamas hides in hospitals like little sissy men

and along the population

you wouldnt know honesty, if it kicked you in the nuts :laugh2:

01-06-2009, 05:56 PM
common moonfuck

you can do better then that

zionists, their called israelies or idf. get it right

second, hamas hides in hospitals like little sissy men

and along the population

you wouldnt know honesty, if it kicked you in the nuts :laugh2:

Ray, seriously, get your meds, you are gonna end up getting fucked up again tonight.

Haven't you learned from the many beatings i've administered to you? Seriously, this moon could out debate you after two fifths of Cuervo and a handful of quaaludes.

01-06-2009, 05:59 PM
#1 we cant all be perfect like you jackass

#2 dont hijack this thread with your beef with me

you wanna fight, make a thread in the steel cage, and ill have at it with you

#3 you already highjacked the last thread

#4 my name is not ray, unless your mothers name is whore

my name is martin or asshole :), but dont lie , and round about called me retarded when im not shit head

Ray, seriously, get your meds, you are gonna end up getting fucked up again tonight.

Haven't you learned from the many beatings i've administered to you? Seriously, this moon could out debate you after two fifths of Cuervo and a handful of quaaludes.

01-06-2009, 05:59 PM
Ray, seriously, get your meds, you are gonna end up getting fucked up again tonight.

Haven't you learned from the many beatings i've administered to you? Seriously, this moon could out debate you after two fifths of Cuervo and a handful of quaaludes.

is it true everyone on here has had you????:laugh2::laugh2:

01-06-2009, 06:00 PM

this guy likes making fun of people with disabilities, and calls them retarded.

He is all class (sarcasm)

is it true everyone on here has had you????:laugh2::laugh2:

01-06-2009, 06:00 PM

01-06-2009, 06:03 PM
#1 we cant all be perfect like you jackass

#2 dont hijack this thread with your beef with me

you wanna fight, make a thread in the steel cage, and ill have at it with you

#3 you already highjacked the last thread

#4 my name is not ray, unless your mothers name is whore

my name is martin or asshole :), but dont lie , and round about called me retarded when im not shit head

he call you ray and he can call you jay but he ain't gotta call you OCA !!!! hahahaha:laugh2:


awww come on. we worship the quick sand you walk on :dance:


this guy likes making fun of people with disabilities, and calls them retarded.

He is all class (sarcasm)

so that's why they call him low blow :coffee: i know his type well.

Ray, seriously, get your meds, you are gonna end up getting fucked up again tonight.

Haven't you learned from the many beatings i've administered to you? Seriously, this moon could out debate you after two fifths of Cuervo and a handful of quaaludes.

ray???? who dat????:dance:

01-06-2009, 09:40 PM
Indeed LA:



Some video:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zmXXUOs27lI&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zmXXUOs27lI&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

01-06-2009, 09:42 PM
and another:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/elyXQ6g-TJs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/elyXQ6g-TJs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

01-06-2009, 09:50 PM
and another:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/elyXQ6g-TJs&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/elyXQ6g-TJs&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

so ground troops will have to take this out. don't show it to moon. he'll never buy it !!!!

01-06-2009, 11:17 PM
Don't bother me, dump. The New Klan is anti-Islamist and you're right out there with your pointy head.

see .... you think the new clan wants to kill islamists ... the new klan simply wants to kill people that are trying to kill them ..... if they happen to be islamists so be it .....

now your islamists buddies wouldn't be trying to kill jews simply because they are jews ..... would they ...... because that would make them the new nazis ...... hey wait a second you all were on hitlers side the first time around .....

you wouldn't be in argentina would you ......

01-07-2009, 05:04 AM
Indeed LA:



Seems some of the 'world' understands the useful idiots of the UN:


Israelis hit school, Ottawa blames Hamas
New cabinet minister speaks out as tank fire kills huddled civilians
January 07, 2009
JERUSALEM–Canada blamed Hamas yesterday for endangering civilians in the Gaza Strip after at least 42 Palestinians – including children – were killed by Israeli tank fire while taking shelter in a UN-operated school.

