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01-12-2009, 02:41 PM
Looks like a little bit of sanity is finally being injected into the Minnesota Senate race, where Al Franken has been "finding" new votes and ballots, all of them mysteriously favoring him instead of his rival.



Officials turn down Franken request in Minn. race

Associated Press Writer
Jan 12, 2:31 PM EST

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- Democrat Al Franken was quickly turned down Monday when he asked Minnesota's governor and secretary of state to issue an election certificate that would let him take office in the Senate.

In letters the campaign sent to Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty and Democratic Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, Franken's lawyers argued that a seven-day waiting period for issuing the certificate after an election has passed and he should get the signed certificate. But the state officials said their hands were tied by state law and they could not act.

Franken led Republican Norm Coleman by 225 votes after a statewide recount that was completed Jan. 5.

Coleman is suing over the result, claiming there were irregularities on Election Day and during the recount.

Minnesota law prevents officials from issuing an election certificate until legal matters are resolved. But Franken's legal team argues that federal election law entitles Franken to receive the certificate before the lawsuit is settled.

"The people of Minnesota are down a senator in the U.S. Senate. This is an opportunity for Governor Pawlenty and Secretary Ritchie to ensure the interests of all Minnesotans are represented in Washington," Franken lawyer Marc Elias told reporters in a conference call. He didn't rule out a lawsuit.

In a statement, Ritchie said state law requires him and the governor to turn down Franken's request.

"Minnesota law is very clear on when a certificate of election can be issued. Neither the governor nor I may sign a certificate of election in the U.S. Senate race until all election contests have reached a final determination," Ritchie's statement read.

The statement didn't specifically address Franken's argument that federal law supecede the state law.

Pawlenty echoed Ritchie, saying it is clear the law won't allow him to issue a certificate while the race is being contested in court.

A spokesmen for Coleman had no comment.

01-12-2009, 03:23 PM
Did anyone see the kinds of votes they allowed FOR Franken yet refused for Coleman? Sickening.


01-12-2009, 03:55 PM
Did anyone see the kinds of votes they allowed FOR Franken yet refused for Coleman? Sickening.


I saw the report. Yes, it is sickening, but before I jump to conclusions, I'd rather proof that those votes were actually counted for Franken. It seems to me that whenever there is a recount, all ballots should be stamped with a designation as to who the vote was counted for. That way on controversial ballots the loser could have the right to contend the vote.


01-12-2009, 04:06 PM
I've seen the claim made on the site I've linked from other, non-interested sources; just can't find them now.

I tend to give republicans the benefit of the doubt though, having had an election or two stolen in my home state. I'm jaded. :)

01-12-2009, 05:53 PM
I've seen the claim made on the site I've linked from other, non-interested sources; just can't find them now.

I tend to give republicans the benefit of the doubt though, having had an election or two stolen in my home state. I'm jaded. :)

Five years ago, I would have given the Republicans the benefit of the doubt, as well. Today, I don't trust either party.


01-12-2009, 06:44 PM
After following the link you gave DMP I dot quite get what's going on, in all of the examples that are gievn on the page all of them clearly have a chosen candidate. Why would they even be contested a first time round?

01-13-2009, 07:40 AM
After following the link you gave DMP I dot quite get what's going on, in all of the examples that are gievn on the page all of them clearly have a chosen candidate. Why would they even be contested a first time round?

because here, when someone loses an election, instead of just being gracious or saying "well maybe next time" you yell and scream cheater and demand a recount.

01-13-2009, 11:18 AM
After following the link you gave DMP I dot quite get what's going on, in all of the examples that are gievn on the page all of them clearly have a chosen candidate. Why would they even be contested a first time round?

The problems is, in the examples shown for the Democrat - those votes were counted FOR the democrat. In the examples shown for the Republican, those votes were NOT counted for the Republican. See the problem? Similiar marks were not treated with similiar results.

As an aside - if the voter is unable or unwilling to follow the written instructions on how to mark a f'ing ballot, perhaps their vote shouldn't count anyway?

01-13-2009, 12:14 PM
As an aside - if the voter is unable or unwilling to follow the written instructions on how to mark a f'ing ballot, perhaps their vote shouldn't count anyway?
Could not agree more!!!:beer:

If you can't figure out the ballot YOU SHOULDN'T BE VOTING IN THE FIRST PLACE. I mean come one it doesn't take a rocket scientist to do these things. If your too stupid to follow SIMPLE instructions. than your too stupid to make an informed decision as to who should lead......