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View Full Version : Bond Won't Run For Re-election, Mo. US Senator

01-09-2009, 08:58 AM
I guess he just can't take the heat of a Democratic majority in the Senate?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Does Missouri have anyone (R) electable on the bench?!??!??!?!?!??! I suspect not.

From NBC's Andrea Mitchell

NBC News has confirmed that Missouri Republican Sen. Kit Bond is quitting when his current term ends.

He first entered politics in 1972 as Missouri's youngest governor, and he will tell constituents he doesnt plan to become Missouri's oldest senator.

He is a four-term senator.

*** UPDATE *** Bond has just issued a press release on him not seeking reelection:
After 40 Years of Public Service to Missouri Bond Will Not Seek Reelection
Senator Calls for Republicans and Democrats to Work Together, Put Missouri First
JEFFERSON CITY, MO - Today, in an address before the Missouri General Assembly, U.S. Senator Kit Bond announced that after more than 40 years in elected public service to the State, he will not seek reelection in 2010.

"In 1972, I became Missouri's youngest Governor. Ladies and Gentlemen, I do no aspire to become Missouri's oldest Senator," said Bond.

Bond was first elected to public office in Missouri in 1970 as State Auditor, followed by two terms as Governor, and four terms as U.S. Senator. Throughout his career of service to the State, Bond has worked across party lines to put Missouri first. In his address to both chambers today, Bond called on Republicans and Democrats to work together for the common good. As our nation faces an economic, housing, and financial crisis and the persistent threat of terrorism, bipartisan cooperation is more important then ever.

"In a world today where enemies are real - the kind who behead others based on their religion - it is important to remember there is a lot of real estate between a political opponent and a true enemy," said Bond. "Our cause is bigger than ourselves. Events in the world and threats will continue to challenge us in significant ways."

With a commitment to bipartisanship, members on both sides of the aisle have achieved critical successes for Missouri families and workers. Bond pointed to some of his proudest bipartisan achievements, like taking the Parents as Teachers program statewide to prepare more children for school; making biotechnology a major growth industry for Missouri, providing jobs and economic development; expanding Community Health Centers to bring quality and affordable health care to Missourians in underserved areas.

While there are many successes Missourians can be proud of, more needs to be done. During this next session of Congress, Bond will work Democrats and Republicans on critical state and national priorities, including: working to solve the housing and economic crisis; keeping American intelligence strong; continuing our efforts to make Missouri the Biotech Ally of 21st Century; promoting Missouri's job-creating trade and investments; and building a better health care safety net for children, families and the elderly.

Bond stressed that free from the political demands of another election he hopes to make the next two years the best of his long career of service to Missouri and the nation. The Senator stressed that the decision announced today was not an easy one to make.

"As a sixth-generation Missourian, I have always loved our state. Through 40 years in public life I have met many wonderful people. The people I have met along the way are the reason I ran for public office and the reason I am still here," said Bond. "I thank the voters of Missouri who elected me to represent them. There is no greater honor. I am truly blessed to have been entrusted by them with the responsibility of public office."

Joined by his wife Linda, Bond will meet with long-time friends and partners at events in Springfield, St. Louis and Kansas City on Friday, and Cape Girardeau on Saturday, where he will urge Republicans and Democrats to work together for the common good and put Missouri first.

More: http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2009/01/08/1736983.aspx

Before we know it 2010 will be here so NOW is the time to get started getting the advancement of Democratic ideals and election considerations up and running well for the 2010 election cycle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am confident that this seat will go Democratic this cycle as there are several competent, well-known and well-liked potential candidates already expressing interest in the job!!!!!!!!!!! Hooray, hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!



01-09-2009, 12:29 PM
id be retiring too. And not because the Democrats are in control.

01-11-2009, 01:16 AM
If you're scared, a'21, just say you're scared, OK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

id be retiring too. And not because the Democrats are in control.

