View Full Version : Attn Vets! Which of you wrote this letter?

01-30-2009, 01:40 PM

Q. I am in the military and had to attend a formal function while my wife was at work. My trousers for my uniform were a little tight. I guess I had gained a few pounds.

I normally wear boxers, which weren’t working with the trousers being so tight. I tried the trousers on without underwear but was afraid of going without, because what would happen if my trousers split because they were so tight?

I had the idea to use a pair of my wife’s underwear, as they are smaller and allowed me at least to have something on underneath. I used a pair of white nylon bikinis and didn’t think much of it at the time. But I found I got a thrill from the secret of having on ladies’ underpants under my uniform. I got home right around when my wife was coming home so I had to get out of them quickly and put them in the laundry.

Now, when my wife is not home, I go in her drawer and put on a pair of her panties. When she is working late, I will wear a pair all day long. I started to worry because her friend was visiting and they went out together for the day, and I went into our guest room and put on a pair of her friend’s sheer black undies. I tried to put them back the way I found them, but they came home quickly and I had to throw my pants on over them. When I took them off, I snuck them back into her luggage. I was worried that her friend might have noticed her panties were gone for a few minutes.

Is there something wrong with me? I really am afraid my wife will think of me as a weirdo, and I love her more than anything. Please help.

A. Men enjoying women’s underwear, including their own wearing of it, is not as unusual as you think.

In terms of whether something is wrong with you, the question is whether it interferes negatively with your intimate relationship and your life. How compulsive does this get? How much secrecy surrounds it? Is it a prerequisite for feeling erotically stimulated?

Only if you must wear women’s panties before you can get aroused are you talking about a perversion or fetish. While that is not normal, is it a problem? Again, it is only if it interferes with your life in a problematical way.

The question for you is what your wife will think, which is hard to predict. It depends on how communicative and trusting a couple you are and how open-minded she is. Only you can be the judge of that.

Is your wife interested in your ability to enjoy being sexually stimulated and does she like to keep your sex life interesting and enjoyable, even when that includes thinking outside the box? Does she like sharing things that matter to you, even if they seem not quite mainstream? If so, then it should be fine to explain to her that you find it sexy to wear women’s underwear.

Women’s underwear is erotic to men. If you and your wife have an honest relationship and you understand each other, it shouldn’t be hard to tell her that you had this experience and now find wearing women’s lingerie a big turn-on. It’s similar to any other sex toy or fantasy. If you have a good marriage, she should support things that are positive in your life, as you should for her.

That returns to the question of whether or not this is positive. If your attraction to your wife is being replaced by wearing her panties, that is a problem. On the issue of secrecy, in general, there is a thrill in risk-taking, which enhances the erotic nature of almost anything. So trying on her friend’s undies and risking getting caught is upping the ante.

You can, though, get into dangerous territory if you keep pushing the envelope so that the risks you take are potentially damaging. For example, would you rather tell your wife about dressing in her underwear or have her find out by accident? Only you can assess this for yourself.

One reason this topic is uncomfortable is that it makes you wonder whether you are homosexual or transgender. Again, only you can assess this for yourself. I detect a lot of defensiveness in your note. You have given a long explanation of why it was “OK” for you to try on your wife’s underwear in the first place.

01-30-2009, 02:02 PM
Gabby, are your panties large enough to fit a man? two men?

Abbey Marie
01-30-2009, 02:13 PM

Women’s underwear is erotic to men. If you and your wife have an honest relationship and you understand each other, it shouldn’t be hard to tell her that you had this experience and now find wearing women’s lingerie a big turn-on. It’s similar to any other sex toy or fantasy. If you have a good marriage, she should support things that are positive in your life, as you should for her.

Yeah, I'd support it. Suuuuuure.

01-30-2009, 02:13 PM
Attn Vets! Which of you wrote this letter?

apparently you have forgotten...."Don't ask, don't tell".......

red states rule
01-30-2009, 02:18 PM
Gabby, are your panties large enough to fit a man? two men?

Here you go DMP


01-30-2009, 02:38 PM
Here you go DMP




01-30-2009, 03:16 PM
Here you go DMP

The phrase comes to mind " what, did you kill a cheetah?"

Mr. P
01-30-2009, 04:45 PM
Attn Vets! Which of you wrote this letter?

You keep reminding me of the folks that spat on or troops during the Vietnam era. Now it's a cyber spit? Why do you continue this disrespectful low class mindless behavior?

