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View Full Version : LA Times Prints Hamas Terrorist's Op Ed

red states rule
01-08-2009, 08:22 AM
Suring WWII woulod the LA Times have published an op-ed by Hitler?

LATimes Prints Hamas Terrorist's Op Ed
By Warner Todd Huston (Bio | Archive)
January 8, 2009 - 07:34 ET

Amazingly, on January 6, the L. A. Times gave ample space to a Hamas terrorist to "explain" how the current Gaza action is all Israel's fault. Mousa Abu Marzook the purported "deputy of the political bureau of Hamas," the group called an "Islamic Resistance Movement," shamefacedly claims that Israel's actions shattered "any incentive by Palestinian leaders to enforce the moratorium on rocket fire."

First of all, these Palestinian "leaders" have for the last seven years now expended little effort to stop the incessant rocket fire into Israel to which he so blithely refers. So I don't know who this Marzook fellow is trying to kid? I suppose he's trying to kid the L.A.Times and it seems they have fallen for it.

The truce thus shattered, any incentive by Palestinian leaders to enforce the moratorium on rocket fire was gone. Any extension of the agreement or improvement of its implementation at that point would have required Israel to engage Hamas, to agree to additional trust-building measures and negotiation with our movement -- a political impossibility for Israel, with its own elections only weeks away.

Israel has been trying to engage in "trust-building" with the various and sundry Palestinian groups for decades. It is the Palestinians that have steadfastly maintained that Israel has no right to even exist. How is it that "trust-building" can occur when one side simply wants the other dead?

This so-called deputy of the political bureau of the terror agency Hamas engages in one lie after another in this piece. He peels off one after another accusations of Israel's culpability after each excuse for his own people's failures.

But, perhaps no lie is bigger than this paragraph:

This week's war is not an attack on the Izzidin al-Qassam units -- our movement's military wing -- but is simply aggression targeting the people, infrastructure and economic life of Gaza, designed to sow terror and loose anarchy; it aims to establish new "facts on the ground" -- that is, heaps of rubble with bodies trapped beneath -- in advance of the coming American administration.

Wow, just wow. The lies piled on lies here is breathtaking.




01-08-2009, 08:27 AM
Many respectable newspapers, worldwide, have printed resistance fighter's obituaries. You think everybody shares your racist bigotry ?

red states rule
01-08-2009, 08:29 AM
Many respectable newspapers, worldwide, have printed resistance fighter's obituaries. You think everybody shares your racist bigotry ?

Many in the liberal media, and Dem party, have a hard on for terrorists

01-08-2009, 08:39 AM
Many in the liberal media, and Dem party, have a hard on for terrorists

Yes, Republicans too. Rice and Zipi Livni are their current pin-ups.


red states rule
01-08-2009, 08:42 AM
Yes, Republicans too. Rice and Zipi Livni are their current pin-ups.


I see 2 women who want terrorists either captured, or dead

I agree with them

01-08-2009, 08:45 AM
I see two State-controlled terrorists who detonate their bombs by cowardly remote. And here comes another one....


...and another...


red states rule
01-08-2009, 08:48 AM
I see two State-controlled terrorists who detonate their bombs by cowardly remote. And here comes another one....


Get your facts right son, terror groups endorsed Hillary for President

01-08-2009, 08:50 AM
Sure they did, McCain too. You can read why and how in here;

The Israel Lobby.

red states rule
01-08-2009, 08:52 AM
Sure they did, McCain too. You can read why and how in here;

The Israel Lobby.

After OBL blew it my threatening voters of they voted for Kerry - he did the opposite and got what he wanted by backing McCain

01-08-2009, 08:54 AM
After OBL blew it my threatening voters of they voted for Kerry - he did the opposite and got what he wanted by backing McCain

Whatever it is you're attempting to say here I probably disagree with it.

Anyway, I've exceeded my 668 posts. I'll come back when you're further educated.

red states rule
01-08-2009, 08:55 AM
Whatever it is you're attempting to say here I probably disagree with it.

I am sure you do. I speak the truth, and use facts to back up what I post