View Full Version : What Part Of Obama's Speech Will Be Chiseled Into Marble?

red states rule
01-21-2009, 09:59 AM
CNN reported how parts of Pres Obama's inaugural address will be one day chiseled into marble

I found his speech dull and uninspiring

How about you? Any parts of the speech that you think will one day be chiseled into marble?

Monumental expectations for Obama's inauguration address

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President-elect Barack Obama's inaugural address is one of the most anticipated speeches in decades, with many expecting his words to be chiseled into marble some day.


01-21-2009, 10:02 AM
CNN reported how parts of Pres Obama's inaugural address will be one day chiseled into marble

Missed that. I watched just CNN and many of the commentators seemed to think the speech was ok, but not inspired.

red states rule
01-21-2009, 10:04 AM
CNN reported how parts of Pres Obama's inaugural address will be one day chiseled into marble

Missed that. I watched just CNN and many of the commentators seemed to think the speech was ok, but not inspired.

The liberal media is more then head over heals in love with Obama - they slobber all over him

It is like they are in a constant state of heat

01-21-2009, 11:39 AM
Yours Truly, with the help of one certain russian named Lenin, has crafted the REAL meaning of the last lines of Obama's speech..

Let it be said by our children's children that when we were tested, we refused to let this journey end, that we did not turn back, nor did we falter; and with eyes fixed on the horizon and God's grace upon us, we removed the great burdon of freedom and delivered it safely to your government to bear. No more will the great citizens of this country worry about where their next paycheck will come from. No longer will the hard workers of this country be faced with the injustice of another worker getting paid more or less for their work. Your wages will be issued by Your Government. You cannot escape fate; in other words, you cannot escape the necessary consequences of your own actions. A system of production based upon the exploitation of wage labor, in which wealth increases in proportion to the number of laborers employed and exploited, such a system is bound to increase the class of wage laborers, that is to say, the class which is fated one day to destroy the system itself. Never again will a single mom have to work to provide for herself. Your Government now supplies all we deem you require. Your Government will set the priorities in your life, so you don't have to. Your Government will be the supplier of your substinance. No longer will you lack what you need, because if you do not have, it's because your Government has decided you do not have need. Resistance is Futile. Thus Sayeth the Chosen One.

01-21-2009, 12:28 PM
From the snippets I've heard of the speech, none of it..

It was the most downer, preacher like, mean and ugly.

but what do you expect from a Chicago thug racist, who hates American and especially it's white citizens..

red states rule
01-21-2009, 12:36 PM
From the snippets I've heard of the speech, none of it..

It was the most downer, preacher like, mean and ugly.

but what do you expect from a Chicago thug racist, who hates American and especially it's white citizens..

Got this from a friend via email

It sums up what Obama REALLY said

"My fellow Americans: We are a diverse nation. we are a nation of diverse beliefs, Communists, white supremacists, black liberation followers, revolutionatries, all bound by the belief that America has the potential to be remade in MY image. I am America and America is me.

YOU all have a responsibility. The time for slacking off is over. YOU WILL work for the common good and YOU WILL be joyful in fulfilling MY dream of an America where every person, regardless of their contribution, sacrifice or work, will share equally in the wealth of this land.

YOU must now get off your lazy behinds and do America's work for, in spite of my personal sacrifice, I am unable to carry this load all by myself. Your responsibility is to sacrifice for the greater good, repay America for your selfish ways in the past and begin anew by giving your earned wealth to those others who want it. Why? Because I have determined, in my wisdom, that YOU do not deserve it.

Years ago, I was a lonely student, toiling in the halls of academia, travelling to Pakistan to commune with my Muslim brothers, and learning through my experiences in the trenches, the injustices of America. From my wise Guru, the Rev. Wright, I learned of the bigoted monstrosity which is America. However, through my own awakening, I foresaw a dream of a utopian America, joined by a common love of me, an America in which political goodness and correctness will rule supremely and peacefully. Be peaceful in your love of me.

Let us move forth by renouncing the hate and darkness embodied in our evil armed forces. Let us withdraw from the Middle East and ask forgiveness from our Muslim brothers. Let us move into the light of a new democracy founded on socialist principles. Find your true love of America through me! I AM AMERICA AND AMERICA IS ME!!!!"