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red states rule
01-13-2009, 01:29 PM
One of the biggest Bush haters in the liberal media once again lives by the left Golden Rule

Do not do as I do - do as I say

Matthews attacked everyone who was connected to the Bush administration, and questioned nearly everyone of the administrations polciies

He also attacked the Clinton's for trying to defeat Lord Obama

Now he changes his tune once again

Matthews: Media Shouldn't Cover RNC Criticism of Hillary
By Mark Finkelstein (Bio | Archive)
January 13, 2009 - 13:14 ET

Now that Barack Obama is assuming the presidency, partisan criticism is suddenly passé. Really, it's all just so churlish, so "yesterday." Just ask Chris Matthews. In the course of cheerleading anchoring the MSNBC coverage of Hillary Clinton's confirmation hearing today, Matthews suggested that the media shouldn't cover the Republican National Committee's criticism of Clinton.

The comments came during the Hardball host's chat with Newsweek's Jonathan Alter. A few minutes earlier, Matthews had assured us that those who had the privilege of knowing Hillary personally were aware of what a "wonderful" person she is. Then it was time to attack Republicans for daring not to join the Hillary love-in.

JONATHAN ALTER: What I thought was a little surprising was that the Republican National Committee fired some shots this morning and some blast emails, revisiting differences between Clinton and Obama on the campaign trail. And it had the whiff of something old and kind of out of synch with where our politics are right now. And I think there are a lot of Republicans who actually would say it's not the time for the Republican party to be picking at those scabs, but moving forward. If they have other disagreements with Hillary Clinton based on administration policy, then they can raise those at the time, but this kind of partisanship right now feels a little old-fashioned.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: Well isn't that staff-driven snarkiness? Isn't that what we're watching here? The kind of thing that staff people get paid to do, so they come out with this tired, old partisan cheap shots, and they throw them across the bow, and they get the principal, whoever it is at the time, to sign onto them.

It's so tired. And it's so predictable, and the press, unfortunately, uses it as news-helper, and puts it in its news accounts. As if it's actual news. I'm doing media a criticism here. I should never be a media critic --

Watch the video and the rest of the article