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red states rule
01-29-2009, 05:56 PM
The IL State Senate as voted to impeach and remove Gov Blago from office


01-29-2009, 06:11 PM
The IL State Senate as voted to impeach and remove Gov Blago from office


Now if we are lucky, he'll rat out some of the other crooks to the Feds, but unlikely. Just glad this guy is gone. Problem is we'll end up in 2 years with Lisa Madigan. Sigh.

01-29-2009, 06:20 PM
The IL State Senate as voted to impeach and remove Gov Blago from office


One down, how many more to go?

I keep hearing that the only way you can get ahead in Illinois politics, is to do the kind of corrupt things Blago was just kicked out for doing.

I've never looked much at Illinois politics, and don't know how true/false that is. Everybody hears scads of rumors, but are any of them true? Who knows.

OTOH, how many even remotely believe that Blago was the only corrupt politician in the state, and ALL the others are squeaky-clean?

More then a few people are saying that the only difference between Blago and the rest of the Illinois politicians, is that Blago got caught.

Patrick Fitzgerald has been in Illinois for a while now, and doing a LOT of digging. He made the stuff about Blago public, with the result we now see. How much does he have on OTHER Illinois politicians? Zero? Six tons? When will that start coming out?

Blago may be only the tip of the iceberg.

red states rule
01-29-2009, 06:24 PM
Now he needs to write a book, and hand out all the dirt freely to the invesigators, on all the Demss he has done "business" with

01-29-2009, 06:35 PM
One down, how many more to go?

I keep hearing that the only way you can get ahead in Illinois politics, is to do the kind of corrupt things Blago was just kicked out for doing.

I've never looked much at Illinois politics, and don't know how true/false that is. Everybody hears scads of rumors, but are any of them true? Who knows.

OTOH, how many even remotely believe that Blago was the only corrupt politician in the state, and ALL the others are squeaky-clean?

More then a few people are saying that the only difference between Blago and the rest of the Illinois politicians, is that Blago got caught.

Patrick Fitzgerald has been in Illinois for a while now, and doing a LOT of digging. He made the stuff about Blago public, with the result we now see. How much does he have on OTHER Illinois politicians? Zero? Six tons? When will that start coming out?

Blago may be only the tip of the iceberg.
I've been complaining about Blagojevich and Illinois politics long before ever being on messageboards. The corruption here is pervasive, in all levels of government. Certainly worse in Chicago and at the state level, but it's all over.

We do not have a two party system in IL, we have a combine here, where they all work together to rip off the people of the state. There's reasons that reporters love being in Chicago.








I could easily go on...

red states rule
01-29-2009, 06:38 PM
Kat, if all the corrupt IL politicans were convicted and sent to jail - would there be anyone left to govern the state; and would there be a prison large enough to handle all of them?

01-29-2009, 06:41 PM
Kat, if all the corrupt IL politicans were convicted and sent to jail - would there be anyone left to govern the state; and would there be a prison large enough to handle all of them?

Seriously it's not funny. Illinois has already the deficits Bush and Obama are pushing for the US.

red states rule
01-29-2009, 06:43 PM
Seriously it's not funny. Illinois has already the deficits Bush and Obama are pushing for the US.

Not ment to funny

It was ment to show how reaaly bad IL is

01-29-2009, 06:50 PM
Kat, if all the corrupt IL politicans were convicted and sent to jail - would there be anyone left to govern the state;
There's a Tom Clancy novel (fictional) in which the entire US government gets wiped out (Prez, Congress, Supreme Court) and they have to build a new one from scratch. Some people say, "But the new people won't have any experience, they don't know the ins and outs, how to make deals, the usual ways we do things here." And someone else asks, "What, do you consider that a bad thing?"

RSR, if what you say, actually happened... what exactly would be the downside?

and would there be a prison large enough to handle all of them?

Plenty of nice, open, unused land in Arizona, which I'm sure that state would be happy to rent to the prosecutors in Illinois on a long-term basis......

Now he needs to write a book, and hand out all the dirt freely to the invesigators, on all the Demss he has done "business" with

Not necessarily in that order.

red states rule
01-29-2009, 07:52 PM
Blago is a guy that may "know where the bodies are buried"


01-30-2009, 05:01 AM
Indeed...B'Bye Blaggo. Unlike Republicans, however, the Democrats will happily throw their crazies and morally handicapped under the bus. Imagine if Bloggo had been a Republican...We would never have heard the end of how he was teh target of a Democratic witch hunt from Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest of the royalty of right-wing punditry.

red states rule
01-30-2009, 06:41 AM
Indeed...B'Bye Blaggo. Unlike Republicans, however, the Democrats will happily throw their crazies and morally handicapped under the bus. Imagine if Bloggo had been a Republican...We would never have heard the end of how he was teh target of a Democratic witch hunt from Hannity, Limbaugh and the rest of the royalty of right-wing punditry.

