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01-14-2007, 07:52 PM
Two nights... 4 hours...

I love Jack Bauer!

01-14-2007, 08:39 PM
Does this start tonight?

01-14-2007, 09:14 PM
Little late, but it started tonight at 8.

01-14-2007, 10:39 PM
I will be able to see it later this week, I had someone dvr it for me. :2up:

01-14-2007, 10:39 PM
20 minutes...

Oh joy, oh joy!!!!!!!!!!!

01-15-2007, 12:08 AM
I'm very cranky! We tried to DVR it since my son is too young for the show and when we went to watch it, it didn't record. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... :eek2: :dunno:

01-15-2007, 01:00 AM
Luckily for you there are nice guys like me around :cool:

Season 6 Episode 1 - 6 AM to 7 AM
Password: g6N2Vuze

Season 6 Episode 2 - 7 AM to 8 AM
Password: cra6aste

Season 6 Episode 3 - 8 AM to 9 AM
Password: thupuJe4

Season 6 Episode 4 - 9 AM to 10 AM
Password: 4Ak9frac

01-15-2007, 01:57 AM
damn you got 3 and 4 too. Oh so tempting. If my tivo fails tommorrow then i'll know where to come. Otherwise im going to wait.

01-15-2007, 02:40 AM
damn you got 3 and 4 too. Oh so tempting. If my tivo fails tommorrow then i'll know where to come. Otherwise im going to wait.

I didn't watch them either... Just wanted to help out Jillian since so she can get up to speed by tomorrow night.

From what I hear, episode 4 is quite the mindfuck :uhoh:

Can't wait for tomorrow

01-15-2007, 07:25 AM
Luckily for you there are nice guys like me around :cool:

Season 6 Episode 1 - 6 AM to 7 AM
Password: g6N2Vuze

Season 6 Episode 2 - 7 AM to 8 AM
Password: cra6aste

Season 6 Episode 3 - 8 AM to 9 AM
Password: thupuJe4

Season 6 Episode 4 - 9 AM to 10 AM
Password: 4Ak9frac

Now *that's* cool!!! Thanks much!! (Now hopefully I'll be able to get it to play!!)

01-15-2007, 03:10 PM
Just skip tonight's two episodes and buy the DVD Fox is releasing tomorrow (it has the first 4 episodes).

And work on your DVR-fu this week ;)

01-15-2007, 03:29 PM
Just skip tonight's two episodes and buy the DVD Fox is releasing tomorrow (it has the first 4 episodes).

And work on your DVR-fu this week ;)

Just called Blockbuster. They start renting it at 10:00 tomorrow morning. Thanks!

01-15-2007, 09:57 PM
Hour 4: two words: holy crap.

01-16-2007, 12:47 AM
Indeed Dan, indeed.

I pretty much said my piece on the other board.

01-16-2007, 01:00 AM
OMG :uhoh:

dirt mcgirt
01-23-2007, 05:03 PM
I'm giving up on this season. Jack gets out of a chinese prison after some odd years without saying a word and now he's driving a car and operating cell phones like it was just another day. I'm glad to see that the fate of the major American cities rests with a man who hasn't been laid or eaten a steak in forever. Oh and hey, Jack has a brother that he hasn't seen in years! And wow, Jack shagged his brother's wife before they were married. I guess they thought the dramatic, over the top coincidences would be well received with the viewers since it's never been done before. And to top it all off, the President is a major incompetent libtard. Ted Kennedy is a neo-con compared to this guy. This season sucks. I should have watched Heroes instead.

I give this season 3 eye rolls and a WTF:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused:

01-23-2007, 08:06 PM
Yeah, it really went off the rails quick. I'll keep watching, but I don't like where it's headed. I'm pretty sure I heard Jack say something about "I can't do this anymore" last week. That sentiment lasted, what, three minutes? Not only can he do it, he can do it to his own brother, who Jack magically knows is evil because, well, he looks like a 24 bad guy.

To be fair, I think they said Jack was gone for 7 months, not years. Still, he just got off the plane four hours ago, and already he's himself again. I know, I know, it's not real. But, still, there's something about the realtime format that seems to make the viewer expect the show to be entirely plausible when, in reality, that plot structure almost ensures that there will be plot holes and a healthy suspension of belief required.