"Hamas bears a terrible responsibility for this and for the wider deepening humanitarian tragedy," Peter Kent, the new minister of state for foreign affairs, told Reuters in response to the attack.

"The burden of responsibility is on Hamas to stop its terrorist rocketing of Israel."

Hamas, a radical Islamist group, has ruled Gaza since June 2007.

While adding that Ottawa did not yet know much about the incident, Kent said: "Hamas's record is to use civilians – the population and civilian infrastructure – as shields and it would seem quite possible that this is yet another tragic instance."

As international pressure mounted for an end to Israel's all-out Gaza offensive, Kent said in another interview, "Until (Hamas) commit to a permanent ceasefire – a truly permanent ceasefire, a durable ceasefire – and don't use it as a break to rearm and resume rocketing, the fighting will go on."...

01-07-2009, 05:18 AM
Venezuela has ordered the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador to Caracas in protest at Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip.


'bye, bye, Schlomo. The rest of the civilised world would do well to follow Hugo's example, instead of appeasing the Zionist fascists

01-07-2009, 09:51 AM
'bye, bye, Schlomo. The rest of the civilised world would do well to follow Hugo's example, instead of appeasing the Zionist fascists

Hey moon how about those videos??????????

Just keep on ignoring the fact that those piece of shit suicide bombers hide behind women and children.

Abbey Marie
01-07-2009, 10:59 AM
Kath, nice find.

Isn't it great that we have such a reasonable neigbor? Too bad Israel doesn't as well.

Israelis hit school, Ottawa blames Hamas
New cabinet minister speaks out as tank fire kills huddled civilians
January 07, 2009
JERUSALEM–Canada blamed Hamas yesterday for endangering civilians in the Gaza Strip after at least 42 Palestinians – including children – were killed by Israeli tank fire while taking shelter in a UN-operated school.

"Hamas bears a terrible responsibility for this and for the wider deepening humanitarian tragedy," Peter Kent, the new minister of state for foreign affairs, told Reuters in response to the attack.

"The burden of responsibility is on Hamas to stop its terrorist rocketing of Israel."

Hamas, a radical Islamist group, has ruled Gaza since June 2007.

While adding that Ottawa did not yet know much about the incident, Kent said: "Hamas's record is to use civilians – the population and civilian infrastructure – as shields and it would seem quite possible that this is yet another tragic instance."

As international pressure mounted for an end to Israel's all-out Gaza offensive, Kent said in another interview, "Until (Hamas) commit to a permanent ceasefire – a truly permanent ceasefire, a durable ceasefire – and don't use it as a break to rearm and resume rocketing, the fighting will go on."...

01-07-2009, 11:31 AM
While adding that Ottawa did not yet know much about the incident, Kent said: "Hamas's record is to use civilians – the population and civilian infrastructure – as shields and it would seem quite possible that this is yet another tragic instance."

'Ottawa' is going to look extremely foolish after the investigation, along with all the New Klansmen posting here. Your open season on muslims is coming to a close and your Zionist stormtroopers have a date with the slammer.

In addition, it is the IOF which has a reputation for using Palestinians as human shields, not Hamas.


Israel's highest court has banned the army from using Palestinians as human shields during its arrest operations in the West Bank.

A number of Palestinian civilians have been killed and wounded while being used this way.

During mass arrest raids in the West Bank, the Israeli army has often employed the tactic of using Palestinian civilians as human shields, forcing them, often at gunpoint, to approach the homes or hideouts of wanted militants.

In some cases the civilians have been caught in the crossfire and killed.

After petitions by two human rights groups, the Israeli Supreme Court has banned the practice, ruling that the use of human shields violates the Geneva conventions and international law.


Suck up, Ottawa. Klansmen too.

