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01-11-2009, 11:51 AM
I think I have solved a huge question about American society and felt the need to share it with you here this morning. Read on and discover enlightenment.

What does a college brat, living off their parents, sucking down beer at the local Friday night hangout, who voted for Barack Osama, a fag from San Francisco, a New York Times reporter and a murderer all have in common?

They breathe air! Yup. Air!

Go ahead laugh but it makes as much sense as Al Gore's Global Warming theory, right? I mean, it's truthful, accurate and dependable info. Go ahead.... attack my data! You will look foolish! Link? I don't need a link, you know damn good and well I am right!!!

The car companies, the bankers, Barney Frank, illegal immigrants...... they are all airbreathers and this confirms that all of the world's problems are being caused by airbreathers!

Ok... so you think my article is silly. All right then... why? It's accurate, contains absolutely truthful conclusion and demonstatres the same logic as alot of stories I read and hear on TV all the time.

Which story is more informationally accurate? Mine or any story you see on MSNBC. At least my conclusion offers information supporting my claim. That's more than you can say for most news story conclusions now days.

Just think of some of the stories you have seen vomited out of the mouths of our lamestream media. They are fruitless as to verifyable information, full of conjecture and involve for the most part an inaccurate conclusion by the commentator. The thing is, people believe it. Most of this country believes everything they see produced by these morons.

The press has successfully moved into position to literally run our country. How did this happen? How in the hell did we lay back and allow ourselves to become so gullable, so impressionable and so stupid that anything we hear....... we believe! Remember the saying... believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.... you know the one! Your grandpa told you that one back when you were oh... about 8. I mean, you would sometimes walk past the TV in the evenings while your parents were watching Huntley Brinkley and even though you didn't want to, you would hear things said as you passed by. You didn't necessarily believe it. They were old fogi looking fuckers and had no immediate credability with you unless they could show you a picture right? Where was the point where this stopped? Today, Al Gore can simply step off his jet at a conference center in Anywhere, USA, tell us we're dying and we believe it!

The United Press of America. Hmmm!!!!! Has a ring to it huh? Instead of citizens, we could be called simpletons. Hey... I got it. We could make Editor an elected position. Ah... maybe I need to stop breathing!