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01-11-2009, 08:35 PM
looks like Hamas is running out of friends..


A Fatah official in Ramallah on Sunday launched a scathing attack on Hamas and described its leaders as "criminals."

Hamas gunmen carry their weapons in Gaza City [illustrative photo, taken before Operation Cast Lead].
Photo: AP [file] , AP
Speaking to The Jerusalem Post on condition of anonymity, the Fatah official denounced Hamas as a "black and bloody militia" that was responsible for the "catastrophe" in the Gaza Strip.

The official warned that failure to crush Hamas completely would undermine Fatah and pave the way for the collapse of moderate Arab regimes.

He said that Hamas was fighting on behalf of Iran and Syria - the only two countries that have been supplying the movement with weapons and money.

"The Iranians and Syrians are using Hamas to undermine the Palestinian Authority and other moderate Arab governments," the Fatah official told the Post. "Victory for Hamas in this war would mean victory for Iran, Syria and Hizbullah. This is something we need to prevent."

The official expressed hope that the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip would revolt against Hamas when the IDF operation ended. He also expressed hope that Hamas leaders Mahmoud Zahar and Ismail Haniyeh would be tried before a Palestinian court as "war criminals." The Hamas leaders, he charged, were responsible for the death of hundreds of innocent Palestinians. "Ever since they came to power, they brought death and destruction to our people."

The official would neither confirm nor deny a report according to which Egypt was training Fatah activists to regain control over the Gaza Strip. According to the report, some 300 Fatah militiamen who had fled to Egypt during the violent Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2007 were being trained by Egyptian security experts.

read the rest..

01-11-2009, 08:59 PM
As long as Hamas keeps trying to denigrate, attack, and kill Jews, in a world where most of a religion opposes Jews and treats them as second-class citizens or worse, they will never run out of friends.

01-11-2009, 09:00 PM
Hamas were legitmately elected by the palestinians in legal elections. One mans freedom fighter, is another man's terrorist.

How great, that it was an anonymous fatah official. Why doesn mahmoud abbas come out and say such statements?. another piece of Bull propaganda. every single palestinian supports hamas's resistance against the israel's immoral massacres. Hamas are defending their people, whilst israel massacres them with their state of the art weapons.

01-11-2009, 09:10 PM
Hamas were legitmately elected by the palestinians in legal elections. One mans freedom fighter, is another man's terrorist.

How great, that it was an anonymous fatah official. Why doesn mahmoud abbas come out and say such statements?. another piece of Bull propaganda. every single palestinian supports hamas's resistance against the israel's immoral massacres. Hamas are defending their people, whilst israel massacres them with their state of the art weapons.

where Hamas ellected into governent with the understanding that in the event of a war they will use the countries children as a meat shield?

How were they defending their people when they were launching rockets & mortors into israel when islrael was not attacking them? The answer I'd they were not defending, they were on the offensive, though I have no idea what they were trying to gain, as any idiot would know that the distuiction of a country will not be brought about by random rocket attacks.

01-11-2009, 09:14 PM
and who told you they use kids as human shields? was it mark regev? was it a USA media outlet?. dont be so stupid.

Israel broke the ceasfire, they killed a few hamas fighters, as they assumed tunnels were being built to kidnap israeli soldiers. hamas fires rockets, because israel occupies their land, israel mantained a blockade on gaza- air, sea, borders,electricity.

01-11-2009, 09:16 PM
and who told you they use kids as human shields? was it mark regev? was it a USA media outlet?. dont be so stupid.

Israel broke the ceasfire, they killed a few hamas fighters, as they assumed tunnels were being built to kidnap israeli soldiers. hamas fires rockets, because israel occupies their land, israel mantained a blockade on gaza- air, sea, borders,electricity.

who attacked israel in may of 1948 and has been waging an illegal war against them ever since......

01-11-2009, 09:21 PM
who attacked israel in may of 1948 and has been waging an illegal war against them ever since......

who has taken someone elses land? and still occupying that land . dont talk bullshit, people are dying. :lame2:

01-11-2009, 09:24 PM
who has taken someone elses land? and still occupying that land . dont talk bullshit, people are dying. :lame2:

after the un gave israel and the arabs their land .... the next day the arabs tried to take all the land and lost all theirs .... they were recently given their land and decide to launch rockets into israel ..... maybe they should have held pat in 48 instead of getting greedy .....