That said, why does the president being a liberal bother you? It's just a TV show.:dunno:

01-23-2007, 10:56 PM
Yeah, it really went off the rails quick. I'll keep watching, but I don't like where it's headed. I'm pretty sure I heard Jack say something about "I can't do this anymore" last week. That sentiment lasted, what, three minutes? Not only can he do it, he can do it to his own brother, who Jack magically knows is evil because, well, he looks like a 24 bad guy.

To be fair, I think they said Jack was gone for 7 months, not years. Still, he just got off the plane four hours ago, and already he's himself again. I know, I know, it's not real. But, still, there's something about the realtime format that seems to make the viewer expect the show to be entirely plausible when, in reality, that plot structure almost ensures that there will be plot holes and a healthy suspension of belief required.

That said, why does the president being a liberal bother you? It's just a TV show.:dunno:

His liberalness doesnt bother me. ITs the fact that hes a dumbass. Lets all bow to the terrorists and give them our top guy and $25million on their word that they will out another terrorist. Ok. :rolleyes: That part is still a stretch.

I of course will keep watching.

01-24-2007, 01:23 AM
He is a dumbass for sure. I can't tell if his advisor (the guy from Ghostbusters II) is a bad guy or just smarter than the prez.

dirt mcgirt
01-24-2007, 09:20 AM
He is a dumbass for sure. I can't tell if his advisor (the guy from Ghostbusters II) is a bad guy or just smarter than the prez.
Insein said it best. When I said incompetent libtard I was referring more to his indecisiveness rather than his political leanings. It's just me but it seems like his need to pander and appease is compromising. You don't stomp the shit out of your admiral like that just because he says something insensitive and unPC. The President's sister also makes me not like him. He just doesn't seem Presidential enough, unlike David Palmer. And OMG, that speech he gave after the attacks....:uhoh:

01-24-2007, 06:53 PM
Nah i could buy David but this guy just doesnt do it for me. I guess we are seeing what Bobby Kennedy would have been like as President.

01-24-2007, 09:05 PM
Well, to play devil's advocate for a second, 12,000 Americans had just died in a nuclear attack, I think it's fair for him to be acting unreasonably.

01-24-2007, 09:17 PM
yes but i imagine that Americans don't want to hear uncertainty. They want to hear, who did it and whens the bomb dropping.

02-05-2007, 11:17 PM
Man i knew what was coming that the Dad was in on it but DAMN he killed his own son? What an evil fucker. Jack's got a messed up family alright.

With Morris, I 99% knew that he'd end up being the engineer. The 1% said nah he'd a computer geek, not an engineering whiz. Apparently in 24 land, he's both. It kind of clicked when he said "He shouldnt be in Valencia." No he shouldn't Morris. If they get him to arm a nuke easily, im going to be disappointed in the writers. Morris knows what they'll do and knows he'll be dead anyway. So he needs to just suck it up and not do it.

The political stuff is getting old though. I wonder where they are going with it.

02-06-2007, 12:27 AM
Man i knew what was coming that the Dad was in on it but DAMN he killed his own son? What an evil fucker. Jack's got a messed up family alright.

With Morris, I 99% knew that he'd end up being the engineer. The 1% said nah he'd a computer geek, not an engineering whiz. Apparently in 24 land, he's both. It kind of clicked when he said "He shouldnt be in Valencia." No he shouldn't Morris. If they get him to arm a nuke easily, im going to be disappointed in the writers. Morris knows what they'll do and knows he'll be dead anyway. So he needs to just suck it up and not do it.

The political stuff is getting old though. I wonder where they are going with it.

Well, I watched the 'scenes from next week's '24,'' and I saw two things regarding Morris arming the nukes. The first was him tied and pressed against a wall with Fayed (or one of his men) revving up a power drill (that'd scare the piss out of me). The second was Jack opening an armed suitcase nuke. Looks like next week (two hours) will be interesting.

02-06-2007, 12:28 AM
Well, I watched the 'scenes from next week's '24,'' and I saw two things regarding Morris arming the nukes. The first was him tied and pressed against a wall with Fayed (or one of his men) revving up a power drill (that'd scare the piss out of me). The second was Jack opening an armed suitcase nuke. Looks like next week (two hours) will be interesting.

power drill torture..........where do you drill?