01-07-2009, 11:40 AM
'Ottawa' is going to look extremely foolish after the investigation, along with all the New Klansmen posting here. Your open season on muslims is coming to a close and your Zionist stormtroopers have a date with the slammer.

In addition, it is the IOF which has a reputation for using Palestinians as human shields, not Hamas.


Suck up, Ottawa. Klansmen too.

You obviously have no idea what a Klansman is. If you did you wouldn't give that label to people who defend Israel.

Why don't your leaders forget trying to blow up their neighbor and instead spend their time educating their population and bettering their situation.

Or is it so much better to spend all of your time mindlessly hating another group of people, and raising generations of children to hate as well??????/

01-07-2009, 11:59 AM
Trigg - don't waste your time - seriously. It's not that moon doesn't know a lot, it's just that so much of what he knows is a lie, or otherwise false.

01-07-2009, 12:14 PM
Trigg - don't waste your time - seriously. It's not that moon doesn't know a lot, it's just that so much of what he knows is a lie, or otherwise false.

So Darin let me ask you, how are you so sure that what you know is the truth?

01-07-2009, 12:19 PM
Common sense.

01-07-2009, 12:21 PM
Common sense.

Come on now, just answer the question please.

01-07-2009, 12:22 PM
So Darin let me ask you, how are you so sure that what you know is the truth?

you have a far more important issue facing you right.

01-07-2009, 12:23 PM
you have a far more important issue facing you right.

And that is? I'm being nice because i'm not supposed to take advantage of you anymore.

01-07-2009, 12:26 PM
And that is? I'm being nice because i'm not supposed to take advantage of you anymore.

after a long long talk with jim that's far from it.

FYI your powers are starting to diminish asshat.

and your being examined in detail.

01-07-2009, 12:29 PM
You obviously have no idea what a Klansman is. If you did you wouldn't give that label to people who defend Israel.

It's not a matter of referring to those who defend Israel as 'Klansmen'. The New Klansmen are those, like dump, who hate Islam and muslims in the same way that the previous Klan fascists hated Afro-Americans.
It isn't Israel per se which is the blight upon the Middle East , it is Zionism.

after a long long talk with jim that's far from it.
and your being examined in detail.

There's something of the sycophant and squealer about you, numvet, that gets under my skin.

01-07-2009, 12:32 PM
:tinfoil:ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

01-07-2009, 12:39 PM
:tinfoil:ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

what a snappy come back. you a little pre occupied??? someone talking to you???? what are they saying???? maybe take your ego and shove it. still running the board are we????

well speak up. what's wrong????

01-07-2009, 12:41 PM
[QUOTE=moon;337788]It's not a matter of referring to those who defend Israel as 'Klansmen'. The New Klansmen are those, like dump, who hate Islam and muslims in the same way that the previous Klan fascists hated Afro-Americans.

and your love for "others" is so, glaring..

do you get paid by Hamas for your propaganda, or do you do it for free..

01-07-2009, 12:41 PM
tounge tied???? lip locked ???? the great superior being having troubles today????

is history being made???? the great OCA speechless????

01-07-2009, 12:47 PM


Little tip:

Just beside 'quote' button is another little button. As you read replies you wish to quote and reply to, tick that little box. It'll turn orange, and at the FINAL reply you wish to quote, hit the normal 'quote' button.


Now, all the replies where you've turned the other button orange will be included in your reply. :)

You can multi-quote and reply to each comment in one reply. IMO it makes threads MUCH easier to follow. :)


What you're doing (and others) Makes 2-page threads into FIVE page threads...

01-07-2009, 12:49 PM


Little tip:

Just beside 'quote' button is another little button. As you read replies you wish to quote and reply to, tick that little box. It'll turn orange, and at the FINAL reply you wish to quote, hit the normal 'quote' button.


Now, all the replies where you've turned the other button orange will be included in your reply. :)

You can multi-quote and reply to each comment in one reply. IMO it makes threads MUCH easier to follow. :)


What you're doing (and others) Makes 2-page threads into FIVE page threads...