01-11-2009, 09:44 PM
Hamas were legitmately elected by the palestinians in legal elections. One mans freedom fighter, is another man's terrorist.

How great, that it was an anonymous fatah official. Why doesn mahmoud abbas come out and say such statements?. another piece of Bull propaganda. every single palestinian supports hamas's resistance against the israel's immoral massacres. Hamas are defending their people, whilst israel massacres them with their state of the art weapons.

so your a terrorists. kill any babies or women lately????

01-11-2009, 09:45 PM
who has taken someone elses land? and still occupying that land . dont talk bullshit, people are dying. :lame2:

people are dying

as long as its Muslims who gives a flying fuck !!!!!!!!????????????

01-11-2009, 10:01 PM
Hamas were legitmately elected by the palestinians in legal elections. One mans freedom fighter, is another man's terrorist.

How great, that it was an anonymous fatah official. Why doesn mahmoud abbas come out and say such statements?. another piece of Bull propaganda. every single palestinian supports hamas's resistance against the israel's immoral massacres. Hamas are defending their people, whilst israel massacres them with their state of the art weapons.

i wonder if they will get re-elected.....

01-11-2009, 10:28 PM
after the un gave israel and the arabs their land .... the next day the arabs tried to take all the land and lost all theirs .... they were recently given their land and decide to launch rockets into israel ..... maybe they should have held pat in 48 instead of getting greedy .....


01-11-2009, 10:39 PM
Hamas were legitmately elected by the palestinians in legal elections. One mans freedom fighter, is another man's terrorist.

How great, that it was an anonymous fatah official. Why doesn mahmoud abbas come out and say such statements?. another piece of Bull propaganda. every single palestinian supports hamas's resistance against the israel's immoral massacres. Hamas are defending their people, whilst israel massacres them with their state of the art weapons.

so if anyone is elected, they have the bona fides?

true point about the freedom fighter....then you must admit that israel has freedom fighters....

hamas is launching rockets from schools etc... and then whining when israel takes them down. let's step away from this pc bullshit for a second....you are in a war against israel for land....stop complaining....you have tried to kill enough israelis to make them give up hope, but the

01-12-2009, 06:40 AM
i am not saying i support hamas or anything like that.im simply saying that they are defending their people against illegal israeli illegal aggression. You cant just murder 800 and wound more than 3000 people- and expect roses and chocolates. israel has only emoboldned hamas, which is sad- as the cycle of violence will continue. the terror state of israel just cant keep fucking up, they have an obsession for killing and killing. and always acting the victims. well its fucking 2009, they need to act with morality.

01-12-2009, 06:50 AM
i am not saying i support hamas or anything like that.im simply saying that they are defending their people against illegal israeli illegal aggression. You cant just murder 800 and wound more than 3000 people- and expect roses and chocolates. israel has only emoboldned hamas, which is sad- as the cycle of violence will continue. the terror state of israel just cant keep fucking up, they have an obsession for killing and killing. and always acting the victims. well its fucking 2009, they need to act with morality.

Israel sat back for the past number of years doing nothng while Hamas rained rockets upon them.

What would you have thought if you lived in Israel and saw new reports practicly every day about rockets being fired by Hamas into your country, and then when your country tries to fight back the terrorists go and hide in schools and mosques?

Also, Namvet, that 'they're only Muslims' comment was sickening, and brings shame upon the board.

01-12-2009, 07:08 AM
Israel sat back for the past number of years doing nothng while Hamas rained rockets upon them.

What would you have thought if you lived in Israel and saw new reports practicly every day about rockets being fired by Hamas into your country, and then when your country tries to fight back the terrorists go and hide in schools and mosques?

Also, Namvet, that 'they're only Muslims' comment was sickening, and brings shame upon the board.