01-30-2009, 04:47 PM
some people need to get a sense of humor.........

red states rule
01-30-2009, 04:47 PM
some people need to get a sense of humor.........

and others need to get some common sense, and common courtesy

red states rule
01-30-2009, 04:51 PM
Attn Vets! Which of you wrote this letter?

You keep reminding me of the folks that spat on or troops during the Vietnam era. Now it's a cyber spit? Why do you continue this disrespectful low class mindless behavior?

She is the real


Mr. P
01-30-2009, 05:25 PM
some people need to get a sense of humor.........

There is no humor in disrespect, LN. The men and women who have and do serve this country deserve respect not wise ass BS or backhanded slaps targeted at the entire group. I.E. Attn Vets! Which of you wrote this letter?

I don't find it funny at all.

01-30-2009, 05:26 PM
some people need to get a sense of humor.........
Some have it, some don't. RSR obviously has no sense at all.

01-30-2009, 05:30 PM
There is no humor in disrespect, LN. The men and women who have and do serve this country deserve respect not wise ass BS or backhanded slaps targeted at the entire group. I.E. Attn Vets! Which of you wrote this letter?

I don't find it funny at all.
So what is wrong with wearing women's underwear? I am guessing that a few of you are right now.

Gabby, are your panties large enough to fit a man? two men?
I am sure I would have by far the smallest underwear in your family. :p

red states rule
01-30-2009, 05:36 PM
So what is wrong with wearing women's underwear? I am guessing that a few of you are right now.

I am sure I would have by far the smallest underwear in your family. :p


01-30-2009, 06:23 PM
some people need to get a sense of humor.........

My thoughts exactly.

01-30-2009, 06:24 PM
I am sure I would have by far the smallest underwear in your family. :p

yeah, because you wear a jock strap

red states rule
01-30-2009, 06:33 PM
Gabby has the face of a saint

A Saint Bernard

01-30-2009, 06:41 PM
Gabby has the face of a saint

A Saint Bernard

don't insult those beautiful dogs like that :poke:

01-30-2009, 07:34 PM
From the get go, this did not belong in US military, certainly not now...

01-30-2009, 08:19 PM
I'm not sure I understand the controversy here.

Am I expected to believe that you folks would expect anything less from Gabo? Seriously? She has more thanestablished her credentials as a hit and run poster. Nothing more than a troll really.

Mr. P
01-30-2009, 09:34 PM
From the get go, this did not belong in US military, certainly not now...


01-30-2009, 09:44 PM

Quite welcome. Should have done sooner.

02-01-2009, 11:22 AM
Dear (G)abby,

A few years ago I joined an on line chat/debate room and met some very interesting people. Unfortunately however there are some real kooks on there. For instance, there is this one chick who suffers some real strange tendencies to insult patriotic individuals and folks who believe in the foundations of past proven America. She has a particular interest in insulting military folks and demeaning them, in a way that seems to supply her some queer sort of pleasure.

It's funny, this lady seems to hate conservatives yet is married to one. Additionally she comes off with these weird stories and posts about conspiracy theories, christians and other topics, in an effort it seems to insult or bring down opinions about them. Personally I think she is a closet conservative, who fantasizes about having a life with meaning and standing for something but feels inferiority or some complex related to her statements. I feel for her. Recently, she came up with this horseshit piece about a supposed military guy who liked to wear his wife's underwear in an effort to demean military folks. Could this possibly be some sort of guilt trip she is on because she realizes that military members have served our nation so valiantly, something she realizes but is not able to compliment because she knows she has done nothing herself for her fellow man except be a vehicle for negativity. I can only imagine what pain a pitiful person like this must be in. She really goes out of her way, so much so that it seems impossible that a person could be so hateful. Is there something you could write that might help this lady with her struggle?


An X-Military member who does not wear panties and is concerned for soneone who has no concern for me

02-01-2009, 10:49 PM
I see nothing wrong with wearing women's underwear. Perhaps they are more comfortable. If you believe a choice of underwear threatens your masculinity, then you have more problems than just what covers your package.
As for moving this to the Cage, I can understand. You can't take a joke. You have no sense of humor. Political defeats have intensely humbled you. Your viewpoint that military service promotes you to God-like status takes a hit every time someone takes a shot at you.
So forget underwear choices and put on a small jock. There's nothing left there to cover.

02-03-2009, 02:18 PM
I see nothing wrong with wearing women's underwear. Perhaps they are more comfortable. If you believe a choice of underwear threatens your masculinity, then you have more problems than just what covers your package.
As for moving this to the Cage, I can understand. You can't take a joke. You have no sense of humor. Political defeats have intensely humbled you. Your viewpoint that military service promotes you to God-like status takes a hit every time someone takes a shot at you.
So forget underwear choices and put on a small jock. There's nothing left there to cover.