BTW......1 pm from Jimmy today saying quit picking on you, none from anyone else.....ask around.

01-07-2009, 12:50 PM


Little tip:

Just beside 'quote' button is another little button. As you read replies you wish to quote and reply to, tick that little box. It'll turn orange, and at the FINAL reply you wish to quote, hit the normal 'quote' button.


Now, all the replies where you've turned the other button orange will be included in your reply. :)

You can multi-quote and reply to each comment in one reply. IMO it makes threads MUCH easier to follow. :)


What you're doing (and others) Makes 2-page threads into FIVE page threads...

why sure. but first im waiting on a reply from someone who's out in the wood shed.

01-07-2009, 12:50 PM
tounge tied???? lip locked ???? the great superior being having troubles today????

is history being made???? the great OCA speechless????

Trap opening.

Some people never learn.

01-07-2009, 12:51 PM

BTW......1 pm from Jimmy today saying quit picking on you, none from anyone else.....ask around.

got news for ya. there's 8 of us now

01-07-2009, 12:52 PM
Trap opening.

Some people never learn.

more bait???? your a lousy fisherman

01-07-2009, 12:54 PM
got news for ya. there's 8 of us now

One turd, two turds, six turds, still a pile of racist poo.

01-07-2009, 12:55 PM
One turd, two turds, six turds, still a pile of racist poo.

your chicken wants sex. hop to it

01-07-2009, 12:58 PM
Lay off my bald eagle.

01-07-2009, 12:59 PM
Trap opening.

Some people never learn.

from now on everything you say can and will be used against you bait man

01-07-2009, 01:00 PM
from now on everything you say can and will be used against you bait man

Why break the habit of a lifetime.

01-07-2009, 01:02 PM

Namvet is cute, he cracks me the hell up.

In reality though I think he has a problem seeing reality.

01-07-2009, 01:04 PM

Namvet is cute, he cracks me the hell up.

In reality though I think he has a problem seeing reality.

just keep it going

01-07-2009, 01:06 PM
just keep it going

Awesome, we are now in the cage, I have permission to take advantage of you in here.

Now you can't run and cry like a bitch, now I won't get 1 pm from Jimmy telling me to quit picking on you.

01-07-2009, 01:07 PM
Why break the habit of a lifetime.

Lay off Namvet, he's a proud 3rd grade graduate.

01-07-2009, 01:10 PM
awww the big bad ass OCA's gonna beat me up. he's pissed cause i showed him who's really in charge here. tsk tsk:laugh2:

01-07-2009, 01:11 PM
Awesome, we are now in the cage, I have permission to take advantage of you in here.

Now you can't run and cry like a bitch, now I won't get 1 pm from Jimmy telling me to quit picking on you.

why are your reps going down????

01-07-2009, 01:12 PM
It's not a matter of referring to those who defend Israel as 'Klansmen'. The New Klansmen are those, like dump, who hate Islam and muslims in the same way that the previous Klan fascists hated Afro-Americans.
It isn't Israel per se which is the blight upon the Middle East , it is Zionism.

The previous Klan, they're still around ya know, and they don't like blacks, Jews or anyone of color.

If Muslims would STOP blowing women and children up in the name of allah (all the while claiming to be the religion of peace), no one would have a problem with them.

I find it amusing that you would condemn DMP for hating Islam and Muslims while you cover the board with hatred for Jews. Pot meet Kettle.

The best thing that Muslims countries could do for themselves is come into the 21st century and realize that not everyone NEEDS to be Muslim. People of different religions can and do get along. Or they could continue to live in dirt hovels and strap bombs to children.

01-07-2009, 01:12 PM
why are your reps going down????

Rep is for fags, I rarely use it.

01-07-2009, 01:14 PM
awww the big bad ass OCA's gonna beat me up. he's pissed cause i showed him who's really in charge here. tsk tsk:laugh2:

When you gonna show the rest of us?