Look, i totally see your point, its not acceptable that israeli's live under the threat of daily rocket attacks. But, at same time can you see that palestinians live under sub-human conditions due to israeli blockades, checkpoints, israel broke the ceasfire. They oppress the palestinians on a daily basis. Therefore, hamas are defending their people, i condemn the attacks on israel, i really do!. but, can you at least see why hamas resistance fighters have the urge to fire rockets? every action will cause a reaction. if israel actually met its side of the road map, the oslo accords etc- then people like hamas would actually talk to israel.

01-12-2009, 09:12 AM
Look, i totally see your point, its not acceptable that israeli's live under the threat of daily rocket attacks. But, at same time can you see that palestinians live under sub-human conditions due to israeli blockades, checkpoints, israel broke the ceasfire. They oppress the palestinians on a daily basis. Therefore, hamas are defending their people, i condemn the attacks on israel, i really do!. but, can you at least see why hamas resistance fighters have the urge to fire rockets? every action will cause a reaction. if israel actually met its side of the road map, the oslo accords etc- then people like hamas would actually talk to israel.

You have stated repeatedly that you support hamas. You have even stated that you support them over fatah. That simply means you support terrorism, as that is ALL hamas represents. They do not and never have had the interest of the pal people at heart. They are only interested in the destruction of Israel. You are only interested in the destruction of Israel.

The rocket attacks, suicide bombing and other attacks have gone on against Israel for 60 years. They have NEVER stopped. Cease fires have always been one sided. hamas cannot be dealt with. They even kill their own people. fatah members escaped to egypt not because of Israeli bombings and attacks but because of hamas executioners.

hamas are not resistance fighters, they are simply terrorist thugs. And you fully support all attacks on Israel as your a terrorism typing head. Do you get paid for your propaganda or do you do it out of the goodness of your black heart.

Every action does cause a reaction. Israel is reacting to rocket attacks by destroying the rockets and the people who are firing them. If the constant attacks stopped the Israeli's would stop. If the pals weren't blowing themselves up on buses and in businesses they would have freer access to Israel and restrictions on travel and goods would be lifted.

The road map agreements were never broken by Israel. They were always broken by the pals, led by hamas. The blood of the children is not on Israel's hands, it's on the hands of hama's and those of you that support them. And it will never wash off.

01-12-2009, 09:58 AM
How dare you accuse me supporting terrorism. I have never once said that i support hamas. I condemn terrrorism, however i do not condemn freedom fighting. I condemn the deaths of innocent israeli's and innocent palestinians.

Israel created hamas, i do not want the destruction of israel. They have every right to exist and to be the homeland of the jewish peopl. However they do not have the right to simply go in and murder and murder when they want and whoever they want. Israel has commited war crimes, the ICC has even said this. The ICC is not hamas, arabs or iran.

israel's actions since 1947 has caused her to experience resistance fighting and in some cases terrorism. I condemn the killings on buses and sucide bombings.

the ball is in israels court, however they dont want peace- they dont want to return illegally occupied land. thats the root cause of this whole issue. return the land- and im certain the hamas will never touch israel.

i dont support hamas, but can you see what motivates hamas? i simply can see the reason why hamas gets pissed off. it doesnt mean i agree with their tactics and methods

You have stated repeatedly that you support hamas. You have even stated that you support them over fatah. That simply means you support terrorism, as that is ALL hamas represents. They do not and never have had the interest of the pal people at heart. They are only interested in the destruction of Israel. You are only interested in the destruction of Israel.

The rocket attacks, suicide bombing and other attacks have gone on against Israel for 60 years. They have NEVER stopped. Cease fires have always been one sided. hamas cannot be dealt with. They even kill their own people. fatah members escaped to egypt not because of Israeli bombings and attacks but because of hamas executioners.

hamas are not resistance fighters, they are simply terrorist thugs. And you fully support all attacks on Israel as your a terrorism typing head. Do you get paid for your propaganda or do you do it out of the goodness of your black heart.

Every action does cause a reaction. Israel is reacting to rocket attacks by destroying the rockets and the people who are firing them. If the constant attacks stopped the Israeli's would stop. If the pals weren't blowing themselves up on buses and in businesses they would have freer access to Israel and restrictions on travel and goods would be lifted.

The road map agreements were never broken by Israel. They were always broken by the pals, led by hamas. The blood of the children is not on Israel's hands, it's on the hands of hama's and those of you that support them. And it will never wash off.