Yea BP, like Ted Kennedy, Charlie Rangel, William Jefferson (until he was voted out) Bill Clinton who committed perjury

Yea, Dem do keep their side clean - as long as the asshole is not recorded on court approved wiretaps

01-30-2009, 06:53 AM
BP, it wasn't the 'Democrats' and it wasn't the 'Republicans', at least not through the stooges in Springfield, Chicago, or throughout the state, it was the people:

The morning after:


These running shoes were made for talking

John Kass

10:54 PM CST, January 29, 2009

On his first day as a private citizen, now unemployed and with a federal indictment bearing down on him, Rod Blagojevich should stick to his routine, put on his track suit and go for a run.

He usually runs 5 miles at a brisk pace, but the new route I'm proposing would take about 8 miles. He's in shape for it, and he's got the time. It might be the only route he has left.

From his Northwest Side home he should run south on Ashland, to Lincoln Avenue, and head southeast on his way downtown.

His wife, Patti, can drive the car and meet him there with a bag containing a nice blue suit, something serious, dark tie, white shirt, shined shoes....

...But problems can be solved.

As he runs past the Biograph, and onto Clark Street and farther south, he can think of his friends, guys he deluded himself into thinking would be there with him.

Guys like state Sen. Jimmy DeLeo (D-How You Doin?), who didn't speak loudly when the Senate voted 59-0, but that little light went on next to Jimmy's name just the same. And Rod's neighbor, state Sen. President John Cullerton (D-DeLeo).

Rod's Republican buddy and fundraiser, Bill Cellini, indicted now, is awfully quiet, awaiting trial in the Operation Board Games case that has formally exposed the bipartisan Combine. And those silent shrugs of boss Daley, who, like kings of old, can't afford friends.

Outside Blagojevich's home on Thursday evening, after he was booted, the ungovernator popped out to meet the press and rambled on with the same old tired lies about how he wasn't given a chance to prove his innocence, how he fought for the people and not for himself. But he cracked a few truths.

"I'd like to tell you some of the inside stuff, some of the things they were trying to do, and I'll talk about that later, if you're interested," Blagojevich said.

I know people who are interested.

"And as for some of those friends of mine in the state Senate, Dr. King said, that in the end, you remember not the words of your enemies, but the silence of your friends," Blagojevich said.

He nodded a couple times to himself, tired, on the verge of breaking. There was something in his eyes, but not tears. It was the final clarity of the damned....

...It's time to cut a deal, Rod, if they'll let you. You'll do prison time, sure, and you'll have to testify against Cellini and many others. But don't think others aren't lining up to bury you with their own testimony to save themselves.

Consider the silence. The silence in the state Senate after you stopped speaking on Thursday. The silence of friends. The silence in your body as you run. The silence of federal prison.

There's one thing to do, former governor. Start talking.

It's what the people are hoping for...

red states rule
01-30-2009, 07:36 AM
and how is the liberal media in Chicago "reporting" on the new Gov

ABC7 News Chicago: 'Quinn Comes in With a Squeaky Clean Reputation'
By Michael M. Bates (Bio | Archive)
January 29, 2009 - 22:56 ET

On its Web site this evening, ABC7 News Chicago reports on the new Illinois Democratic governor in "Who Is Pat Quinn?" General assignment reporter John Garcia tells readers about the man who replaced former Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich :

Quinn comes in with a squeaky clean reputation at a time when the past two governors have faced serious federal charges.

An Illinois Democrat with a squeaky clean reputation? Now that is news. It also conflicts with assertions made by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin in 1996, when he faced Quinn in the party's primary. The (Springfield, IL) State Journal-Register covered a February debate:

CHICAGO -- U.S. Rep. Dick Durbin, D-Springfield, accused rival Pat Quinn of being a "ghost payroller" during a spirited radio confrontation Thursday.

The two leading contenders for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate tried to keep each other on the defensive during the 30-minute forum, which was taped at WMAQ-AM radio and set for broadcast at 9 a.m. Sunday.

Quinn slammed Durbin for being a political insider while describing himself as a political outsider.

Durbin, who participated in the debate by telephone from Washington, D.C., questioned Quinn's right to use the labels.