Here is a question.................which one of us had moderation used against us last night as in banishment from a certain thread?

I know the answer do you?


01-07-2009, 01:22 PM
When you gonna show the rest of us?

Here is a question.................which one of us had moderation used against us last night as in banishment from a certain thread?

I know the answer do you?


you gonna beat me up???? to answer your blabber who on the earth, except you, gives a rats ass. your killing you. any more bait???? im tuff ta catch:dance::dance::laugh2::laugh2:

01-07-2009, 01:29 PM
I suggest that the 'Steel Cage' concept is open to abuse, a tool for censorship used to remove thread titles which are unpopular with the New Klan from mainstream view. This is particularly true when such thread titles already mask other 'unpopular' thread titles which have been surreptitiously merged. Like this one.

This 'merged' content I mention concerned the deliberate targeting of United Nations schools by Zionist stormtroopers. This is the sort of information that the New Klan do not want discussed as they are, by way of diminished education, anti-Islamic and racist.

The 'Steel Cage' is applied for such censorship and I, for one, will be boycotting it until such times as the truly objectionable content of such 'transferred' threads is distinguished from the genuine political content and the latter allowed to remain on view. Anybody else concerned with the sanctity of free speech might consider doing the same. It's a Steal Cage.

Any moron can disfigure any topic he/she wants stolen, as is evidenced by the preceding posts.

01-07-2009, 01:33 PM
I suggest that the 'Steel Cage' concept is open to abuse, a tool for censorship used to remove thread titles which are unpopular with the New Klan from mainstream view. This is particularly true when such thread titles already mask other 'unpopular' thread titles which have been surreptitiously merged. Like this one.

This 'merged' content I mention concerned the deliberate targeting of United Nations schools by Zionist stormtroopers. This is the sort of information that the New Klan do not want discussed as they are, by way of diminished education, anti-Islamic and racist.

The 'Steel Cage' is applied for such censorship and I, for one, will be boycotting it until such times as the truly objectionable content of such 'transferred' threads is distinguished from the genuine political content and the latter allowed to remain on view. Anybody else concerned with the sanctity of free speech might consider doing the same. It's a Steal Cage.

Any moron can disfigure any topic he/she wants stolen, as is evidenced by the preceding posts.

hey dummy. your in the cage right now......hahahahahahehehe:lol::lol:

01-07-2009, 01:36 PM
hey OCA. lunch time. ill be back. keep stomping your little feet and throw a tantrum. :lol::lol:

01-07-2009, 01:37 PM
I suggest that the 'Steel Cage' concept is open to abuse, a tool for censorship used to remove thread titles which are unpopular with the New Klan from mainstream view. This is particularly true when such thread titles already mask other 'unpopular' thread titles which have been surreptitiously merged. Like this one.

This 'merged' content I mention concerned the deliberate targeting of United Nations schools by Zionist stormtroopers. This is the sort of information that the New Klan do not want discussed as they are, by way of diminished education, anti-Islamic and racist.

The 'Steel Cage' is applied for such censorship and I, for one, will be boycotting it until such times as the truly objectionable content of such 'transferred' threads is distinguished from the genuine political content and the latter allowed to remain on view. Anybody else concerned with the sanctity of free speech might consider doing the same. It's a Steal Cage.

Any moron can disfigure any topic he/she wants stolen, as is evidenced by the preceding posts.

So your going to keep up this rant even after the video posted showing terrorists shooting bombs from the school grounds. If terrorists don't want schools blown up they shouldn't fight from those positions.

These cowards are to affraid to fight and hide behind children's schools and hospitals. I'm surprised anyone can defend their actions.

By the way we've done nothing other than discuss this issue. How is the "new Klan" ignoring the issue???????????

01-07-2009, 01:38 PM
hey OCA. lunch time. ill be back. keep stomping your little feet and throw a tantrum. :lol::lol:

You get a lunch break on a gay porn set? Hmmm, will miracles never cease.

