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View Full Version : screw the economy: let's party !!!!

01-18-2009, 10:31 AM
the deomocraps told Bush to be frugal. but now that they control the bank the brakes are off. screw the taxpayers. its time to party hardy.

"President Roosevelt held his 1945 inaugural at the White House, making a short speech and serving guests cold chicken salad and plain pound cake," the two lawmakers wrote in a letter. "During World War I, President Wilson did not have any parties at his 1917 inaugural, saying that such festivities would be undignified."

and this downtown clown Osama says he wants to emulate FDR, Lincoln??? the 150 mil party really sets a good example of what democraps are all about. big spending. so they've bought the most expensive tux's and gowns. smoking big cigars rolled up in 100 dollar bills. so what.
I wonder how many homes will be foreclosed on tues????

Inaugural gown: Think good time, not hard times

“This is a time to celebrate. This is a great moment. Do not dress down. Do not wear the Washington uniform,” said Tim Gunn, a native Washingtonian and chief creative officer at Liz Claiborne Inc.

“Just because the economy is in a downturn, it doesn’t mean that style is going to be in a downturn,” agreed Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus.

And if anyone does raise an eyebrow at those sequins, remind them that optimism is good for times like these. “Just say you’re doing it to help the economy,” chuckled good manners guru Letitia Baldridge.

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01-18-2009, 10:37 AM
but but, they are TRYING to make some of it GREEN..I know I read that somewhere..

If the Democrats didn't have double standards, they'd have none at all..

01-18-2009, 10:50 AM

this is the only green they recognize

01-18-2009, 11:20 AM

