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View Full Version : 1st results are in on Obama's "Diplomatic negotiations" approach

01-28-2009, 01:21 PM
Iran's response to Obama's requests that they stop work on nuclear weapons: "Go F yourself".

I wonder how many Obama disciples will be surprised by this, as opposed to how many Republicans will be surprised.

BTW, the last sentence here identifies a VERY important part of President George W. Bush's overall strategy in the War by Terrorists Against the U.S. It's been carefully ignored by leftists everywhere, domestic and foreign. But Iran hears it loud and clear.

OK, Mr. President. Now that the results of your "negotiating" approach are in, what do we do now?



Official: Iran rejects U.S. demand to halt atom work
Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:27am EST

By Parisa Hafezi and Edmund Blair

TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran will not halt sensitive nuclear work as demanded by President Barack Obama's administration, a close aide to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Wednesday.

The new administration has said Obama would break from his predecessor by pursuing direct talks with Tehran but has also warned Iran to expect more pressure if it did not meet the U.N. Security Council demand to halt uranium enrichment.

Adviser to the president Aliakbar Javanfekr told Reuters Iran had no intention of stopping its nuclear activities, which the United States and other Western powers suspect are a front to build nuclear arms.

"We have no non-peaceful activities to suspend. All our activities are peaceful and under the supervision of the IAEA," he said in an interview in government offices in Tehran,.

Asked about U.N. resolutions demanding Iran suspend uranium enrichment, he said: "We have passed that stage. We have rejected resolutions. Those resolutions were issued under U.S. pressure. We work in the framework of international laws."

"Obama should act realistically to avoid repeating (George W.) Bush's mistakes," he added.

Three rounds of U.N. sanctions have been imposed on Iran for not stopping and the Bush administration had sought a fourth.

Iran has repeatedly dismissed the impact of sanctions, and Javanfekr echoed this by saying sanctions were "ineffective."

Analysts say the measures are making it more costly for Iranian firms to do business and deterring foreign investors.

Obama's administration has said it would use "all elements of our national power" to address concerns about Iran's nuclear program and has not ruled out military action if needed.

Iran says it is prepared to defend the country if attacked.

Neither Obama nor his top aides have said exactly how they may approach Iran. Obama said in his first formal television interview that Washington was prepared to extend a hand of peace if Iran "unclenched its fist."

Javanfekr responded saying: "This is illogical to talk about unclenching fists when Iran is surrounded by American troops in Afghanistan and Iraq."

01-28-2009, 02:19 PM
And, Iranian leader demands US apology from the US http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7855444.stm

01-28-2009, 07:29 PM
obama: emanuel...have any more fish?

01-28-2009, 11:34 PM
Perhaps President Dwight D. Eisenhower could have predicted all this in 1953. It's pretty sad that President Barack Hussein Obama has been in office for barely 7 days and you jerks are coming to conclusions regarding his diplomatic skills and objectives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idiots? That word wouldn't come close to describing your ignorances!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Need something to wash down that crow?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! If not now, I'll have something for later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