"Outsider Pat Quinn has been involved in government for over 22 years now," said Durbin, who has served in Congress since 1983. Durbin added that Quinn "started off as a ghost payroller in the Walker administration" before moving on to other posts, including member of the Cook County Board of Tax Appeals, revenue director for Chicago Mayor Harold Washington and state treasurer.

Durbin said Quinn was "carried on the payroll of an agency where he didn't work" while in the employ of Gov. Dan Walker from 1973 to 1975. "I guess he was working in another office," Durbin said. "It could have been the governor's office. I'm not sure."

Quinn denied the charges, accusing Durbin of "smears and name-calling." He said he worked for taxpayers "365 days a year."


01-30-2009, 07:59 AM
and how is the liberal media in Chicago "reporting" on the new Gov

ABC7 News Chicago: 'Quinn Comes in With a Squeaky Clean Reputation'
By Michael M. Bates (Bio | Archive)
January 29, 2009 - 22:56 ET

On its Web site this evening, ABC7 News Chicago reports on the new Illinois Democratic governor in "Who Is Pat Quinn?" General assignment reporter John Garcia tells readers about the man who replaced former Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich :

Quinn comes in with a squeaky clean reputation at a time when the past two governors have faced serious federal charges.

An Illinois Democrat with a squeaky clean reputation? Now that is news. It also conflicts with assertions made by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin in 1996, when he faced Quinn in the party's primary. The (Springfield, IL) State Journal-Register covered a February debate:

CHICAGO -- U.S. Rep. Dick Durbin, D-Springfield, accused rival Pat Quinn of being a "ghost payroller" during a spirited radio confrontation Thursday.

The two leading contenders for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate tried to keep each other on the defensive during the 30-minute forum, which was taped at WMAQ-AM radio and set for broadcast at 9 a.m. Sunday.

Quinn slammed Durbin for being a political insider while describing himself as a political outsider.

Durbin, who participated in the debate by telephone from Washington, D.C., questioned Quinn's right to use the labels.

"Outsider Pat Quinn has been involved in government for over 22 years now," said Durbin, who has served in Congress since 1983. Durbin added that Quinn "started off as a ghost payroller in the Walker administration" before moving on to other posts, including member of the Cook County Board of Tax Appeals, revenue director for Chicago Mayor Harold Washington and state treasurer.

Durbin said Quinn was "carried on the payroll of an agency where he didn't work" while in the employ of Gov. Dan Walker from 1973 to 1975. "I guess he was working in another office," Durbin said. "It could have been the governor's office. I'm not sure."

Quinn denied the charges, accusing Durbin of "smears and name-calling." He said he worked for taxpayers "365 days a year."


Actually Quinn seems to be honest enough according to people I know that have to interface with Springfield quite a bit. He's not very bright though and has always been a gadfly.

It won't really matter, other than stemming the hemorrhaging of money that Blago caused, as Quinn is considered a likely caretaker until 2010, when Lisa Madigan will take over.

red states rule
01-30-2009, 08:01 AM
Actually Quinn seems to be honest enough according to people I know that have to interface with Springfield quite a bit. He's not very bright though and has always been a gadfly.

It won't really matter, other than stemming the hemorrhaging of money that Blago caused, as Quinn is considered a likely caretaker until 2010, when Lisa Madigan will take over.

This article on Mr Quinn was a surprise to me

and I thought only Obama came from the Chicago's political cesspool with no cess on him :laugh2:

01-30-2009, 09:57 AM
I'm sure most if not all states are full of snakes. Some just seem to be crawling more with them than others. However, it really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Illinois has had a corruption problem, seeing as how the mafia made its home there. That state has been corrupted for many ions. No big revelation there.

red states rule
01-30-2009, 09:59 AM
I'm sure most if not all states are full of snakes. Some just seem to be crawling more with them than others. However, it really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Illinois has had a corruption problem, seeing as how the mafia made its home there. That state has been corrupted for many ions. No big revelation there.

and the US just elected a Chicago street organizer President :rolleyes:

red states rule
01-30-2009, 10:09 AM
Blago will always have a career impersonating Big Boy!

We can call him Blago Boy!


01-30-2009, 10:13 PM
There once was this governor named Blagojevich

Who greatly resembled a lying, cheating little bitch,

While cooking up some shady deals.....

He found himself taped and on several newsreels

Then disguarded, impeeched and tossed in a ditch!!!!!

01-31-2009, 12:16 PM
:dance: Maybe this will finally motivate us enough to get rid of these corrupted individuals, one govenor, one senator, and one slimeball at a time. Enough is enough! We need for this to escalate like a snowball picking up speed while rolling downhill, gathering up all the debrie it can along the way.