02-06-2007, 12:33 AM
jack fucking with his brother....brutal.....

02-06-2007, 12:42 AM
if they drill him, doesnt that defeat the purpose. They can't drill his head or eye or anything. Suck it up morris.

02-06-2007, 12:48 AM
if they drill him, doesnt that defeat the purpose. They can't drill his head or eye or anything. Suck it up morris.

i drill your nuts with a 1/16" bit..... one at a time

02-06-2007, 12:53 AM
time for the african american tv president to go away...........deadwood vp needs to be in charge

02-06-2007, 12:54 AM
maserati quatroport.....sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ride

02-06-2007, 01:13 AM
if they drill him, doesnt that defeat the purpose. They can't drill his head or eye or anything. Suck it up morris.

You don't need kneecaps to program a bomb. Or anything below about armpit level that's not required to stay alive.

02-06-2007, 09:08 AM
would impair his ability to think rationally. I know its hard but if you know they are just going to kill you ultimately anyway, suck it up.

02-12-2007, 09:29 PM
Luckily for you there are nice guys like me around :cool:

Season 6 Episode 1 - 6 AM to 7 AM
Password: g6N2Vuze

Season 6 Episode 2 - 7 AM to 8 AM
Password: cra6aste

Season 6 Episode 3 - 8 AM to 9 AM
Password: thupuJe4

Season 6 Episode 4 - 9 AM to 10 AM
Password: 4Ak9frac

Hey nate would you be able to find the first hour from tonight (Feb 12th)? I forget the hour/episode. MY tivo fucked up. :(

02-12-2007, 10:54 PM
I told you they used a power drill on Maurice. Still, he gave in faster than I thought he would.

The ClayTaurus
02-12-2007, 11:37 PM
This show is officially rediculously unbelievable.

02-13-2007, 02:08 AM
This show is officially rediculously unbelievable.

Your just coming to this conclusion, lol. Just go with the flow man.

The ClayTaurus
02-13-2007, 09:24 AM
Your just coming to this conclusion, lol. Just go with the flow man.Jack's dad being able to just peruse around CTU in the shadows and make phonecalls to conspirators in washington DC offices without anyone the wiser is insultingly unrealistic.

02-13-2007, 12:51 PM
As was Morris being persuaded to arm a nuke so easily but hey so is not going to the bathroom or sleeping for 24 hours.

02-13-2007, 02:43 PM
Sadly, now that I am cableless and antennae-less, I am cut off from the 24 loop, so I can't really add much to the proceedings other than....

Jack's dad being able to just peruse around CTU in the shadows and make phonecalls to conspirators in washington DC offices without anyone the wiser is insultingly unrealistic.

CTU has had how many moles in the past five years? Clearly, security is not the organization's #1 priority.

The ClayTaurus
02-13-2007, 02:47 PM
I will say Jack Bauer with a shotgun should happen more frequently.

02-13-2007, 03:31 PM
I will say Jack Bauer with a shotgun should happen more frequently.

Now you're just trying to make me feel bad, aren't you?

02-15-2007, 03:10 PM
I will say Jack Bauer with a shotgun should happen more frequently.

He's surgical with that bitch, lol.

02-27-2007, 11:50 AM
so, no one watches 24 anymore. I actually feel the same way. I missed last weeks episode but didnt have the longing to see the next one. I watched it and im slightly interested again but some of the side plots are boring as hell.

03-05-2007, 11:19 PM
Wow it got interesting again. Lots of action this week and looks like tons more next week. Started out as an Arab thing and now it might be full blown war with Russia. Looks awesome.

03-05-2007, 11:20 PM
Since I'm in the eastern time zone...I saw it already! :D

woot! :) GOOD episode..frustrating though.

03-12-2007, 10:57 PM
man people just don't care anymore.

03-22-2007, 12:07 AM
Sigh. I'm done. I just completely lost interest. Then throwing that "Audrey is dead" bone just made me turn the tivo off. I didnt even finish last weeks episode and i dont have any draw to do so.

Abbey Marie
03-23-2007, 02:18 PM
I'm still throughly enjoying it. It's a standout on TV, amongst so much garbage.