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View Full Version : Hi! I'm an arab terrorist shit head

01-06-2009, 04:05 PM
Hello there - I'm an arab living near Israel. In fact, the land I live on is land Israel gave up after Arabs attacked THEM and lost. Generally, I live my life hating - jealous hatred - of all the neat things Israel has. I'm not Muslim - I'm a Terrorist. I don't want to seek God, but want to Kill folk who disagree with Islam.

In the war against Israel - the war my kind started - many of my arab brothers spend their lives trying to figure out ways to kill Jews because they are Jews. Lately, we've taken to launching Mortar and Rocket attacks from schools, hospitals, and churches. We figure since it's a HOLY war, we should fight from "holy" Places. Best thing is - when Israel reacts in kind, we can attempt to gain the sympathy of the world by crying about how Israel is attacking our education, medical and religious centers. Pretty neat huh? What ads to our cries is the simple fact we neglect to remove from those places otherwise peaceful or non-combatant folk. Frequently, we FORCE them to stay. We figure if enough of those folk get killed by OUR actions, hatred among our survivors will grow.

See - that's just it - we live and die to breed hatred against all those who don't embrace Islamic Terrorism. For us, and our children, it's not enough our demands are met. Frankly, we're not even sure what our demands are - other than death to non-believers. We do NOT want to simply be left along to believe, worship, and live as we please. We want to fight. We want to kill. When Israel decides to stop counter-attacking and defending their lands from time to time, we've only plotted ways to attack. We call for peace and cease fires only long enough to forc-er...I mean RECRUIT followers for our cause. When we've replaced enough of our "soldiers" - we strike Israel out of the blue.

See how the cycle repeats?

We attack the Jews. The Jews (flying American-made Apaches, and other weapson systems) kick us square in the nuts. Then we play the victim claiming oppression. Israel backs off. We regenerate our numbers and start bombing their civilians and innocents and non-military targets until, once again, they come at us full force and we scatter like roaches.

All-told, Life as an Arab in Palestine - an Arab Terrorist in Palestine - promises to be full of excitement. I'll live my short life to the fullest, playing on the heart strings of the weak-in-character, and preying minds of the idiots.

01-06-2009, 04:26 PM
Careful, moon. You can be kicked off the board for impersonating DMP, or any moderator. See the Debate Policy Rules, http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?t=3487 .

How did we know it was you? It was pretty obvious.

01-06-2009, 04:39 PM
You know Darin, the fact is your absolutely true depiction of Arab (muslim) life in that region, brings to light the fact that if indeed they were successful in their efforts to abolish Jews, overun the rest of the East, eliminate moderates (real Muslims) and then advance on the rst of the world and eliminate the infidels, what would they do then? My contention is they would start on homo's, people who didn't kneel correctly at prayer due to handicaps that weaken the race and then women who allowed their toes to show when the wind blew. It's ironic but you have told the absolute truth about the Radicals. Problem is though that their agenda is becoming more and more respected in the Muslim faith. Problem?