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01-23-2009, 01:19 PM

Comments Why 'Unite' is a Lie
by Gary Bauer

01/23/2009 Print This

In the aftermath of President Obama’s historic inauguration, media talking heads have assured us our new president will end the partisan bickering that has recently defined our politics. He will unite the country, and he will move the people to close ranks. Only the bitter and the bigoted will oppose the compelling programs of he to whom one prominent T.V. commentator referred as our nation’s new “ruler,” and the world’s.

But conservatives have not united around Obama, nor should they. What should unite conservatives is devotion to the conservative principles that will help our country, not devotion to the cult of personality.

During the inauguration, many in the media suggested that the absence of protestors among the crowd of nearly 2 million on the mall in Washington, D.C. was proof that all Americans have already united around Obama. But conservatives did not protest partly out of respect for the historic import of the moment, but also because conservatives value civility. Respect for others is a conservative virtue. Continued

Such graciousness can be contrasted with liberals’ vindictive and often violent reactions to defeat. Consider the arsons and assaults by same-sex marriage advocates across the West following the California vote to pass Prop. 8 preserving traditional marriage.

The Left’s sense of vindictiveness was on full display even as it reached the pinnacle of its success on Tuesday. Consider the prayer offered by Rev. Joseph Lowery, a portion of which read:

“Lord…we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around when yellow will be mellow when the red man can get ahead, man and when white will embrace what is right.”

Lowery’s prayer was only part of a larger culture of gratuitous ugliness evident at the inauguration. When President Bush and Vice President Cheney arrived on the Inauguration Dais, they were booed loudly and serenaded mockingly with “Nah, nah, nah, nah, hey, hey, hey, goodbye.” All this underscores how the left often seems to get more enjoyment from tearing conservatives down than from lifting liberals up.

And it underscores that the country is not unified. How could it be? President Obama received the votes of 65 million Americans, which translates to only about 22 percent of the American population. In 2004, George W. Bush received the votes of 62 million Americans, which translated into about 21 percent of the American population. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t remember the media talking about the nation having united around its president then.

read the rest and comments.

01-23-2009, 01:50 PM
by "unite" the media means that conservatives are now irrelevant, holding less than 50% of the authority to act......it has nothing to do with bipartisanship and everything to do with how completely conservatives can be ignored.....

GW in Ohio
01-23-2009, 04:03 PM
Gary Bauer is somebody who should be listened to.....:lol::thumb::lol:

If you look up the work dork in the dictionary, you will see his picture.

01-23-2009, 04:15 PM
Gary Bauer is somebody who should be listened to.....:lol::thumb::lol:

If you look up the work dork in the dictionary, you will see his picture.

I'm sure if we looked up dork in the dictionary, we would find your picture..

01-23-2009, 04:27 PM
Gary Bauer is somebody who should be listened to.....:lol::thumb::lol:

If you look up the work dork in the dictionary, you will see his picture.

The usual response from someone who doesn't like what he reads, but cannot come up with anything to refute any of it, but still insists it's somehow "wrong". He then vaguely implies something's wrong with the writer, without giving any details of course. And then calls him names.

Back to the subject:

What should unite conservatives is devotion to the conservative principles that will help our country
This has been true for several centuries now in this land. Conservative principles (small government, individual freedom and responsibility, learning from mistakes and trying again, personal help and charity for those who need it, etc.) have made this country what it is, to the extent that they have been tried. The advancing tide of collectivism that people like Barack Obama have pushed, with its lack of personal freedom and responsibilty, is a debilitating agenda that has destroyed other countries' economies, and can reliably be predicted to destroy ours if implemented completely enough.

We've already seen hints of that in the prolonging of the Great Depression by government policies of raising taxes and imposing public works and government spending while private business was trying to recover from the Depression; as well as the economic downturn caused by those Democrats' attempts to control markets and loan money to people who could not be expected to pay it back, with predictable results.

And now President Obama has said that he will try to impose the same types of tax increases, and the same degree of public works; as well as more of the same "stimulus" payments to the same companies that failed as a result of previous, similar policies.

The idea that conservatives should "unite" for some reason around anyone who pushes such an agenda, is a little like asking the passengers and crew of the Titanic to unite and cheer for the effects icebergs have on ship hulls.... including those who have already felt the first icy waters rushing in as the deck slowly begins to tilt and settle under their feet.

Sorry, President Obama. I'll praise you when I think you're doing something right (for example, continuing the missile attacks against terrorists in nortwest Pakistan, as you did yesterday). But when you try to implement policies that I know have failed in the past, asking me to "unite" around you is not going to get praise or unity from me. And you know why.

01-23-2009, 04:34 PM
Gary Bauer is somebody who should be listened to.....:lol::thumb::lol:

If you look up the work dork in the dictionary, you will see his picture.

gary.........you really shouldn't be so hard on yourself....

01-23-2009, 07:53 PM
Gary Bauer is somebody who should be listened to.....:lol::thumb::lol:

If you look up the work dork in the dictionary, you will see his picture.

Good to see you have the great intellectual capacity to debate his ideas.

01-23-2009, 08:38 PM
Good article Stephanie.

The fact that there were no protests at the inauguration highlights a difference between liberals and conservatives. By their own words, a McCain win would have brought riots nationwide. I personally didn't even watch any of the activities. The only reason I know there was an issue with the swearing in is dp.com and later an article I read on Yahoo. President Obama is the President of the United States. I can only support him now and pray for the best things to come under his administration. I don't like him. I don't like his politics, but it is too late to do anything about that now.

However, it is total BS for anyone in the media to say that Barack Obama will unite America. He is no more of a uniter than George Bush was.

I have long looked forward to the election of a black man as President because I believed that it would be a signal that America has gotten over that hump. I honestly don't think that Barack Obama's election signified such a thing. There were many reasons why Barack Obama won that election but most of it was the (D) after his name. Anyone with an (R) after their name would have had more success climbing Mt. Everest on their hands blind folded than winning the 2008 election and no other party had the support necessary to win. I hate to say it, but after the last eight years, Adolf Hitler could have won the election as long as he had a (D) after his name and I am by no means trying to compare Barack Obama to Adolf Hitler, just making the point that the Republicans had no shot.

Barack Obama will not unite America any more than George Bush did. Even thinking that he will is putting more on his shoulders than any man should be asked to bear.


01-23-2009, 08:44 PM
I'm not sure we will ever be United again..as Bill O'Rielly like to say, there is a culture war going on, and I can say right now, conservatism is losing..

But for a Democrats it seems, being "United" is giving them everything and anything they demand..and the hell with the other side..

01-24-2009, 12:05 AM
The usual response from someone who doesn't like what he reads, but cannot come up with anything to refute any of it, but still insists it's somehow "wrong". He then vaguely implies something's wrong with the writer, without giving any details of course. And then calls him names.

Back to the subject:

This has been true for several centuries now in this land. Conservative principles (small government, individual freedom and responsibility, learning from mistakes and trying again, personal help and charity for those who need it, etc.)

Wait, when did the "conservatives" go back to those beliefs? Christ knows I haven't seen it in almost a decade, at least.

01-24-2009, 12:10 AM
I haven't seen true conservatism since 1960. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the last of a now very dead breed.

Wait, when did the "conservatives" go back to those beliefs? Christ knows I haven't seen it in almost a decade, at least.