01-07-2009, 01:42 PM
I suggest that the 'Steel Cage' concept is open to abuse, a tool for censorship used to remove thread titles which are unpopular with the New Klan from mainstream view. This is particularly true when such thread titles already mask other 'unpopular' thread titles which have been surreptitiously merged. Like this one.

This 'merged' content I mention concerned the deliberate targeting of United Nations schools by Zionist stormtroopers. This is the sort of information that the New Klan do not want discussed as they are, by way of diminished education, anti-Islamic and racist.

The 'Steel Cage' is applied for such censorship and I, for one, will be boycotting it until such times as the truly objectionable content of such 'transferred' threads is distinguished from the genuine political content and the latter allowed to remain on view. Anybody else concerned with the sanctity of free speech might consider doing the same. It's a Steal Cage.

Any moron can disfigure any topic he/she wants stolen, as is evidenced by the preceding posts.

Moon, Namvet hijacked the thread earlier today and got it moved to the cage on account of his childish behaviour.

I apologize on his behalf.

01-07-2009, 01:49 PM
No apology necessary. Closing threads is numvet's raison d'etre. Why is it permitted ? He's a New Klan offensive weapon.

01-07-2009, 01:55 PM
No apology necessary. Closing threads is numvet's raison d'etre. Why is it permitted ? He's a New Klan offensive weapon.

and yours is hijacking every thread with your Zionist shit..Why is it permitted..????????

so you have no room to whine, whiner.

01-07-2009, 01:57 PM
No apology necessary. Closing threads is numvet's raison d'etre. Why is it permitted ? He's a New Klan offensive weapon.

If he'd closed the thread you wouldn't be able to reply. Dork. It was simply moved.......ooooooohhhh what a horrible weapon. :laugh2:

Have you figured out yet that labeling people as the New Klan isn't offensive, it's just lame???


01-07-2009, 01:59 PM
and yours is hijacking every thread with your Zionist shit..Why is it permitted..????????

Disguised censorship your thang, Stephoney ?


If he'd closed the thread you wouldn't be able to reply. Dork. It was simply moved.......ooooooohhhh what a horrible weapon.

Your moronic sidestep already addressed in post #79.


hey dummy. your in the cage right now......hahahahahahehehe

Sure, my point exactly, but on this occasion, you and your New Klan collaborators are exposed. And the exposure is the victory.

01-07-2009, 02:00 PM
Disguised censorship your thang, Stephoney ?

I wish they would start censoring you, it's clear up the board a bit.

01-07-2009, 02:00 PM
Disguised censorship your thang, Stephoney ?

not normally, but with you, it would be fine by me..

01-07-2009, 02:03 PM
No apology necessary. Closing threads is numvet's raison d'etre. Why is it permitted ? He's a New Klan offensive weapon.

For the love of God don't say anything in French now! He has problems enough with rudimentary English.

01-07-2009, 02:05 PM
WORST thread Ever.

Abbey Marie
01-07-2009, 04:09 PM
I suggest that the 'Steel Cage' concept is open to abuse, a tool for censorship used to remove thread titles which are unpopular with the New Klan from mainstream view. This is particularly true when such thread titles already mask other 'unpopular' thread titles which have been surreptitiously merged. Like this one.

This 'merged' content I mention concerned the deliberate targeting of United Nations schools by Zionist stormtroopers. This is the sort of information that the New Klan do not want discussed as they are, by way of diminished education, anti-Islamic and racist.

The 'Steel Cage' is applied for such censorship and I, for one, will be boycotting it until such times as the truly objectionable content of such 'transferred' threads is distinguished from the genuine political content and the latter allowed to remain on view. Anybody else concerned with the sanctity of free speech might consider doing the same. It's a Steal Cage.

Any moron can disfigure any topic he/she wants stolen, as is evidenced by the preceding posts.

Questioning moderator decisions publicly is against board rules. Care to continue?