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View Full Version : Granny Pelosi...Less Babies Means A Better Economy

red states rule
01-27-2009, 10:04 AM
Liberals like San Fran Nan never cease to amaze me

Now according to Ms Pelosi, babies are a burden to the government. Reminds me of when Obama said he did not want his daughters "punished" with a baby if they made a mistake

Showing her lack of understanding on a whole host of issues in one fell swoop, Granny McBotox was on This Week With George Stephanopoulos and defended spending hundreds of millions of dollars on 'family planning' in the stimulus bill on the grounds that it will save the states money.

STEPHANOPOULOS: We also heard from Congressman Boehner coming out of the meeting today that again a lot of that spending doesn't even meet the same test you just talked about right now. Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?
PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

Er, spending money now to 'save' money later isn't exactly 'stimulus'. Of course that assumes you are actually saving money later. In reality this and much of the so-called 'stimulus plan' is simply social planning and funding of pet projects by Democrats.

And by the way, why does 'family planning' cost so much? As many morons can attest to, not having sex is pretty damn inexpensive.

On the upside, I welcome Speaker Pelosi to the border enforcement camp. Obviously millions of illegals aliens are as much of a drain, if not more so, on our economy than citizens who have babies.

Thanks Nancy!


01-27-2009, 10:24 AM
Babies can't vote for 18 years either! Immigrants are eligible in seven. That's just good election planning Red.

red states rule
01-27-2009, 10:28 AM
Babies can't vote for 18 years either! Immigrants are eligible in seven. That's just good election planning Red.

No kids? Who the hell will pay for the elderly,a nd the "stimulus"?

Fewer kids eh? To bad Pelosi's parents did not get the message :laugh2:

01-27-2009, 10:44 AM
Obama is going to lose his honeymoon over far left BS like this. I heard a congressman from PA with a big D behind his name say this is not what people want congress to be spending money on when they are losing their jobs or running out of unemployment. The guy went on to sound rather conservative to say that's why congress has such low voter approval, we look out of touch!

red states rule
01-27-2009, 10:47 AM
Obama is going to lose his honeymoon over far left BS like this. I heard a congressman from PA with a big D behind his name say this is not what people want congress to be spending money on when they are losing their jobs or running out of unemployment. The guy went on to sound rather conservative to say that's why congress has such low voter approval, we look out of touch!

If Pelosi is concerned with local, state, and federal governments not being able to pay for services because of an increasing population - then how about useing that contraceptive money to stop illegal immigration?

When government controls health care, and other services - then anyone that takes money out of the government by using "their" services becomes a burden and needs to be removed

01-27-2009, 10:53 AM
If Pelosi is concerned with local, state, and federal governments not being able to pay for services because of an increasing population - then how about useing that contraceptive money to stop illegal immigration?

When government controls health care, and other services - then anyone that takes money out of the government by using "their" services becomes a burden and needs to be removedYou sound like six out of ten callers on CSPAN every morning when they talk about the economy.

red states rule
01-27-2009, 10:58 AM
You sound like six out of ten callers on CSPAN every morning when they talk about the economy.

Great minds think alike CA

I guess Nancy just assumes that unless you are a member of the ruling class, then you are getting a handout. Pelosi may think limiting births there will be a cost savings to the government, but to publically make such a statement like this, is just arrogance gone wild.

She must want to be the Queen of Government Controlled Social Engineering.

01-27-2009, 09:06 PM


No kids? Who the hell will pay for the elderly,a nd the "stimulus"?

Fewer kids eh? To bad Pelosi's parents did not get the message :laugh2:

01-27-2009, 09:41 PM
Not only does each generation contribute to those that come before it via taxes, but does Pelosi recognize just how much each infant generates into the economy? Let's say all breast-fed, so we'll throw out the formula argument. Yet we have mandatory car seats, OSHA approved high chairs, flame retardant night wear, mandatory inoculations, head start type preschools...

Then there are the 'options' available to all but the 'homeless'; walkers, disposable diapers, cloth diaper deliveries, software for infants, cribs, carriers, strollers...

Getting older....bikes, trikes, skateboards, toys, balls, school supplies...

Getting older...cell phones, sports equipment, electronics...

Nope, seems each new person helps the economy...we didn't even address food/nutrition...

red states rule
01-28-2009, 06:05 AM
Not only does each generation contribute to those that come before it via taxes, but does Pelosi recognize just how much each infant generates into the economy? Let's say all breast-fed, so we'll throw out the formula argument. Yet we have mandatory car seats, OSHA approved high chairs, flame retardant night wear, mandatory inoculations, head start type preschools...

Then there are the 'options' available to all but the 'homeless'; walkers, disposable diapers, cloth diaper deliveries, software for infants, cribs, carriers, strollers...

Getting older....bikes, trikes, skateboards, toys, balls, school supplies...

Getting older...cell phones, sports equipment, electronics...

Nope, seems each new person helps the economy...we didn't even address food/nutrition...

Pelosi's comment puts money over life.

Following her logic, the retired, mentally disabled, handicapped and long term unemployed are also a burden to government, and should be delt with

red states rule
01-30-2009, 01:03 PM
Let me get this straight

We don't have enough workers because of all of the abortions (population control) so we have to import them.

Many are not paying into the tax pot because they are paid in cash and no tax's are collected so the gov is not getting the cash that they need or is ss being collected.

Many of the new workers do not speak english or want to adjust to the american way of life.

We the tax payers are paying for these people to use the public accomidations,(housing, hospitals, schools ect) now the government wants us the citizens of this country to stop producing future citizens that will be paying tax's and supporting us as we get older.

What is wrong with this picture?