02-04-2009, 05:37 AM
You threw a cheap shot, emmie, and gabby called you on it.


'Zat all you got is a :lol:?

You're a smaller debater than I ever imagined?!?!????!?!?!?!?!???!??!?!?!

Georgia Julep?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!



02-04-2009, 10:53 AM
You threw a cheap shot, emmie, and gabby called you on it.

'Zat all you got is a :lol:?

You're a smaller debater than I ever imagined?!?!????!?!?!?!?!???!??!?!?!

Georgia Julep?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!



One must be capable of looking beneath the ink to sometimes see what is written on the paper. Her intention was to insult vets.... you know.... like yourself.

Now.... if you are satisfied that this was not the intention, fine! Maybe you are OK with her disgusting insults she has offered about Viet Nam vets being babykillers and some of her other intelligent offerings, that's fine too. If you can deal with it, I guess I can.

As for my being a small debator, well.... obviously your opinion is not shared by everyone! Read the score! I don't kiss anybody's ass Psycho! I just don't have to insult them to make a point. It's not personal for me! I debate the topics.... not the people. I also respect someone's commitment to a philosophy, such as yours for example. It's consistant, I respect it. Whjen you go personal.... I do not!

I do suggest that you keep looking out for gab however cause she needs it!

I manage to respectfully disagree with folks on here all the time. I also admit that MFM got under my skin. On the other hand I disagree and debate with the regulars quite often but never feel a need to name call them or insult them. Just the other day I found myself at odds with Jeff (Five String), someone whom I share more philosophy with than anyone on here but just stated my opinions. It's so childish to not be able to disagree with hardly anyone without an insult, which is something that you do constantly also. We're so use to it now we just accept it cause we know irt is harmless, still tacky though.

Now.... if you will be so kind as to pour me a Spicy Rum, I'll argue with you some more!:laugh2:

02-04-2009, 03:25 PM
I love how, each time I take a shot at a few individuals, it suddenly becomes a slight of the entire U.S. military. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
I have never sought to dishonor those who served their country in the armed forces. But that was then and this is now. What have you done lately? Are you still resting on your laurels?
A great many people serve their country in ways other than the military. They are police, firefighters, first responders and otherwise ordinary citizens. Everyone chooses to do what they want to do.
I respect everyone who does their job. But it doesn't make you better than everyone else. It doesn't automatically make you right in every argument. No one should have to bow and pledge allegiance at your feet.

Mr. P
02-04-2009, 04:37 PM
I love how, each time I take a shot at a few individuals, it suddenly becomes a slight of the entire U.S. military. Which couldn't be further from the truth.
I have never sought to dishonor those who served their country in the armed forces. But that was then and this is now. What have you done lately? Are you still resting on your laurels?
A great many people serve their country in ways other than the military. They are police, firefighters, first responders and otherwise ordinary citizens. Everyone chooses to do what they want to do.
I respect everyone who does their job. But it doesn't make you better than everyone else. It doesn't automatically make you right in every argument. No one should have to bow and pledge allegiance at your feet.

Stand down Gabby..I'm tempted to step in an kick your ass..You are pushing WAY too far for even me. On the other hand there's always ignore but I may have had my fill of that, donno.

Question is..are ya worth it? I think I know.

02-04-2009, 08:09 PM
Pushing how, Mr. P? Perhaps I am trying to make a point that you don't want to accept? That I refuse to obey orders from an alleged superior?
It might have been your life, but it's not everyone's life. Nor should it be.
I think this forum should be a demilitarized zone. Everyone is equal in thought and mind.
And I will not "stand down" for anyone. My opinions carry as much value as yours, or anyone else here.

02-04-2009, 08:41 PM
Pushing how, Mr. P? Perhaps I am trying to make a point that you don't want to accept? That I refuse to obey orders from an alleged superior?
It might have been your life, but it's not everyone's life. Nor should it be.
I think this forum should be a demilitarized zone. Everyone is equal in thought and mind.
And I will not "stand down" for anyone. My opinions carry as much value as yours, or anyone else here.

Agreed. Originally though you posted the op in military, they were justified in considering it a slam against them.

