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View Full Version : Will Obama Revive the Fairness Doctrine?

red states rule
01-24-2009, 11:20 AM
So Obama was crowing about how he'll answer all questions unlike Bush, then telling a reporter who asked a question to shut up with questions.

All dissent must be silenced - and the Dems are ready to do what is needed to make it so


Holder’s evasive responses represent the first hint that the new Administration may re-open what has been “settled doctrine” within the Department of Justice and in the courts for over two decades; namely, that the old Fairness Doctrine is an unconstitutional restraint on free speech. Not to mention that the original argument used to justify these restrictions—that the scarcity of media outlets required the government to intervene in order to guarantee a "diversity" of political opinion—has long since been overwhelmed by the proliferation of cable channels, web sites, blogs, and so on.


01-24-2009, 11:26 AM
I believe they will try, also the Internet... the Commies can't have opposition voices for them to try and pass their Socialists agenda..

well see if we hear from all those democrat followers who kept saying President Bush was taking away their rights..

somehow, I doubt it.

red states rule
01-24-2009, 11:29 AM
I believe they will try, also the Internet... the Commies can't have opposition voices for them to try and pass their Socialists agenda..

well see if we hear from all those democrat followers who kept saying President Bush was taking away their rights..

somehow, I doubt it.

Steph, for the party that claims they are for freedom, they sure like to censor anyone they disagree with

01-24-2009, 11:59 AM
So Obama was crowing about how he'll answer all questions unlike Bush, then telling a reporter who asked a question to shut up with questions.

All dissent must be silenced - and the Dems are ready to do what is needed to make it so


Holder’s evasive responses represent the first hint that the new Administration may re-open what has been “settled doctrine” within the Department of Justice and in the courts for over two decades; namely, that the old Fairness Doctrine is an unconstitutional restraint on free speech. Not to mention that the original argument used to justify these restrictions—that the scarcity of media outlets required the government to intervene in order to guarantee a "diversity" of political opinion—has long since been overwhelmed by the proliferation of cable channels, web sites, blogs, and so on.


Of course!! afterall that's basic Marxism 101... slience the opposition lest people may actually have an alternative point of view and "question authority" Oops Am I a liberal now:eek:

red states rule
01-24-2009, 12:01 PM
So Obama was crowing about how he'll answer all questions unlike Bush, then telling a reporter who asked a question to shut up with questions.

All dissent must be silenced - and the Dems are ready to do what is needed to make it so


Holder’s evasive responses represent the first hint that the new Administration may re-open what has been “settled doctrine” within the Department of Justice and in the courts for over two decades; namely, that the old Fairness Doctrine is an unconstitutional restraint on free speech. Not to mention that the original argument used to justify these restrictions—that the scarcity of media outlets required the government to intervene in order to guarantee a "diversity" of political opinion—has long since been overwhelmed by the proliferation of cable channels, web sites, blogs, and so on.


Of course!! afterall that's basic Marxism 101... slience the opposition lest people may actually have an alternative point of view and "question authority" Oops Am I a liberal now:eek:

Democrats will approve the 'Fairness Doctrine', however that is just a lead in to getting complete blocking of any broadcast or publication of descenting news or opinion.

They have already attained the goal of getting their followers to not believe anything said or reported as said that is detrimental to their aganda.

01-24-2009, 12:01 PM
So Obama was crowing about how he'll answer all questions unlike Bush, then telling a reporter who asked a question to shut up with questions.

All dissent must be silenced - and the Dems are ready to do what is needed to make it so


Holder’s evasive responses represent the first hint that the new Administration may re-open what has been “settled doctrine” within the Department of Justice and in the courts for over two decades; namely, that the old Fairness Doctrine is an unconstitutional restraint on free speech. Not to mention that the original argument used to justify these restrictions—that the scarcity of media outlets required the government to intervene in order to guarantee a "diversity" of political opinion—has long since been overwhelmed by the proliferation of cable channels, web sites, blogs, and so on.


Of course!! afterall that's basic Marxism 101... slience the opposition lest people may actually have an alternative point of view and "question authority" Oops Am I a liberal now:eek:

red states rule
01-24-2009, 12:28 PM
If liberals really wanted fairness they should put Rush and Sean on after every MSM report.

01-24-2009, 12:52 PM
From the Presidents agenda:



Ensure the Full and Free Exchange of Ideas through an Open Internet and Diverse Media Outlets

* Protect the Openness of the Internet: Support the principle of network neutrality to preserve the benefits of open competition on the Internet.
* Encourage Diversity in Media Ownership: Encourage diversity in the ownership of broadcast media, promote the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints, and clarify the public interest obligations of broadcasters who occupy the nation's spectrum.
* Protect Our Children While Preserving the First Amendment: Give parents the tools and information they need to control what their children see on television and the Internet in ways fully consistent with the First Amendment. Support tough penalties, increase enforcement resources and forensic tools for law enforcement, and encourage collaboration between law enforcement and the private sector to identify and prosecute people who try to exploit children online.
* Safeguard our Right to Privacy: Strengthen privacy protections for the digital age and harness the power of technology to hold government and business accountable for violations of personal privacy.

01-24-2009, 01:00 PM
Network neutrality sounds good when you read the definition, but here's how it would work:


red states rule
01-24-2009, 01:06 PM
Here is the real reason why the left wants to enact the Fairness Doctrine


01-24-2009, 01:11 PM
you know that saying...say one thing and mean and do another..

red states rule
01-24-2009, 01:14 PM
you know that saying...say one thing and mean and do another..

Another on is "if we can't beat them - silence them"

01-24-2009, 04:45 PM
obamas already telling Republicans to quite listening to Rush Limbaugh WTF? thats the problem they didn't listen to Rush a True Conservative

01-24-2009, 04:47 PM
obamas already telling Republicans to quite listening to Rush Limbaugh WTF? thats the problem they didn't listen to Rush a True Conservative

So true conservatives are fat fuck drug addict junkies.................interesting.

red states rule
01-24-2009, 04:47 PM
obamas already telling Republicans to quite listening to Rush Limbaugh WTF? thats the problem they didn't listen to Rush a True Conservative

Well, Obama ended the war on terror, so now he needs to have something to fill his time.

He has declared war on Rush, and the unborn

01-24-2009, 04:50 PM
Limbaugh Responds to Obama [Byron York]

According to an account in the New York Post, President Barack Obama yesterday told Republican leaders, "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done." With George W. Bush now off the stage, it may be that Obama and some of his fellow Democrats view Limbaugh, and not John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, or any other elected official, as the true leader of the Republican opposition. This morning I asked Rush for his thoughts on all this, and here is his response:

There are two things going on here. One prong of the Great Unifier's plan is to isolate elected Republicans from their voters and supporters by making the argument about me and not about his plan. He is hoping that these Republicans will also publicly denounce me and thus marginalize me. And who knows? Are ideological and philosophical ties enough to keep the GOP loyal to their voters? Meanwhile, the effort to foist all blame for this mess on the private sector continues unabated when most of the blame for this current debacle can be laid at the feet of the Congress and a couple of former presidents. And there is a strategic reason for this.

Secondly, here is a combo quote from the meeting:

"If we don't get this done we (the Democrats) could lose seats and I could lose re-election. But we can't let people like Rush Limbaugh stall this. That's how things don't get done in this town."

read the rest..

red states rule
01-24-2009, 04:52 PM
The liberal media has assumed the role of "Ministry of Truth."