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View Full Version : Reid’s Land Grab

01-10-2009, 09:36 PM
Reid will try an under the radar 10 billion proposal deal to close oil rich land that was opened. another misdirection play by the felon dems. OPEC give sigh of relief and probably a ton of under the table $$$$ if stinky pulls it off.

The 1200-page, pork-laden, $10 billion proposal locks up millions of acres of energy-rich property by designating it as environmentalist-friendly “federal wilderness” area where not even as much as a bicycle would be permitted to travel across the land. Many of these areas recently became available when the ban on domestic drilling in Western states expired last fall and the liberal left couldn’t muster the courage to keep it in place due to rising energy prices. Now Democratic leaders are using different legislative strategies to put a new kind of ban in place.

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