Mr. P
02-04-2009, 08:51 PM
Pushing how, Mr. P? Perhaps I am trying to make a point that you don't want to accept? That I refuse to obey orders from an alleged superior?
It might have been your life, but it's not everyone's life. Nor should it be.
I think this forum should be a demilitarized zone. Everyone is equal in thought and mind.
And I will not "stand down" for anyone. My opinions carry as much value as yours, or anyone else here.

In this thread...the point of the OP was what?

Are you so dense that you don't understand that your "supposed" opinions are nothing but disguised attacks on the Vets of this board? I don't believe it, which is why your so called opinions mean less and less to me and I'm sure many others feel the same way. Do you think your being cute or intelligent in your transparent delivery of spit?

02-04-2009, 09:05 PM
In this thread...the point of the OP was what?

Are you so dense that you don't understand that your "supposed" opinions are nothing but disguised attacks on the Vets of this board? I don't believe it, which is why your so called opinions mean less and less to me and I'm sure many others feel the same way. Do you think your being cute or intelligent in your transparent delivery of spit?

Of course she does. But she is a retard when off topic of her steeler friend. She brings nothing.

02-05-2009, 09:21 PM
In this thread...the point of the OP was what?

Are you so dense that you don't understand that your "supposed" opinions are nothing but disguised attacks on the Vets of this board? I don't believe it, which is why your so called opinions mean less and less to me and I'm sure many others feel the same way. Do you think your being cute or intelligent in your transparent delivery of spit?

Who said they were disguised? I said exactly what I meant to said. And not because you are vets. But because you need to get off your high horses and pretend you are better than others.
I don't expect you to understand this, of course. Because you don't want to.

Mr. P
02-05-2009, 09:26 PM
Who said they were disguised? I said exactly what I meant to said. And not because you are vets. But because you need to get off your high horses and pretend you are better than others.
I don't expect you to understand this, of course. Because you don't want to.

Your point of the op was what?

02-05-2009, 09:31 PM
Who said they were disguised? I said exactly what I meant to said. And not because you are vets. But because you need to get off your high horses and pretend you are better than others.
I don't expect you to understand this, of course. Because you don't want to.

Are you drinking? The syntax and grammar is not your normal postings. Maybe you should wait a bit before attempting to defend the indefensible?

Mr. P
02-05-2009, 09:38 PM
Are you drinking? The syntax and grammar is not your normal postings. Maybe you should wait a bit before attempting to defend the indefensible?

I noted the same.

02-06-2009, 12:29 AM
Spicy Rum, you got it, emmie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One must be capable of looking beneath the ink to sometimes see what is written on the paper. Her intention was to insult vets.... you know.... like yourself.

Now.... if you are satisfied that this was not the intention, fine! Maybe you are OK with her disgusting insults she has offered about Viet Nam vets being babykillers and some of her other intelligent offerings, that's fine too. If you can deal with it, I guess I can.

As for my being a small debator, well.... obviously your opinion is not shared by everyone! Read the score! I don't kiss anybody's ass Psycho! I just don't have to insult them to make a point. It's not personal for me! I debate the topics.... not the people. I also respect someone's commitment to a philosophy, such as yours for example. It's consistant, I respect it. Whjen you go personal.... I do not!

I do suggest that you keep looking out for gab however cause she needs it!

I manage to respectfully disagree with folks on here all the time. I also admit that MFM got under my skin. On the other hand I disagree and debate with the regulars quite often but never feel a need to name call them or insult them. Just the other day I found myself at odds with Jeff (Five String), someone whom I share more philosophy with than anyone on here but just stated my opinions. It's so childish to not be able to disagree with hardly anyone without an insult, which is something that you do constantly also. We're so use to it now we just accept it cause we know irt is harmless, still tacky though.

Now.... if you will be so kind as to pour me a Spicy Rum, I'll argue with you some more!:laugh2:

Actually, I don't agree that gabby intended to denigrate any veteran or any veterans issue. I think the point of the post was to expose the fact that the military and ex-military is just as full of deviants, perverts, fetishes, etc. as is the civilian counterparts. I've certainly had enough experience in my military years to know about at least some of them.

Did I ever tell that about the baddest, meanest, ass kickin'est ol' bastard I ever met was an Army Sergeant Major and that he was queer as a 3 dollar bill?!?!?!???!?!???!??!?!? Shocking experience to say the least!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another Spicy Rum?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!??



02-06-2009, 12:57 PM
Dayum, that last point proves that blondes are definitely not good for multi-tasking. :p

02-07-2009, 03:36 AM

Dayum, that last point proves that blondes are definitely not good for multi-tasking. :p

Could I buy you a drink, gabby?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!????!

